But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1207: Divorce (5)

Why bother? If there was no Zhao Zihuan, or Zhongtian Steel, or the eyes of the Qin family, Qin Zhiyou would not be so proactive, nor so magnanimous, so let her leave.

But now he left very simply, he did not promise her 100% safety now, he didn't want to take this risk.

"Emotional discord."

Soon the formalities were completed here, one for two people, one for each certificate. However, the marriage certificate from the beginning has been replaced by the current divorce certificate.

According to the China Marriage Law, he no longer legally owns everything about her, and the two of them are no longer a family.

Lu Weixi was the same. She was holding the divorce certificate in her hand, and she did not expect that the marriage would be broken so quickly, so simply, so simply that she had regained her freedom and would never contact Qin Zhiyou again.

"Congratulations, you are free." Her heart was still a little sour, but she would be happier and safer in the future, and he was also very comforted. Qin Zhiyou proactively stretched out his hand to shake hands with her.

"Thank you, so are you." Lu Weixi hesitated for a moment, and stretched out his hand, and the two of them held their fingers.

"What do you plan to do after the divorce?" Qin Zhiyou was reluctant to let go and deliberately changed the subject.

"Work, take my mom out, study, do research, I still have several years of arrangements." According to the plan, she is indeed very busy, and she will definitely be too busy to think about divorce, "How about you?"

"Work." Qin Zhiyou answered very simply.

"Don't plan to marry again?" Maybe it was a divorce, and she said these things more easily. It's just that there is a little soreness in the light.

"Yes, there is a suitable person who will remarry naturally." Qin Zhiyou also pretended to say this easily.

"Oh." Lu Weixi nodded, reluctant and sad, just hide it in his heart.

As he was talking, the sky seemed to be thundered, and Qin Zhiyou suddenly said: "You didn't drive today, I will send you back to Xishan Villa."

As soon as Lu Weixi was about to refuse, Qin Zhiyou added: "As if it was something he did as a friend after the divorce."

His words were so obvious that Lu Weixi couldn't refuse, so he followed him into the car. Along the way, Lu Weixi rubbed the divorce certificate unconsciously and looked out the window. I'm afraid that if I look back, I will be reluctant to bear him. From the corner of his eye, Qin Zhiyou saw that she had been rubbing the divorce certificate, thinking that she very cherished the certificate, feeling a little frustrated in his heart, but quickly relieved.

I arrived home soon, obviously it was four o'clock in the afternoon, but the sky was dark and it looked like dark night. Qin Zhiyou sent her to the gate of the yard, and it rained heavily. Lu Weixi quickly got off the car, "You go back first. Drive carefully."

Qin Zhiyou let out an "um" and watched her run back from the yard to the hall. At such a distance, she was already wet.

He drove the car from the gate of the courtyard to the gate of the mountain. As soon as he drove here, the car turned off.

Qin Zhiyou wanted to start it again, but he couldn't start it anyway.


Lu Weixi had just returned to the house. She was getting wet on her body and head. She was about to change clothes when she suddenly discovered that her divorce certificate was still in Qin Zhiyou's car.

They are already divorced. She is no longer Mrs. Qin, and even living here is a "welfare" from Qin Zhiyou.

Although she was resolute and decisive at the time of the divorce, in the future, she really wanted to leave him and leave the place where she had lived for five years, and her heart couldn't help it. She froze for a while, until the clothes on her body were wet and cold, then she took off to take a bath.

But just after taking off, the door opened suddenly, and the person who came in was Qin Zhiyou.

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