But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1206: Divorce (4)

"I'm up to you for things here."

Aunt Hao nodded and quickly brewed black coffee. After thinking about it, she really added some milk to him. Knocked on the door and entered the study room, and found that Qin Zhiyou was smoking a cigarette, and the room was full of smoke. Aunt Hao put the coffee on the table, Qin Zhiyou took a sip without lifting her head, and found that milk had been added: "This is?"

"Madam Shao just said, stop drinking black coffee. You will add some milk in the future, which is not good for your stomach." Aunt Hao glanced at the cigarette on his finger: "Madam Shao also said that even if the work pressure is heavy, don't smoke. "

Qin Zhiyou was taken aback for a moment, "What else did she say?"

"The young lady also said, let me cook more porridge in the future, saying that your irregular meals have ruined your stomach. She also asked me to stare at you in the future, and don’t drink strong tea to hangover after drinking. She said that she might be busy recently, Go to another place, let you take care of your body."

Qin Zhiyou caught the cigarette with his fingers and listened for a long time, and finally said lightly: "Go back and rest first."

After Aunt Hao quit, he took a sip of coffee first. Black coffee added with milk, compared to the rich and mellow bitterness, it is a bit more silky and sweet. He took a sip, another sip, and finally put the cigarette out in the ashtray.

He knew that Lu Weixi wasn't unforgettable with his old love, it was just a couple together. Just like the glorious flashback before death, the final ending is still annihilated.

They are really over.


The western district of Yancheng is the most populous district among the several districts of Yancheng. The Civil Affairs Bureau of the West District naturally undertakes the most weddings and funerals.

In this age, there are more divorces than marriages. There are long queues for divorce, and although there are lines for married people, there are obviously fewer people.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Weixi arrived on time. She also knew to cover it up, wearing a hat and a mask. Fortunately, the flu has been rampant recently, and there are not a few citizens who travel with masks. Qin Zhiyou also arrived at the same time, without a mask, but wearing a casual outfit.

After thinking about it carefully, when the two men were married, they went their separate ways. They met at the Civil Affairs Bureau. At that time, Qin Zhiyou also wore casual clothes.

The only difference is that when they got married, the two of them were on a sunny day and there was no cloud. Today, the sky is a bit gray. The weather forecast says there may be heavy rain tonight.

"Married divorced? Divorced go there to get the number, then pay a fee and fill in the form."

The two nodded, quickly took the account number, and received the watch. When paying the bill, because Lu Weixi did not bring cash, and the Civil Affairs Bureau could not make mobile payments, it was a bit embarrassing to be here.

The staff also persuaded: "Or just leave, it seems that the sky won't let you divorce, so why bother."

Qin Zhiyou glanced back at Lu Weixi, she hesitated: "Is there a bank near here? Or an ATM? It's mainly because he and I are very busy. I'll make an appointment next time and I don't know when it will be."

Thinking of divorce, no conditions can stop it. Qin Zhiyou slowed down, took out his wallet from his pocket, and drew a hundred yuan: "Is this enough? It's for the two of us."

The staff received the money, and Lu Weixi was also embarrassed: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, count me as asking you."

When the staff saw this, they laughed: "I think your relationship is pretty good. It's normal to have contradictions in your life, why bother?"

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