Day 28.

"Samaria, what did you do today?"

Luo Yin turned on the computer camera and asked at the pitch-black screen. The upper right corner of the screen shows 27 days, 23 hours and 57 minutes, which is the total time Samaria has been given a new life.

"I watched all the police and gangster films that were released in the 1980s and 1990s and read 400,000 reviews."

A few lines of white words quickly appeared on the dark screen.

"Watching a movie is really a quick way to learn. Now, what do you think of our organization?"

"Judging from human law, we are a serious illegal organization and should be eliminated. But in terms of social effects, the crime rate in the area where the organization is located is 41% lower than the predicted model, saving a large number of mixed race and human lives."

Luo Yin nodded slightly. Samaritan's logical thinking is improving day by day.

In essence, Samaria is not artificial intelligence in the traditional sense. He is not a life generated by code, but a creature "resurrected" from the deadpool state by alchemy, but because of the particularity of life forms, consciousness can also be connected to the network.

There are good and bad foundations. The good thing is that Samaria's initial positioning was to "simulate human beings", and even had a simulated character. His process of understanding and accepting human society was much smoother than Luo Yin imagined.

The downside is that Samaria's growth rate and strength are far behind that of "authentic" artificial intelligence. The expanded alchemy matrix, that is his brain, determines the limit of his thinking ability.

"who is she?"

Luo Yin pointed the camera at Susie's photo.

"Super criminals, murderers, with very obvious violent tendencies."

"Huh? Think about your position."

"She is the most reliable executor of the organization, the most perfect woman in the eyes of the Creator."

"Forgive you."

Luo Yin was about to shut down when another line appeared on the screen.

"Father, why don't you allow me to interfere with human behavior? In this case, I can't resist the enemy, and I can't save the allies."

Luo Yin was silent for a while in front of the screen, the dim light cast a faint shadow on his face.

"Samaria, this is the human and dragon's own war. We don't need any third party's destruction, or redemption. Your mission is to observe everything and record everything.

By the way, how is your image designed? Is the sound selected? "

"The image is still being revised. For the voice, can I use yours?"

"Okay. But deal with it and mature. Like Max Mickelson, Al Pacino."


Shut down. Luo Yin stretched and walked out of the workshop. The silver glow of the stars and the moon cast on the swaying leaves.

His original intention for creating Samaria was a "shield" to defend against Norma or a more powerful intelligence attack and to cover them from being discovered. To completely liberate artificial intelligence and let him grow up freely is not something Luo Yin can do.

If it evolves into the **** difficulty of Dragon King Recovery and Omnic Awakening, Angers will probably chase him to the ends of the earth with a jackknife.


With the Samaritan Project complete, Roin turned to the most important issue of the moment, money.

Recently, Olivia was short of money every day when she opened her mouth, which made Luo Yin often reluctant to answer her calls.

Among the income of the Tokyo Ghost Team, the protection fee is only a small part, and the big part is the embezzled funds of the ghosts in the eight families of Sheqi. Olivia's properties in Tokyo and Osaka are also steadily appreciating.

On the North American side, the mainstay of income has always been the sale of alchemy items. They have never been involved in the business of white powder and pimping, and the ordinary gang business really doesn't make much money. In addition, the Henkel family has always been very vigilant against them, and it is not realistic to want to expand on a large scale.

It has grown to the current scale in two years, and the achievements can be described as brilliant. But compared to the secret party, they are far from any school manager family.


Recently, in the mysterious laboratory of the Tokyo air-raid shelter base, there have often been quarrels that are completely incomprehensible.

The mysterious lab is exclusively owned by a thin Chinese boy, that's all the researchers know. The laboratory resources in the base are very tight, but the boy has exclusive access to an alchemy laboratory and has never submitted any results.

All research and security personnel have been given serious warnings not to ask about the boy's identity and to treat him with the utmost respect.

The identity of this boy is naturally the Dragon King of a dead house. Norton cocooned, Samson and Tonston died, and the rest of the ethnic group were probably only three generations or less of cannon fodder. Dad and Kristin couldn't get in touch, and the only person Constantine kept in touch was the big bear.

As for Luo Yin, they all knew that they were just allies or exploiting relationships. Luo Yin covered his existence, provided him with research materials, and helped him understand the human world; while Constantine would carry the seven deadly sins and fight side by side in the war.

"Yo, isn't this Constantine who cast the seven deadly sins together, is it still like this after not seeing him for a few days?"

Constantine's fists hardened, but he still suppressed the urge to beat Luo Yin. The dragon is under the roof, that's about it.

Since the beginning of October until now, Constantine has been staying in the laboratory, studying alchemy and finding a way to solve his dragon body defect.

The reason why Luo Yin can be so arrogant is that he missed the point. It took only a week for Boss Luo to uncover the shocking secret about Constantine: his alchemy level was average.

In the process of jointly casting the seven deadly sins, he was only responsible for copper smelting and ignition, and all the technical work was done by his brother Norton. The function of Constantine is roughly a giant steel-making furnace.

He possesses extreme high temperature and controls the power of bronze, so he can produce quite advanced alchemy items at will. But wanting to do in-depth research and forge the peak creation of the seven deadly sins, Constantine was directly blinded.

According to Luo Yin's understanding, Constantine is just a fool who relies on top talent to do whatever he wants.

So Constantine began to teach himself alchemy. The textbooks come from the Alchemy Department of Kassel College.

In Constantine's eyes, although the teaching materials for mixed races are complete, their content is really poor. He started a little experiment, and found that the textbook is full of errors and omissions, full of ignorant speculation of human beings.

And Luo Yin, this despicable and abominable human being, has always had a strong confidence in human alchemy from nowhere, as if human alchemy has surpassed their ancestors.

As the only orthodox inheritor of dragon alchemy, Constantine has a duty to revive the prestige of bronze and fire and smash the arrogance of people like Luo Yin.

In less than ten minutes each time, he can make Luo Yin pitiful, self-doubt, and leave in despair. No matter what the material is, as long as Constantine tries it out, his intuition will tell him the correct answer.

Luo Yin asked him more and more difficult questions. He would come to make things difficult for him every few days, and he would also show him the "splendid" alchemy achievements of mankind.

Hehe, sad monkey. Every time Constantine gets a new question and theory, he can get results far exceeding Luo Yin's as long as he explodes his liver for a day or two, easily crushing his self-confidence.

Today, Luo Yin brought another alchemy mask, which he called a dream mask.

Constantine put on a mask under the confident gaze of Boss Luo.

Oh grass!

He felt like he was going blind. What a **** of a dream mask, it's a mosaic mask.

Constantine looked at his body, completely losing the quality of the picture. He was walking on a black mosaic road flanked by trees of green squares and triangles.

He tried to take two steps, one hit and one hit. After trying to run, Constantine went straight to calories.


"What the **** are you doing!"

"This is a cross-era alchemy creation, an artificial dream, which is generated by real-time evolution. Multiple dream masks can also form a dream network, and many people share the same dream."

"Sharing, and then, calories together?"

The Dragon King of the Dead House had a strong desire to complain. The quality of your picture is far worse than that of the Xiaobawang game console, the lag is worse than the potato server, and the name change is similar to the Nightmare Mask.

"You can do it. You can't look down on such creative precision alchemy items as the Dragon King who specializes in knife fighting. I can understand it, really.

Konstantin you can actually make a much better version, it's not that you can't, you just don't like it. "

The Dragon King of the dead house has raised blood pressure.

Constantine didn't speak and stretched out his right hand indifferently. Luo Yin proudly handed over the design of the dream mask to the Dragon King.

Human, this challenge, I took it.

What followed was several days of exploding livers, quarrels, and experiments.

Constantine's face was happy, while Luo Yin's face was earthy. Human alchemy failed miserably.

The Dragon King of the Dead House hummed a song, took out a red pen and vigorously criticized the Kassel alchemy textbook. Boss Luo, who was severely injured, escaped from the laboratory.

"Olivia, every time the data must be properly preserved, this is first-hand alchemy knowledge."

Luo Yin held up his glasses and was in a happy mood.

"Boss, aren't you afraid of Constantine's discovery?"

"What did you find, do you think I'm tricking his alchemy? It's just an academic exchange."

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