C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 42: feeling at home

After struggling for a long time, Fenrir did not tell Xia Mi the little secret of his apprenticeship. In his impression, the elder sister is also very good at fighting skills, and can shatter mountains and rocks with a single punch.

My sister said that everything has a fragile "eye". By grasping the existence of the eye, it can easily destroy matter and life, and obtain the destructive power of natural disasters.

But Fenrir might be too stupid to learn. If I can learn this from Master Wei, I will be able to give my sister a big surprise.

Fenrir, who is addicted to games every day, saves Xia a lot of heart. She can concentrate on locating the ghost car and bird population and decorating her new home. Nibelungen will be reopened in a while, what game should be designed in the new version of the subway.


In early May, Alchemy Workshop.

Olivia stepped into the laboratory tremblingly and looked at the hundreds of bottles and jars of different colors on the table in horror. It's been a long time since I've seen Luo Yin so arrogant.

On the left is a green bottle, and on the right is full of red bottles. With Luo Yin's weird smile and dim lights, this place is not like an alchemy workshop, but more like a medieval dark wizard refining potions.

In March, Luo Yin chose to analyze Fingal's Word Spirit, Bronze Throne after a little selection. He had known this spirit for a long time.

Vera's Word Spirit is immortal, focusing on strengthening the hardness of body tissues. The bronze throne is mainly to strengthen the muscles, and also has the effect of hardening.

The structure of the word spirit of the bronze throne is quite complex, and the mechanism of action is also varied. It stimulates the body to produce a large number of unknown hormones, synthesizes various proteins that the human body does not have to strengthen muscle fibers, and some chemicals that can react with skin tissue.

Combined with the current organization's development purpose, which is to make money, Luo Yin quickly determined his research direction.

He has seldom charged himself into battle, and the entire body of muscles does not improve the combat effectiveness of Luo Yin. And to cooperate with the King's Attendant to create muscle cannon fodder, it is barely an idea.

If the green language of the bronze throne is transformed into a money-making machine, it is a coincidence that Luo Yin's inspiration also came from Lu Mingfei.

In the process of exercising muscles, the old boy's self-confidence has grown rapidly, and his attitude towards people and things has also changed greatly. It's really interesting that the growth of muscles promotes the growth of his mind.

Luo Yin picked up a small bottle of light green medicine and poured it down. There was a wonderful reaction in the body, the muscle fibers were growing and deforming, um, the pain was a little too strong.

Olivia witnessed with her own eyes that Luo Yin changed from a thin body of over 1.7 meters to a janitor's body with a height of 1.85 meters.

"Samaria, record the data. Code name [Muscle Potions], Potion No. 79. Excessive muscle mass, and... heck."

Under Luo Yin's very healthy skin, light green stripes suddenly appeared, and then spread rapidly. The skin hardened and turned green.

"Also, the removal of the green skin effect failed. The next one."

The effect of this small amount of medicine will only last for about half an hour, after which Luo Yin can try the next formula.

Olivia saw that a huge metal box like a water dispenser was placed on the iron table, and a multi-layered alchemy array was inscribed on it. There is a filter-like thing at the lower end, and a strange green liquid is slowly dripping from it.

"As long as the muscles are enough, who would want a green skin!" Luo Yin scratched his head vigorously, removed a component of the "water dispenser", and continued to modify it.

The social animal glanced at the large water tank on the ground, which seemed to be ordinary nutrient solution and artificially made low-purity dragon blood.

The first project, [Muscle Potions], aims to achieve controlled body shaping without side effects. No need to practice hard, just enter a bottle of potion, and quickly get a variety of beautiful figures.

In this era of great emphasis on body management, both men and women often feel insecure about their bodies in social situations. Luo Yin can already foresee the big sale of muscle potions.

The Red Bottle Potion was born out of the [Blood Bottle] series. With the improvement of Uncle Luo and the team's bloodline, the strengthening effect of the blood bottle has become a bit tasteless.

But apart from the bloodline, there is no useless spirit, which must have hidden commercial value. Luo Yin pondered for ten minutes, and found the way of transformation of the blood bottle, energy drink.

As a qualified liver emperor, Luo Yin is often dissatisfied with the weak effect of various energy drinks on the market. He also tried knocking the blood bottle to burst his liver before, but the old version of the blood bottle affected his intelligence a bit, and his body would collapse after using it.

Luo Yin thought that there are still many colleagues in the liver world in the world who have more than enough liver but not enough power.

In addition, during the final review week of Kassel College, a large number of students from the departments of Dragon Neurology, Genetics and other departments will always cry and cry, asking me to memorize it for another five minutes, and then it will enter my brain.

These are potential user markets!

The King's Servant brand energy drink is much less difficult to make than the muscle potion. Luo Yin removed most of the meaningless modules in the King's Servant circuit, and only retained the function that can excite the spirit.

The ingredients refer to common energy drinks on the market, such as a cow and a claw. The blood of the ghost tooth dragon viper was detoxified and then diluted, as a carrier of alchemical power.

Different from the mineral water bottle-sized blood bottles used in combat, the metal bottles used to produce energy drinks are half the height of a human, with a single output of 20 liters. His goal is to further increase production capacity and reduce costs.

After the great success of the game plan, Olivia unconditionally trusted Luo Yin's money-making plan. And the body shaping potion, and the alchemy version of the energy drink, do sound quite gimmicky.

Luo Yin grabbed a red bottle and poured it down, feeling refreshed. This is called self-production, self-selling and self-use. By the way, it will be used as a clinical experiment. If it is poisoned, it will improve the bloodline and resist the past.

"I have added too much serum, and it has a fishy smell. I have to add a little more sugar, and the additives are fine."

He picked up another bottle and started drinking. Hey, this bottle tastes good.

"Old, boss, the bottle in your hand is strawberry milk.

The college has issued a notice that it will be an internship for juniors in June, and now the application form must be filled out. Luo Ying didn't decide, he wanted to ask your opinion. "

Luo Yin was stunned for a long time.

Time flies, really fast enough. He will be his senior year in a few months, and he will graduate from Kassel next year. If not postponed.

It's amazing how he would graduate before Fingal.

"Olivia, we first met in a rather interesting place. But you can't remember."

Luo Ying has been an ordinary student since he entered the school, and he has never been to that magical country.


1 June, Walter Alheim.

Professor Mans led the five interns who applied to enter the equipment department this year, and took the elevator to the "Dwarf Country" several dozen meters underground, with a constipated expression of discomfort.

The gang of lunatic madmen in the equipment department, he will have a strong psychological discomfort just by seeing it.

Under the strange eyes of the professor and the other four students, Luo Yin opened the oversized backpack and took out a set of sterile clothes?

He put on protective clothing very skillfully in the elevator, and took out all kinds of strange things from his backpack.

The door opened, and it was Karl wearing the mask of the dark monarch. You are still the deputy director. Your action efficiency is really not good.

Professor Mance quickly closed the door and left. The other four were dragged away and put on protective suits to prevent them from bringing human pathogens into the noble kingdom of dwarves.

"I have long admired the name. A long time ago, I was very longing for the research and discussion atmosphere of unity and friendship in the equipment department."

Luo Yin took out the simulated lightsaber produced by the workshop from his backpack and handed it to Deputy Director Carl, who was quite surprised.

"May the force be with you."

Going to the researcher Matuer who was drawing the blueprint of the sulfur bomb~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Luo Yin took out the dolls of Ling Baoli and the little fire monkey, and the little fire monkey's tail was really burning.

"I respect your sincere love for bombs and your excellent taste in EVA and Pokémon."

The explosion man couldn't help but burst into tears, his talent and taste could actually be recognized by Mengxin from the alchemy department.

Luo Yin walked up the stairs familiarly and pushed open the door of the minister's office. Director Akadura, who was facing the wall to solve personal problems, looked back at him and smiled.

He could feel it, coming back, all coming back.

This is the feeling of being home.

"Director Akadura, a health product that is not respectable at all. I wish you a revival and contribute to the cause of human reproduction."

Carl was completely stunned. These days, there are still fans of the equipment department among the students?

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