Building B

Chapter 2654: Rush to help

It can be said that both sides have their own calculations. On the face of it, Moller chose to lie down and try his best to lower his posture as much as possible to serve as a foil for the demons and protoss. At the same time, they give each other an illusion that they are willing to take the lead and open up one for the alliance of the demons gap.

After the contact between the two parties, the demon slaves of the demon race did indeed rush to the front, but they rushed to the front, not for the so-called cannon fodder, but to arouse the inner anger of the demon race on Lou Yi's side.

These negative energies can make the gods and demons even more powerful. He looked at almost all the demons soldiers, and rushed forward. When he looked at Muller's side, he saw only a few. The elite demons are still following Moller.

However, he noticed that there were two Shura around Muller who were missing and where they were missing. He said to the two of them, "This Muller doesn't know what the **** is doing again, everyone pay attention!"

Liezhe and Yuxu looked at Luhai at the same time, and then said dismissively, "Let them go, the Lord is here!"

Zhuhai frowned slightly, but he couldn't say anything. He cast his eyes to the direction of the battlefield. At this time, the demons of the demons had already caught fire with the demons on the side of Lou Yi.

Lian Hai clearly felt the strength of the Jinwenyan clan, and the demon slaves of those demons were almost overwhelmed, which also made Lian Hai wait depressed.

The original plan was to unite the Protoss and the Demon Race. Unexpectedly, Jin Wenyan was so ignorant of current affairs and forced the Demon Race to confront each other. After that, Jin Wenyan left with his own troops.

This disrupted the plan of the Protoss, because if it were to talk about combat effectiveness, what Jinwenyan took away was definitely the elite of the monsters, but fortunately, Moeller was still aware of current affairs and gave Jin Ao Hunyuan Dan. .

They didn't know exactly what this pill Qi Hai was about, but only after they saw the battle between Jin Ao and Jin Wenyan did they really feel the powerful power of this Hunyuan Pill.

And Jin Ao only took one of them. For safety reasons, it was naturally impossible for Jin Ao to swallow them all at once, but the result was obvious.

At this time, Jin Ao was suppressing the Jinwenyan with an incredible posture. Once this situation continues, the situation with Jinwenyan will probably be in danger.

At this time, the monster army on Lou Yi's side has completely rushed in, and Zhuhai and the other two high-level gods immediately injected their strength into the formation pattern under their feet. There was a roar of heaven and earth, and the three-color strangeness appeared in the sky. Light, a huge deep blue ocean current suddenly descended from the sky, blocking the aggressive Monster Race army.

Then the violent winds set off huge waves, wanting to engulf all the monster races, Jin Wenyan stood still, and roared forward at the same time. The terrifying sound wave instantly overwhelmed the wind and waves and shattered the current.

But at this moment, a piece of sky fire fell sharply from the sky, smashed down mercilessly, and fell into the army of the monster race. Some monster races could not escape, and were immediately swallowed by the sky fire, and instantly turned into ashes.

The monster race was forced to disperse from the dense formation, each exerting their magical powers to resist the continuous emergence of abnormal celestial phenomena, but at this moment, a dark magic pattern appeared on the earth. Moeller and the three Shura around him simultaneously urged their feet. The magic pattern made the magic circle open at this moment.

Those monster races that turned into ashes, as well as the monks who died under the celestial phenomena, instantly turned into black nightmares. They roared and shuttled through the battlefield, bringing fear and killing emotions to all present. people.

The soldiers of the Protoss and Jin Ao’s demon soldiers moved forward at the same time. A war instantly turned into a full-scale confrontation. Yuwen Invincible rode the Linjia Jinsi Beast and led Yunlongwei into the battlefield from the left. The Protoss army that attacked on the left blocked it.

On the right, Huang Shang and Ba Lei led a coalition of monks of various races to block the remaining demon slave troops. Ba Lei’s thunder and lightning power perfectly restrained the demon nature of the demon slave, which immediately attracted Morale’s attention. Any power that can threaten the existence of the demons must be eliminated in the first place.

So it ordered its subordinates to mobilize the power of the demon formation, transformed into a demon clan's magic look, and went straight to Tyrant Thunder, but was blocked by Huang Shanghe, Huang Shang turned into an ancient bull, and his fighting power was even stronger than the demon's magic look. It is difficult to contend.

But Moller is a person who knows how to use his mind. It constantly uses the power of the law to quietly lead Huang Shang out. Seeing that Huang Shang is getting farther and farther away from the large army, Ba Lei wants to summon him back. It was discovered that the opponent's consciousness seemed to be occupied by the mask of Zhenzhen.

In desperation, Tyrannical Lei had to send the news back to his own formation. Lou Yi could only let Tieshan go and bring back Huang Shang, an impulsive fellow, but at this moment Mo Sheng’s request for help suddenly spread. When he came back, Lou Yi's expression instantly changed.

He subconsciously looked at Mingxin, and Mingxin also looked at him at this time. From his eyes, Lou Yi knew how Mingxin was at this time and how worried about Gan Zihao’s safety, Lou Yi To his transmission I leave it to you here, and I promise to bring him back safely! "

Mingxin nodded, turned his head to continue to stabilize the battle, Lou Yi cast his gaze to the front, and saw that Huang Shang was venturing into the enemy line, but he did not seem to have encountered any danger. Furthermore, Haoyue God Armor protects him, and he relies on this stunned green. Super resilience, it should be fine for a while.

He said to Tieshan, "Follow me first, there are more important things to do!"

Without saying anything about Tieshan, he followed Lou Yi straight to the underground cave. Lou Yi used the technique of earth movement to quickly shuttle underground, trying to get to where Gan Zihao was as soon as possible.

At this time, because of the great formation of the gods and demons, it is not safe to travel through the ground, and a large amount of spiritual energy is extracted from the ground by the formation, making the road forward full of bumps.

Lou Yi took Tieshan through the rushing psychic energy and galloped towards the destination, but unexpectedly, when he was still halfway away from the destination, an accident suddenly occurred.

In the area directly in front of them, a strange Demon Mark Abyss appeared, a large amount of demon energy surged here, Lou Yi clearly felt the danger here.

He was ready to fight with Tieshan, and at this moment there was a sound of grinning laughter in the Demon Abyss. The two high-ranking Asuras appeared in the surging demonic energy. It turned out that the purpose of their presence here was to stop the journey. The rescuer.

This Muller seemed to have anticipated that someone would rescue the people in the underground caves. In order not to rush and give the people hope, he did not directly send Shura to participate in the underground fight, but bypassed here. , Set up a jam on the way the other party came to rescue to block the rescuer's path.

As a result, in a situation of isolation and helplessness, the guards in the caves can only choose the path of giving up their lives for righteousness. I have to say that Moeller has a good calculation.

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