C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 44: Freshmen this year

Angers placed a box of Bonnat dark chocolates on the table in the ramen restaurant.

"Bring you Debauve& next year, it's all French.

Stop going in circles and tell me what's going on. "

During the final exam of the students, the principal of Angers is working **** a public-funded trip. Every year he goes to France first, where the air makes him feel still young.

Some nice places along the way, ending in Hamburg, Germany. Tokyo is also a frequently visited place, and there are a few people worth seeing here. This does not include Uesugoshi.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

In previous years, this old **** would cook a bowl of noodles for him casually, not even willing to add an egg, with a slapped expression on his face that he liked to eat or not.

Today, not only did he take the initiative to invite him to dinner, but he also brought Ah He over to accompany him to drink. The tonkotsu ramen noodles are full of flavor and flavor, and there are more than three times as many side dishes.

Angers remembered that the last time he came here, Uesugi Yue was still guarding his dilapidated ramen stall. Now the storefront is very warmly decorated, and he even smiled when he was ramen.

There must be something strange about this.

"What can I do, but I'm in a good mood when the ramen shop opened. Isn't it, Ahe? Drink, drink."

Inuyamaka had imagined many scenarios when he reunited with the principal. You must have momentum, a strong momentum. In this way, it showed this man that neither he nor the branch were as weak as they were decades ago.

With the speed of the ninth-order moment, he can definitely win the respect of Angers. Among all his students, he will be the only one who surpasses him.

However, the world is always unpredictable. Without ostentation, without Onimaru Kunizuna, he was dragged to accompany the drinker.

Inuyama He smiled cursingly in his heart, and toasted another cup of Angers, reminiscing from time to time the good old days.

After three rounds of drinking, Uesugi Yue saw that Angers was getting a lot of drunkenness, and finally revealed his intentions.

"Angers, isn't this year's branch sending a student for further study as a rule?"

"Hmm. Is there anything special about this year's students?"

Angers recalled that most of the students who studied in the previous branch were of good quality. Every student in Cassel, outstanding or mediocre, alive or dead, has an impression in his mind.

Ryoma Genichiro, a genealogy grade 83 student with a stoic personality, should be an old man now. Shio Miyamoto, a level 95 alchemist with outstanding research ability. wise Asuya, can't do it...

Yuan Zhisheng, class of 2003, a fool with melancholy eyes. If that child encounters the wrong person, with a righteous heart, it may become the poison that kills him.

"Not too special. She, well, she's my daughter."

"Oh, it's actually your daughter, I will pay more attention to it."

Angers' wine glass duang slammed on the table. What, what the heck?

"Uesugi Eri Yi, the name sounds nice, although I didn't pick it up." The ramen master scratched his head and began to avoid the important.

"Hui Liyi will only be 19 years old in a few months. She was not in good health before, and she only attended school for two years."

Angers pondered, he didn't drink much, how could he have such a serious hallucination.

"Isn't the blood of the emperor a curse? Aren't you living in abstinence in old age, with organ failure but intact kidney function? You lied to me for 19 years?"

"It's a test-tube baby, and it came out suddenly. The process is very complicated, and I can't tell for a while, but it's really my daughter."

Outrageous, this old **** is serious. Angers has not seen such sincere eyes and smiles of Esugi Uesugi for many years.

The 130-year-old old man looked up at the sky, but above his head there was only the orange-yellow carved lanterns of the ramen shop, and he was speechless for a moment.

The World Super Old Singles Club has lost one member at this moment.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Actually, it's nothing, just be careful not to let Hui Liyi be bullied."

The ramen master twitched, and Angers couldn't bear to look directly.

"Your daughter, is the emperor?"

"Uh, so be it."

"In Cassel College, tell me, who can bully a super hybrid?"

Inuyama He secretly glanced at Angers.

"I heard from young students that life in college is very complicated, especially in Kassel College. Heirs of big families, old European nobles, rich second-generation consortiums. And it's not that the atmosphere in European and American universities is not good. Is it good..."

"Stop, stop, you're just shooting a map gun. What did you just say, childish?"

"Well, it's my son. He's a lot more conscientious than I am."

Hearing this, Angers drank another drink. Surprise, but also two at a time. Are you still hiding one?

"Eliyi didn't listen to her brother very much recently. She grew up and became independent. I don't even listen to my words. That game of origin is very harmful. Huiliyi is often addicted to games and has less time to meet. ,

I have no experience of being a father, and even if I keep watching TV TOKYO emotional programs every day, not much has changed.

It was the first time that Hui Liyi lived independently, and she had to go so far. It takes more than ten hours to fly from Tokyo to Chicago. She told me not to worry, but how could I not worry..."

Bang! Uesugoshi was punched in the forehead.

"Why did you hit me suddenly?"

"You talk too much."

This guy Uesugoshi has been like an actor who got the wrong script all his life.

He was an idiot when he got the leader script, and he was an **** when he got the hero script. In his later years, he played the lonely shadow emperor, but he lived as an old man in a single-parent family with his mother-in-law.

"I will keep your daughter safe, although I don't know if she needs my protection.

I stayed in Tokyo for a few more days, and it happened that there was a new student in Tokyo this year. Take the principal's special plane, Gulfstream G550, to go directly to the school, and set up an unannounced A-level permission. Is that enough? "

Looking at Esugi Uesugi with a smirk on his face, Angers didn't know what to say, but continued to clink glasses and drink. He is much older than Uesugi, but Uesugi looks old.

The fire of vengeance that supported his life was a gift and even a poison.


Because there were games to play, Fenrir rarely dragged her away this time, preventing Xia Mi from leaving.

Xia Mi originally planned a complicated transfer route to save as much money as possible. Always exchanging gold and silver in Nibelungen for money, it is easy to expose yourself. In addition, her tourist visa in Japan is about to expire and she has to go to school.

There was good news from Norma last night. The airfare was saved, and it was enough to go to Narita Airport on time to board the plane.

The Dragon King, who was about to start school, began to pack his bags, and then found that he was really poor.

Home appliances such as TV sets and toys of all kinds are left to Fenrir.

Most of the clothes were bought in high school, the keys to my hometown in Beijing, the certificates I got from the school, and the pens I used for a long time. The game helmet, and a few things from that human.

Add it up, and it's not even filling a tiny suitcase. That's what "Xia Mi" is all about.

The weather was a little hot, and Xia Mi was wearing a long bohemian dress with blue and white lines and a wheat-colored sun hat. The lightly dressed girl took the subway first and then walked to the airport.

What the **** is this?

Hundreds of men and women in black suits with unsafe temperament stood in the airport, and the team looked a bit chaotic because there were too many people.

Xia Mi had heard that the underworld in Japan was more prosperous, but he never thought that it was strong enough to capture the airport.

Many people waved affectionately behind the security checkpoint and held up various light signs. [Uesugi painted pear clothes], [Uesugi family elders (x)].

And Norma just reminded Xia Mi to get on the plane as soon as possible. Just look at this posture, who dares to board the plane!

Xia Mi suspiciously picked up the ticket and went through the security check, passed through the gangsters to the boarding gate, and saw the luxurious principal's plane.

A black Humvee was parked beside the gangway. An old man was leaning against the door and weeping bitterly. Yuan Zhisheng turned back to comfort his father, hiding his red eyes.

On the right, a handsome man smiled and said goodbye to the red-haired girl. Xia Mi recognized him. He seemed to be a popular male star this year, and his image often appeared on the big screen in Tokyo.

Crow and Yaksha are carrying all kinds of "big stuff~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a dozen plush dolls, all kinds of game consoles and cassette discs. These things used to be all of Miss Eriyi, and they have feelings. Yes, take them away.

And all this is not the point, Xia Mi's palm is sweating profusely. Of these mixed races, one counts as one, and the problem is surprisingly big!

When she sees all creatures, she instinctively looks for their "eyes" to determine how and how easy it is to destroy them. Why are these humanoid things so strange...

You shouldn't have exposed yourself. Why is this scene a bit of a feast for the family, can I get out of this airport alive?

Xia Mi couldn't calm down until she got on the plane and took her seat. Wherever she looks now, nothing is right.

The head of the Uesugi family, wearing a black trench coat, spoke out to let his subordinates and fans go home to rest, and shook hands with the principal to say hello.

Angers looked at the girl's aura full of responses, and felt that the situation described by Esugi Uesugi might not be so objective.

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