Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 177: Battle against Superman

Boom! ! !

There was a deafening sound, and Pietro's body fell tens of meters away, but fortunately he was not injured.

"Wang Defake!"

After seeing the unparalleled destructive power of this punch, Pietro was very confused.

He had just dodged that punch, and instead of hitting him, it hit the ground.

But what followed was that from the point where the fist landed, the entire ground was covered with dense cracks, which extended for more than ten meters before stopping.

"Not bad, your ability is about speed!"

After the punch failed, Carter was not discouraged, but became more excited.

Because he was afraid of hurting Pietro, he suppressed his own strength to launch attacks, and even the whole thing was useless.

"That's right, my ability is to move at high speed."

In this regard, Pietro did not deny, but voluntarily admitted.

Anyway, this guy is also his captain, and future training has to follow his arrangements.

"Hahahahaha! Natasha, I finally found something that can restrain you this time!"

After hearing Pietro's words, Carter laughed happily.

In every team match, his team was always overwhelmed by Natasha's team. The fundamental reason was that the opponent had a space system ability user.

However, there is no one in Carter's team who can specifically target Herb, which leads to him flying a kite every time.

But this time, the situation ushered in a reversal!

With Pietro around, it is completely possible to kill him in seconds before the opponent has used his abilities.

"Okay, let's go to the second round, I'm going to get serious."

After being happy, Carter also became serious.

In the test site, Pietro is tested without pressure, which cannot be regarded as his ultimate strength.

But this time is different, Carter wants to see where the speed limit of this guy is, so he has to show some strength.

"What a tough challenge!"

Pietro once again assumed the starting position,

Then he started to run around at a constant speed.

Now that he knows that he can keep up with him, it is useless to use speed to crush him, so he can only choose other methods.

As the old saying goes, speed is power, and Pietro intends to deliver a powerful punch through the increased speed he gains while running.

In his opinion, no matter how strong a person is, there will be a critical point in his body, where he cannot be as hard as steel.

As long as he's fast enough, the added power is sure to beat Carter.

"Interesting, attack me in this way? Maybe Tony Stark will fall under this trick, but it's not enough for me."

Carter thought of what he was going to do with just one glance, and I have to say it was a very smart choice.

Even Tony, who is wearing a steel armor, may not be able to withstand this accelerated blow.

However, Carter's body is countless times harder than steel, so this idea is doomed to fail.

"Captain, be careful!"

Pietro yelled, and then directly punched Carter with all his strength, which he could not control himself.

Since Carter wants to see his most powerful strength, Pietro will show him as a warrior!

In the next moment, there was no loud noise, only the sound of bones breaking.

Carter stood still like this, chest out.

In front of him, Pietro was already half-kneeling on the ground, the bones of his arm were shattered, directly piercing through the flesh and skin.

The severe pain almost made him faint, but for the sake of face, he still had to grit his teeth and hold on.

"Don't worry, when you return to the company, go to Ryan and ask for a dose of medicine, and this injury will recover soon."

This kind of injury is a piece of cake for Ryan, who has thoroughly researched the bio-enhanced serum.

In the future, it only needs to undergo a corrective operation, and then inject a recovery potion, and it will be cured in basically three days.

"Just now your fastest speed has reached 1450 kilometers, which has already broken through the speed in the station."

Now, Carter also knows the specific data.

After Pietro accelerated to this level just now, he couldn't go up no matter what. This is the current end point.

"Captain, are you an individual? My punch didn't even break your defense!"

Pietro, who was helped up, was very speechless, and he still thought of staging a counter-killing scene by himself.

As a result, when the punch came up, Carter himself was fine, but his own arm became like this directly.

"Of course I'm human, but my body's defenses are already strong enough to withstand intercontinental missiles. If a kid like you breaks them open, then I'm still a fool."

In this regard, Carter can't help being a little speechless.

This child's arm is injured like this, and he still wants to break through his own defenses, how much resentment must be there.

After using the watch to send a message to Kyle, a portal opened again in front of him.

"Wow! Captain, you don't need to be so cruel, Pietro is injured too badly."

After returning to the company, the first thing that ushered in was a burst of condemnation.

After all, Pietro was regarded as the junior of the eight of them, and he was beaten like this by Carter.

"You can't blame me, Kian, send Pietro to Ryan for treatment first, and the others should do what they want."

In this regard, Carter also explained a bit, after all, it was Pietro who took the initiative to attack himself.


Water Corporation, top floor office.

"how do you feel?"

Kyle asked Carter who was sitting on the chair, and Natasha also cast her gaze.

She also wanted to know Carter's evaluation of Pietro, that little guy's abilities are quite good, and his growth potential is also very high.

"It's a very strong ability. It can reach this speed on the first day of awakening, and the future achievements will be very high."

"And his body is also a bit strange. Even if it is strengthened, the arm will still explode into pieces under this kind of impact, and he is only injured in bones."

This is what confuses Carter the most.

Unless part of Pietro's ability is related to his body, he cannot achieve this level.

"It's simple. I'll ask Ryan to give him a full-body examination later, and everything will be answered."

Natasha sat on the sofa and trimmed her nails, and said casually.

Now the company's various facilities are complete. Now go for an inspection, and the result will be able to come out at night.

"Well, I will sort out the training plan after I get the detailed report, and then submit it to you."

Now that the matter is resolved, Carter does not intend to stay here any longer.

Arkham needs his guard very much, and those with riot abilities are very dangerous.

With those people alone, he was able to survive for two hours, which is considered to be a mistake. The power level is not at the same level.

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