Building B

Chapter 2636: Domestic and foreign affairs and

This barrier covering Luan Yuefeng’s divine consciousness uses the power of Shura Moko, but it is also connected to Luan Yuefeng’s sea of ​​consciousness. To put it bluntly, this barrier is related to Luan Yuefeng’s spiritual power. Once it is forced to break open If it is, it is very likely that Luan Yue’s Fengzhihai will collapse and completely lose his mind.

He turned his head and looked around, there were still countless white light sword shadows criss-crossing all around, they kept killing the nightmare born from the darkness, Lou Yi sighed silently and made a very risky decision.

He put his palm on the barrier again, and for an instant, terrible magical thoughts rushed to him like a flood that burst a bank. In an instant, Lou Yi's face took on a hideous color, and his whole body exuded terrible anger.

But at this moment, his heart vein released the power of the Dharma, forming ripples spreading across his body, and smiling golden Sanskrit scripts continued to fly out of Lou Yi’s mouth, forming layers of dense scriptures. Around its body.

When the guardian **** was about to fight against Moko in the real world, he suddenly lowered his head and looked down. He saw Lou Yi's body surrounded by the Buddha's energy, and its body also appeared in the same situation in an instant.

Then a strange scene appeared. Lou Yi's eye pupils and the eye pupils of the guardian **** general changed in an instant. The right half of the guardian **** general's body began to change, and his skin changed from golden color to ugly purple. Black, the same change appeared on his face.

The right half of its face turned hideous and terrifying, the corners of its mouth were crooked and cracked, revealing terrible fangs, one palm gave birth to black and red nails, and a black and red magic knife in his hand.

When Na Shura Moko saw this weird scene, he instinctively smiled presumptuously. It pointed to the guardian **** general and said, "The guardian of Buddhism, there is a devil-like golem on the face, Jie Jie Jie!!!"

At this time, Building B below, the left and right pupils of the eyes are also different, the left side is the Golden Brahma Eye, and the right side is the magic pupil braving the dark devilish energy, but in fact, he has not been enchanted, but used pupil surgery. Supernatural powers read between the Buddha and the demons.

The reason why he took the risk of doing this was to draw Mo Ke's power out of the barrier, so that only Luan Yuefeng's spiritual consciousness was left in the barrier.

After all, this was originally something that belonged to him. If he broke it and broke in forcibly, the consequences would be conceivable. Lou Yi continued to absorb the power of the demon while introducing it into the body of the guardian **** through himself.

In fact, the Dharma Protector was a mixture of Master Fan’s flesh and blood spirit and the original **** spirit and body breath. After that, he sacrificed his body to benevolence, turning his possessions into this Dharma Protector to protect Building B.

Now Lou Yi uses the Buddha and Demon Room to reactivate the original Blood Fiend Body. Although this is a bit disrespectful to the master, his starting point is good.

After the violent blood evil power absorbed Moko's magic power, it suddenly swelled, the blood evil air entangled on the magic knife, bursting out of scarlet light, and then the guardian **** flew into the sky and directly killed Moko.

Shura was originally a high-ranking Demon Race, considered the strongest among the Demon Race, and this Blood Fiend Soul was the general who commanded Shura before his death. At first, Moko didn't treat the opponent as the same thing, but when the Demon Sword slashed. When it was on its body, it realized that it was so wrong.

The magic knife slashed the skin of Shura almost effortlessly, a large amount of black magic blood splattered along the edge of the knife, Moko was hit hard by the knife, and he stared at the guardian god.

He raised his hand and a strange giant axe appeared in his hand. The two blades of the axe were like black and red curved moons, but one looked very large, while the other looked slender and dangerous.

Moko waved the axe with both hands, pulling out a dangerous halo in the air, and then holding the axe suddenly slashed at the guardian **** who was close at hand. Tieshan and Li Wenfeng glanced at each other, although they didn't know what was going on. , But I want to come that all this is done by Lou Yi, since he did it, there must be a purpose, and all they can do is to cooperate as much as possible.

The guardian **** will continue to squander the magic power belonging to Moko, but in the end it is not comparable to the righteous master. After a fierce confrontation, the guardian **** will gradually weaken the breath of his body, and at this time Tieshan and Li Wenfeng are taking advantage of the situation. Before, the protector **** will block Moko's next attack.

Tieshan and Li Wenfeng didn’t dare to get too close to Moko. Asura’s terrifying fighting ability was thoroughly learned by the two. Even in the realm of Sword Qi and Sword Wind, there was no way to break through the hard skin of Shura. , Now that the opponent summons the weapon, it naturally becomes more dangerous.

On the other side, Lou Yi’s left pupil is shining with strange light, and through the perspective of the sky's eye, it is constantly pulling and cocooning in the spiritual barrier usurped by Moko, and a large amount of magical thoughts are extracted by it and transported through the **** pupil in the right eye. To the guardian gods outside.

Through this method of internal and external, Moko’s magic power is continuously sent into the blood evil demon body of the guardian **** general, and at the same time, the Deng’s bone beads also act as protection at this time. It uses The mantra curse prevents the magical power of the guardian **** from going away and invades the half of the body that belongs to the Buddha.

At this point, the guardian **** can simultaneously use the power of the Buddha and magic to fight against Namoko, and his left hand also has a sword, a sword containing Buddha power, plus the magic sword in his right hand, golden Comparing with the black and red light, it constantly creates pressure on Moko.

At this time, Lou Yi’s spiritual power has penetrated into Luan Yuefeng’s spiritual barrier, digging inward like a drill bit by bit. Through the power of the eyes of the sky, he divided the spiritual power belonging to Luan Yuefeng as much as possible. Come, so that you don't hurt the other person.

At the same time, he was trying to establish contact with the other party, but Luan Yuefeng never gave him a response, which made Lou Yi very worried.

And at the moment, Moke Divide Soul, who is staying in the sea of ​​knowledge, is watching Luan Yuefeng who has gradually passed out with enthusiasm, watching the Demon Seed taking root and sprouting, about to blossom and bear fruit.

Suddenly it felt as if it had sensed something, its brows frowned, and it looked up to the sky, where the dark magic cloud was shrouded, its pupils were shining with black and red magic light, and it muttered to itself, "The seal is broken. .....?"

It turned out that it sensed the power sealed by the body power, and it broke through the shackles and was constantly trying to enter this place. Its face was skeptical. Although it was just a thread of Moko's soul, it also possessed The same way of thinking as Moko.

It did not perceive the existence of Lou Yi, but through Luan Yuefeng’s power to unblock it, it realized in advance that someone was trying to enter this place. It looked down and snorted, “No matter who you are, if you disturb the deity Good deeds, so that you will never be overborn!"

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