C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 34: world (below)

"Looking back at the academy's dragon slaying plan, what scares me the most is Norma.

The times are changing too fast, and the awakening of the dragon clan has nothing to hide in the eyes of the secret party. If it weren't for the influence of various unexpected factors, Constantine's keel would probably have been easily acquired by the Academy.

With the amount of information that Noma controls, as long as she wants to, 99.9% of the creatures in the world cannot hide from her. This is the fatal gap between us and the Secret Party, and until it is bridged, we can only act in the shadows.

The Japanese branch built Kaguya to defend against European secret parties in intelligence warfare. And we, will have Samaria. "

In just one week, the talent team they recruited recognized the reality, quickly learned the common sense of the dragon world, and joined the magnificent design project. Alchemy technology has already completed the breakthrough from 0 to 1, and their task is to make 1 become infinite.

The development team combines alchemists, computer and artificial intelligence developers, talents in biology, materials science and other fields. The prototype of the super artificial intelligence Samaria has been initially determined, and he will be the ultimate monster.

Based on the original biological nerve and the alchemy matrix, Luo Yin will expand the scale of the alchemy matrix dozens of times through external connections, and connect it with artificially cultivated dragon nerves.

The upgraded alchemy matrix will use the biological current of Yanling and snake as the medium, connect to the computer network, and become a real super-intelligence through a large-scale computer room.

When Samaria was first created, Luo Yin just took a fancy to his strong body, and the main function was to be his bodyguard and substitute. After that, he changed his career to Roselle College, where he was named the principal and was actually a security guard, and dealt with gang conflicts in his spare time.

Therefore, the alchemy matrix that Luo Yin implanted in him is also based on quickly accepting orders and strengthening combat awareness. Samaritan's design is seriously out of line with the development direction he is pursuing now.

When the time just arrived in December, Luo Yin did not hesitate to analyze Olivia's words, Tian Yan. The serial number of this word spirit is not high, but its status is rather special, and the effect of increasing computing power is very useful in modern society.

In the eyes of dragons, the status of alchemy puppets is limited to cannon fodder in battle, watchdogs, and entertainment robots.

Their own talents were too powerful, and arrogance was so deeply rooted in their bones that they never realized the potential of this technology.

Luo Yin, he is an alchemist in the new era, and the potential of the alchemy puppet will be released in the hands of human beings.

He stood on the high platform and listened to the heated discussions among the team members in the laboratory. The day of liberation of Samaria is not far away.


On the endless permafrost of Greenland, they bought a piece of wasteland, a huge one.

Purchased in the name of a large Internet company, the construction project is a large-scale computer room. Many companies will choose to place the computer room in the high-latitude frigid zone to reduce the high heat dissipation cost, or simply sink into the sea of ​​ice after construction.

For this project, the entire organization's capital chain is on the verge of collapse, especially manpower.

Olivia was losing her hair every day, and she couldn't stand it with her computing power. Susie was running around, dealing with the backyard that was on fire everywhere.

In the state where the bloodline power is fully erupted, the total amount of metal controlled by Susie can reach about one ton, and the target controlled at the same time can easily exceed 30. She has reached the limit of Jian Yu's word spirit in imagination, one person is a thousand troops.

Luo Yin returned to his old job as a liver emperor and devoted himself to the production of the new version of the alchemy matrix.

Yanling Tianyan's Longwen model is similar to what he guessed. There are some similarities with the mirror pupil, but the effect of the overall focus is very different.

The basic function is to stimulate and protect the brain, adjust the oxygen supply structure of the body, so that the brain will not cause self-injury or hypoxic shock under full power operation.

The outer model is the key. It has the effect of unifying various functional areas of the brain, adjusting the thinking mode of the human brain, and focusing limited resources into the calculation process.

Under normal conditions, most areas of the human brain are in low-power mode, and various thoughts are like hundreds or thousands of chaotic threads.

Tianyan will transform the thinking of disorderly wandering into a neat array, and the thinking structure is closer to a computer. This effect is the bridge between life and machinery.

"Boss, our engineering capabilities may be weaker than planned. The engineering cannot be outsourced, and the engineering staff of the Ghost Team are not familiar with the construction environment here."

Olivia's hint interrupted Luo Yin's reverie.

"It's taken into account. Olivia, you forgot our most efficient construction crew, boss me."

Luo Yin took out the construction drawings and walked on the pitted frozen soil. After determining the position, he took off his thick gloves.

In the desolate world, he opened the realm of the original world, and did not stop until the diameter was about 8 meters. After losing the blessing of the holy skeleton, this is almost his limit.

He walked in a cold country, so the hard permafrost melted and sunk into a deep trench. Walls of dirt rose behind him, transforming into rock, building shelter from the cold.

Luo Yin would stop and rest every ten seconds after walking, and then he would return to the field of zero. He became more and more familiar with this word spirit, and in his hands, the original world was almost an almighty melting pot.

If it does not involve a particularly complex structure, or requires special building materials, he is no less than a fully equipped engineering team. The hybrid with the strongest infrastructure, sounds really good.

Unfortunately, this miraculous sight only lasted three minutes. Luo Yin returned to the appearance of an ordinary mixed race, and greeted the engineering team to start construction.

The subordinates were all shocked by the god-like power of the masked man, but the boss was just thinking about how much money he could save if he could finish it a few days earlier.


Christmas Eve.

In the rough-looking concrete room, a full range of Junyan appliances create a warm festive atmosphere. Junyan brand heater, induction cooker, large light bulb...

In the warm room, tempting beef and mutton floated in the boiling hot pot, and dozens of bottles of golden fruit wine were placed on the table. The strong men of the engineering team ran around the tall Christmas tree and sang folk songs from the Nordic region. Luo Yin couldn't understand a word.

After drinking and eating, the group came to the computer room. The huge project has ended, and it only needs to be started at this moment.

Samaria slept in the nutrient solution, and slender cables of pure metal extended from her brain and spine. Luo Yin personally put him into the core of the matrix, and two metal cables were connected to the super large "Tianyan" alchemy array with an area of ​​hundreds of square meters.

On the periphery of the alchemy array, the circuit of Yanling Snake is connected to the computer room. The entire computer room is wrapped ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with several meters of reinforced concrete and covered with a metal shell with excellent performance.

Luo Yin's right hand slapped heavily on the core of the alchemy formation, and the river of mercury continued to flow. Samaria in the water tank opened her golden eyes, and her pupils were as deep as the sea.

Hundreds of generators run synchronously, and the engine room begins to start. Samaria used her powerful computing power to take over the computer room and was about to connect to the network.

Luo Yin finally confirmed the core of the Alchemy Array. Two low-level orders: first, it is not allowed to harm any creature; second, it is not allowed to issue orders to any creature by itself. This is a purely observational learning model.

Finally, it is Luo Yin's access port. He will be the only person in the world who can give absolute orders to Samaria.

"Who are you?"

"Hello, my creator. I am, Samaria."

The intermittent mechanical sound from the speakers echoed across the wasteland and traveled far away.

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