Building Superheroes at Marvel

One hundred and thirty first team action

Afghanistan, in a chaotic firefight zone.

A group of five covered in black uniforms came here by night.

And these people, the team of superpowers led by Natasha, came to practice this time.

After some thinking, she decided to use this terrorist camp with more than a hundred people as a practice.

This opponent was also considered by Natasha. She had to let the four of them get used to the feeling of killing, otherwise it would be troublesome if they vomited out.

The most important thing is that the terrorists in this small camp do not have powerful weapons, at best they have a few rockets.

The harm to ability users is quite small, and it can even be solved without using abilities at all.

"Let me explore the road first."

Coming to the battlefield for the first time, Heb, the most flexible spatial ability user among the four, raised his hand first and said.

After getting permission, he jumped directly into the space and began to move towards the camp.

Two minutes later, Herb's figure appeared in front of everyone.

"There were a total of 132 people inside, and no weapons that could harm us were found."

He told the other three of the information he had just discovered, and only the four of them relied on each other in this battle.

As the team leader, Natasha will not make a move. Her mission is to save people in a critical moment.

"Then let me be the vanguard."

Ronton took off his uniform and backpack, revealing his incomparably muscular body, charging into battle was his specialty.

Since the price of floral shirts is low and can be used casually, he usually carries a dozen of them with him at all times.

"The moonlight is so beautiful tonight."

Lilian looked up at the moon hanging in the sky and said, the one behind her spread her bat wings and flew up slowly.

Her ability will require a lot of blood. In the past, all the artificial plasma was used in the company, and the amount was not enough to be squandered.

But now this is a battlefield, and the enemy is still a terrorist with many evils, so there is no psychological burden at all to kill.

"I'll do my best to support you."

Taking off the hood, Daisy took out her long ice-blue hair, which would involuntarily float up when using the ability.

In order to prevent the clothes from being tangled, it is safest to take them out and put them outside.

Looking at the three people who were gearing up, Herb suddenly felt that he seemed a bit out of place. He still liked to play assassination rather than face to face.

Anyway, if he just flashed over and stabbed his body a few times, it has nothing to do with him whether he is dead or alive.

"Then let's go."

Starting from Longton, it crashed into the camp like a heavy tank, tearing up three tents in an instant.

The people inside flew upside down and hit the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood before passing out, no less than being hit by a car at an intersection.

"A group of bastards, come and beat me!"

Ronton lifted an off-road vehicle beside him, and threw it flying with one hand.

The flames of the explosion instantly engulfed a group of people, and the violent sound also alarmed the entire camp.

Those terrorists who had reacted began to take up their guns to fight back, and the sound of AK bullets was particularly intense.

"Blood, bring us blessings."

Above her head, Lilian, who was gliding at low altitude, had a ball of blood floating out of her hand, which was extracted from the blood bag she carried with her.

After a wave of fluctuations, the ball of blood turned into a delicate barbed chain that she held in her hand.

Aim at a terrorist who just ran out of the tent below, and throw it directly.

Puff! !

The sharp edges pierced into the chest, and Lilian used one hand to lift him into the air, and carried him to the jungle behind.

She wanted to interrogate if this guy knew any news about the Ten Rings Gang, after all, this was the big boss of their operation.

In the camp, Herb's body followed everywhere, and every time he appeared, he could accurately cut the throat of a terrorist.

He is very proficient in using the characteristics of space ability. After assassinating a person, he often dies before the others can react.

If anyone had killed the most enemies in this battle, it would definitely be Heb.

Daisy also used her ability to freeze these people into ice sculptures, and the place was filled with air-conditioning for a while.

"Why do I feel like I underestimated them?"

Natasha, who had been watching the battle from behind the scenes, always felt like she was thinking about something wrong. It didn't look like she was killing someone for the first time.

It's more like four war madmen, torturing poor terrorists here.

These more than 100 terrorists are decreasing in number visible to the naked eye, and their leaders are still calling for support.

But with Natasha guarding the outside, how could any information be conveyed and directly intercepted.


In the virgin jungle of North America.

Carter flew at an altitude of 10,000 meters, staring at the actions of his team below through super vision.

He used a different method from Natasha, hiding himself in the dark so that he could better observe the four of them.

"I said, can't we do something interesting with our jungles? I heard the neighbors went to fight in Afghanistan."

After walking for almost an hour, Kian said with some dissatisfaction that he must be among the best in terms of ability strength, but the difficulty of activation is indeed a bit high.

This place is full of all kinds of bugs, and the other three have a way to block them out, so they themselves have to be bitten here.

"Our task is to live in the depths of the jungle for a week. The difficulty is not too high, as long as we pay attention to those large beasts."

Patrick's upper body came out of the shadow and said that he could walk through the shadow at will, and he acted as a scout.

However, they are still far away from the depths of the jungle, unlike Carter who can fly directly there.

"Follow me closely, something is wrong around here."

At this time, Apas, who had been walking in the forefront, straightened his nose and said that he smelled a special smell.

After walking a certain distance, Apache also discovered the source of the smell. A grizzly bear was standing by the river drinking water leisurely.

"Let's not provoke this guy, let's leave first."

After thinking for a while, Apache said that their mission was to go deep into the primeval jungle here, not to fight with bears.

This grizzly bear is about three meters long and weighs 250-350 kilograms according to visual estimates. It is undoubtedly a big guy.

"I agree, let's go then."

The other three also expressed their thoughts, and then immediately retreated into the distance.

After marching for half a day, night gradually fell.

Several people chose to camp by a small river, where the site was spacious and the terrain was flat.

It's just a bit dangerous, but in front of such a group of superpowers, this danger is not too important.

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