Building B

Chapter 3082: Lucky hit

The water that originally flowed out gradually evolved into a rune sequence, and they continued to emerge from Lou Yi’s palm. The difference is that they no longer flow like water, but from the strange light in his palm. Flying out of the middle and flying towards the sky.

A sequence of runes shines with colorful light, flies out in an instant and disappears in an instant. Lou Yi's whole body is surrounded by circles of true runes, which are constantly changing. When a sequence is formed, they will disappear. No, when it reappears, it flies out of Lou Yi's hands, and then merges into this larger world.

Lou Yi never moved, his pupils were radiating light, and in the world of consciousness, the whole world seemed to become more real. Wind, sun, water, mountains, rocks and soil, sea and river, trees and flowers, day and night. They are slowly connected together.

   The light released from the pupil of the second floor of the building gradually transformed from the initial whirlpool to the rune abyss under his feet, but the process of this transformation was extremely slow.

   The other side, Duo Xian, was excitedly looking at a huge luminous box that had been opened, and there were many opened boxes stacked around him.

   It turned out that just after he successfully entered this precious place with his wishful dice, he had been trying to figure out what exactly it was. At first he had no clue, so he could only jump around on these huge shiny squares.

   It was an action of the Emperor Yan that inspired him. The Emperor Yan had felt the aura of the same kind before, so he was able to find this entrance hidden in the barrier of banished immortals and enter it with much joy.

After that, Duo Happiness and it have been around here like a headless fly for a long time, but they have never found a way to leave this place. In desperation, Yan Huang can only tell Duo Happiness, it is better to help it find the one that cares about it. breath.

There was no gain, but he agreed, so Emperor Yan carried him to fly in this world. Everything here is a mystery. There is no distinction between heaven and earth. There are countless huge luminous squares. .

   Yan Huang carefully felt the aura of the same kind, and fluttered his wings across the huge squares one after another. It was also in the process that the two of them discovered something unusual.

During their flight, they actually saw some huge squares that had lost their light and were opened. What a joy, the whole person shook a spirit in an instant, and he realized that these huge squares are probably some kind of special. Storage appliances.

   Duo happily looked around and was so excited that he couldn't control himself. He directly asked Yan Huang to throw it on a luminous square closest to the two of them, stepped on it, and let it move with him.

But soon the tragedy came. How joyously used the strength of the milk, he didn’t know how to open this huge square, so he could only stay alone on this slowly moving square, waiting for the return of Yan Huang. .

There was no news at this time, and I had no choice but to lie down on the huge square on which he was standing, and began to fiddle with the Ruyi dice in his hand. He placed the Ruyi dice between his hands and kept it zooming in and out. , But he got tired after playing for a while.

At this moment, he felt a strange breath, which seemed to emerge from the huge square on which he was lying. What a joy, a carp struck and bounced from the shiny square. .

   He fixed his eyes on the huge square under his feet, and he saw many runes in it, and these runes were constantly changing, which made Du Happy very puzzled.

   He has never seen such runes, and he doesn't understand what they represent, but he can feel that he has a certain connection with this huge square through the wishful dice.

   So with the thought of giving it a try, he placed the Ruyi dice in his hand on the square. As a result, the Ruyi dice and the luminous huge square merged into one in an instant, and all the changing runes suddenly stopped.

Then an unexpected scene appeared. The huge square that merged with the Ruyi dice slowly changed along the gaps along the edge, and the light from the sideline began to converge, and then the completely closed square opened in front of him. .

He knelt down with joy and excitement, trying to see exactly what good things were in the box, but he just got down on his knees when he heard a terrible roar that scared him almost out of the box. Fell down from the edge.

After deciding how happy it is, what you see through the box is a strange world. In the center of this world, there is a horn. This horn is very huge. Uh, the sound seems to be from here. Sent from above.

Duojoy tried to summon it out of it, but was once again threatened by the other party, and the sound became more terrifying than before. Scared Duojoy quickly fled to the other huge glowing cubes, and then rolled the Ruyi dice. Get it back.

   But what he didn't know was that the huge horn was sucked into its own space by the Ruyi dice when it panicked and fled.

   Lost the contents of the box, the box no longer glowed, and changed to what he had seen before. He looked around with joyful eyes and quickly regained his confidence.

What he didn't know at this time was that in the higher world, a Buddha exuding the light of Buddha was frowning and looking at his old clothes. This clothes was a peculiar product produced in chaos. It is refined from jade, and there are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine divine jade.

Each piece of divine jade is refined with a strong true pattern spell, making it a very terrifying magic weapon. At this time, one of the jade pieces on this multi-treasure jade garment is UU看书 After shining a faint divine light, it gradually dimmed.

  The Buddha pinched a finger and murmured to himself, "I have something to do with me, but my character needs to be tested again. Let's see if you can pass this test..."

His palm flicked on this multi-treasure jade garment, and all the real patterns on the jade garment were temporarily ineffective. At this time, on the side of happiness, he cautiously came to another huge luminous square and sighed. He said in a tone, "We are in danger, but you can't lose your life for the sake of wealth..."

   was talking and suddenly thought of something, he slapped his head and said, "Yes, I have a wishful dice in my hand, why did I forget it..."

How happy he laughed, smiling unscrupulously, he raised his hand and repeated his tricks, combining the Ruyi dice with the luminous box under his feet, but what he didn’t know at the moment was the prohibition on all the luminous squares. All were temporarily closed, even if he didn't use the Ruyi dice, he could open these boxes.

However, it was thanks to how joyful this kind of crookedness and cautiousness that he finally passed the test of that mysterious power, so there was the first scene. There are many opened boxes piled around how joyful, and there are also More boxes were abandoned.

Although he opened the box, he didn't take the items in the box. What he thought in his heart was that this place must be a land of ownership, perhaps a test for him, so he could only take one thing and leave here. , Even if the other party finds out, he will be punished for not being insatiable.

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