"You made a big mistake like this! How can grilled sausages use sulfur dragon breath, and can people eat that stuff after it's baked?"

Luo Yin heartily stopped an intern's wrong demonstration. This class of students is not very good. Inheriting the culture of the dwarf kingdom starts with me.

In the old Walter Alheim, to be perfectly integrated into the country, one needed to know four things first: the art of explosions, high-temperature cooking, mecha animation, and "healthy food."

Now there is one more addition, Son of Explosion. If a kit member doesn't have a standard Exploding Son figurine in his hands, he's likely to be expelled from dwarven citizenship.

Son of Explosion has no specific appearance. He didn't look like Chu Zihang at all, the fire snake burning around him couldn't be Jun Yan, and the sun totem on his chest didn't look like "Eternal Burning".

Of course, Luo Yin's trip home this time is not as simple as wanting to be happy.

"Brother, what about the muscle green bottle?" He patted the researcher beside him mysteriously.

"Is your goods correct?"

"I'm in serious business, and I can sell you raw melons... goods, it must be right."

"XXL, three bottles."

Luo Yin took a deep breath. Muscle potions are divided into five grades from S, M to XXL according to their effects.

S is about Susie's type, with clear muscle lines but no obvious muscle mass. The M number refers to the principal and Chu Zihang, the L number Caesar, and the XL number is Lu Mingfei, who is muscular.

XXL, that's already in the category of muscle geeks, one lap wider than the governor.

After a few minutes, with a bang, the researcher burst out. The plaid shirt was shattered into torn strips of cloth under the powerful muscle shock.

Ah, the feeling of being born again! The researcher touched the brick-like six-pack abs, oh, the **** power.

Deputy Director Carl couldn't help covering his mask, another young man who succumbed to the temptation of his muscles. In just one week, this thing captured 1/3 of the territory of the Equipment Department.

95% of the equipment department are purely civilian staff, and any B-level commissioner can pick 20 out of 10, provided that no equipment is required. Coupled with the irresistible love for fried chicken and happy water, it can be said that it has missed the frontal battlefield.

Therefore, Luo Yin chose the equipment department as the first market for the promotion of muscle potions. The more there is nothing, the stronger the temptation.

For an alchemy workshop outside the school, the talents of the equipment department are very disdainful. The school board often criticizes the equipment department with the products produced by the workshop, demanding that the financial allocation of the equipment department be reduced.

At this time, Director Akadura will confidently throw the eighteen new bomb drawings released this month on the face of the school board representative. See, it's a bomb!

The equipment department can transform all the appliances in a house into bombs, can the alchemy workshop do it?

The representative of the school board began to talk about the diverse functions of the alchemy items in the workshop, and Akadura began to talk about the diversity of bombs. The representative talked about the huge profits of the workshop, and the director began to talk about the bomb yield.

Finally, the school board representative left without a word, and Akadura continued to make his big bomb.

The person who is most curious and familiar with the Alchemy Workshop in the Equipment Department is Deputy Director Carl. It has never been the style of the school directors to sit and watch the workshop monopolize profits, and his team is tasked with the reverse engineering task.

In the process of cracking, Carl's curiosity became stronger and stronger. He found that the production level of these alchemy items was growing rapidly in all directions, and the alchemy circuits used by each design were very different.

He actually cracked a lot of content, but not much submitted. It may be a strange sympathy between peers.

Until the appearance of the game helmet that made the alchemy fantasy, Carl failed to crack the first time. He realized that the makers were quite mature in the skill of casting alchemy items.

Coupled with the various and outrageous Longwen circuits that the other party got out of nowhere, Carl became even more curious about the mysterious alchemist.

Recently, green and red bottles have sparked another wave of shopping. Alchemy potion, this is a field he has never set foot in.

The potion that can be drunk cannot carry the alchemy array, and can only temporarily preserve a small amount of alchemy power. The effect of the potion is much weaker than the directly burned alchemy array. Carl always thought that this thing was eliminated in the Middle Ages.

Winning by output, making alchemy potions that can be put into "civilian" is an unusual guy.

There are already a crowd of onlookers around the muscle researchers. Many people are a little moved, and there are also many researchers who are not interested.

This brain with sparks of wisdom is the glory of Walter Alheim. How can the power of muscles be compared with the beauty of explosions?

After the strong rise of the alchemy workshop, the equipment department unexpectedly showed a strange trend of splitting. At the beginning, it was because of the massive release of "Dragon: Origin".

The cultural tradition of the members of the equipment department is to support one-time paid console games and absolutely resist unscrupulous online games.

However, a small number of members called Zhenxiang directly after purchasing the game for the purpose of criticism. After accidentally making a stroke, it is one stroke after another. The developers almost wrote "I want to make money" on their faces, but there is no competitor in the market, and players can only buy it.

The members of the betrayal group began to only dare to play secretly in the toilet and after get off work, but often accidentally encountered colleagues in the game. There is no way, the style of the equipment department is too prominent, and it is exposed after a few words.

When the traitors were exposed, they discovered that there were more "traitors" than those who didn't...

Taking this game as an opportunity, some members of the equipment department opened a new continent. Blasts are an art, but art is more than just starring.

Coincidentally, due to the shortage of manpower, the 3A Alchemy Workshop released a talent recruitment announcement at the end of May. Now the entry will give you the limited skin of "Dragon Origin" and an equipment upgrade package worth 9999.

"Alchemy changes life", this is the latest corporate culture proposed by 3A Workshop.

Many cavemen who have lived underground for many years have had dangerous ideas. It's not that I am greedy for the 9999 gift package, but I am interested in devoting myself to this great cause.

Carl felt a dangerous aura, and the belief in the equipment department was becoming impure.

The internship week has just entered its third week, Luo Yin has quietly recruited three interns, and the alchemy workshop has added more workers.

Digging the corner of the old members of the equipment department has to be a long-term plan. Many of them have participated in the design experiments of some top-secret weapons in the academy.

Today, most members of the equipment department no longer regard the workshop as a competitor, but a job-hopping object that seems to be okay.

In Origins, muscle potions and energy drinks have taken the equipment department by storm and become part of the culture of the dwarves. The workshop has become an existence like a friendly ally.

"Who is the most important department in Kassel?"

"Equipment Department!"

"Executive Department?"


"The Disciplinary Committee?"


"School Council?"


"Who is the best department in Cassell?"

"Equipment Department!"

"What is our journey?"

"The sea of ​​stars!"

A group of strong men wearing glasses and white coats or plaid shirts shouted the momentum of the equipment department.

After Akadura finished shouting the slogan, he felt that the atmosphere in the equipment department seemed more sinister than before. But it's okay, his director has always been normal.

Under the action of two alchemy potions, the equipment department has been completely renewed. In the past, the equipment department was full of madmen, but now it has been upgraded to a madman with endless energy and muscles.

When they build a single-soldier Gundam, equipped with more than a dozen powerful bombs and alchemy blades produced by the workshop, these lunatics will probably really rush out of Walter Alheim and set foot on the battlefield of dragon slaying.

It still sounds scary. I hope Long is okay and the executive department doesn't lose their jobs.

Luo Yin was thinking about the expansion plan of the alchemy workshop. In order to create an environment suitable for the members of the equipment department to live in, first of all, the concentration of mecha culture must be high, and they must be provided with a place to fry things, and then a solid bunker and an uninterrupted supply of healthy food.

Kassel Equipment Department, also known as the talent reserve base of 3A workshop.

"Luo Yin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Power, how long does it take to cook instant noodles with a laser?"

"Ten seconds."

Luo Yin answered without hesitation, and then ran away quickly.

The instant noodle bucket shattered directly in the violent steam explosion, and instant noodles rained behind him. Mengxin, it's so deceiving.


At the end of June, Luo Yin ended his short internship in the equipment department (happy holiday) and returned to the alchemy workshop with several new employees.

He also left an anonymous letter to his dear Carl. It would be boring to be the deputy director for a long time. It is better to consider quitting the workshop. This is not digging corners, the market is free to compete.

An ordinary document transportation task is sent by the Executive Department, which belongs to the quota that must be completed each academic year. Just transport a document, no difficulty.

Besides, he was just assisting a veteran commissioner named Raymond. Luo Yin was about to go out for a walk when he set off to meet Raymond.

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