Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 132 Invitation

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A new day has arrived, and Kyle came to the company through time travel and started the daily task of watering the flowers.

Through this period of cultivation, the flower seeds have now grown seedlings, and they are still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye every day.

"Boss, this is the work log sent by Ms. Natasha and Mr. Carter, please have a look."

It wasn't until Kyle finished watering all the ten potted plants that they were red that they began to report on the two of them.

Due to the time difference of nearly ten hours, it was already very late when I received this log.

"Oh? It's a bit fast."

Kyle turned on the projection and looked at it. Natasha concluded that the ability user under her hand performed very well in the first battle and was not afraid.

As for Carter, it was a little dull. After all, it was a survival project in the wild, and it would definitely not be as intense as the Afghan battlefield.

"Boss, here is another invitation from Tony Stark. I want you to take a look at his newly developed armor."

The Red Queen projected an email again, which was also sent to him late last night by Tony, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

It probably means that Tony has been mad for a long time, upgraded the steel armor, and researched items that can be used to replace palladium by the way, and invited him to visit.

"In that case, I'll take a look."

Kyle stretched out his hand and randomly took out a wooden statue of a tiger, which was brought back from Kama Taj. There are many different ones in Gu Yi's temple.

It seems that a certain disciple carved it out in his spare time, and after being discovered by Gu Yi, he asked for a few and placed them in the room as decorations.

To be a guest of the Stark Group, he also has to do some etiquette work, such as not coming to the door empty-handed.

Stark Group, Tony's office.

Kyle's figure appeared outside the door, and he reached out and knocked lightly on the door.

"come in."

Hearing the answer from inside the house, he opened the door and walked in.

At first glance, it is a dilapidated office meeting, which does not look as gorgeous as it used to be. It is more appropriate to say that it is an animal nest.

The floor was covered with scorched black scratches, and the jewel headlight above his head fell directly, and glass shards were scattered all over the floor.

"Is your house... bombed by Syria?"

Looking at the scene in the house, Kyle rubbed his eyes.

After spending several days researching and developing new elements and improving armor, Tony's current physical condition is not good.

His face was livid, with serious dark circles under his eyes, and his lips were covered with dry and chapped marks, as if he had escaped from a disaster.

"I've been really busy recently, help me put this in the glove box, and I'll show you the finished product later."

Tony's chest is no longer the circular reactor, replaced by a triangular core.

Seeing this thing, Kyle knew that Tony had developed a new element, but the whip and lock hadn't appeared yet.

"This is... Captain America's shield model?"

When he saw the thing Tony needed to help carry, Kyle always felt that it was so familiar, and he remembered it only after seeing the familiar five-pointed star.

Tony's father, Howard Stark, is the builder of the US team's shield, and it is not too much to have an ordinary metal model in his hand.

"That's right, but it's already a waste product. If you want it, I can give it to you."

Since Tony used it to reflect the laser, the shield model was basically close to being scrapped. It is a miracle that it was not directly melted by the high temperature.

But doing so also left sequelae, the smooth inner wall was scorched black and became mottled, and all the joints of the arms were broken.

"Forget it, I'll leave it to you."

If it's the real Captain America's shield, then Kyle would be interesting, but it's of no use to him.

After working for a few minutes, I finally found a place where two people could sit in the ruins.

"Tell me, what's the point of coming to me? Recently, you can give me so much profit. The plan must be not small."

After taking a sip of the drink beside him,

Kyle asked.

Recently, the Stark Group has paid a great price in aerospace, and transferred the production line of optical working instruments to Water Company.

It was so big and cheap for nothing, Kyle knew that Tony probably needed help with something, and it might not be small.

Otherwise, with his arrogant and conceited character, it is absolutely impossible to do so.

"There is indeed something, but you have to come and go to the workshop with me first."

Tony nodded and said that his intelligence is very high, and he has almost understood the blueprint of the nanorobot that Kyle gave last time.

Recently he has begun his first experiments on the armor, these little robots are usually intended to be hidden in the reactor on the chest.

Following Tony into the workshop, there was nothing but a gold-red and a silver-white battle armor in the center.

"Jarvis, assemble the armor."

Tony shouted to his butler, then stood on the armor assembly platform, and the surrounding mechanical arms began to assemble the steel armor on his body.

At the same time, Kyle found two wing decorations appeared on Tony's back, and he didn't know what they were for.

"There are many technologies from you on this armor, and these two are the most powerful."

The wings on the back of the battle armor unfolded, and something like fluid flowed down the arm, finally forming a 30 cm long wide blade.

This is Tony's use of nanobots, which can be used to form weapons and repair armor damage anytime, anywhere.

Not only that, he also shrunk the particle diffuser and installed it on the armor. The power was indeed greatly reduced, but it was convenient enough.

"As expected of Tony Stark, someone else might not even be able to understand the blueprint."

Kyle raised his hands and applauded and said that Tony had embarked on the path of nano armor so many years in advance, and he couldn't believe that he didn't give settlement points this time.

It's been two months since I've drawn a lottery, and the lineage from the guarantee is already screaming wildly.

"As for my request... let's have a fight, Kyle Water!"

Tony's voice was full of determination, he knew he would not be this guy's opponent, but he still wanted to see where his limit was.

Leaving aside the unsolvable movement of time and space, the ability to create things out of thin air and control matter is abnormal enough.

"Are you sure? After this battle, you may get an unexpected blow."

After listening to Tony's conditions, Kyle thought for a while, even if he was his avatar, this guy couldn't win.

After all, these are all custom-made, and they have been polished to perfection in all aspects.

"Since I can say it, it means I'm ready."

Tony put on the mask directly, the ark reactor on his chest lit up, and he had entered the full output maximum power mode.

Seeing that Tony was so determined, Kyle did not refuse, and he also planned to show some real strength to deal with it.

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