C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 55: New Hunter Network

Olivia has gradually mastered the trick of pretending to be the boss, which is quite refreshing. Luo Yin poked her in the back, and the chief executive became serious again.

Hair should not be messy, and sunglasses should not be crooked. Speak slowly, preferably with an Italian accent. The right hand must be stable, and a trace of blue veins must be collapsed with force.

As for Susie, no need to teach, she is a genius in this area. Just look at the shivering family heirs in the bar.

These people's bloodlines are not low, most of them are similar to Chu Zihang before the blood explosion, and a few people's words are not bad. But they have no experience in front-line shopping, and it takes three or four seconds to put a word, which is really boring.

Fingal recalled Olivia. He has a bit of an impression, his bloodline is outstanding (after memory modification), but he is not a martial artist. The title of Kassel Monster Academy is well-deserved.

The ultimate trick of pressing the bottom of the box cannot be used here. It took him half a second to release the bronze throne, and the second burst of blood for one second, 5 meters away from the female guard with the sword.

Mr. KFC's right hand holding the tequila is as solid as iron, and the old man is holding two revolvers, and dozens of broken pieces of iron are flying around the room.

"Hunter.com dares to hang everything on the website forum except for their own bounty tasks. It never checks the authenticity of transactions, and does not ask employers where they come from, as long as the website can collect commissions."

Olivia spoke, but Henkel was noncommittal.

"On the new hunter.com, the website does not charge a penny for trading commissions, and will also give large rewards to hunters who are honest and capable."

"New Hunter.com, so uncreative?"

Henkel teased.

"The new ones are coming, and the old ones are about to fall. Since it's for them, there's no need to change their names."

"Oh, then you are doing charity. If you don't earn a single penny, you even post it backwards. The secret party is not as noble as you."

Fingal suppressed his voice like a Donald Duck.

"What we ask for is fame. What the secret party can't do, we do it, and that's a great name. Once you're famous, the rest will come naturally."

"Hunternet dares to do any dirty work, do you dare? What's the difference between the new one and the old one?"

"Of course I dare, but we have to grade.

Eighty percent of transactions are formalized. Anonymity is ok, but you need to pay a deposit and record the transaction on the website. Fake transactions, black people, and counterfeit sellers are not only as easy as account bans, but also blacklists, especially bad offline processing.

We still have confidence in our technical capabilities in this regard.

The remaining 20% ​​of the transactions are still in the three areas. In this subdivision transaction, everyone can rely on their abilities, and no one can complain. "

A mixed-race society is a shadow society, and a net of hunters is a shadow within a shadow. It is unrealistic to want to purify completely, and everyone has some shameful thoughts.

"It sounds like you are very confident. Then what are you doing to win us over?"

Henkel's voice was calm, but in fact his wrists were sore that he couldn't shake. When a man reaches his age, he should serve old age, except for Angers.

"What kind of prestige is there for a nobody like us? It's nothing more than trying to use the prestige of the Henkel family to scare people."

"Fame is of little value to the family. If you want to borrow the name of the family, just relying on empty plans is not enough."

Luo Yin heard the words and put a stack of contracts on the table.

"Original made a lot of money for Mr. Henkel, right? For all subsequent games of the same kind, the Henkel family in North America will continue to operate exclusively, and the profit sharing will be based on the previous ones.

All alchemy items that have appeared in the auction will enter our trading list, and the price will be reduced by 10%. "

The old cowboy was calculating the profit in his heart, and his serious expression finally eased.

"What about Hunter.com? They have been operating for more than 20 years, and the accumulated users are not something you can take away in a few months."

"While developing oneself, it is natural to weaken the enemy. Has Hunter Net done a few dirty things? It's not difficult to pull it out for others to see."

Henkel was a little surprised to hear that, he didn't even know much about the details of the hunter's net.

"What evidence do you have?"

Olivia showed a very surprised look.

"Do you still need evidence for this kind of thing?"

Mr. Kentucky was shocked when he heard the tiger's body, he had met his peers.

"We set up a website, produce technology, and let's chew on the hard bones. The Henkel family is responsible for signing the name, helping to open the way, and if you are interested, you can show it."

Seeing Henkel's move, Luo Yin directed Olivia to throw the last chip.

"Mr. Henkel said that families don't need fame, but I think he's deceiving himself. Whether in Europe or North America, hasn't there been someone standing on top of it all these years?

However, some organizations are very aggressive, and they have this meeting and that meeting, and they also run schools. When it's time to slay the dragon, it's time to eat the slack or the slack, it seems that the boss is not qualified, right? "

Henkel knew about the Manhattan incident, but he didn't expect these people to know.

Henkel knocked and gave Fingel a consultative look: What do you think?

Fingal understood, this was getting him ready.

These people keep their mouths shut, either in name or in money. In fact, their plans are too big to be trusted.

Mr. KFC quietly returned a positive look: I am ready.

Henkel inserted the revolver back into the holster at his waist, Susie closed the field and turned on the Pandora device, and the iron piece fell to the ground.

The old cowboy stretched out his thin right hand and held it with Olivia's icy right hand.

"Pleasant to work with."

"Pleasant to work with."

"Why do you have to bring down the Hunter Network?"

"No, we're not targeting it. There's no personal grudge. Just trying to make more money."

When they got out of the bar, the three of them didn't leave a few dozen meters, and they hid in the crowd under the cover of Samaria.

"The KFC man just now is Fingal. I can see with the mirror pupil, 100% of it is him."

A question mark appeared on Susie's head, Fingal, is that Fingal?

"His middle name is Feng, and the Henkel family also had a strong German background before the rise. And his status in the Henkel family is much higher than those of the idiots, and the old cowboy has only made eye contact with Fingal once.

They are different from the Gattuso family. They are a combination of real old-fashioned mixed-race families, but after World War II they chose to fade out of the secret party and concentrate on making money.

This kind of nonsense is easy to listen to. Who really believes that old man will regret it sooner or later, and who is a serious earner who puts half-bloods in the navy every day?

When it comes to the secret party, you see that old cowboy's eyes are green. But he's also really old, and if we do it together, he'll die there. "

However, there is no point in killing him. Henkel's strength lies in the underworld, business, military and political resources under his control. If these resources can go to Luo Yin's hands if he collapses, then he will do it overnight.

"Samaria, how's the new hunter's net going?"

"It is ready to go online, and the firewall has invested an additional 150% of server resources according to your instructions.

The functions of the forum are basically the same, the trading area is classified in detail, and the credit rating system for hunters and reward employers has been designed.

The first store to enter the new hunter.com will be Albert Alchemy Workshop, and the advertisement of "Dragon: Origin" is ready to be launched. "

Luo Yin glanced at Olivia. See no, what is efficiency, what is professional. If you don't work hard, your position will be replaced by alchemical intelligence.

On the other side, Henkel in the bar drove away the frightened crap. Fingal finally took off the KFC paper bag and gulped down agave.

"Whenever this kind of thing happens, I feel old. There are always new characters who want to kick the old bones like me.

The future has to be handed over to a young man like you, which is quite worrying. "

"The premise is that there has to be a future."

Fingal, who was in a suit and leather shoes, became useless again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The strong upper body was lying on the bar. If it is really just a waste of wood, it is probably quite happy.

"Young people, don't be so pessimistic. How do you feel about the red-haired woman in charge just now?"

"There is a kind of show in China called Double Reeds. The person in the front performs facial expressions, and the other person hides behind to dub.

Three people, one sits in the center and speaks like a master; one holds a sword and kills the enemy and protects the master, who is a warrior; the other is a servant who is responsible for serving tea, water and things.

But the person on the left, his sense of presence was abnormally low, and his movements were slightly unnatural, as if he was deliberately changing his habits. While we were watching the woman, I felt like he was watching us. "

Henkel was startled.

"I just wanted to ask, do you think that girl is good-looking? You seem to be about the same age, and she seems to have a successful career..."

Fingal was speechless, the old cowboy was helpless.

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