"Then what, Constantine, Brother Kang, can you do me a favor?"

The Dragon King of the Dead House saw Luo Yin's implicit smile on Luo Yin's face, and knew that this human must be thinking badly again. He is no longer the Constantine he used to be. If he doesn't give money, he can't do things.

"The 10% profit of "Origin". Don't think I can't see it. The mask is replaced by a helmet, and part of it is still my design."

Boss Luo's heart trembled. How could this stupid child's intelligence increase a lot? This is impossible.

"1%. Just use one of your design drawings. I will provide the server, administrator, and physical store. You will take 10% of it at home?"


"make a deal."


The auction house was pitch-dark, and the suit was held tight by the muscles, making Lu Mingfei a little uncomfortable to breathe.

Caesar said that adult men must always keep several sets of decent and well-fitting formal clothes, but he thought it was too expensive and had been renting them.

It has been nearly a year since the incident of "do not shoot in battle". During that time, Lu Mingfei often suspected that the principal would give him a knife if he disagreed.

Unexpectedly, Angers not only forgave him, but still has high hopes for him, and personally brought him to Sotheby's Auction House to "see the world".

The little devil also gave him a cheat code, showmethemoney, which he probably won't use.

The occasion simply did not suit him. All of them are in suits and leather shoes, all of them are not very high-end, and they are several million or so when they open their mouths. Lu Mingfei could only hold his muscles tightly to keep warm.

He didn't understand anything like "Nanyang Dushan Jade Piluchana Buddha lowered his hand to the big jade sea", and it sounded very suitable for word count.

Lu Mingfei took a peek at Angers in front of him and found that the principal was much higher than him. The old guy seemed to be sitting upright, but in fact his eyes wandered and his mouth was full of clichés, similar to his mind wandering in class.

The principal said participating in the auction was essentially a scavenger hunt. There are many antique lovers in the mixed race, but the fundamental purpose of everyone gathering here is to map the possible dragon items.

Lot 19 is a Mongolian machete set with nine rubies and emeralds, with a starting price of $1.5 million. As soon as Lu Mingfei was moved, the principal told him that it was really just a decorative knife.

It's almost the finale lot, and it's all authentic relics at the moment. Lu Mingfei was drowsy when he heard it, maybe this is the end of the day.

"Before the last lot came out, it was a special session at Sotheby's, 'Unexpected Encounter'."

The auctioneer introduced with a smile. This time, at the boss's order, the special session was brought forward a little bit, as if the client had spent a lot of money.

"There is not just one item in the special section, but a whole series called 'A Collection of Unknown Things Excavated from a Tomb in the Han Dynasty'."

Lu Mingfei was stunned when he heard it, the painting style of your encounter is not quite right.

The auctioneer slowly opened a small jewelry box. The thin velvet was padded with a dark red lustrous gemstone, and the crystal shell was wrapped with blood-like dark red silk threads.

“The first lot in the series, a gem of unknown material, weighs 7.5 grams. According to the client, it was pried out of the mouth of the owner of the tomb.

Because the specific age and quality cannot be confirmed, the starting price is 100 US dollars, and the single increase is not less than 100 US dollars. "

Without the headmaster's reminder, Lu Mingfei knew the big deal. Can he still not recognize this thing, the stone of the sage!

The auctioneer on the stage couldn't help but take a step back, because many clients suddenly lit up their golden pupils, and the peaceful atmosphere in the venue suddenly became serious.

Many new customers are still ignorant, but the old customers in the front row are almost all serious.

"Mingfei, take it."

This is a mere coincidence, or someone is not following the rules, and something like the sage's stone has flowed into the market.

"100,000." No. 7 raised his placard.

"200,000." On the 29th, he raised his placard.

The auctioneer was a little confused. The client gave him the impression of being a pure entertainer, and suggested that he design "unexpected encounters" in the direction of entertainment programs. But the big guys in the audience are all serious.


"2 million." Angers raised his cards.

Lu Mingfei was very skeptical whether he would have a chance to play today. The Stone of the Sage seems to have no chance of being missed. In the eyes of many families, the refining technology of the sage's stone has been lost, and one less is used.

After Angers' bid reached $4 million, no one continued to increase the price. The old people in the circle maintained their respect for him.

"5 million." No. 88 raised the placard. Mature female voice, very far back, wearing a white mask. Like Lu Mingfei, he is a new customer.

"5.5 million." Angers raised the card again.

"Olivia, making an extra 1.5 million is enough. If you make trouble again, the principal will be angry."

Luo Yin's voice came from the headset, so No. 88 stopped raising the placard. Starting with the Sage's Stone, the momentum should be enough.

"The following is the second lot in the series. The armored guards of the Han Dynasty were buried with a five-foot bronze mechanism sword without a front. At the request of the client, I will demonstrate the function of this mechanism sword for everyone."

The auctioneer motioned his assistant to bring a target onto the stage, raised the bronze sword with gloves, and carefully pulled the mechanism buckle on the left side of the hilt.

Blazing white light erupted from the tip of the sword, melting deep ravines on the metal target. The auctioneer pulled the buckle on the right side again, and the blade of the sword spewed out blue-white high-temperature flames, which cut staggered cracks on the target with a random swing.

After the demonstration, the auctioneer put the Han Dynasty mechanical sword back to the booth and was speechless for a while. He couldn't think of how to continue the introduction, it was probably really an entertainment show.

If there was such a thing in the Han Dynasty, the Huns would have died long ago, bastard!

Because there are too many slots, Lu Mingfei's Tucao machine is a bit stuck. The VIP customers in the front row came to their senses, the client was definitely not a novice with knowledge of the dragon clan, so he was suspected of showing off his muscles with the stone of the sage.

"Because the specific production year cannot be confirmed, the starting price is 10,000 US dollars, and the single increase is not less than 5,000 US dollars. After buying it back, it is at least an interesting collection."


"The third lot, the Han Dynasty bronze organ bust."

The auctioneer activated the external muscles and demonstrated his powerful jumping ability and punching power on the stage. If the boss didn't give him enough money, he would never put down his arrogance to demonstrate such a big toy.

Then, Lu Mingfei witnessed the advanced communication equipment, cameras, household appliances, and engines with zero fuel consumption per 100 kilometers in the Han Dynasty.

Although not entirely certain, he suspects that these things were not from the Han Dynasty. If the client came from the Han Dynasty in a parallel world, then he didn't say it.

Accidental Encounters is a program used to liven up the atmosphere and provide opportunities for leaks. But today's encounter was a bit too shocking for the customers, so that when the extremely magnificent Tang Dynasty porcelain appeared on the stage, it was a little cold.

"Can you tell me, who is the client of the auction in the unexpected encounter?"

A young customer in the field raised a placard and asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a typical novice speech. Choose to sell at Sotheby's special auction, the consignor is to avoid some trouble.

"Our auction house has always strictly protected the client's information. But the client has specially told him not to keep it confidential.

Samaria, this is the name left by the client. "

In the first row, Henkel glanced at Angers, and saw that the old guy was still casual and had nothing to do with himself, chatting and laughing with the beautiful woman beside him.

Choosing to make a high-profile appearance at Sotheby's Auction House, Luo Yin naturally took a fancy to the elite class of North American mixed races gathered here. If they want to replace the Hunter Net, they have to step onto the stage first and get to know each other well.

Spend a little money and hold a high-profile show for ten minutes, and the price/performance ratio is decent.

One thing to say, Constantine's old-fashioned standards are quite high. When he retires and starts a shop to sell fake antiques, he should be able to live a good life.

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