But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1455: Waves rise (6)

No, not only the entire Hanhai, but also the confidence of the entire Huaxia Kingdom overseas! There were a lot of trade frictions between the two countries. If this happens at this time, even if there are not many financial frauds, after the stock price plummets, it will lose confidence in the corporate image of the entire China. This is fatal!

If Hanhai collapses, uncles and aunts will still have subsidiaries, and subordinates—it happens to be the group that was cleared out by Qin Zhiyou this time. They felt that Qin Zhiyou would definitely take the blame and resign after such a big incident, and they would come back to take over Hanhai. Even if Hanhai collapsed, the amount of money they had raided before would be enough for them to start anew with their subsidiaries. But no matter what it is, Qin Zhiyou can't shirk the blame, he will die the worst!

Recently, Qin Zhiyou had ordered the other side of the ocean to let them pay attention to the situation, but he did not expect the situation to explode so quickly. There is still an hour and a half before New York City opens, an hour and a half, he must deal with it as soon as possible!

You know, he has exhausted all the resources for the construction of the demonstration zone, and he has no extra money to turn around with the funds he finally got from Zhongtian Iron and Steel.

From the current point of view, the uncle and aunt are determined to make the financial fraud public, and the decline over there is absolutely beyond doubt. After the decline, trading must be suspended as soon as possible. However, when the news spreads to the country, he needs to pay most attention to how to maintain the normal operation of the project, how to maintain consumer confidence and bank credit, and not to cause panic runs and sell-offs when the market reopens.

He had to guard his uncle and aunt to see if they had any tricks. There is also Zhongtian Steel.

Only then did he feel at risk, especially Zhongtian. He knew early in the morning that Mr. Du was Zhao Zihua's uncle, and the two of them were close, absolutely unkind. Now that I think about it, Zhongtian’s cooperation may be a kind of temptation to test the bottom line of Hanhai, fortunately to bite the most deadly blow at this moment!

The only advantage is that, fortunately, Hanhai takes the real economy, performance stocks, not concept stocks. The so-called concept stocks use a topic, a company-packaged advertising effect, to attract investors to buy stock investment. For example, cultural companies, tea drinking water and so on. Hanhai is a construction company, and it has entities. Although it has no remaining money, it has no high debt. But what the company needs most is that the bank loan cannot be broken, and the capital chain cannot be broken. As for the stocks... he can only manage not to fall too tragically, and keep the capital chain and projects running normally. As long as the project continues to start and the capital flow continues, Hanhai will still have the opportunity to continue.

Qin Zhiyou looked at the report under his hand, and said, "I have to let my grandfather know about this. He is the largest shareholder of the company. Even if it disturbs his elderly, he must be notified."

Secretary Wang nodded and immediately went down to announce.

After experiencing the initial anger, Qin Zhiyou gradually calmed down and began to order: "Call the people over there and ask them to watch after the market opens. Once the price drops to the suspension standard, stop trading immediately. Don't hesitate. The finance department, immediately prepare the real data, not a single trace of it can be omitted, and the ins and outs are clearly explained. People in the public relations department are also ready at any time. Such a big event will be reported by domestic and foreign media."

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