Business Empire: There are more than 100 million black technologies

Chapter 845 Luna Rocket, The Romance Of The Chinese People

In an instant everyone started working hard.

These elites who had just finished the college entrance examination began to study again.

And depending on their status, they will pass more exams than they did in the college entrance examination.

floating school

An hour passed quickly.

When the time was up, everyone was notified.

Some people just take a look at it, ignore it, and get back to exercising again.

"I have to make use of all my time. Now that I have the Life Evolution Liquid and the special training uniform, I have improved so quickly and I feel a full sense of accomplishment!"

"Since I don't have any family coming with me, I won't go back to the ground and will just exercise here."

Some people hesitated for a moment and flew to the exit.

Their parents are still up there, so they can't just ignore them.

Of course they can't spend a day with their parents.

They will advise their parents to go home as soon as possible.

The school was proceeding step by step, and Liu Sen turned his attention to the rocket launch base again.

"Mr. Liu, all our preparations have been completed and we are now waiting for the launch."

Li Tianqi and Liu Sen stood in front of a transparent floor-to-ceiling glass, looking through the glass at the giant rocket standing in the launch silo.

Li Tianqi said with excitement in his eyes.

The giant rocket in front of me is thicker than the original Titan Rocket.

Groups of engineers in work clothes were constantly checking all indicators of the rocket.

Constantly reporting to the command center.

Everyone in the command center is experienced. Although they have not been in this industry for a long time, they have handled a lot of rockets.

In just a year or so, they actually launched nearly a hundred rockets of various sizes.

Each of them is experienced in many battles, and they are already familiar with their respective tasks during normal launches.

But this time when facing the rocket that was about to be launched, everyone was very cautious.

The main reason is that this time's rocket is different, and its destination is completely different from the previous ones.

"Well, this launch is very important. It is related to the acquisition of all our data and the advancement of all subsequent work! The students of Universe First College will be able to put it into use in one month. Their professional counterparts all need it. Rockets as pathfinders!”

Liu Sen looked at everything in front of him and said with some emotion.

"Yes, this time is different! So we are all under great pressure, so we are extra cautious about the "Luna Rocket"!"

Li Tianqi felt a little emotional, this was a step out of the earth.

Their Luna rocket this time will fly directly to the moon, then land to complete the lunar environment collection and extravehicular operations.

Finally, the lunar module returns.

Such a feat has not happened for decades.

As astronauts, when they choose this profession from the beginning, their goal is actually the stars and the sea.

They have always had this dream after watching the legend of the moon landing in the Lighthouse Country.

"Haha, don't be nervous! I believe you, you can definitely complete it!"

Liu Sen patted Li Tianqi on the shoulder and asked him to relax.

He had just looked at the attribute column of the Luna Rocket through the golden finger, and all aspects of its performance were normal.

"And just to avoid making you nervous, I didn't even start the live broadcast this time!"

Liu Sen comforted him again.

Since the establishment of Yidian Aerospace, every rocket event they have has been broadcast live.

But this time due to special circumstances, there was no live broadcast.

"Mr. Liu, you are just too arrogant! The difficulty index of landing on the moon has increased the cost. If this is still live broadcast, it will be bad if something goes wrong! After all, Yidian Group still has the reputation of the first academy in the universe. It’s still at the top. It would be bad if I pulled it down from the sky at once.”

Li Tianqi is now considered a high-level scholar, and the country also has a lot of protection for him.

He also knows that many of the country's recent actions still require their cooperation.

It would be bad if it held the country back at a critical moment.

Of course, he also knew that even if they didn't broadcast the entire launch process live, as soon as their rocket was launched, many people around the world would still know about it immediately.

They are being watched here all the time.

Even because of their unusual behavior of not broadcasting live, more people will dig deeper into the reason.

"Report! The lunar landing module is normal, completed!"

Start excelling in any area.

He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie, "Attention all departments, there are only 10 minutes left, we are doing the final round of inspections!"

"Very good, now just wait for the last moment and prepare to ignite and launch!"

Li Tianqi waved his hand, and the display lists immediately appeared on the floor-to-ceiling window glass where he went.

The next moment, countless people responded.

The landing on the moon will become a romance for the Chinese people!


"It has been confirmed that no one is stranded within the detector range!"

Liu Sen did not disturb Li Tianqi, and the two stood quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the giant rocket in front of them.

"Report! The engine set of Group B has been tested and everything is normal. It's over!"

They want to completely defeat the arrogant hearts of Western countries such as the Lighthouse Country on this key aspect, and let them know that we have caught up with them and surpassed them.

As reports were made one by one, the list of counties and cities on the glass in front of them also lit up with a green background.

Liu Sen looked at the launch silo in front of him, and the ladders and aerial corridors all shrunk closer to the surrounding walls.


At this moment, everyone seemed to feel that time was moving very slowly.

"Report! The engine set of Group A has been tested and everything is normal. It's over!"

"Report! Everything in the fuel tank is normal, over!"

There were only some faint sounds of machines running.

After about 10 seconds, a message came from the intercom.

"Confirm again whether everyone has evacuated!"

The clock is ticking.

"Report! The rocket shell is normal, completed!"

Li Tianqi looked at the display form in front of him, picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Attention everyone, everything is normal. All staff should exit the rocket silo now!"

At this moment, Li Tianqi's watch began to vibrate.

He knew that there were only 10 minutes left before the rocket was launched.

The staff member at a console not far away immediately glanced at the screen and reported immediately.

Finally, after 3 minutes, the entire list in front of me turned green.

Liu Sen and Li Tianqi both looked at the remaining time, and there were still 3 minutes.

Everyone is waiting for the historic moment.

There was only the sound of everyone's heartbeats beating extremely fast. "Bang bang! Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, the entire rocket launch command center was very quiet, and no one spoke.


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