Building B

Chapter 2676: Beginning

Because of Jin Ao’s sudden release of control, Muller’s plan was deviated, and he lost a lot of enchanted Golden Wing Roc and one of his own capable officers. In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, it took the remaining troops and left. Up.

Before Lou Yi left, he felt a familiar breath. When he rushed there, only a mess was left on the scene, and two familiar figures fell into the magic formation.

Lou Yi stepped forward and found that these two figures were the startled salamanders and startled stings who had previously sent him emergency seals. At this time, they had no aura. He thought that when the enemy left, he killed them all. .

Moreover, their bodies were incompletely broken, and their bodies were covered with traces of magic blades, which should have been killed after being tortured by those of the demons. Lou Yi looked at them and thought of all the things before, Lou Yi sighed.

The fault of this crisis did not belong to both of them. It can even be said that it was their risk-taking behavior that caused the killing for themselves.

Lou Yi used his magical powers, trying to help them recover, and then he would take them back to the ghost world for burial if he had the opportunity. Unexpectedly, after they displayed their magical powers, the bodies of Jingxi and Jingzhe started to slow down. Slowly emit light.

Turned into two unusually old-looking swords, but this sword looked rusty with gaps in it. Lou Yi realized that they were ghosts reborn from ancient swords. No wonder they could Interchange of minds.

Both of these two ancient swords are single-edged swords. When the two ancient swords are put together, the back of the sword and the hilt of the sword are perfectly leaned together. The only difference is the sword of the scared salamander. The sword grid bends upwards and forwards, and the sword grid of Jingzhe's sword bends downwards and backwards.

Lou Yi put them away carefully. At this moment, they were very fragile. Lou Yi simply sent them into the soul realm world in the order of life and death, allowing them to accompany Ming Yuan.

After Lou Yi went to Tieshan and asked him if he would be interested in accepting these two swords, but Tieshan told him that these two ancient swords only have a shape but no soul. The implication is that the soul of the two swords is already there. Dispersed, the giant ancient sword of Tieshan could absorb the ancient soul of ten thousand swords, but it could not absorb the ancient sword itself.

After Lou Yi got this answer, he decided to let them stay in the world of the soul domain temporarily, to see if they could give birth to a new sword soul under the nourishment of the soul power of the soul domain, or wait for the floating monster battlefield. After closing, look for Huo Yan to see if he has anything to say.

Just as Lou Yi was reorganizing the people, monks of various races came here one after another. After seeing the situation here, some people chose to leave silently, even speeding up and entering the safe city area.

For them, being able to survive is the most important thing. Everything else has nothing to do with them, while others choose to stay and actively ask to join the camp of Building B.

These people are more or less wounded, and there is a light of hatred in their eyes. Most of them are people who were ambushed by the demons on the road, and they are all strong men who have broken the siege.

The joining of these people can naturally greatly increase the combat power of Building B. After all, they are powerful themselves. Building B arranged for the troops to build a secret astral passage here and tell everyone that if there is someone Regret and want to leave, you can use it to go to the safe domain at any time to wait for the end of the battlefield.

His move has won him a lot of praise and support. At least for the time being, everyone’s hearts are warmed a lot. When this happens, people think more about their own safety, and they are afraid of being sacrificed as cannon fodder. .

Whether it is Human Race or other race monks, there are forces standing at the apex and scattered people walking on the edge. Those powerful forces aloft, their disciples are naturally unparalleled talents.

Each of them is an extremely precious resource of the sect and needs to be carefully guarded for their growth, and those scattered people who are struggling in this world are more of a life-saving and cautious life.

They don’t have strong talents and strong sects to rely on. Everything needs to be obtained by fighting, grabbing, and fighting. All people in the world are equal, but because of their origins, they have created different situations of high and low. Therefore, people need to fight and fight. Fight with yourself, fight with this day, fight with this destiny.

If you don’t believe in fate, don’t give up, you can have the opportunity to transcend the mundane world, change your own destiny, and become an enviable person. The higher you climb, the more you are afraid of death, because when you die, everything is over. Lou B has a deep understanding. .

He always believes that a person’s power is limited, and only by gathering more people can he use the power of everyone to change his own destiny, and use a community of destiny to fight this day and this general trend, and for everyone to live in this cruel world. Among them, earned a place.

After returning to the domain of humans, Lou Yi began to make plans intensively. The terrified salamander and the terrified were killed. The ghost domain naturally fell into the hands of the demons. In addition to its own land, the demons easily occupied the two regions. .

Protoss occupies the realm of gods, and his side occupies the realm of humans and the realm of spirits, so the only place full of uncertainty is the realm of demon, but now Jin Ao has entered the demons and his strength has greatly increased, Lou Yi is worried about Jin Wenyan will suffer, so he quickly dispatched people to notify the other party, so that it should not be too extravagant as possible, and the presentation will be tightened as much as possible.

But just when the order was issued, Moeller, Huahai, and the enchanted Jin Ao, they had already arrived in the realm of the demon For Moeller, the realm of the demon was determined to win. Yes, you can further weaken the power of the Protoss through this place.

Muller is waiting for an opportunity to fully demonstrate its power. It also needs to gather some more chess pieces. It thanks Moko from the bottom of his heart. Without the layout of the former leader, I am afraid that its plan would not be so. Easy to succeed.

At this time, the demon army was mixed with many powerful queens transformed by the demon, each of which was extremely powerful, but at this time they stayed in the demon army obediently, waiting for Moeller to give orders to them.

At this moment, Moeller raised his head and looked at the sky, while the Protoss side Pihai and others were also looking up at the sky, Jin Ao's huge figure soared in the sky, full of black and red light, and the dark feathers made it. It looks evil.

Moeller’s mouth is smiling. As long as Jin Ao is present, it can be invincible and include the demon army that Jin Ao controls. Then they will all become their own slaves and the demons will win. Victory is just around the corner.

Unlike Moller, Fanhai and others have mixed emotions in their eyes. This cooperation with Yaozu was originally a strategy formulated by the elders of the upper family, but now it has undergone such changes. Le Lion opened his mouth wide and needed them to gather a million souls to sacrifice. If they don’t gather within the specified time, they must sacrifice their own army to make up the number. This is not tantamount to weakening their own in disguise. strength.

They were naturally skeptical of Moeller’s words and deeds, but now that they have reached this point, they have long no bargaining capital. If they lose, they will definitely affect the plans of the four major families. Returning to the family must be severely punished by the elders, and it may even cause more serious consequences.

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