But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1456: Waves rise (7)

"People in the public relations department are also ready at any time. Such a big matter will be reported by domestic or foreign media. There is no need to conceal the truth, but it is absolutely necessary to avoid large-scale rumors and reduce the heat. The focus of public relations is domestic, Mainly in the confidence of the bank. As for the above... if you want to punish you, you have to punish, you have to recognize the responsibility that should be recognized, there is nothing to say."

It is not uncommon for listed companies to falsify financial affairs. The only bad thing is that they are listed abroad during trade frictions, which may cause retaliation from foreign economies. Fortunately, the scale of this fraud is not large. After all, it is only the profit of the subsidiary, and it only accounts for 5 to 8% of the annual financial report of Hanhai. If the proportion is too large, Qin Zhiyou has been in position for five years, and it is unlikely that he will not be able to see it.

It's no wonder that in the past, when he was going to make reforms for verification, his uncle and aunt always obstructed him in every possible way. Now he understands, these two people are here waiting for him!

Qin Zhiyou still had some requirements to respond to a little bit, and everyone in the room also accepted them one by one. After issuing the orders, they went on to implement them one by one. Fortunately, the teams selected by Qin Zhiyou's hands were strictly inspected after being brought by him for more than five years. Although the incident happened suddenly, it was still well-trained and soon performed their duties.

When he had done all the measures, he looked up and found that there was still a square in the corner.

When the room was silent, Fang Rushuang was also embarrassed.

She has come out of the Bai family and formally signed a contract with Han Hai, which is regarded as a direct line of Qin Zhiyou. But Qin Zhiyou hadn't appointed her any job before this happened. In her current situation, although she was a team dug by Qin Zhiyou, she hadn't done anything for a day under his hands after all, and her identity was a bit embarrassing. She couldn't interrupt her side when such a big incident had happened, so she had to stand too.

When Qin Zhiyou looked at her, Fang Rushuang was also looking at him. Qin Zhiyou exhaled, and at this time he had no energy to say anything to her. But Fang Rushuang was embarrassed: "Mr. Qin, I will retreat first."

As soon as she said that she was leaving, Qin Zhiyou stopped her: "Wait a minute."

He knew that Fang Rushuang had dealt with stock market issues when he was under Bai Changyou, but they were in South Australia at the time and they were doing Australian things. But one more person has one more opinion, and it would be nice if she could give some advice.

"What do you think of this matter?"

"Ask me?" Fang Rushuang was a little surprised, she hesitated: "Aren't you afraid that I just came out of the Bai family?"

"There is no doubt about the use of people. Since I dug you from the Bai family, I will treat you as my own. Besides, even if you say something inappropriate, I don't need it." The measures he just ordered , Are very normal routine operations, not afraid of Fang Rushuang leaking out. And when things are up to this point, it doesn't matter whether they are leaked or not. How to keep things down and continue to run is the top priority.

Fang Rushuang was a little moved when Qin Zhilobbie reached this sentence. To be honest, she came out of the Bai family. On the one hand, Qin Zhiyou threw an olive branch to her. After all, Han Hai had a better future than the Bai family. Second, she is in the Bai family, no matter how hard she works, she is not named Bai, nor is she from Bai Changyou's family, Bai Changyou will never be able to reuse her.

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