Building B

Chapter 2675: Retreat

Lou Yi looked at the earth puppet exuding a powerful aura in front of him. An indescribable sense of security was occupying his heart at this moment. Jin Ao’s claws were now held by the earth puppet’s axe and spear, and his huge bird beak was also caught by the earth puppet. The shield in his hand was blocked.

But in addition to claws and bird beaks, Jin Ao also has sharp feathers and indestructible magic wings. Jin Ao's eyes have brutal gazes, fluttering his wings and attacking the earth puppets, and in an instant a terrible magic blows up all around. The wind seemed to swallow everything in this place.

At this time, Jin Ao is not under Moller's control. That's because Moller felt unbelievable when he discovered that the human being he thought was dead, and he appeared here intact. The feeling, it was this feeling that made it relax its control of Jin Ao, and made Jin Ao free from the state of being dominated.

After being unbound, Jin Ao was completely dominated by murderous and bloodthirsty emotions, and it launched an attack frantically, destroying everything it saw before it.

The demon wind formed a terrible wave, centering on it, screaming towards the surroundings, Li Wenfeng, Yun Lancong and even Huo Yunlie, and others, all shot together at this moment, bringing the monks of their respective sects, to use their magical powers to fight against Jin Ao. Crazy.

At this moment, the earth puppet raised the sword in his hand. This sword was completely transformed by the soil, and could change its size and shape at will. The earth puppet swung the sword towards Jin Ao, but Jin Ao dodged him, but this blow also made it. The madness temporarily stopped.

Li Wenfeng took a few juniors and used the Wenfeng Sword Formation. In an instant, thousands of swords grew around him and whizzed towards Jin Ao. But before he got close to Jin Ao, he was all shattered by a whistle. Lou Yi quickly let them Leave temporarily to avoid being affected by the fighting.

In order not to hurt his anger as much as possible, he asked Yun Lan and others to help others to drive out the enchanted Golden Winged Roc who had also entered this place. It would be better if he could get rid of it.

Yun Lan didn't know Lou Yi's intentions from them, but after the test just now, Jin Ao was indeed too powerful, even if they were a little careless, there might be an accident, not to mention the monks in the sect.

So Yun Lancong, Li Wenfeng, and Huo Yunlie each led their men and horses to the demonized group of golden-winged rocs, and they fought continuously in the formation for an instant, and the two remaining retainers of the Protoss, at this moment Thinking about whether to go in and help, but after Moller's explanation, they passed the other party's words back to the realm of God through divine thought and divine eyes.

Fan Hai and others also agreed with Moller's analysis, but they were always a little uncomfortable. After all, the Protoss suffered a heavy loss this time. Although the Demon Race is the same, the only loss is the cheap Demon Slave.

Although Moller symbolically sacrificed a group of demon soldiers, but compared with them, they are insignificant, but now they are dumb and suffer from eating huanglian, because now they rely on Mozu. Reinforce the stability of the military.

The battle between Wuji Tu Puppet and Jin Ao is gradually intensifying, but the battle in other areas seems to be showing a one-sided situation. Yun Lancong, Huo Yunlie, and Li Wenfeng each lead their troops to stop the demonized golden wings. Peng bird.

Meng Wei and Huang Yuan also chose their opponents to fight each other, while the lava basalt and Zili as reinforcements showed unparalleled combat effectiveness at this time.

The thunder in the sky and the lava cones that rushed into the sky instantly suppressed the scene by the two of them. The ordinary golden winged rocs are not their opponents at all, although in quantity it seems that these enchanted golden wings are large. Peng has the advantage, but in terms of strength, they are not good.

Muller seemed to be aware of this problem, and wanted to recall them through the orb. Although they were not as important as Jin Ao, they were still part of its combat power.

What he didn't expect was that because of its negligence just now, Jin Ao was out of the control of the Orb, and these demonized Golden Winged Roc clan were not under its control, and only obeyed Jin Ao.

In an instant, Moeller's face collapsed, and he said to Shura next to him, "Go and call it back!"

The three most powerful Shura around him led the way. Facing Moeller’s orders, the two Protoss’ retainers seemed a little bit uncomprehending, but looking at Moeller’s gloomy face, they had to say something to their lips. Swallowed back.

At this time, they were no longer qualified to speak. The demon army was guarding outside the barrier, but they became the commander of the bare rod. The only people left were better than nothing. How could they have the confidence to bargain with Moeller?

The three Asuras sneaked into the formation through their own magical powers, but what they didn't know was that they were caught by the perception formation arranged by Lou Yi the moment they stepped into the ten thousand spirits formation.

Even though these three Asuras concealed themselves and moved forward in secret, they couldn't escape Lou B's eyes. Lou B immediately informed Yun Lancong and the others about their movements, and asked them to follow from a distance temporarily, and wait for them to get in again before coming. Catching turtles in a urn.

At this time, Zili and the lava basalt had completed the suppression of the enchanted Roc bird and rushed them to one place. The violent thunder and the lava cone were released at the same time, even their powerful monster bodies could not bear it.

A huge figure fell from the sky, directly on the ground, and Moller's face became more difficult to look at. Just when it was pinning his hopes on his own hands, there was a problem at this moment.

Before the three sneaked in under the hands, they were suddenly surrounded. Yun Lan Cong and others led them to stop them and blocked their way of retreat.

But even so, these three upper Asuras didn't seem to put Yun Lancong and the others in their eyes. After all, they were upper Asuras, and they were the three most powerful under Muller.

Although there are more powerful ones hidden in the Demon Realm at this moment, at least they are the strongest now, especially the strongest Shura who was destroyed by the transformation plan by Lou B.

But Yun Lan Cong and others naturally knew the power of these guys, so they just trapped the opponent, and temporarily trapped them in the way of sect formation, waiting for support.

None of the three Asuras were good stubbles, they immediately used their own magical powers to break through. For a time, the magical qi surge technique flew wildly, and Huo Yunlie directly used the large Huoyun formation to produce and refine the magical qi released by one of the Asuras. In it.

Yun Lancong dealt with the most powerful Shura, the Shuikui deuterium lion twisted the clouds and threaded silk, Yun Lancong and the monks of Fengyun Temple used the palm of the cloud to trap the opponent, the Shura who used the power of madness, although The weapon is extremely powerful, but for this ultimate restraint method, it seems a little powerless.

This is like using a sharp kitchen knife to chop the soft cotton. The sense of loss makes this powerful Shura feel irritable, plus the cloud crystal filaments condensed by the power of the water quill lion, which is strong. It's terrifying, even if it is cut off by the magic axe, it can still vent the power of the opponent's attack, making it crazy.

As for the Shura who was trapped by Li Wenfeng and his junior brother, facing endless wind shadow attacks at this moment, Li Wenfeng directly used his killer moves as soon as he came up. The domain of wind caused the opponent's devilish energy to be greatly disturbed, causing its The exertion of strength was greatly affected.

After seeing that his subordinates were blocked, Moller began to realize that if he continued to entangle himself, it would cause even worse consequences, so he acted decisively and stepped into the formation.

It and the entry of his subordinates immediately attracted the attention of Zili and Lava Basalt. Lou Yi ordered everyone to immediately retreat to the formation. The All-Spirits Formation opened instantly and attacked in the direction where Moeller was. Shining black light, using a strange ability to warp time and space, making the attack of the Magic Array of Ten Thousand Spirits deflected, and it was not successfully attacked.

However, the attack of the magic circle of all spirits varies from person to person. The first time it did not succeed, it does not mean that it will remain unsuccessful. Once again, he felt the vitality gathered around Moller and snorted in annoyance. In order to fight Lou Yi desperately, but rely on the formation under Lou Yi cloth to hide its true purpose.

I saw it took out the orb gifted by the demon lord, and with the help of his men, it madly poured magic power into it. After the orb was fully charged with power, it shouted at the orb, "You get me back!!! "

The howling magic sound appeared directly in Jin Ao's mind through the orb, making his whole mind shocked ~ The desire to kill and bloodthirsty were temporarily shattered, the demon master The power of control took effect again.

Struggling appeared in Jin Ao's eyes, but in the end he obediently left his opponent and turned back. At this time, the Wuji Tu Puppet he was fighting with had already been damaged by the opponent, and he did not know how many times he repaired it.

If it didn't exist, I'm afraid Lou Yi would really be in serious trouble, but fortunately, everything was solved perfectly now. Lou Yi was actually relieved when he saw Jin Ao turn his head and leave.

Because his own power was almost exhausted, and Wuji Tuwu had a soul-resonance with him, he had already known that Wuji Tuwu was about to fail.

Fortunately, the opponent left first. After the violent release of his magic power, Moller immediately ordered his men to evacuate, but at this moment, the Shura who was fighting with Huo Yunlie accidentally caught Huo Yunlie's way.

It turned out that Huo Yunlie took advantage of the other party’s command to forcibly transform the flame that envelops the other party into a samādhi sacred fire. After the sacred fire was contaminated with this Shura’s demon body, he completely ignored his almost invincible magic armor and demon skin, and directly burned his soul. .

Although the demon clan has a strong body and an extremely powerful demon soul, it does not have an effective prevention method for the special divine flame of the samādhi sacred fire. In just a moment, its body is swallowed by the samādhi sacred fire, and the seven orifices of the Mole Qi produce smoke. Can't wait to swallow Huo Yunlie alive.

But it knew that it had to retreat now, otherwise its plan would be completely defeated because of this change, and Moeller retreated, taking the remaining men to flee in a hurry.

But the cultivators of the Desire League who have fought with them know how terrible these Demon Asuras are. This battle seems to have been won, but they have some luck. If there is no immediate presence of reinforcements, I am afraid they are The second is really going to suffer.

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