Building B

Chapter 2688: Give up

Seeing the slightly desperate expression on Chonglou’s face, Lou Yi stopped talking, but focused on treating his injuries. At this moment, there was a commotion from behind. Many figures came from behind. The leader was Yuwen Wudi, standing up. Followed by a large number of Yunlongwei, and a large number of members of the Baiyue tribe.

These are the upper Protoss clansmen who have abandoned the soldiers of the Baiyue tribe. At this moment, they are like mourning dogs, being sealed and repaired before being escorted to Yunlongwei's side.

The leader of the Baiyue clan may have crushed the jade amulet and escaped from the floating monster battlefield when seeing the situation badly. Several people fled with them. They should be the core members of the clan, although these are the rest. Members of the Baiyue clan, but I am afraid that their status in the clan is limited.

At this time, these so-called high-ranking protoss were dragged with their heads downcast, and their faces showed a look even more ugly than crying. Lou Yi glanced up and said to Yuwen Wudi, "Get them together. , These people are still useful, just kill anyone who moves!"

As soon as this remark came out, the Baiyue tribe, who was still downcast, stood up one by one, and stood straight, just like bamboo poles poking on the ground.

Although Zhonglou didn't see them like this with his own eyes, he had already guessed the result by his own voice. He sighed from the bottom of his heart, ashamed of his previous fanaticism.

After about half an hour of healing, Lou Yi slowly retracted his outstretched palm, got up and stretched his waist, turned his head and glared at Huang Shang beside him, who looked at him and smiled wryly, Lou Yi helplessly Shaking his head, he walked towards the place where Yuwen Wudi was.

Seeing him coming, Yuwen Wudi clasped his fists and said to him, "Lord!"

Lou Yi hummed and walked towards the prisoner of war. Yuwen Invincible followed, and the two approached the prisoner one after another. Lou Yi said to the Protoss of the Baiyue family, "I heard that the Baiyue people can let you Clan members of the non-Boyue clan have their own **** pattern, I wonder if this is true?"

As soon as Lou Yi spoke, the expressions of all the members of the Baiyue tribe instantly changed. They closed their mouths, and at the same time desperately kowtow to Lou Yi for mercy, as if Lou Yi's words would take their lives.

Lou Yi felt a little puzzled at first, but suddenly a strange breath began to appear on this land, as if an invisible hand was floating above all of them.

Lou Yi began to realize something. He sighed quietly when he saw these Baiyue people's pale faces and closed their mouths. He changed the question and asked, "What did you eat for them?"

Lou B did not choose to point to the heavy building, but another group of ordinary protoss who, like the heavy building, yearned to be able to change their destiny with their own efforts. This time, although the Baiyue people did not speak, they delivered something to the building. In B's hand, it was a drop-shaped container. The container contained a liquid like mercury. This liquid contained countless complex **** patterns, which were looming in the container as they flowed.

Lou Yi felt a familiar breath in this container, but it was not his own judgment, which made him feel quite puzzled. He was sure that this was the first time he saw this thing. There should be a sense of familiarity.

He took this thing into his hand and placed it in his palm. An agitated force suddenly poured out from the depths of his heart. He felt that within the seal of his heart, a force was about to move. It was the gift of Gourmet Kiss With this strength, Lou Yi immediately understood something. It turned out that the thing stored in this container turned out to be blood, and it seemed self-evident whose blood it was.

However, it seems that this is not only the blood of the Park Hyatt family, but also many other things. As for what it is, it can only be judged by refining its ingredients.

He asked Yuwen Invincible to collect all such special containers, and then he ordered all the members of the Baiyue tribe to be put in prison. After the members of the Parkyue tribe were taken away, Lou Yi came to another group of prisoners. They are all ordinary protoss, more or less carrying the same dream as the heavy building.

But the real world is cruel. In the end, they ended up like Zhonglou, except that Zhonglou was a little different from them. That is, although his father was also a lower Protoss, he sat in a state and owned it here. With unique conditions, this is for the Chonglou in the Park Hyatt God Army to find a position as a god.

Most of the Protoss soldiers here are the people of the lowest Protoss. They join the Park Hyatt Alliance by recruiting soldiers, in order to win for their future by relying on their blood and their own cultivation. A chance, but it seems that their efforts have failed.

When Lou Yi glanced over them, many people lowered their heads timidly, but many others looked directly at their eyes. Each of them had a look of death at home. Lou Yi smiled suddenly. Shining with strange light, the pupils of the eyes turned into two slowly rotating vortices, drawing all the eyes of these people into them.

In an instant, the expressions of these people began to change. Some people were trembling and sitting down on the ground, while others were trembling and shouting. Everyone’s expressions were accurate by Lou Yi. I grasped it, and eventually some of them were left behind, and all the others were let go.

Lou Yi told them that if they met on the battlefield next time, they would no longer be merciful. Lou Yi pointed out the way for them to and let them go.

He wasn't sure what the fate of these freed protoss would be, but at least he had given them a chance, Chonglou heard everything from beginning to end, and lying in the herringbone pit, his expression was rather complicated.

At this time Lou Yi came to him again, squatted down and looked at him, and said to him, "I and your father are also related to each other. Now, what about giving you a chance to join me and serve me as Lord?"

Chonglou trembled and stared at Lou B. He wanted to refute him, and wanted to tell him what qualifications are you as a human, and why should I serve you, but he didn’t care what he said. Can't say it, because the human being in front of me is so unique.

A demon race such as Jin Wenzhen can join the alliance, can convince the existence of lava basalt, and can bring together the human monks of the scattered sand, which is not something ordinary people can do.

His expression was extremely tangled, and his fists clenched several times, because he was doing a fierce battle between heaven and man. You must know that the Protoss has always been a superior existence. Even the ordinary Protoss never looked at those low. Wait for the humble human race.

But now? These people are considered low and lowly by them, but they are looking at them condescendingly, holding their power of life and death with one hand, Zhonglou slowly closed his eyes, and said words that even he himself could not believe. "I agree......"

Lou Yi raised his mouth slightly, reached out his hand, and said to him, "I assure you that the decision you make today will be of great use to you in the future!"

Chonglou opened his eyes, looked at Lou Yi’s full smile, looked at his confident face, looked at his outstretched palm, sighed and shook it up, muttering to himself, "I hope it ......"

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