"I agree with this marriage!"

Luo Yin looked through the water tank several meters thick and saw the face paralyzed and the monster junior sister hugging each other. This wave, this wave is finally real.

It's just that he felt that the way the two were hugging gave him an indescribable sense of deja vu, which made him a little uneasy.

Luo Yin glanced at Susie, why is our love not so sweet, why? Probably should or may not be the boss's problem.

At this time, Eriyi was still watching the turtles with the principal. They swam very slowly, and their dull faces were full of leisure and tranquility. It's a bit like my brother's expression after get off work.

Angers looked at Eri Yi in a trance. This elf-like girl is actually the daughter of that old bastard.

If he is the elder of the secret party, what he should consider now is how to check and balance the power of the branch.

As a living fossil in his 130s, Angers' knowledge of dragons is by no means what the average hybrid can imagine, and the knowledge he taught in genealogy class is only a drop in the bucket.

The existence of the so-called white king blood descendants, holy skeletons, and imperial blood is not a secret to Angers. What he didn't know yet was the location of Gao Tianyuan in the Kingdom of God.

As the power of the branch continues to expand, the future actions of the secret party in Japan will inevitably be severely constrained.

But before considering these things, Angers first regarded Eiliyi as a junior, a friend's child, and now his own student.

He subconsciously held down the jackknife in his sleeve, which was the relic of Menec Cassel, whom he regarded as his brother.

Angers, are you getting weaker? Has the life of educating students at the academy dulled your knives?

He suddenly hesitated at this moment, if one day this girl hinders his dragon slaying action, whether he can still use the knife without hesitation.

"Principal, principal, look at that turtle, it's much bigger than the other turtles!"

"Eliyi, that's just a staff member wearing turtle clothes." This girl often makes mistakes in some common sense issues.

"Actually, there is a very good zoo and aquarium in my office. Come to the principal's office another day, and I will take Huiliyi to see it."

"Really, can I bring friends with me?"

Angers hesitated, "Yes."

The principal finally started today's topic, admission counseling. Regarding the establishment of correct human and dragon values, the noble Abraham bloodline, the blood and tears of the long history of dragon slaying before modern times.

But it was obvious that Huiliyi's attention was all on Pai Daxing.

Angers looked at another freshman, Xia Mi, out of the corner of the eye. The glasses covered his eyes, and Xia Mi didn't notice the special gaze of the principal.


At the Tokyo base, Luo Yin is integrating Samaria's intelligence about the hunter's net.

It's a mess and can't find any valuable information. He realized more and more how handy the hunter net was for Odin. User anonymity and numerous transactions.

The Secret Party is not a fool, and will not really take obvious bait. The problem is that the Secret Party can't tell which is the trap, and even Norma can't figure out the details of every bounty and deal. And once a problem incident is found on the hunter network, they must go to deal with it immediately.

Hunter.net made very little profit in the operation process. It appeared in the name of a mixed-race trading and exchange platform, and was essentially an umbrella for Odin or his spokesperson to do things in the world.

Clear the hunter net? That's not realistic, even Luo Yin has two accounts on Hunter.com. Many hybrid families also rely on hunter nets for some of the dirty work.

Luo Yin wrote down the abilities that Hunter Net had or might have on a blank piece of paper.

First, you can lock the bearer of Odin's brand, and create a temporary Nibelung root, releasing a large number of Deadpool. The limits and ceilings of this ability are not known at this time.

Second, strong network technology capabilities. The server location and operator have never been exposed. Once the information about Hunter Network appears on the public network, it will be deleted immediately.

Third, they may have considerable dragon resources and knowledge in their hands. He once used things like pieces of ice-sea copper pillars as bait to harm the secret party.

With the resources in the hands of the secret party, Norma's war personality EVA is absolutely stronger than the current Samaria. Let Samaria take a strong attack and find Nido directly. The secret party didn't do it, and he couldn't do it.

Luo Yin stabbed the table with the tip of his pen, giving him a headache. He felt more and more that there were internal ghosts within the secret party, otherwise he would not sit by and watch the hunter network develop like this. The Gattuso family, who have been at the top of the list of suspects from boss Luo.

How can we break through the cover of massive trash fish and find the traces of monsters.

I really think of baldness. It's even more impossible for him to give up this clue, and it's hard to catch Odin's little tail.

Luo Yin simply changed his mind, relaxed first, and went to tease the Dragon King of a dead house.

"Yo, this is not Constantine, how... I'm relying on it!"

When Boss Luo stepped into the Dragon King's exclusive alchemy laboratory, he was stunned by the pure black metal dragon head more than four meters high in front of him.

Constantine stroked the dragon's head lightly, injecting a high-temperature flame. The crimson fire flowed in the dragon head, like meandering blood vessels, and finally ignited a pair of golden pupils that were half the size of Fenrir's eyes.

Even though it was only an alchemy creation, Luo Yin felt the majesty that surpassed Constantine's deity.

"It was cast according to the appearance of my brother's complete dragon body, and it was slightly enlarged."

Constantine's tone was very calm, but his heart was full of pride. No, no, no, there will be no hybrids who have studied alchemy for three years and feel that they can surpass the King of Bronze and Fire, right?

Luo Yin couldn't help but tremble when he saw the drawings of Constantine on the table. He still underestimated the potential of a first-generation species, Constantine, he planned to cast an oversized dragon body for himself, and directly integrate the seven deadly sins into it.

"A complete dragon body stronger than the general first-generation species. The dragon-like tissue simulated by recycled metal is stronger and tougher than the original version, and it can perfectly connect to the alchemy field of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Use fury as the tail blade, arrogance and jealousy as the bone spurs on the wings, and the remaining four are embedded in the dragon's claws. According to my conception, the seven alchemy fields can even be activated at the same time. "

"Have you been peeking at Digimon behind my back~www.wuxiaspot.com~? Are you Battle Greymon or Mecha Godzilla!"

"Absolutely not!"

Luo Yin thought of a psychological term at this time, overcompensation. Because the disabled cannot have a dragon body, so be sure to give yourself a super-double large dragon body.

"I have a question, Lord Dragon King, where are you going to get so much recycled metal?"

"Of course you provide it."

"Since last year, almost 20% of the whole organization's recycled metal has been supplied to you, and you have forged it! If you want recycled metal, you should do it yourself, aren't you very good at making fires!"

Luo Yin, who was complaining, suddenly thought of a breakthrough to deal with the hunter net. Why doesn't he make a hunter net himself?

A more powerful and more formal platform to crush the hunter net head-on through market competition.

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