Building B

Chapter 924: Gluttony

The black monster sucked this delicious prey excitedly, without any mercy from his subordinates, and even wanted to squeeze Lou Yi completely, only in this way would it not waste this delicious meal.

Lou Yi’s blood has flowed too much, even his powerful hematopoietic ability can not keep up with the amount of blood that was taken away, his body became cold, and his body was obviously shriveled, like a skinny The mummy of the head.

But I don’t know why Lou Yi’s eye pupils are extremely clear, he should have lost consciousness, but his eyes give people a deep and terrifying feeling...

Just when he was running out of oil, he was located above his heart, and suddenly a ray of green light gleamed, and Lou Yi actually activated the dead wood to rejuvenate again when he was about to die.

He is like a stubborn weed, no matter how bad the environment is, even if the wind blows the sun, the fire burns and the water is flooded, it can always sprout and regenerate again with a stubborn attitude, but Building B cannot control the regeneration of dead wood, it is like a hidden The switch in Building B does not have a chance to activate every time.

However, the reason why Lou Yi is so calm is that he feels its appearance. He is waiting, waiting for the moment when the spring weather turns, waiting for the moment when the body is rejuvenated.

A dazzling emerald light isolated him from the liquid monster. At the same time, this light began to quickly replenish the blood and energy that passed through his body. He looked at his body, bulging again like an inflated skin, and Feeling that the lost power is back.

The existence hidden in his body eagerly urged, Lou Yi muttered to himself, "Have a good time..."

With a loud bang, a dark red light suddenly enveloped his body, Lou Yi felt his own hostility uncontrollably released.

puff! ! !

With a muffled sound, Lou Yi punched through the opponent's body with a punch, and saw that he took the unconscious Zi Li and the Zerg Mother out of the monster's body and took them back into the breeding ring.

With the gluttonous kiss, the demon **** sacrifice turned Lou Yi into a human-shaped bloodthirsty beast. The blood of the dragon in his body was boiling, and the veins of the golden crow were shining. At this moment, the power of his blood veins got a qualitative leap, but he felt it at the same time My spirit is gradually disappearing.

A dark red blood mask slowly shrouded Lou Yi's body, and a terrifying blood mask was transformed into his face. This experience Lou Yi will never forget. It was his passage in the heart palace of the demon tiger obsidian corpse. Inside, the trick that was forced to play when fighting the terrible opponent Ji Li.

And that time, thanks to Mu Xin, Zi Li, and Huang Gang calling together, he was not swallowed by the Gorefiend, but now Mu Xin is not there, Zi Li is unconscious, and Huang Gang is in the process of evolution. wake up.

If he was swallowed by the blood demon again this time, then he would have no chance to wake up again, but he did not regret it, because the life should have been gone, if he could die with this monster, he felt it was worth it. .

Bloodthirsty intent rushed to his heart, Lou Yi was guarding this last piece of pure land, dragon soul jade guarding his heart, exuding a faint emerald light, this was his deliberately, just to stimulate bleeding to the maximum. The power of magic.

boom! ! !

A dark red beam of light soared into the sky, Lou Yi's black hair turned into blood, and the eyes under the blood mask released the blood brilliance that was eaten by people. His whole body was shocking, and he could faintly see the black and red. The blood of electric wires danced wildly in the air.

Roar! ! !

Lou Yi raised up to the sky and let out a roar, a mouth of a blood basin turned out, violently tore to the black monster on the opposite side, the monster obviously hadn't figured out what happened to the prey in front of him.

It just watched unsuspectingly at the big mouth of the blood basin falling from the sky and biting its body fiercely. As in the case of the tiger idiot, after the monster was bitten and deformed, suddenly countless bursts broke out all over its body. Black spikes, and each one is about a hundred feet long, hideous and terrifying.

However, the big mouth of the blood basin was transformed by Lou Yi's blood qi, even if it was penetrated by thousands of holes, it was not affected at all, but the black monster looked a little wrong.

Because it found the food that was clearly close at hand, it couldn't plunder and absorb it. These delicious blood energy was not affected by it at all, which made it very difficult to understand.

It tilted its head to look at Building B, and a pair of red eyes like a whirlpool stared at him firmly. This is naturally instinct. It has no fear at all. Even if the opponent is strong, it will rush to fight. The reason why he stared at Building B was because he felt the blood source.


The monster showed its speed for the first time, and came to the front of Building B almost instantaneously, and swallowed it at him with a big mouth of the blood basin that Building B used before. I have to say that this guy's imitative power is too great. Strong.

But this time Lou Yi felt different. It seemed that it could not imitate the kiss of gluttony, which meant it could not copy Sha Kun's gift of talent.

Shakun deserves to be the ancestor of the Devil Tree known as the Sacred Tree. It seems that he still underestimated the ability of Gourmet Kiss. ​​Lou Yi glanced at his back, and slammed on the ground, towards the one who had fought in the first place. The film area washed away.

He wants to take the opponent away from this place, in case that the fight hit Wutu and the others, the black monsters follow all the way, the speed is incredible, but fortunately, the power of Lou Yi at this moment has reached an unprecedented height.

He shook his backhand with a palm, condensed into claws in mid-air, like a scarlet dragon's claw, fiercely tearing to the rear of a monster chasing after him, only hearing a puff, the scarlet dragon's claw easily pierced the black monster. body of.

However, it didn't seem to have suffered any harm. Instead, it took the opportunity to entangle the blood-colored dragon's claws, trying to **** the blood on it. However, the gluttonous kiss is a gift of extremely domineering talent. It has never been the only one to plunder other people's blood. In front of the class door hacking.

As if he had been greatly humiliated, the blood on the blood-colored dragon's claws condensed into a mask with beast facial patterns, with blood shining in the pupils, and glaring at the black monster.

However, the other party apparently didn't eat this set, and even rushed forward again, wrapping up the entire mask made of blood qi, and he could see its body squirming and sucking, trying to eat the blood qi mask.

Lou Yi's blood violently went away, and a huge blood color magic appeared. It had wings on its back, three pairs of huge blood pupils, and a huge mouth full of fangs, grinning all the way to the base of the ears. The ears and nostrils are on the forehead, and a pair of crooked blood-colored animal horns are raised back.

The huge limbs have sharp and sharp black nails and dark red scales all over the body. These scales are like dragon scales. A tail is longer than the body. It twitches quickly in the air, and you can vaguely see that the end of the tail seems to be hidden. He had a toe with a black hook that was as black as ink, which looked like the tail of a scorpion at first glance.

But if you look closely, you will find that it actually has a claw on its tail, but this claw has only three toes, and the toe in the center is especially large.

The blood-colored wings swayed the air, forming a **** wind that ravaged the world. The black monster looked at the huge dharma in the sky, and its body quickly expanded, and soon turned into a huge dharma almost exactly the same, but it was black. of.

Two behemoths, one black and one red, collided in the air, and then fell to the ground together. Building B was at the heart of Faxiang at the moment, and his consciousness seemed to disappear completely.

Roar! ! !

The gluttonous method is roaring upwards, and the surrounding coral beaches are turned into powder at an alarming speed under the vibration of sound waves. Even those huge dead bones like a mountain of bones are shaking violently at this moment.

The huge bones left on this epiphyseal beach quickly shattered and then turned into powder under the shroud of the reign of blood.

The black monster couldn't make a sound, but it also created a storm, but its storm was black. The pitch-black storm looked like a huge rotating black hole, spreading terrifying power.

The two were torn together crazy, and huge pits appeared on the beach, where the coral sand was completely destroyed, looking like masses of flattened dough.

Shocking rift valleys are intertwined indiscriminately, each of which is thousands of feet deep and hundreds of feet deep.

The gluttonous gesture flicked the tail, and a **** claw struck the opponent like lightning, and then focused the opponent's head with one blow, smashing its head.

However, this blow cannot kill the opponent. It is just like the rumors. It is an immortal existence. The broken head turned into a pitch black liquid, slowly returned to the body, and turned into a gluttonous one again. Skull.

Roar! ! !

The gluttonous method made a roar from a close distance, and the sound turned into a terrifying sound wave, which instantly impacted the opponent's head. At this moment, the black monster had not fully recovered, and this blow once again smashed its head.

The gluttonous Faxiang decided to act first, and then rushed to open his big mouth, bit on the opponent's body with one bite, and severely bit off the opponent's body containing a large amount of black liquid, and swallowed it into his abdomen.

It’s just that the unfavorable gluttonous kiss seems to have encountered an opponent, and the blood demon’s power can’t digest and absorb the opponent’s body. It seems that the level between the two is on the same However, this is Sha Kun's talent, its power is enough to kill the gods and demons, but it can't deal with a mere black slime, which is really incredible.

The black monster was also puzzled. Its ability is beyond doubt. The numerous bones on the epiphyseal beach are the masterpiece of its body, but why this food once swallowed into its stomach has become so different at this moment. He even wanted to swallow its body in turn.

As if feeling a new threat, the monster's body changed again. This time he no longer mimicked the gluttonous appearance, but reverted to a liquid appearance, but this time it was not black, but shining with stars. The appearance of the light.

A more terrifying breath was released from its body, and the body of the gluttonous body was stunned. After finally eating into the opponent's body, he was forced to spit it out again and flew back to the monster in front of it. And then slowly blended into it.

A face appeared on the monster's body, a humanized face, its breath locked in the gluttonous state, suddenly opened its mouth, and made the first sound from before to now, " ....."

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