But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1244: Obstetrics and Gynecology (5)

Lu Weixi was stunned: "I have already done the blood test." At the beginning, he had to do a blood test, measuring blood sugar, blood lipids, blood pressure and so on. There are also some indicators of the liver, and blood is also needed.

"This blood test is different from that." The internal medicine doctor said, listening to her lower abdomen with a stethoscope for a while, and then scribbling through a list, "Go."

Lu Weixi saw that the above request was for obstetrics and gynecology. She suddenly panicked, remembering that she was always nauseous, vomiting, and afraid of fishy smells. Her voice trembled: "Doctor, are you saying that I might be...pregnant? Right?"

The doctor looked calm: "Otherwise? The fetal heart is all there. It's not a pregnancy. What is it?"

"This, it's impossible!" Lu Weixi was indeed a little confused, not to mention that when she was with Qin Zhiyou before, whether she was taking medicine or taking measures, and she had a period last month?

"Doctor, I had a period last month."

The doctor asked again: "Are your periods normal? Do you have a lot of bleeding? How many days have you been here?"

Lu Weixi thought for a while: "Not much, I usually stay for six days, but only one or two days at that time."

The doctor calmly said: "That's not it, it's not your menstrual period, it is threatened abortion. Your child is almost three months old, and the fetal heart rate is very obvious. Since there is threatened abortion, you should go for a blood test. Check it and do a B-ultrasound. So that the child won't be able to keep it."

Lu Weixi was so confused, he took the doctor's list and went to the obstetrics and gynecology department for an examination. In fact, there is not much need to do inspections, it is just a comfort. Calculating the time, this child probably had it in the last few days. Maybe they did some measures, but it broke halfway, or the medicine they took had passed the expiration date.

Lu Weixi took the doctor's order and took a blood test. He quickly took the blood and waited aside.

It will take another hour to wait for the results to come out. Lu Weixi is sitting in the hospital holding the number plate. This is the obstetrics and gynecology department, so many pregnant women come and go. Many husbands came with their wives, just like the pair next to her. The wives seemed to be older in the month, with their belly bulging, and they kept holding on to their waist. Her husband also held her hand and asked her to walk carefully to the empty seat beside her and sit down.

The husband said, “It’s been eight months, and it’s not long before birth. When the due date is about to come, we will send it over as soon as possible. Moreover, we have also set up a confinement center for painless delivery, so that you will not suffer. , The child can feed well."

The wife is still a little uneasy: "But painless birth and confinement center cost a lot of money."

"It doesn't matter, just be healthy. You can earn money in the future, and your confinement will make your life easier in the future."

Lu Weixi also glanced at them. The couple didn’t wear special clothes. They shouldn’t be rich. The Confinement Center is a fashionable project in Yancheng. If you live in it, it costs 50,000 yuan for less than a month. A sum of money for his wife's confinement, she felt a little envious in her heart.

Before leaving, the wife's shoelaces were opened. She wanted to bend over to tie her shoelaces, but it was a little difficult. The husband bent down and tied her shoelaces. I don't know why, when Lu Weixi saw this scene, he suddenly remembered the last time Qin Zhiyou helped her to lower her head and apply the medicine.

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