Everyone else looked nervously at the screen in front of them and the Luna rocket in the launch silo.

Liu Sen closed his eyes.

He was thinking about all the plans in his mind and whether the time points could be connected perfectly.

After thinking about it for a while and confirming that there was nothing wrong, I opened my eyes.

At this time, the countdown to call the center has reached the last 30 seconds.

Li Tianqi picked up the walkie-talkie and brought it close to his mouth.

"The countdown begins, all personnel are ready, 10, 9, 8,... 1, ignite!"

Following Li Tianqi's order, the rocket in the launch silo instantly sprayed out a large amount of flames.

The Luna rocket broke away from its support one second later and flew towards the sky.

At this moment, everyone began to continuously check the various data displayed on the instruments in front of them.

"Report, the rocket's flight attitude is normal and the engine is operating normally!"

"Communication is normal!"

"The force field engine has been started. Reduce the power of the rocket engine. The rocket flight speed is normal!"

Information was gathered one by one to Liu Sen and Li Tianqi.

"Always pay attention to the information and report any abnormalities immediately!"

And just a few minutes after the rocket was launched, countries around the world immediately received the message.

"What's going on? Why is there no live broadcast of the billion point space launch rocket? This is not like their style!"

"Is there something special about this rocket? Check it out immediately. I want to know the situation immediately!"

Lighthouse country's space agency.

Eskan saw the information monitored by the satellite and immediately discovered the problem.

The staff on the side immediately mobilized the satellite to view the relevant picture information, and at the same time compared the information on the picture with previous ones.

A few seconds later, looking at the results in front of them, the staff members' expressions changed drastically.

"Head, the rocket launched by Yidian Space this time is different from previous rocket data! This is a brand new rocket!"


After hearing the report from his subordinates, Eskan's expression immediately changed.

He immediately walked over to his subordinates and looked at the screen on the computer.

He only took a glance and knew that the rocket data this time was much larger than the original Titan rocket.

The Titan rocket of Yidian Aerospace is their nightmare. They have been studying relevant data recently, so he is too familiar with the original Titan rocket.

So after just one look, I knew it was not the same rocket at all.

Suddenly he seemed to think of something.

"You should pay full attention to this rocket here!"

Then he immediately ran back to his office.

I immediately started searching for information on the computer, and the mouse wheel kept sliding.



The web page kept scrolling, and finally he stopped at one place.

"No, really not!"

He checked again. There was no record of today's date.

"Yidian Aerospace and the others are breaking international rules. They did not apply for this space launch!"

Eskann was surprised at first, then surprised.

"I want to see how they will deal with it this time. Hasn't China always claimed to abide by the rules? Now that they have become stronger, they have begun to disobey the rules? I want to expose this matter and let the whole world see the threat of China. !”

Thinking of this, Eskar was very excited.

Yidian Aerospace has been a worry for him for a long time. It is really great that he can finally defeat the other party this time.

He picked up the phone on the table and immediately called the president in the white room.

"Your Excellency, Yidian Aerospace just launched a rocket from the launch silo. Their rocket this time is different from the previous ones, and they did not apply for registration for this launch. We can definitely use this to make a fuss and publicize the Chinese threat theory. !”

When Eskan spoke, his eyebrows were beaming and his arms moved from time to time.

"No filing? Is this a failure to comply with international rules?"

The old man on the other side suddenly lit up after hearing Eskan's report.

It's really cool to finally find something okay and unruly to do.

too difficult!

It’s really difficult!

It’s not easy to find China’s copper leaks.

The main reason is that Huaxia Tai abides by the rules.

Such a powerful country will abide by international rules seriously. Even some small countries like sesame and mung beans will abide by each other's laws and regulations.

Such an approach is simply unbelievable in the eyes of their lighthouse country.

"Well, you should always pay attention and collect more evidence! I will contact the members of the think tank here to discuss how to use it!"

After saying that, the old man hung up the phone.

He said he was contacting the think tank, but in fact he had already thought of a way.

He hoped that through this matter, the Chinese government could spend more money and give them more Life Evolution Liquid. It would be best if he could obtain the formula of Life Evolution Liquid.

Just after Liu Sen's live broadcast ended, they had arranged for several of his younger brothers to go to China.

These younger brothers will be the vanguard, and they have some Chinese attitudes.

Later he would lead a team to visit China to communicate about the Life Evolution Liquid.

So the more chips he has in his hands now, the better.

He knew his condition, that he was old, and that he wanted to live longer.

The older you get, the more you fear death.

He has not enjoyed enough of his life.

And the people behind the scenes of those consortiums are also quite old.

There are a lot of elderly people in the political arena of their lighthouse country, and their desires are all the same.

Hope it lasts longer.

They also thought of war and plunder.

However, through the simulation and deduction of the think tank, they expected to find that as time goes by, their winning rate against China has become very small.

More than a year ago, there was still a 60% chance of winning, but even if it was a victory, it would be a miserable victory.

And by the beginning of this year, they had found that they had dropped to 40%. Using nuclear bombs can also lead to death together.

But now, the results they deduced really make them a little overwhelmed.

Their winning rate is infinitely close to 0. Even if they use nuclear bombs, there will be no change.

These senior officials did not leak any information about all this deduction to the outside world.

This is also the reason why they are so weak when facing China and Yidian Group.

It's not that they don't want to be tough, it's that they really can't be tough.

All of this is still based on the weapons and equipment revealed by the other party, as well as its technological strength.

He thought for a while and then called the Chinese government on the other side of the ocean.

He needs to communicate first and sell a favor to the other party first, so that in the future, China may give him more quota of life evolution fluid because of this.

After the phone rang a few times, it was answered.

The old man spoke first without waiting for the other party to speak.

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