Building B

Chapter 2637: Yuefeng wakes up

However, what he didn't know was that Lou B had already penetrated deep enough into this spiritual barrier, and had already drawn up a complete plan in his heart. At this time, the reason why the Soul of Moko could sense the existence of the white light sword shadow was Lou. B has tailored a channel for it.

These white light sword shadows belonged to Luan Yuefeng's power, and naturally they would not harm his spiritual barrier. Under Lou Yi's guidance, they began to shuttle through the spiritual barrier recklessly.

Compared with the useless work that dissipated after the impact, they provided a great help to Lou Yi in the spiritual channel opened up.

The white light sword shadows filed in and pushed forward. With their help, Lou Yi dispelled the stubborn magic powers attached to Luan Yuefeng’s mental barrier, and transferred them through the blood evil pupils, turning them into special magic powers. Give it to the protector **** to use it.

The guardian **** kept the magic knife in his hand absorbing these powers, which caused a lot of trouble to the main body of Shura Moko. It never thought that its almost invincible monster body would be easily hit hard, so it puts special protection on it. God will approach.

Although Li Wenfeng and Tieshan could not directly hurt Mo Ke, their endless harassment and precise assistance also made Shura Mo Ke extremely annoyed. Its gaze was not towards the building B below, even though he was carrying it. Devilish energy, although he has not moved, but for some reason Moko now feels a bit of crisis.

Under worry, Moko decided to take the risk once. It flapped its huge magic wings and rushed directly towards the guardian **** general. Numerous golden sword shadows blocked it, but he was blocked by the black and red devilish energy and the indestructible monster body. .

Mo Ke chose to ignore Tieshan’s attack, but Li Wenfeng did not attack at this time, but suddenly fell to the ground. This sudden scene made Mo Ke slightly startled, but for it, no matter what these humans want to do. , It is useless work.

But at this moment, an astonishing energy surged from not far away, and Mo Ke was shocked, feeling that something was not quite right, but at this moment countless blue breeze appeared, and then wrapped it up.

The cyan sword shadow cut his body continuously, but did not leave a trace on his body. However, what Li Wenfeng wanted to do was not to hurt the opponent, but to trap him in place.

From the very beginning, the two had a plan, which was to test the strength of this Shura Moko's body. Tieshan constantly adjusted the strength of the holy way sword energy to test the energy that the other party could withstand.

After that, the two of them kept instilling an impression on each other, that is, the two of them couldn't hurt themselves. With this impression being accumulated, they were also waiting for the opportunity to appear.

And now the opportunity finally appeared. The other party was distracted by Lou Yi's affairs. It began to become restless, and began to want to take risks, and all of this was exactly what Tieshan and Li Wenfeng wanted to see.

The two of them would naturally not let it go by such a god-given opportunity, so there was a scene where Li Wenfeng returned to the ground to gather momentum, and the same Tieshan had already endured enough. At this time, he was full of firepower and his hands The giant ancient sword was lifted high above the top, and the incomparably powerful sword energy continued to rise in a spiral shape along the ancient sword, forming a huge golden sword shadow on its outside.

With the moment Li Wenfeng trapped Moko in the air, he suddenly went into trouble and swung his sword towards Moko. This sudden scene made Moko really frightened. It struggled desperately to get out of it, but the sword of the wind The force is tied to it like brown sugar. In desperation, Moko can only use his own magic power to make the weapon in his hand become huge, using it to block him, and at the same time make his own Shura skin constantly Thicken to prevent the next energy shock.

With a loud bang, the sword of the holy path smashed directly on Moko's weapon, Moko's face changed suddenly, and a terrible force surged along his arm and giant axe, and directly slapped the axe at it. Body.

Later, I saw Moko's body falling uncontrollably toward the ground far away, and the holy path sword energy continuously slashed towards Moko's body through the gap between the axe blades. This time, Tieshan hit with full force, instantly Tear the skin of its Shura.

Numerous dense wounds began to appear and expanded, and dark magic blood spewed out from it, only because Moko took an emergency response at a critical moment, and Shura's Skin still saved his life at the critical moment.

But the terrible sword energy that was enough to kill it still left its heart lingering. It only then realized that it was not only its own cunning, but these humans who looked like ants were even more insidious and cunning than it. .

At the same time on the other side, Lou Yi finally successfully opened a channel with Luan Yuefeng's power. He used the Spirit Swallowing Technique to hide himself, and quietly stepped into this world of knowledge of the sea full of devilish energy from the other side of the spiritual barrier. Among.

Entering here with him are countless white light sword shadows. They filed out and rushed towards the surrounding magic energy. The magic energy rolled into countless huge whirlpools, swallowing these white light sword shadows. A terrible shock broke out.

Na Mo Ke Divide Soul did not act immediately, but kept searching the surroundings with its own magic pupils. It was convinced that someone else was responsible for all this, otherwise Luan Yuefeng's own power would not be enough to unlock the power.

It swept towards Luan Yuefeng in the Sea of ​​Consciousness with its peripheral light, and saw that its breath was slowly weakening, and the magic seed entangled in his consciousness was shining at this moment. It knew that the crucial moment was coming soon. This time must be Be very careful.

But the enemy is hiding without a trace at the moment, but it makes him at a loss. It is in a very important position, where it can stand by and wait for the rabbit, and let the opponent be invisible through the demon trap it left here.

But what it never expected was that Lou Yi had already unexpectedly advanced from the initial realm of Tianyantong to the second level of perspective. In the sight of the Buddha's pupil, all the hidden magic traps are invisible. shape.

Lou Yi saw that Mo Ke clone's hand was holding countless magic thought filaments, which were connected to the dense magic net above the sea of ​​consciousness. As long as Lou Yi dared to rescue Luan Yuefeng at this moment, he would be like a fish. Cast the net.

But now that he knows the other party's thoughts, everything else is much easier. He constantly calls Luan Yuefeng's consciousness through his consciousness, hoping that his consciousness can respond to him.

However, Luan Yuefeng was in a state of fainting and did not respond to him. Reluctantly, Lou B could only hope to connect with the white light sword shadows. He established contact with them through his mind and informed them of the location of Luan Yuefeng's consciousness.

As a result, these white light sword shadows swarmed and whizzed down, which made Mo Ke a little irritable. Looking at these rampant white light sword shadows, they continued to destroy the magic net trap that he had worked so hard to build, and his heart couldn't help it. The roaring again and again.

Its gaze constantly scanned the sky and the surroundings, trying to find the person behind the scenes, but Lou Yi quietly approached the edge of the magic net at this time. With the help of Baiguangjianying, he quietly used his power. To destroy these magic nets, but very carefully to prevent the other party from noticing.

This process is very slow, but the effect is very good. After he tore the net to a range sufficient for his action, Lou Yi suddenly revealed his figure, and his whole body released a dazzling white light, which was released with thousands of swords and shadows. , Lou Yi rushed towards Luan Yuefeng in an instant.

Kongming Jitian instantly released his full power, and completely swallowed Luan Yuefeng and the surrounding area into the sword light of Jitian. Na Mo Ke's soul realized that the situation was not good, and quickly pulled the magic net in his hand.

But what made it unexpected is that although the magic net is tightened, there is no figure of Lou Yi and Luan Yuefeng. With a piercing wailing sound, the face of Mo Ke Dixun completely changed, and the monstrous devilish energy was far away. It gushed out from a location, and then he saw Lou Yi rushing out of it with the fainting Luan Yuefeng.

Moko discovered the smashed demon seed through its eye pupils. The demon energy that was constantly gushing out was the one that leaked out. Moko was angry. It knew what it meant, and it opened its mouth suddenly. Begin to devour the magic power around.

Its body became extremely large in an instant, and the blood moon magic axe in its hand that was exactly the same as the outside world was transformed, but this axe was transformed by magic.

He held the axe and slashed towards the sea of ​​consciousness below, and wanted to split Luan Yuefeng’s sea of ​​consciousness. Since there was no way to transform it into a demon slave, he had to kill it but At this moment, the endless white light suddenly rose from the sea of ​​consciousness, and then turned into a flood of white lightsaber rain, rushing towards the Moko in the sky. The light was too fast and swift, and instantly smashed Moko into a thousand sores. Hundred holes.

A large amount of devilish energy continued to gush out from its body, it roared and continued to swing its axe, but at this moment countless white light sword shadows began to gather together, turning into a huge sword shadow shining with dazzling white light, and slashed directly towards it. Mo Ke divided his hands with an axe.

White light flashed by, and its hands were directly cut off. The axe lost its magical power and once again disintegrated into monstrous demon energy. After that, above the sea of ​​consciousness and beyond the spiritual barrier, it began to gather more and more There were many white light sword shadows, they all swept toward Moko Divide Soul, and attacked together.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, Mo Ke Divide Soul was completely annihilated in Luan Yuefeng's corpse, and in a corner of Zhihai, Lou Yi quietly retracted his hand from his forehead, and said, "Offended!"

Luan Yuefeng looked at him with a complicated expression, shook his head and said weakly, "I never thought that the one who saved me turned out to be you..."

Lou Yi cast his gaze outside, and then said, "The battle is not over yet, the real guy who wants to come outside already knows the good thing about me breaking it, I'll take a step!"

Without waiting for Luan Yuefeng to respond, he disappeared beside him. Luan Yuefeng looked at the devilish energy remaining around him, his eyes changed from complex to firm, countless white rays of light enveloped his body, and his spiritual consciousness gradually grew. stand up.

These are all powers that originally belonged to him. Yun Lan had never said that he would change because of these powers. At this moment, Luan Yuefeng strengthened his will and began to use these powers from Yubi to reshape himself. Take revenge! He wants to avenge his dead relatives and fellow mates!

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