C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 56: "Infighting"

"Number one, number one! Constantine is dead, and **** can't keep him, I said."

While Boss Luo was busy fooling old Han Gao and formulating the Doom Hunter Network plan, the battle situation of the Kassel College Monster Game Club was in full swing.

Lu Mingfei thought that Constantine was his good brother Han Li. That won't work either, no amount of brotherhood can stop them from pushing the boss.

Origin is about to go online for half a year, and most players have completed the main storyline of the first chapter. Enrollment, brush the professor's favorability, and then run tasks everywhere.

Of course, there are also unconventional players who tricked the professor out of school as soon as he entered the school, and used high-risk words to assassinate the professor. Among them, Professor Ann Ridggu has the highest number of deaths.

After a long period of exploration, players have also summed up a lot of game experience.

If you are a staunch zero-dollar party, please stay away from the wind attribute. Whether it is the perception system that relies on guns and hidden weapons, or the speed system that must have a good knife, it means that there is no money to play a hammer.

For example, after opening the lock of Kame Itachi, you can only rely on Glock to kill three generations of players, and it is not appropriate to call it a scraping master.

Fire and Earth are easy to draw words that are more practical in the early stage. Fire-type explosions are extremely efficient at brushing maps, but they are brittle.

Most of the earth attributes are of the body strengthening system, which is very suitable for handicapped players.

As for the water system, it is the current version orphan. There are very few kinds of speech spirits, because Luo Yin really has not seen a few, so he does not dare to make up this adaptation.

But no matter what genre of players, they can only be amazed in front of the boss Constantine at the end of the first act. Outrageous, too outrageous.

Today, the dream team that has assembled almost all the top players in the server is bound to win the leader of Constantine.

At the forefront is the glowing [Monster], the silver-haired version of Uesugi Eri Yi. The one in charge of sailing was the equally golden [Sonic] Caesar, and the first mate was the extra-large Lu Mingfei.

On the deck, [roar? 】While flicking his tail, Vera was explaining the strategy plan to him. They are "wild" powerful players specially invited by Eri Yi.

Xia Mi was the only **** in the elite team, but she brought Chu Zihang here. His account was created temporarily for free one-day activities. It is difficult to say whether he played games for entertainment, or upgraded it as a job.

On both sides, Zero and Nono are on standby as snipers. In addition, there are more than a dozen elite cannon fodder drawn from the Lionheart Club and the Student Union.

As the initiator of this raiding operation, Eri Yi is carefully explaining the battle plan on the channel.

"According to the past strategy process, Constantine has three basic forms, plus a hidden self-destruct form.

Constantine in the sleeping state will continue to increase his ability within three minutes until he wakes up or is awakened;

In the awakened form, he will explode two rounds of large-scale all-word attacks, and then create alchemy armor to continuously attack in a large area;

After the second form is over or Samson is killed, he will pull out the seven deadly sins and enter the third form, which is difficult to defeat.

And if he keeps using long-range attacks to drag the time, he will release Yanling Rhine, and the attack will fail. "

Lu Mingfei scratched his head, this transformation was seamless. As a famous team meat shield, he was hacked to death by Constantine at least dozens of times.

"[Murame], [Roar?], [Never Work Overtime], you are all players who are good at melee combat, responsible for leading Samson away, the farther the better."

"[Sonic], hit the 60-second countdown and kill Samson with a torpedo.

I will attack Constantine with the cannon fodder at the same time, and use up the word spirit that erupted when he wakes up, and Yaki's resilience can withstand it.

Constantine will first enter the second form for a period of time before opening the Seven Deadly Sins.

[Big Bear], you are the only S-rank bloodline that can resist his kingdom. Rush in, steal the seven deadly sins, and run away. "


The torpedo exploded on top of Samson's head as planned, and the attacking elite cannon fodder turned to ashes in the Dragon King's version of Junyan.

In the high temperature and black flames, Uesugi Eri Yi turned on the word spirit and Yaki, and added a piece of equipment that resisted the fire-type word spirit to attract Constantine's attention from the front.

The Dragon King heard the sound behind him and found a shameless little thief more than two meters tall. He took up the seven deadly sins and began to run wildly freestyle in the water.

Constantine stretched out his hand to summon the Seven Deadly Sins, but Lu Mingfei resisted the backward suction of the metal box with his bloodline and brute force, and continued to flutter in the scalding sea water.

This is the shortcut for customs clearance, and the seven deadly sins cannot be left in the hands of the boss.

Fenrir opened the Bronze Throne and attacked Constantine with the Academy's dragon slayer elite. Even with his low IQ, he felt that the current scene was very wrong.

Caesar's blood-sucking scythe broke out, and every scythe ferret has a golden-blue brilliance. This is a limited-edition Yanling skin worth 19,999.

Xia Mi, who was in charge of photography, watched Fenrir posing in a Wing Chun posture and beat Constantine with Japanese punches. He felt that the way the world opened up might have gone 100 million points wrong.

This silly brother, did he hide a little secret and didn't tell my sister.

Does this 【Never Work Overtime】 want to make big news? If things go on like this, what if she finally decides to devour Fenrir one day, and the silly brother uses his fighting skills to give himself two punches.

Yemenga murmured in his heart, guessing that the serious technical flow Fenrir could kill her with a few punches. It's no joke, an iron fist weighing several tons with the power of words.

But if she goes to hatch a giant dragon body, what about the love with humans here, bah game...

The magical scene in front of her reminded her of the beautiful years when the four monarchs fell in love with each other shortly after the death of the Black King. No, I have to go back and see what happened to Fenrir.

Master Wei and Fenrir fought Constantine in close quarters, Hui Liyi relied on Yaqi to deal damage with the word spirit, Chu Zihang summoned lightning to disrupt the rhythm, Caesar and a group of people on the boat used word spirit and sniper rifles to deal long-range damage .

As for Lu Mingfei, he was still fighting the seven deadly sins of disobedience in the sea.

The dungeon countdown enters 45 seconds, and Constantine's HP remains at 10%, so it may be too late.

"Back off!"

Eri Yi shouted, and took out a watermelon-sized ice blue icosahedron gem from the inventory. At this moment, even Caesar was willing to be defeated in front of the girl's strength.

This is a level 8 alchemy item called [Breath of Winter]. The dragon slaying props that can be exchanged for heavy gold need to be full of the favorability of the vice-principal Hilbert Flamel and complete the side quest of the Seventh Ring.

The props shattered, the soaring flames turned into snowflakes and ice crystals falling, freezing Konstantin and Huiliyi together, the Dragon King's figure stopped at the moment of fluttering, and an 8-second blue countdown appeared above his head.

"I can't live up to the sacrifice of President Emiri! All members attack!"


In the sound of the equipment and gold coins falling, the full server announcement sounded in the game.

"The dungeon 'Dawn of Fire' is completed by the team of players [Monster], [Roar?], [Sonic]...[Senior Brother Fire, Burglar and Defense]. The difficulty of clearing the subsequent stages of the dungeon will be reduced by 30%.

"Dragon: Origin" will be updated online for 24 hours, opening the new expansion "Dirty Throne". Happy Dragon Egg games to all. "

The spoils of the first kill include the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust, and the Seven Deadly Sins and gluttony; Constantine's keel cross, which is used to exchange for high prestige in the academy or other forces; bloodlines, words, and equipment enhancements, badges of honor, etc.

Finally, there is a key covered in rust.

[Easter Egg Dungeon: The Only Key to Noon of Fire]: It will only be given to the warriors who kill Constantine first. Be able to enter the Easter egg copy and witness the real Dragon King. Only available to the first kill.

The people who just cleared the customs gathered around and discussed, quite curious. In the end, it was decided that it is better to hit the sun than to choose a day, and that is today.

Luo Yin asked Constantine a long time ago that even if he greatly increased the difficulty of the level, players would still beat him one day. What is he going to do by then?

The Dragon King of the Dead House replied, then let them witness the real Dragon King.

Constantine, who was casting his vertebrae, immediately got on the number when he heard the news that he had been killed. Those stupid humans should be eager to enter the Easter Egg dungeon.

In the copy, the Dragon Slayer Dream Team repeated the old tricks, killed Samson, and stole the Seven Deadly Sins.

Constantine opened his eyes, and Eili Yi, who was charging in front, seemed to feel the real dragon power~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What a powerful technique!

The Dragon King pointed out a plain white finger, and the empty cruise ship melted and deformed in the high temperature, and reassembled. Constantine floated back in mid-air, merging with the cooling metal.

Your sister's dog plan!

Lu Mingfei was shocked when he saw the steel dragon more than ten meters high. And Constantine only felt that the ship was too small, and the dragon's body was not big enough.

Constantine in the heart of the steel dragon connected the nerves of his head, spine, and limbs to the alchemy circuit, and started today's happy game.

Big Bear taught himself to play Interstellar, and I played Origin with him, back and forth.

It only took him half a minute to destroy the dream team and found the fish that slipped through the net in the cabin, Xia Mi.

The girl and the cold steel dragon pupil looked at each other, and for a moment, both sides had the illusion of reunion after a long absence.

But just a second later, Yemengade was hit with a flaming dragon breath with a diameter of three meters.

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