Building B

Chapter 926: Chaos

Lou Yi's body was already exhausted, and it could even be said to have been completely scrapped. The power of the Gorefiend squandered all the potential in his body, and he was attacked by the terrifying giant claws. It was not fragmented. Relying on Lyme's protection.

But now this creature that does not belong to this world has brought him something that has disappeared in this world for a long time, [Chaos Vitality].

Just like Lime, this is a primitive universe, filled with endless killings. The universe Jun was born is an extremely wild and **** world, like an egg, before it hatches a chicken Before, it had been surrounded by maggots.

Jun condensed all the energy of this universe to be born in this universe, but like him were born moths who have existed for an unknown number of years.

Jun did not hesitate to absorb the energy of this universe, change the sky and the earth, restart the entire universe, and open up the universe by himself, becoming the cornerstone of this universe. However, the pure matter when it was born is the source of chaos, but it has also been integrated into the limbs of Pangu. Among the corpses.

After that, one Qi transforms three Qings, Hongmeng transforms Tao, Tianyan's seven innate saints, opened up the nine heavens, a total of thirty-three heavens, where immortals, gods, humans, spirits, spirits, demons, ghosts, and monsters live together.

However, beyond the 33rd Heaven, there are three thousand big worlds and hundreds of millions of small worlds transformed by the Hongmeng Universe, and countless Sumi mustard seeds.

And the Kunwu Realm where Lou Yi is located is actually the most insignificant dust in the world Jun opened up.

However, the star **** Lyme is not a creature in this universe. It comes from another universe, from a higher-level universe, but because of the rift in the universe, it has come to this world. It itself is transformed by the pure matter of the universe. Tong Jun is The same creature.

It is an interstellar traveler whose purpose is to explore the mystery of the origin of the universe, but is ultimately imprisoned in this insignificant world. Even if it has an immortal body, it still cannot resist the rules of this universe.

Because it does not belong here, this is not its world, and the owner of this world, for the creatures of this universe, is willing to turn himself into the source of the continuation of this universe. This is a fearless spirit of sacrifice.

However, it is precisely because of this that Lyme cannot communicate with it. Because of the constraints of the rules of the universe, it cannot leave this place. At this moment, it integrates itself into the body of Building B, which is equivalent to giving up its own rules of the universe. In the universe...

But for Lou Yi, what it did was tantamount to elevating himself to an unprecedented level of life, but the world was too small, and his own life level was too weak.

Lime also understands this, so it still needs to wait. It bet its own future on this weak but peculiar creature, because it has waited too long, and it has to give up hope...

With the help of Lime, Lou Yi’s body began to recover continuously. At the same time, Lime was also studying his body. It found the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind, and found the wood element, but he did not find gold, thunder, Light and dark.

The current creatures in this universe are not complete, perhaps because Jun consumed too much pure matter in this universe when he opened up the universe, so that the creatures born later cannot inherit his power.

At this moment, the essence of Lyme's transformation releases the power of chaos. It shines with all kinds of light like stars, but it seems to cover all the light under a layer of star veil. Mysterious and scary.

At this moment, this power is lodged in Lou Yi's body. It lives above the sea of ​​consciousness, disguised as a sky full of stars, sprinkling a little bit of light to reflect the sea of ​​consciousness below.

This kind of peripheral light is widening his sea of ​​consciousness little by little, raising his spiritual level, and at the same time subtly changing his body until he is able to withstand this drop of chaotic power.

But at this moment in the space of the knife mark, for some reason, a huge vision occurred. The sky seemed to have cracked a huge crack, and countless substances shining with the light of stars were injected into this world, the earth There was a loud rumbling noise, and the wind howled towards the sky.

Stormy waves are set off by the ocean, volcanoes are erupting in the roar, forests, trees, and grasses are constantly growing in this world. The originally barren world is beginning to be full of vitality.

At the same time, the seedlings of Songshen, the unknown purple peach trees, the twigs of the Shenyan phoenix tree, the seedlings of the ancient Yunsang tree, etc., in the Garden of Breathing Soil, the alien roots that grow here have all been promoted.

Lou Yi’s wood path was instantly improved. At this moment, outside of his body, an aquamarine mask spread out, dotted with cyan flowers like stars. Each CCTV is different and has extremely strong characteristics. The confusing nature.

This is the blue and white secret pattern of the Hemei Iron Tree, and now it has become more mysterious. Faint stars began to appear on the edge of the blue and white, and patterns began to appear on the blue and white. These patterns are very mysterious, both true and illusory, so People can't really see it.

They slowly changed their appearance with the rotation of the blue and white. Lime seemed to have noticed this too. It injected a trace of his own power into it, making it more powerful and beautiful.

From a distance, it looks like countless faint stars, rotating around Lou B's body, and its defense power has been greatly improved. Originally, Hemei Iron Tree was best at defense, but now its defense power is even more improved.

In addition, Lou Yi integrated the power of his own dream into the blue and white, it can confuse the enemy while rotating, it is a great skill for his life.

At the same time, the twigs of the Shenyan Indus, also because of the aura of the chaos origin, began to grow. From the short section before, it has now grown to two or three feet.

The surrounding volcanoes erupted wildly. With the aura of the origin of the chaos, its existence also caused the fire veins in this place to begin to change. The pulse has undergone a qualitative change.

In this volcanic land, there were originally only Tianhuojinglian and Shenyan phoenix trees, but now with the change of fire veins, some unknown red plants have begun to be bred, and they are bathed in the light of fire veins. Not only is it not afraid, but it seems quite cozy.

On the other side, the cold lake where the empty valley and orchids were rooted has now been transformed into a huge lake. Half of the lake water is shining with golden Buddha light, and there is a golden lotus growing in it, which is a Buddhist water purification and golden relic. The magic of good fortune.

On this pure water golden lotus, countless teeny inscriptions slowly revolve around the golden lotus, like a scroll of Buddhist scriptures written in the air. They are very magical, but it is a pity that Lou Yi is connected with the Buddha at this time. Getting attached to the Buddha is not as good as the Buddha's talk about understanding that all beings are suffering.

The other half of the lake was braved with a biting cold air, and there was a clear distinction between the two. A young empty valley orchid was rooted here, it was the clone of the empty valley orchid of Hao Xuezong, but at this moment the breath it exudes, It has gone beyond its body.

The Qi of the Primal Spirit of Chaos not only sublimated the Golden Lotus of Purifying Water, but also sublimated the Orchid of the Empty Valley at the other end. At this moment, the stamens around its stamens were conceived with misty aura, which was extremely cold but gave birth to the fairy Light.

If you want to take some time, the cold air on Lou Yi's body will be like it, from ordinary profound ice cold air to fairy cold cold air.

The purple unnamed peach tree seems to have grown a little more, and it has grown a few special peach leaves. Originally, it had only a bare and slightly curved trunk, but now there are a few more purple peach leaves shining with strange patterns. This vein seems to contain a certain Taoist rhyme, but now it is still very immature.

But in terms of the biggest change, I am afraid that the Komatsu God is still the heir of the heaven and earth spirit roots and trees, and it has a unique advantage, so the Chaos Yuanling Qi is a great supplement to it.

At this time, it has grown into a towering tree with thousands of feet, and the pine needles all over its body are shining with emerald light. Its growth influence is the most direct, it is the Vientiane Senluo of Building B, but all this has to wait until the other party wakes up. Know its changes.

However, there is one thing that Lou B hasn’t thought of so far. It is the blessing power of the ancient Yunsang tree. It had a mulberry leaf imprint on its heart, and as it grew, at this moment he This kind of mark appeared in the internal organs.

Lime also discovered this situation, but its judgment is that this should be a protective force. It does not know what the specific function is, but it is certain that it is because of the relationship between these imprints. , Lou B's own function has been greatly improved.

It seems that the movement of both essence and energy has been improved. As for the gods, it seems that they have not been effective, perhaps because Lou Yi is still in a coma.

As time went by, the light on Lou Yi's body slowly converged back into his body. He looked very relaxed, his body stretched freely, and there was a slight snoring sound in his nose, falling into a deep sleep.

I don’t know how long it has passed. He heard someone calling him, even shaking his body But he didn’t want to just get up like this. It seemed that lying down like this would make him forget all his sorrows. Worries and spirits seem to have been sublimated.

Then just when he felt extremely comfortable, a voice came into his ears roughly, accompanied by a violent shaking.

"Hey? Look, he's not dead yet, he's not dead! Get up, get up soon! I'm hungry..." That voice blew in Lou Yi's ears like a muffled thunder.

Everything that was originally beautiful disappeared in this sound. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the densely packed figures around him, a big face full of resentment looking at him, it was the hungry and hungry Baitu Zhongkang. .

Apart from him, it is Zili. At this time, there are tears in her eyes, which is far from the previous image of sassy and heroic. She pushes the tiger away, regardless of the difference between men and women, lying on Lou Yi. 'S crying.

Tears instantly wet Lou Yi's chest. Others seemed to feel that the scene was a little embarrassing. They turned around to look aside. Lou Yi reached out his hand, stopped in mid-air and hesitated for a while before placing it on her head. Rourou rubbed her head and whispered, "Don't cry, I'm fine."

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