Building B

Chapter 3083: Finally got the treasure

At this moment, a dazzling array of huge squares are piled around it. Although these huge squares have been opened, because the contents are not taken out, these huge squares still shine with light.

   Duo Huan has seen a lot of weird things in it, but he doesn't know what it is, because it seems to carry some materials.

For example, there are dragon scales, rhino horns, ivory, and deer antler. Of course, these seemingly ordinary materials contain indescribable charm. But I think about it with joy. Although these materials are precious, they are not as affordable as magic weapons. practical.

   It's a pity that the method he used has never allowed him to find what he wants in his heart, but it is also because of his special persistence and greed that he has never broken through the test boundary of that mysterious power.

For the other person, that is just what he passed through in the past. Who is powerful but now he has converted to Buddhism. Everything in the first half of his life is already something outside of his body. If this person is really related to himself, he will be connected to this many treasures. What if the clothes are destined to him.

   There is so much joy and hard work here, it seems that even the Yan Emperor who has left has been forgotten, but the other party dragged a huge luminous square while he was busy, and slowly flew towards him.

   At this time, Duo Happiness was busy blowing into his mouth, shook his closed palm and said, "One Luba, send it all the way~!"

After that, he pressed the palm of his hand to the huge box below, and the Ruyi dice turned steadily to merge with the box below. After that, the familiar scene reappeared. He laughed so happily from ear to ear, and said, "Fat! Fa! Send it~!"

After the box was opened, what was placed in front of Duo Happiness turned out to be a Lin armor, shining with a peculiar colorful light, but there was a disappointment in Du Happiness’s eyes, because this thing was too big, obviously not for For human use.

   He sighed silently, then closed his hands and bowed to the surroundings, saying with a guilty conscience, "One more time, just one more time!"

   After he said that, he looked around again and picked a new target to start. Therefore, when the technique was repeated, the box slowly opened. This time, a strange cylindrical jade ring appeared in front of Duo Huan.

   This jade ring is also very huge, and it doesn't seem to be suitable for human use. It's like the ring log he uses for bird training, but it looks unusually primitive and very valuable.

While hesitating, Emperor Yan brought the box to the front of Duo Happiness. Duo Happily glanced at the Yuhuan, then glanced at the Yan Emperor's leg, and muttered to himself, "This is not bad. That set of Lin Armor is also good, so distressed~"

When Yan Huang saw his eyes staring at his legs, the cold light flashed in his eyes, and Duo Happily felt a chill. He immediately retracted his gaze and asked, "You brought it here to let me turn on?"

The Emperor Yan put this huge luminous square in front of Duo happy, and raised his head proudly, as if he was offended and was too lazy to take care of the other party. Seeing it angry when he was so happy, he naturally did not dare to neglect, and quickly blew the wishful dice. He breathed, chanted the spell again and pressed it down.

   The same scene reappeared, so much joy and joy, but he was already a little skeptical at this time, after all, even if he was lucky, he wouldn't be overwhelmed by luck.

When    was muttering, the huge luminous square opened slowly, and an amazing aura suddenly sprayed out from the opened square. The Yan Emperor shook his whole body, his expression looked extremely excited.

How happy he felt an unprecedented aura rushing towards his face, he subconsciously thought that this thing must be the most precious thing, so just about to probe to see what was inside, he saw Emperor Yan bowing into it, The object came out.

It turned out to be a feather shining with nine colors. This color feather is different from all the phoenix feathers under the sky, but it also includes the colors of all their races. It is so gorgeous and so magnificent. .

   Yanhuang tremblingly crawled to the ground, and placed the nine-colored feather in his mouth respectfully in front of him. The feather hovered in mid-air by itself, and a nine-colored ring appeared around it.

Vaguely as if there was the sound of phoenix ming suddenly, one after another, arguing, swallowing fiercely with joy, the eyes were about to stare out, and he thought, "What the **** is this? It's just a piece of hair that has such a mighty power. ......"

The Emperor Yan knew what he was thinking in his heart, and the other party immediately glared over and smiled so happily. What he thought was, "This is over. It seems that I can only choose this bird's hair that I don't know what it is. ."

Suddenly he remembered something. When he looked at the Emperor Yan, he saw fire in his eyes, and he was about to burn himself into coke. How happy he quickly waved his hand and said to him, "Do you want it? ?"

The Emperor Yan showed a look of desire, but it had heard what joyful thoughts it had in his heart just now, but at this moment he hesitated a bit. How joyful this feather is, I don’t know its but yes. Yanhuang is the most precious thing, because it is the thing dropped from their Phoenix ancestors, and in this era, it is considered a priceless treasure.

However, although this thing is extremely precious, it does not help Duo Happiness in the slightest, and it may even bring a murderous disaster to it. It is dependent on Duo Happiness as a company, and naturally hopes that the other party can survive. He wants to live. A lot of magic weapons are needed to come down, after all, this guy is not a talented person, let alone a wizard of heaven.

Seeing the Yan Emperor with hesitation, and seeing that he attaches great importance to the unknown feather, he finally made the first choice, only to see that he respectfully worshipped the feather three times, and was right again. He bowed piously three times in the four directions of east, west, south, and north, and then said to the empty sky, "The younger generation came to this treasure by coincidence, and based on the purpose of chance and coincidence, I chose a strange treasure to take away from this place. Seniors let us go based on the principle of forming good relationships, planting good causes, and getting good results. If the younger generation offends the seniors because of this, I hope that the seniors will not make it difficult for my friends. I will bear all the causes!"

Duo Happy patted his chest vigorously, which moved the Emperor Yan, Duo Happy stepped forward and held up the True Phoenix Feather, handed it to the Emperor Yan, and said to him, "Hold it, if If anything happens, I leave it to you!"

The Emperor Yan hesitated to look at this true phoenix feather, and at this moment a hearty and magnificent voice came from the sky. After laughing, something appeared on the arm of how joyous it was, it was the one from nine hundred and ninety-nine. A multi-treasure garment made from a piece of chaotic jade.

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