Building B

Chapter 2687: Recognize reality

Chonglou's eyes followed several gods and generals, but the result was much unexpected. Only a golden light flashed by, and Huang Shang's huge figure appeared where several gods and generals were standing. At the ground, the huge horns shook and heard several loud noises in succession, and then saw several gods flying high and heavy and falling down, already falling unconsciously.

Chonglou exhaled a breath, which meant that the cow in front of him was stronger than he had imagined before. Although the gods and generals were usually used to anger, they were nothing but waste from a group of wine and rice bags. That's all, in addition to slacking off to please the master, that is, relying on despicable means to grab power to get to the current position.

Chonglou looked back into the army of the gods, and saw the dodge look in the eyes of the gods. Before, they were all eager to show off. Now that they have only one face to face, they will all of them. The arrogance has been suppressed.

Chonglou sighed and walked out of the crowd. At this time, the upper building B spoke to Huang Shang a few times, and Huang Shang made an earth-shaking roar, and then his body gradually changed, returning to his human appearance.

Seeing it turned into a human from Niu, he looked a little weird, but soon he raised his head to look at Lou Yi, and there was a hint of irritation in his eyes. Gradually emerged the **** pattern belonging to the Park Hyatt protoss.

At this moment, he felt the divine power flowing around his body through the eight channels of the Qi meridian, making his sensory world undergo earth-shaking changes. Every time he used this power, he would feel the sorrow of being a lower Protoss.

No matter how strong the sequelae caused by this short-lived power, but at least from this moment on, he thinks he is invincible, stepping forward and holding the spear straight to the opponent's middle door.

Huang Shang smiled, his hands flashed, and two extremely exaggerated decision maces appeared in his left and right hands. Huang Shang shook his muscles, his body suddenly swelled several times, and shouted at the rushing building. "Come on, let me see how many catties you have!!!"

With a loud bang, Huang Shang slammed down with a hammer, but did not hit the body of the heavy building. The latter used a very clever evasive action, just like a fish swimming in a turbulent rock current. Wandering beside Huang Shang's god.

Huang Shang wielded a huge mace, bombarding the air and the ground frequently, and the violent force formed a violent wind, constantly blowing towards the crowd watching the battle.

The complexion of the leader of the Park Hyatt Protoss gradually changed. Although the movements of the heavy building were very smooth and the opponent did not harm him, he knew exactly what the final result would be. He quietly muttered to the people under his hands. After a few words, the protoss people began to withdraw quietly.

A lot of people are reserved in front to act as shields, and their true leaders have to take advantage of this time to slip away, but what he did not expect is that when Huang Shang and the others appeared, Yuwen Invincible brought The men and horses had already copied their back path, and they were quietly waiting for them to throw themselves into the trap.

And he didn't know all of these heavy buildings. At this moment, he spent his whole heart on dealing with the powerful enemy in front of him. He constantly relied on the super perception and reflex nerves brought to him by the gods, and gradually approached Huang Shang.

In Huang Shang’s eyes, the guy in front of him slipped like a loach without leaving his hands. It was really hard to judge his position to attack, and Lou Yi just told him not to use the power of the ancient bully. Let him fight a little frustrated.

He was so powerful that the opponent couldn't compete with him head-on. When he was thinking about how to shoot next, he suddenly flashed a cold light, and the heavy building appeared under his head in an instant. The spear took its throat straight.

This attack was extremely abrupt and invincible. The front part of the fairy spear was directly on the neck of the Haoyue Divine Armor. Originally, Zhonglou thought that even if he could not kill the opponent with this attack, it would lose its combat effectiveness in a short time. .

But what he didn't expect was that although the fairy spear poked on his throat accurately, it was blocked by the opponent's armor. Because of its excessive force, his fairy spear actually completed a bow shape. .

At this moment, a very dangerous aura appeared from the left and right sides at the same time. The storm was mixed with terrible power fluctuations, and instantly locked his body. This blow made Huang Shang subconsciously move his own power, a pair of pupils. Shining a terrible tyrannical light.

Hearing two loud bangs, the two maces banged on the place where the heavy building was standing at the same time, but they did not hurt each other, because the moment he noticed the danger, he immediately moved towards Ji avoids the evil and left.

Then Huang Shang felt a stick in the back of his head, causing a loud bang, his body staggered a few steps forward, and the moment he looked back, he felt a spear stabbed at the bend of his leg, and the heavy building began to constantly change directions. Huang Shang launched an attack.

However, although his attack was accurate, it was hard to hurt Huang Shang, and the constant attack also made Huang Shang's temper more and more impatient.

Lou Yi saw everything in his eyes, and quietly said to him, "It's okay to lose your temper, but it can't be too much!"

Huang Shang nodded at Lou Yi, threw the mace in his hand, and his whole body began to burst out with a dazzling light. A phantom cow appeared around his body, and his body gradually grew golden animal hair.


Accompanied by a roar, Huang Shang’s huge fist banged on the ground. At this moment, the old man's strength broke out completely. The heavy building, which had been able to do so, suddenly felt that the surrounding air began to produce a pulling force, which made him feel uncomfortable. Do not use more power to maintain your movement.

When he tried to approach Huang Shangzhi again, suddenly the other party looked at him inadvertently. At that moment, Zhonglou felt that he was in the other's line of sight, and in that line of sight, he was so small and fragile.

He quickly expelled this feeling from his mind, but it was too late. A huge hand suddenly grabbed him and threw it towards the ground, only to hear a loud bang. Smashed **** the ground.

What followed was an attack like a torrential rain. He didn't know how many punches he had suffered. He only knew that he was going to be broken up all over his body, but for some reason, a strange idea was born in his mind. Why is the opponent's fist so weak...

Looking at the almost dying heavy building, deeply embedded on the ground, Huang Shang made a cold snort in his nose, his muscles trembled, making a clear sound.

His body was like a deflated balloon, and gradually returned to normal. He looked at the opponent condescendingly, still with a look of irritation in his eyes, took a close look at the opponent, and then stood still.

Chonglou was puzzled, but at this moment, he was always afraid of the human being he was guarding against. He fell from the sky above and came to him. At this moment, Chonglou realized that the reason why he is still alive should be What he instructed, is it that he wants to use himself as a threat to gain his father's sagacity?

Chonglou subconsciously showed a sardonic smile, and this smile was mixed with some helplessness and sorrow, because he wanted to tell the other party, don't think that if you save your own life, you can get the Chongming Realm. That is a foolish dream.

But he thought of himself again. Because of his own ignorance and self-use, the Chongming Realm that his fathers worked so hard to beat was handed over to the Park Hyatt Protoss, and he hoped to be reused by the Park Hyatt and rely on his own Power shines on the lintel, now think about how ridiculous and naive my original idea was.

Lou Yi came to him and squatted down to look at the heavy building. He slowly stretched out a hand with the emerald-colored heaven and earth power enveloped in the palm of his hand. The heavy building subconsciously wanted to escape, but he found that he had Completely bound by the earth.

At this time, even if he wanted to self-menopausal, there was no other way. He watched Lou Yi's hand getting closer and closer to When he wanted to struggle to speak, he heard Lou Yi. Said to Huang Shang on the side, "Don't I tell you not to go too far? Look at your good deeds!"

There was a tone of complaint in his tone, Huang Shang scratched his head, smiled happily, and when he saw Chonglou cast his eyes at him, he immediately became violent again, and he secretly gestured to him a few times. Fist, it seems that the beating just now is light and not satisfying.

Zhonglou retracted his gaze somewhat complicatedly, but felt a gentle force continuously invading his entire body along Lou Yi's palm, healing his wounds and correcting his reversal meridians.

At this time, Zhonglou was suffering from physical and mental pain because of the use of Park Hyatt's **** pattern, but he did not show the slightest cowardice.

Lou Yi’s pupils were shining with a strange golden light, and he used the sky-eye to see his body inwardly. Not long after he frowned and said to him, "I can heal your wounds, but your spiritual wounds, How did it work?"

After hearing this, Chonglou knew that what the other party was asking was the sequelae of his use of the Park Hyatt **** pattern. He kept silent and did not want to tell the other party, but at this time Lou Yi said to him, "If you don't want to die, , It’s better not to use that power again in the future, it will kill you!"

Chonglou looked at Lou B. Seeing that the other party was very serious, he knew that the other party was not deceiving himself by words. What's more, he also knew this very well, because as the number of times of taking Shenye increased, he had already clearly felt the side effects. The intensity and duration of the game have become stronger and longer.

He smiled bitterly. The thing he dreamed of turned out to be as deadly as poison. At this time, he had completely understood the reality, the Park Hyatt **** pattern, but they were all used by the opponent to trick the lower Protoss into their lives. That's it...

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