But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1243: Obstetrics and Gynecology (4)

Lu Weixi shook his head and returned the fish to her: "Mom, you can eat it, I will lose weight."

"What kind of fat you lose? You have become thinner into a bamboo pole. Eat something nutritious." Mother Lu said and gave her fish eyes. "Remember that when you were young, you liked fish eyes the most. Even if you go to a barbecue stall to grill fish, Eat your eyes. And the cheeks of the fish are the tenderest. Your own craftsmanship is good. Come and taste."

Lu Weixi was so kind, and could only eat one bite. Unexpectedly, when the fish was just stuffed into her mouth, it felt like a sudden turn of the river. Uncomfortable, she immediately put down the bowl, and rushed to the bathroom at the same speed as a 100-meter sprint.

When she emptied everything in her stomach, she got up and flushed the toilet, rinsed her mouth again, and was about to come back for dinner, but when she came out, she smelled the smell of fish and she vomited into darkness.

Mother Lu couldn’t help but come over when she heard the movement. As soon as she came over, she saw Lu Weixi retching holding the toilet. Her stomach had been emptied. It is estimated that she was vomiting out the meal overnight. She was still suffering from nausea. .

She stood at the door looking at her daughter, and suddenly thought of something: "You... don't you have a child?"

This reaction was exactly the same as when she was going to have children, especially for aquatic products, which was abhorrent.

Lu Weixi had already vomited at this time, flushed the toilet, and rinsed his mouth again, "Impossible. You forgot, I had an official holiday last month."

It's just a bit short.

"What's more, Qin Zhiyou and I have long been...impossible."

They were relatively close in the few days before their divorce, but they didn't take any measures except for the first day when they were excited. Later, she took medicine. In the next few days, Qin Zhiyou carried a small umbrella throughout the whole journey, and never let it go. And she remembered that basically every time she checked them together, it was not broken.

Unless unless, one percent chance is that the medicine has failed. But how could it be such a coincidence, and she also came last month, it doesn't make sense?

Who knew Lu’s mother was even more afraid: “Then you don’t have stomach cancer or something? Or there’s something wrong with the intestines... after all, cancer is inherited.”

"Mom, don't scare yourself. I will go for a check-up tomorrow. I will go early in the morning. Is this the head office?" Lu Weixi hurriedly comforted, "Besides, I am so young, even if I have inheritance, it is unlikely to be in the middle or late stage. It’s very easy to treat. You don’t have to worry about it."

Mother Lu nodded worriedly: "That's true. Then you go early tomorrow."

Lu Weixi nodded, and the two went out of the bathroom.

Naturally, she didn't have to eat the rice. She casually placed two small biscuits. As soon as the fish smelled in her stomach, the fish would be overwhelmed. After tidying up, she insisted on finishing her work before taking a break.

At home alone, she looks at the phone. After the divorce, she no longer contacted Qin Zhiyou. The friend has been deleted, she can only go to Qin Zhiyou's meager account, but there are frequent updates, which is always taken care of by the general help. Looking at the last few articles, he has already returned to Yancheng. Although I looked a little thinner, I was still very energetic.

Lu Weixi glanced at him for a second, and finally closed the meager, and then what happened, they were divorced a long time ago.

In the morning, she really listened to her mother's words and got up early in the morning. Did not dare to eat, first go to the affiliated hospital for a physical examination. After completing a round of projects, I went to the internal medicine department. After the doctor pressed her, he frowned, "You should go for a blood test."

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