"Luo Ying, I have to trouble you to go to class during this time. My work here is a little troublesome."

Luo Yin patted his "twin brother", while Luo Ying hesitated.

"Everyone does what he can do well, and the war will be won. Help me take classes in school and get my GPA up, it's none of your business."

Luo Ying also wanted to ask about the relationship between GPA and the war, but Luo Yin had already left the workshop humming a little tune.


"Boss, is it really necessary to spend so much money?" Olivia looked at the long list with several pages in her hand and began to lose her hair for this quarter's expenses.

"It's like a mountain. If we want to complete the plan at this stage, we can't do it alone."

When he saw the miracle that happened to the shadow warrior Samaria, Luo Yin's mind became alive. But if you want to realize the infinite potential of Samaria, he can't do it alone as an alchemist. Everyone has their own limitations.

In the group of snakes' communication, Susie did not speak. Her specialty is cutting things, and the future development goal is to cut faster and more accurately. She's just a ruthless tool for the current plan.

Luo Yin, Susie, and Olivia are divided into three groups. They plan to tap the talents of various industries in the list through different strategies. Use different routines for different people.

Olivia's strategy is to seduce, bah, throw money; Susie relies on her own sword; and Luo Yin also has his advantages.

Chicago, Washington Park neighborhood. Cliff bought two boxes of fast-food steaks at the convenience store, walked across the dimly lit street, and returned to the somewhat damp rental house.

28 years old, living alone, social animals, the only company is a husky named Hardy. Put the frozen steak in the microwave for two and a half minutes, and add a cup of coloring to the orange juice. Pour good dog food for Hardy.

Behind Hardy, there is a person sitting. He wears an iron mask and looks like a vague shadow.

"You bastard, don't touch my dog!"

The guy was getting harder, and Hardy seemed happy. He shouldn't be greedy for renting a house in this dilapidated neighborhood. The guy in front of him not only trespassed in residential buildings, but also had no moral guilt at all.

Pop, pop. The small pistol that Cliff used for self-defense was instantly dismantled by the Iron Mask and placed on the glass coffee table.

"Your father, owe us money."

"But, that's not why I found you."

The Man in the Iron Mask stepped out of the shadows, and as his footsteps approached, his aura rose like a sea tide. The gaslight-like golden pupils suppressed Cliff, and he didn't dare to move at all.

"Cliff Francesca, you've lived up to your talent. When you were at NYU, you specialised in artificial intelligence. You were supposed to go to Princeton or MIT, but you've been sentenced for... helping transport marijuana already?

After dropping out, you sold your algorithm to an adult dating site for $80,000. Heck, how short of money are you?

You use this money to pay off your household debt. After that, he left Chicago and worked as a game planner in a game company that played porn. I just can't go on anymore, Cliff, you're synonymous with tragedy. "

The already bald young man's cheeks twitched, but he couldn't summon the courage to beat the mysterious masked man in front of him.

"I don't care about your old shit. I'm just sending out an invitation to get you back to your old business. A completely confidential development plan, 20 times your current salary, and you can't quit once you've opted in.

Cliff, I sincerely hope that tomorrow you can use the keyboard to beat up the boss who doesn't respect the game and just wants to make money, and end your tragic life.

Please reply as soon as possible after making a decision. I'm going to the next stop. "

Luo Yin rubbed Erha's dog's head again and jumped out of the window. Cliff didn't say a word, only saw the black metal business card left on the coffee table.

It may not be appropriate to call it a business card. There is only a silver mask logo on the front of the black card, which is very majestic. The shape is a bit strange, kind of like a heart?

The back of the black card is empty, but it has fine lines to the touch. Looking at it from an angle of about 45 degrees, a string of phone numbers vaguely emerged. When Cliff was still hesitating, the edge of the black card began to drop metal powder.

Metallic business cards seem to burn silently, mask logos morph into rust-like things that dissipate in the breeze. It was like an invitation to a mysterious world, and now that invitation is about to disappear.

He didn't have a pen and paper, his phone wasn't in his pocket, and he subconsciously repeated the number over and over in his mind.

The next day, the mask logo and the number popped up in Cliff's brain from time to time, how could he remember it so clearly. Could it be that the yearning for a new life in his heart is so strong?

Cliff didn't know, he couldn't forget the number at all. He made the call.

"Hello, Cliff. I'm Samaria."


Tokyo, the air-raid shelter reconstruction base.

In the spacious conference room, one or two people woke up from time to time and found that their hands and feet were tightly bound to the seats.

The indoor air is fresh, the temperature and humidity are suitable, and the speaker plays a soft female voice in a loop, reminding them not to get excited and wait patiently.

After Cliff made a call, he followed the prompts to a building for an interview, but suddenly lost consciousness in the elevator. When he woke up again, he was already in such an inexplicable place.

There were about 60 people in the conference room, and he didn't know any of them. Most were as flustered as he was, and some were especially angry.

Among these people are disgruntled geniuses, cybercriminals, academics disgraced for various reasons, and explorers obsessed with the hybrid world. Their common feature is that they can disappear for long periods of time without being noticed, and have two brushes in their own area of ​​expertise.

Starting in October, Luo Yin used Samaritan's information networks in Tokyo and two North American states, used more than 20 days of extensive search and screening to determine the list, and finally closed the network at one time with lightning-like actions.

These newly "recruited" talents have specialized skills across computing, chip manufacturing, stem cell culture, artificial nerves, clinical psychology, and more. Another group of outstanding researchers was recruited from within the Ghost Group, and Luo Yin's grand plan finally came to the unveiling day.

Luo Yin, who was wearing a mask, stepped onto the podium in the conference room, and the researcher of the Ghost Team stood behind him. The terrifying coercion of the S-Class blood swept the audience, eliminating all the noise.

"30 days. I need your talents for the next month. Whether you choose, are forced to, or whatever, from this moment on, you will all be part of this great plan.

Let me introduce you, Samaria. "

In the silent conference room, a tall masked man in a black robe appeared on the big screen, with different dates marked in the upper right corner of the screen.

He sat quietly by the window in a daze, sometimes reading books at a very slow pace. He used to speak fluently, but now he often "stutters", but the rigidity of reading lines is fading.

The picture on the screen turned into a terrifying anatomy of the brain, the atrophied brain of a normal Deadpool. The various unheard terms indicated below made a lot of noise in the conference room.

The picture turned into a dynamic schematic diagram of the puppet manufacturing operation. An alchemical matrix composed of metal chips was implanted into Deadpool's brain and spine, and integrated with the biological nerves.

After that, an analog memory chip inlaid with a large number of natural crystals was implanted into Deadpool's brain many times.

The brain and spine scans of Samaria the Shadow Warrior appear on the big screen. The audience under the stage was speechless with horror. The "dumb" person just now turned out to be such a creature.

They wanted to refute it as a hoax~www.wuxiaspot.com~ forged information, but the young man on stage was extremely calm, and a large amount of incomprehensible information was broadcast on the big screen.

"Samaria, he is alchemy, a special machine, a combination of half-dead creatures. From this, new life is born.

But this is just a starting point, his footprints will spread all over the world! From the earth to the world's network, everywhere! "

Olivia was also sitting in the audience, just be a ruthless applause machine.

"I often think about a question recently, if this is a movie, is our image more and more villainous?"

Susie closed her eyes and didn't answer. No matter whether it is a good or a villain, for the enemy, just cut it.

Luo Yin often said that in the dragon world, there are more immoral careerists than Australian kangaroos. Instead of giving it to some bastard, let him sit on the throne.

Trust him for now.

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