But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1208: See you after dawn (1)

Qin Zhiyou's body and head were covered with rainwater, soaking wet, it was as if he was taking a bath with his clothes outside, and there was water all over his body.

Lu Weixi was dumbfounded. It was not the first time that she changed clothes in front of Qin Zhiyou. Five years of marriage had made her accustomed to facing him directly, and the thinking in her brain did not expect that they were now in a divorced state, **** while undressing. Asked: "Why are you back? Why are you soaked all over."

Qin Zhiyou stood by the door, his eyes fixed on her, as if he had been acupointed. It took a long time to answer in a dumb voice: "The car broke down and it's at the gate of the mountain. I'll come back first."

Lu Weixi nodded, hearing the sound of his approaching footsteps step by step, suddenly felt something was wrong. She quickly picked up the clothes next to her to cover it, and then hurried to the bathroom: "You go and change your clothes to avoid catching a cold."

The bathroom door was just closed by her, and then suddenly opened again. Qin Zhiyou was soaked, standing by the bathroom door, watching her.

She is so familiar with his eyes, this is the way a man looks at a woman. But the problem is not right, they are already divorced, and the divorce certificate is still fresh and warm.

"Qin Zhiyou, I'm going to take a bath." Lu Weixi's voice was half admonishing, half pleading, but obviously, there was no effect at all.

Qin Zhiyou was still standing by the door, holding the door with one hand. This gesture seemed to prevent her from escaping. Without saying a word, his eyes kept looking at her for an instant.

"Qin Zhiyou, we are already divorced." Lu Weixi only had the wet clothes in his hands, trying to cover himself, but how could the clothes cover all of them, and he couldn't stand it up after he looked at the top. In desperation, she could only resort to divorce.

However, Qin Zhiyou didn't mean to leave at all: "If you are divorced, can you not have a relationship?"

When he said this sentence, Lu Weixi was stunned for a moment. It seems... there is nothing wrong with it. But after a daze, Qin Zhiyou stepped forward and hugged her.

She took off all her clothes because she was going to take a bath, which saved him. Qin Zhiyou was caught in the rain and her body was cold. She shivered: "I'm cold."

Qin Zhiyou didn't mean to let her go, turned his head and opened the shower.

But this is not right. They were separated because of various things when they got married, and they just got the divorce certificate, but why did they get together?

But she didn't even have the mind to pay attention to these at this time, Qin Zhiyou, her body and heart are all Qin Zhiyou.

Outside the window, the wind and rain are noisy. The weather forecast says this is the biggest cold wave in the near future, and the temperature will drop by more than 15 degrees in one day. Lu Weixi didn't feel any temperature drop. He just felt that the wind and rain patted the window lattice, and the loud sound seemed to be a drum, and the window was about to be broken with a swagger.

She also felt that she was just this window, and Qin Zhiyou almost shook her away. It was obvious that she was very cold in the rain at first, but then, she seemed to be feverish all over her body, especially the heart, the heat was about to explode.

At first she wanted to refuse, but later, maybe because she didn't eat much lunch today and didn't have the strength to resist. Maybe it was because she was trapped in this small space and couldn't escape. Maybe it was because the person in front of him was Qin Zhiyou, even if she knew that this guy was bad-hearted, unfaithful, selfish and indifferent, she still refused.

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