Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 178: Avengers Gathering

Time, three o'clock in the afternoon.

In a Turkish barbecue restaurant near the Stark Tower, many people with great backgrounds gathered.

There are those who can turn into an angry green fat man at any time, there are old antiques who have been frozen for seventy years and come back to life, and there are also big entrepreneurs who are invincibly rich.

"Captain, how is your injury?"

Tony raised his glass, and he recognized Steve's sharing in the Battle of New York.

With his own body and will, this man attracted a wave of energy comparable to a planetary explosion and poured it into himself, directly destroying the entire crisis over New York.

"It's pretty good. It looks like it will be fully recovered in a few days."

Steve raised his arm, squeezed the strong muscles and said, the guards of S.H.I.E.L.D. are pretty good.

It was Button, whose movements were very uncoordinated at the beginning, and he always hit the spoon directly to his throat.

According to his words, he was used to a hole in one...

"Come on, let's continue drinking! If you don't get drunk today, you won't return."

Sol stepped on the table with one foot, raised a wine glass that was almost as big as his face, and frantically wiped out the beer in it.

Opposite him, Dr. Banner was drank with a painful face, and his heart was completely scolded.

If I knew that I would not come to this so-called fraternity, I might as well stay in the laboratory and continue the experiment.

And... where did this blond man come from!

"Hahaha, it's hard for me to deal with you when you turn green, but now that you're back in human form, it's still easy to catch!"

Seeing the extremely painful Banner, Saul was about to burst into laughter at this moment.

That big green guy is really hard to deal with, maybe he will overturn himself in the end.

But Dr. Banner in human form is just like a little sheep waiting to be slaughtered, harmless and docile.

"Director, you don't have to work at this time. We shouldn't eat and drink well and walk all the way... Bah."

In the middle of speaking, Coulson felt that he had made a mistake.

But Nick Fury has a notebook in his left hand,

The right hand has a holographic projection, which is a bit too dedicated.

Melinda was sitting alone at another table, cutting and chewing the roast with a knife in her hand.

"What do you know, there are still three areas that have not been completed in terms of post-disaster reconstruction, and the Hydra guys have made another small move. In order to avoid a repeat of the last tragedy, this time I will do it myself."

For the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D. became Snake and Shield, Nick Fury blamed himself quite a bit, after all, it was his mistake.

Let the enemy grow stronger under his nose, and in the end he was emptied of being the chief of the bureau. When he saw the red dots in his eyes, his heart was half cold.

"Okay, work is work, but can you stop dragging me together, I'm here for dinner this time, it shouldn't be part of working hours."

Coulson said with a look of grief and indignation, after receiving Stark's invitation, he was still happy for a while, thinking that this guy had changed for the better.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at this barbecue restaurant, he saw Nick Fury who was already working, and then he was forced to work together.

"Shouldn't we find a place to be the headquarters? It's also a problem to have no fixed place."

At this time, Hawkeye Button, who had been sitting alone, said that every eagle should have a nest, let alone such a large organization.

When this topic was brought up, everyone present was a little moved. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a secret service organization, and it is impossible for them to live forever.

At the same time, both Banner and Steve turned their attention to Tony who was eating barbecue. After all, this guy is the richest person.

"Hey, who made Uncle Tony so good? If that's the case, then leave the task of establishing the base to me."

With so many eyes on him, it was impossible for Tony to play dead.

For this so-called Avengers, he didn't like it very much at first.

But after experiencing the Battle of New York, he also understood that the teamwork that Steve said, the power that can be exerted is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

drop! ! drop! !

At this time, there was a sound of horns outside the store.

"Hey, there are so many people gathered here, I don't know why you called me, an outsider, to hold a celebration party."

Kyle opened the store door and walked in. He was a little surprised to see all the people present, even Steve, who was seriously injured in the last battle, came.

But depending on the situation, this guy's body recovered quickly, and he looked like a normal person at first glance, with no injuries or anything.

"Ahem, I asked Stark to invite you this time. There are some things that are inconvenient to say in S.H.I.E.L.D."

Nick Fury, who was sitting in the back, got up and said something.

In the newly formed S.H.I.E.L.D., people from the FBI and CIA have been added this time, and these cannot be regarded as his subordinates.

In order to avoid things like Hydra from happening again, this was also the decision made by those high-level leaders.

If these people saw Nick Fury and Kyle together, there might be some trouble.

"The barbecue is good, but it's a little old. Let's talk about it after we have something to eat."

After listening to Nick Fury's words, Kyle also had a general idea in his heart.

However, he hadn't eaten for a day, but he was very interested in the barbecue here, so he took a knife, fork and plate to eat.

Seeing this, Tony also joined the ranks of robbing the meat. There were too many people, but the food was a little less.


After drinking for three rounds, everyone also fell into the state of sages.

"Tell me, what's the matter."

Sitting in a chair, Kyle asked his own questions.

Recently, his attention has been focused on crystal research and the cultivation of blood orchids. After a year of cultivation, this thing is about to mature.

"It's like this. Regarding the performance of your people in the New York battle last time, the high-level side gave an order."

"It probably means that we should try our best to track down the mecha unit that appeared last time, adopt the tactics of losing it if we can't get it, and eradicate it completely if we can't use it for our own use."

"As for your superpowers, some impulsive factions think you should be put under house arrest, and then take this technology into their own hands."

Nick Fury turned the laptop in his hand and showed Kyle the proposal on it.

However, this proposal was finally rejected under the interference of the forces supported by Kyle.

" mean these so-called impulsive factions will come to trouble me?"

In this regard, Kyle is a little interested. If these people dare to provoke him, he doesn't mind using this opportunity to pull them down.

The military has always been a channel that he can't get in. Even if there are government forces intervening, those people still insist on it.

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