Building B

Chapter 925: Star God Lyme

It even spoke. It just didn’t know what the meaning of the two words it vomited was, but the problem now is that Lou Yi can no longer control his own consciousness. He can only retain the last bit of reason as much as possible, The power of control was handed over to the gluttonous Faxiang.

After the monster made a sound, the whole body began to become different. The unimaginable huge energy made its body expand continuously, and its antennae were floating in the air, and they were shining with strange light.

From the side of the gluttonous method, it looks like a sunflower shining with the light of the stars. However, every antennae has a dangerous atmosphere at this moment. That human-shaped face has no nose and only two holes. Star mist is spraying outward at this moment.

The gluttonous Faxiang decided to preemptively, and rushed straight to the opponent, like a dark red lightning, appeared next to the opponent in a flash, and the blood basin opened wide, ready to swallow the opponent again with the old technique.

However, just at this moment, the monster's body was squirming extremely fast, knocking out dozens or even hundreds of tentacles at the same time, and the gluttonous body was instantly poked into a sieve, but this did not affect its attack.

The blood basin gnawed hard, biting several tentacles in his mouth, and at the same time his tail flung at the monster, preparing to kill it again, but at this moment, the light of a cluster of stars spread out, gluttonously caught off guard, the whole body Was knocked out.

It was an indescribable power. There was no sound, but it made an attack effect like sound waves when gluttonous screaming. I saw that the monster’s eye pupils were shining with strange light, and the tentacles were flying like hair. At this moment, it looked like, It looked like a head without a body.

The gluttonous Faxiang roared, and the body was attacked by unknown energy. It could be seen that its body was being hit continuously, and the blood qi on the body even appeared to be disintegrated.

However, it did not feel how the opponent attacked, which made it very annoyed. Its blood instantly turned into countless dark red tentacles, but these tentacles were different from the monster. It was more like a bunch of bloodthirsty and greedy leeches. There is a sucker on the tip of a tentacles, and sharp, barbed teeth grow in the sucker.

Two completely different tentacles clash in mid-air, but it is obvious that the gluttonous method is at a disadvantage, because it can't break through the opponent's weird attack at all, it can't beat its opponent, and the moves are useless no matter how powerful.

Some frustrated gluttonous elements roared crazily again, the sound wave shook the void, and even caused the appearance of space cracks, a huge dark red light beam, centered on itself at an astonishing speed, madly spreading outward.

All of the monster's tentacles were shining at the same time, and they actually performed similar attacks like the other party. Two completely different powers slammed together, and everything in the surrounding area was completely wiped out.

The huge bone mountain collapsed and was torn apart by the violent energy storm. The coral beach on the ground had already disappeared without a trace. A huge pit with a diameter far beyond imagination appeared directly below the two.

The dark red **** storm and the strange light of the stars ran around in this world. The sky between the two violently collided. Gourmet Faxiang stepped forward to attack again. The body was still blocked by the opponent, but it Taking the opportunity to roar, it seemed to shatter the opponent's defense.

It finally approached the opponent again as it wished, but was preemptively bound by the opponent. Its big mouth was tightly entangled with tentacles, and its limbs were also tied. The extremely dangerous tail was also taken care of by the opponent. .

The monster's body was constantly shaking, emitting the light of strange stars, and then the big mouth on the humanoid face became huge in an instant, and a terrifying suction force was born, like a huge black hole, The gluttonous food swallowed the whole belly.

Its almost transparent body suddenly expanded several times, and it was able to see the bound gluttonous food, struggling crazily in its body, and blood qi kept rushing from left to right in its body, without any intention to compromise.

At this time, the monster seemed to have changed its form again. It continued to shrink itself, forming a walnut-like shell on the outside of its body, shining with very gorgeous colors.

And although its body was shrinking, it did not reveal the huge gluttonous phenomena at all, that is to say, it also has its own internal world, and at this moment the gluttonous phenomena is restricted to its internal world.

Its entire body world was trying to digest the gluttonous phenomena, but found that they could not swallow even any ray of blood that it scattered, which made it a little at a loss.

And the gluttonous phenomena trapped in his body at this moment are still stimulating his own blood qi, and Lou Yi's body is completely aroused at this moment, but this is definitely not a good thing for Lou Yi.

Once his potential is exhausted, it means that even if he can survive, he must be a useless person.

However, he was powerless to stop all of this, and he was already determined to die. As long as he could kill the opponent, he wouldn't even be afraid of death, not to mention just losing his cultivation.

Only deep in his heart, he was laughing bitterly at himself. There was a time when he yearned for freedom and longevity, but his destiny was always so cruel that he continued to suffer in suffering. He clearly didn't want to participate in it, but he was always inexplicable. Get involved.

It was as if there was an invisible big hand manipulating him in secret, it really made him helpless and helpless...

However, this time it was his own choice, just for the sake of the world. Will his sacrifice really make sense?

Someone would really remember him as such a nameless pawn, and even died in such a burial place where almost no one came in, guarding this broken world with the billion dead souls.

The blood energy of the gluttonous state began to spread out, and it was invading the world in an orderly manner, because after all, it was still the body of the monster, even if it became a world of its own, it was just a little bigger for the gluttonous state.

The scales resembling dragon scales on its body were all erected at this moment. They were like sharp blades, swinging with the body of the gluttonous figure, cutting the tentacles that wrapped its body.

At the same time, the blood energy that had been spread before was also condensed into hundreds of **** monsters. With the body, they tore these tentacles fiercely. The monster found that the other party was in its internal world, but it still didn't mean to live in peace. , Could not help but give birth to more tentacles, to completely seal it in the body.

However, it seemed to be a little late in its action. In the end, the gluttonous method successfully broke its mouth free, and at the moment it broke free, it opened its big mouth and let out an angry roar.

The sound waves shook the surrounding liquid, forming terrifying ripples that continued to spread to the surroundings. The tentacles that had just formed in the internal space were annihilated in the sound waves before they had time to act.

The gluttonous Faxiang bit on the tentacles wrapped around the limbs, biting and tearing the big mouth, and the tentacles wrapped around it were torn off. It waved its sharp claws and instantly tore the remaining tentacles to pieces.

After that was the moment when he made a frenzy. Although it was the internal world, there was always a limit to withstand, and it didn't believe that this monster really had no limit and could never be tired.

The blood was madly released, and the monster's body was dyed red from the color of the stars, but the monster couldn't help each other at all. At this moment, it suddenly remembered the creatures that it had mixed on the beach before. It thought Improve your strength by devouring them.

However, just as it was doing this, for some reason, the entire Xuanyu Beach suddenly appeared a black light, and a huge dragon-shaped light and shadow appeared on the entire Xuanyu Beach.

The difference from the previous white world is that the beach at this moment is completely black. Above the dome above, a gap suddenly cracked, and a terrifying claw came out from the crack, unexpectedly faster than lightning. Yes, a claw grabbed the monster in the claw.

This giant claw in the sky is as black as ink, and the scales on it are shining with the light of noble obsidian, and a voice blasts in the sky like thunder, "Huh, there is still a back hand. Since it is exposed, don't think about it. Escaped!"

The dragon's claws were squeezed, and the monster was firmly held in the palm of his hand, and the gluttonous image that was deep in the monster's body was also severely injured at this moment. The blood was squeezed out instantly, and the monster seemed to understand itself The calamity is inevitable, and at the moment when the gluttonous magic phase burst, he condensed his essence into a drop of dazzling liquid and got into Lou Yi's mouth.

However, the clothes made at this moment were seamless and did not arouse the suspicion of the master of the giant claw. It wrapped Lou B with its own strength and sent it out of its own body world.

After that, the huge dragon claw dragged it into the crack, and a terrifying dark blue pupil emerged from the crack, looking at the broken world. When it saw Wutu lying on the ground, There was a very dissatisfied hum.

This grunt was like the thunder that shook the earth, shaking the entire void, and then the space crack disappeared, and the horror hidden behind it also disappeared.

After everything calmed down, in the coral sand deep underground, a cloud of starlight liquid slowly floated up, enclosing Lou Yi's body. It was extremely weak at the moment, because it did not have enough time to escape. This can only be done in times of crisis.

It doesn’t want to be locked in the cage of never-day sun. It was originally the star king of the void world, from another universe at a different latitude. Because of the cracks in the connection between the universes, it was accidentally pulled into this place. .

However, because of this nine deaths, as the existence of a **** in another universe, it is far from being comparable to creatures in this universe, and their genetic levels are too far apart.

However, because of the gaps in the universe, its power was less than one billionth of the time of the victory, but it unexpectedly fell into such a primitive universe.

And it is not malicious to the life here. It originally only hoped to use the life body here to Unexpectedly, it caused a huge panic. The creatures here began to attack it, but it was automatically All defenses are erased.

But it also caused the intervention of the powerful existence of this universe. If it was in its heyday, it would not be afraid of this existence. However, it was too weak at this time, and it was finally defeated and dragged into a blinding place. In the cage.

It tried its best to condense a drop of its own essence, lurking in this world for an unknown amount of time, but did not expect this world to be sealed, and finally waited for a living thing to enter here, but it did not expect to be discovered by that powerful existence. Up.

Now its strength is weaker, and it is even weaker to protect itself, but it is full of curiosity about the life form it is attached to, because this is the first life form that it cannot digest and swallow in this universe.

It’s just that this living body is about to die now. After making a decision, Lyme injected the last trace of essence that he had condensed into the body of the creature. It decomposed itself, and since then it will no longer be The immortal existence...

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