Building B

Chapter 2653: Fight underground

Zhou Likui's eyes were full of greed and madness at this time. He raised his hands up excitedly and danced, Moller showed a satisfied smile, his hands flashed with black light, and a pill of exactly the same medicine appeared in his hands.

At this moment, Sima Xiangru's eyes clearly showed longing, but he knew that the pill did not belong to him. He watched this magic pill fly straight to Zhou Likui, and then was swallowed by the opponent impatiently.

Zhou Likui exuded a magical energy, and was wrapped in a black magic ball like him. Sima Xiangru felt the self after'reborn' and felt his own powerful strength.

He instinctively believed that as long as this power was present, the revival of Shui Jingmen would be expected. As for the fact that this power was derived from the Demon Race, as long as he didn't promote it, who would be able to detect it.

At this moment, his eyes completely changed. Not long after, the magic ball appeared in the same scene. Another Shura stepped forward, cut his wrist and poured his magic blood into the magic ball.

After a period of time, Zhou Likui emerged from the cocoon, with an uncontrollable excitement on his face, came to Moller, thumped and knelt down and banged his head three times, and said to him, "More Lord’s reconstruction. Since then, no matter what the Lord orders his subordinates, his subordinates will do their best to complete it!"

Moeller raised his hand, Zhou Likui slowly stood up, and Moeller said, "Now there is a task for you. You two will take someone..."

Moeller gave a new order. Zhou Likui showed a cruel look on his face, and he quickly agreed. After that, they walked out like an okay person. Moeller gestured with his eyes that two Shura quietly disappeared and followed Zhou Likui. left.

"Hehehe, things seem to be getting more and more interesting!" Muller grinned.

At this time, Zhou Likui and Sima Xiangru, who had walked out of the territory of the demon clan, were looking at each other. Zhou Likui always felt that Sima Xiangru now seemed to have no respect for himself.

"Why did you get some benefits and don't know how many catties you are?" Zhou Likui said unceremoniously.

Sima Xiangru coldly snorted, "We are all under the Lord now, I advise Brother Zhou to stop playing your breeze again!"

"Just because you deserve to be called a brother to me? What are you! In front of me you are just a dog wagging its tail!" Zhou Likui cursed.

Sima Xianglu looked at each other with cold eyes, and said, "Zhou Likui, don't be too proud, the road will be long in the future..."

After saying that, he walked away quickly. Zhou Likui looked at his fading figure, clenched his fists and snorted coldly. It was he who spared the opponent's life at the beginning. He still remembers Sima Xiangru's face as gray as death, afraid of death and begging for mercy. Look like.

But now that this guy has the benefits of the Demon Race, he turned his face faster than a book, he said coldly, "Yes, the road is still long in the future, let's take a look slowly..."

Zhou Likui was confident that his use must be greater than this Sima Xiangru, after all, the opponent's status and ability were far inferior to him, the nominal leader of Tiantian Sect.

Relying on a little cleverness, after all, he was just an incompetent vagrant, but in the eyes of Sima Xiangru, Zhou Likui was nothing more than a stupid trash, nothing compared to himself.

It’s just that due to the status quo, they don’t really want to get rid of their skin, because their master needs the two of them to complete a task together. It didn’t take long for the two to get together again, but there was nothing good on their faces. Complexion.

"Hurry up and start, I don't want to see your vile face anymore!" Zhou Likui sneered.

"Me too, your stupid face makes me feel sick!" Sima Xiangru retorted.

Zhou Likui glared at Sima Xiangru with an angry face, but the other party directly ignored him. With a flash of light and shadow in his hand, a water mirror appeared. Sima Xiangru muttered words and began to deduct the specific position of the formation hidden deep underground.

Not long after, Sima Xiangru exhaled and said to Zhou Likui, "I found the place, and it's up to you afterwards!"

He gave Zhou Likui the image that appeared in the water mirror, and then left on his own. Although Zhou Likui was itchy roots of his teeth, he could not directly shoot.

Under the guidance of his thoughts, the clever puppets following him began to dig in the direction given in the image.

At the beginning, Building B used the method of ground travel to bring Gan Zihao and others into the depths of the earth. However, Zhou Likui did not have this ability. He could only rely on the most primitive methods to dig, but these were clever puppets. There is no problem of fatigue.

And because of the huge number, the speed of digging is quite fast. On the other side, Gan Zihao and Mo Sheng are leading people to draw the formation quickly. The task given to them by Lou Yi is too tight.

He looked up at the top of the cave and muttered to himself, "I think they have already handed over..."

"Should..." Mo Sheng agreed.

"Then let's hurry up!" Gan Zihao said.

"Yes!" Mo Sheng nodded and agreed.

And they didn’t know it at this moment, danger was quietly rushing towards them, Zhou Likui kept digging down, his eyes gradually became angry, because after digging down for so long, he still couldn’t find the area in the image. , Could it be the villain Sima Xiangru who deliberately made things difficult for himself.

The more he thought about it, the less angry he became, and he made a secret decision in his heart. When he returned to the human world, he must let this guy die unconsciously, and his status in the demons would rise.

He has even begun to imagine the scene of one day leading the entire Liantianzong. After he becomes the lord of the Liantianzong, the first thing he needs to do is to drive out all the Lu people in the Liantianzong.

While he was thinking about it, there was a commotion in front of him. Zhou Likui immediately went forward to investigate, only to find that it seemed to be the sound of fighting. There was a hideous color on his face, knowing that he had found a place.

He manipulated all the clever puppets with his mind and gave the order to kill the puppets. The puppet army continuously penetrated through the excavated gaps and killed the monks who were in charge of guarding here.

On the other side, Mo Sheng and Gan Zihao also received a warning that danger was coming, and Gan Zihao immediately asked Mo Sheng to send someone to pass on the news, and Lou Yi quickly sent someone to support them.

And he himself led the monk towards the opponent, because the painting work was mainly based on Mo Sheng, so Gan Zihao asked him to take the people to continue the work at hand and complete everything as soon as possible.

Gan Zihao opened the formation barrier engraved around the cave wall, and the light shields gradually lit up, supporting a safety barrier for the monks who were fighting against the clever puppets.

He surrounded his body with spiritual ink, holding a star-sharp pen and splashing ink, and a little bit of ink flew out, turning into a series of ink shadow clones, instead of the monks at the forefront, and killed them towards the clever puppets.

Soon there was a loud noise in the cave, Zhou Likui ordered the clever puppets to enlarge the opening more than a hundred times, and the clever puppet army surged up all at once.

The ink shadow clone began to find it difficult to cope with so many clever puppets, and soon it was exhausted, and all the clever puppets were killed. At this time, Gan Zihao was ready for the next step. Under his guidance, the monks gathered Together, a huge wall of ink shadows was built.

Inscription runes flashed on it, when those clever puppets attacked, there would be counter shock power, and strange ink characters would appear on the puppets who attacked at the same time.

Under the constant attack of all the puppets, more and more runes were accumulated on their bodies, and eventually the ink characters enveloped all their bodies, causing them to completely lose their vitality.

Zhou Likui saw everything in his eyes, so he ordered all the clever puppets to attack from a long distance, and the energy gathered together and blasted towards the huge wall of ink shadow.

Numerous ripples appeared on the shadow of the ink barrier. With the fierce attack of these puppets, they gradually lost their luster, and then the energy shot through the barrier of dim black light towards the monk behind.

Gan Zihao hurriedly wrote down a few domain words, and a series of pitch-black barriers appeared, blocking all these attacks, only to see the light flashing behind him, and the scrolls appeared behind him, and then unfolded together at the same time.

There was an ink seal shining on it. At the moment it appeared, the seal disappeared at the same and we saw huge ink dragons, slowly leaning out from it, and rushing forward.

For a while, the entire underground cave turned into a terrifying battlefield. The monks desperately blocked the entry of the clever puppets. Although the effect was remarkable at the beginning, the opponents were not only in large numbers, but also wore the character armor of Tianzong.

And as the battlefield gradually spread, the powerful puppets who dealt with Building B at the beginning also appeared one after another. In this place, apart from Gan Zihao, everyone else is not the opponent of these puppets at all, and Mo Sheng He also obeyed his orders and seized all the time to draw the formation.

Soon Gan Zihao fell into a situation of independence and no destiny. Zhou Likui watched everything coldly. His task was not to kill the people here, but to force these people to complete the formation as soon as possible. After the formation was completed, they would be removed. Kill.

However, Zhou Likui actually didn’t want to do this, because Moeller’s order was to wait for the formation to be completed, kill all the people here, and then give the formation to Sima Xiangru to control, and wait for the two parties to be completely entangled. After that, start the formation at the right time and come to a snipe and clam to compete for the fisherman's profit.

Moller's idea was naturally that when the two of them were fighting overwhelmingly, they would kill them all. This was the task assigned by the demon lord, and now it seems that this plan is gradually being realized.

At this moment, Moller was just looking at the direction of the sky, with a thought-provoking smile at the corner of his mouth. At the same time, in the area opposite to it, Zhang Hai and others were looking at the place where it stood. The two clans co-hosted, but Fan Hai felt uneasy about these demons from the bottom of his heart.

They have discussed with Jin Ao. After solving Lou Yi and the others, the next step is to cleanse these demons, but at this time, these **** demons are still useful...

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