C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 58: cast sword

[Level 5 alchemy items

The Seven Deadly Sins Pride (copy)

Conditions of use: Luo Yin/Susie


1. Tough and sharp

2. The alchemy domain of "arrogance" that resists and weakens other domains

3. Pour in blood and spirit, enter a fully excited state, the blade is elongated and deformed (but it will not become Tian Yu Yu Slash)

Excitation method: inject a small amount of blood

Note: you count carefully...]

In the Tokyo base, a cute new swordsmith watched the freshly released A goods and gave himself a compliment in his heart. What happened to the Six-faced Han Sword, is Han Liufang necessarily inferior to Han Bafang?

At the beginning, Boss Luo and a female employee surnamed Su boasted that Haikou would one day create a sword stronger than Tian Congyun. It makes no sense that this alchemy sword, the White King can make it, and the Fire King can make it, but he, an outstanding young alchemist, can't make it.

But when the furnace was opened and the sword was cast, Luo Yin was caught blind.

The way he used to make alchemy swords was not fundamentally different from making other alchemical items.

First, draw a design drawing according to the alchemy circuit, cast it with a modern machine tool at one time, and then send it to the production line of the metal factory made according to the judgment of the word spirit.

Finally, relying on the high accuracy provided by Yanling Jingtong, filling the circuit with mercury, artificial dragon blood, deadpool serum, etc., and coating the surface with a layer of amalgam or artificial diamond film, an assembly line alchemy sword is completed.

This kind of alchemy sword cannot be said to be weak, it is basically a 3~4 level alchemy item, and the complete set can also be combined to increase, which can effectively kill the three generations. But the upper limit can't be raised, and even if the keel is added, it won't be much higher.

The entire set of seven deadly sins is an alchemy item that exceeds level 10 in the system detection. The alchemy domain, crime and punishment can easily kill the first generation species, and the upper limit is unknown.

In the final analysis, Tian Congyun is the product of Bai Wang Hang's vigorous efforts, endowed with the absolute concept of "sword" with absolute spirit, and the Seven Deadly Sins represent the pinnacle of alchemy.

The most difficult thing for Luo Yin to understand is that the appearance of the Seven Deadly Sins is extremely simple, exuding a sense of luxury.

And his alchemy sword engraved with patterned circuits looks a bit bells and whistles in comparison...

This belongs to the blind spot of Kassel textbooks.

Word spirit and alchemy are the two powers of pure blood dragons, and the common foundation of both is dragon writing.

It’s just that the former is presented in the form of chanting, while the latter, in order to facilitate recording on three-dimensional materials, transforms the dragon inscriptions into various forms of geometric patterns one by one correspondingly.

Luo Yin didn't see any alchemy circuit at all in the seven deadly sins, but the additional alchemy field was solid. Until June of this year, the progress of the sword casting project was 0%.

Boss Luo finally put down his face and was not ashamed to ask. Anyway, Constantine looked younger than him, so there was nothing wrong with asking.

"Old Kang, Brother Kang, how many days can you lend me the Seven Deadly Sins?"

The Dragon King of the Dead House suddenly became vigilant. Since being stabbed once, Constantine has deeply realized how dark this human being is.

"What do you want to take it for?"

"Research, study, study."

Luo Yin rubbed his hands.

"Tian Congyun is pressing me here first. I think you just want to use Tian Congyun to chop up the seven deadly sins to see the structure inside."

"You are treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, can I be such a person!"

Boss Luo, who saw through the plan, hurriedly denied it. Can this day be passed, what is the point of living for the Dragon King who cannot be squeezed out of the remaining value!

At this moment, Constantine vaguely transformed into a high-end ingredient in his eyes.

Luo Yin obediently mortgaged Tian Congyun, and Constantine threw a handful of lust. hetui, who wants to imitate the rib, this thing is bad just by looking at it.

"I'm going to be furious."

"Ha ha."

His brother was lying in rage, the ghost knows whether this human is trying to make money or kill.

"Pride, can't go down any further."

"You have to pay more."

Luo Yin:......

This was the first time he failed to press both sides at the same time. The crumb system determines that the seven deadly sins are seven alchemical items, and can only parse one sword at a time.

However, after analyzing the Longwen model used by Arrogance, Boss Luo continued to be blinded. This alchemy field carried by Han Bafang is simpler than he imagined. The question is, where is the loop?

Moreover, the alchemy field attached to arrogance is fundamentally different from what Luo Yin has always produced.

He obtained the dragon text model by analyzing the word spirit, then intercepted and modified the model, and finally chose a suitable carrier for it.

Arrogance gave him the impression that, with the shape of the sword, Norton specially designed the arrogant alchemy field for it in order to bring it to the top.

Luo Yin fed Han Bafang some blood every three or five minutes, and let him wake up to the full form of a straight sword several meters long without suppressing his bloodline, and finally figured out a principle for him.

When the seven deadly sins devoured the blood of high blood, they roared lively, and metal buds and silk-like things would grow on the surface of the sword.

Only at this miraculous moment, Luo Yin was able to observe the ingenuity of this ancient sword in a glimpse.

Norton uses a technique similar to cold forging, rather than pouring it into a mold and casting it once. Melting the sea of ​​bronze is only to smelt the raw material for swords, that is, recycled metals of various properties.

Use the regenerated metal of prosperous growth, such as living things, to build a specific alchemy array, shape it into the original form of the sword with the power of metal, and then compress it to the extreme with thousands of tempering, and become the form of sleeping in the knife box.

The alchemy array is cleverly hidden in thousands of folds inside the sword, and a neat and magnificent casting pattern blooms on the edge of the blade, thus perfectly combining the virtue of slaughter carried by the sword with the strange beauty of alchemy one.

Constantine dared to hand over the seven deadly sins to Luo Yin because he was sure that he could not crack this mythical technique at all. But the little dragon king, how could he imagine how hard he Luo Yin worked!

"For the first time, four kinds of materials with different properties were used, and 70 extremely thin metal strips were used, but it was still far from the original arrogance.

Norton is afraid that it is not made of metal wire, it feels a little nanotechnology inexplicably..."

In September, when the cooling time of the system expired, Luo Yin borrowed the greed from Constantine again. Except for this Han Bafang, only greed is a typical sword shape. As for the suture monster like Atkan Long Knife, it does not meet his aesthetics.

When he finishes learning the two seven deadly sins, he will be half the king of bronze and fire rounded up. Who would dare to say that Master Luo can't make swords!

"I have to admit, your talent is beyond my expectations."

Constantine saw that he was imitating the greedy Luo Yin with metal wires of different diameters, and realized that this human being had learned the tricks of his brother's casting technology.

"Guide Kang, come and give some technical advice, the allocation to you this month will be doubled."

The Dragon King of the Dead House dawdled for a while, and reluctantly opened his mouth and said:

"Swords are destined to be the mortal enemy of life, this is their destiny. The starting point of casting the seven deadly sins is to kill different enemies.

For example, the original intention of casting arrogance was to target the fields of word spirit and alchemy. Add multiple facets to the sword to make it difficult to break, and add a field that ignores the field, which is used to kill opponents with strong mental strength.

Greed is aimed at the races of the ocean and water. Most of them have strong bodies, outstanding regeneration ability, and the effect of absorbing life can effectively restrain them.

As for lust...it functions as a sneak attack. "


"Lust can be carried around without being discovered, the sharpness can break through the defense of the first generation, and at the same time, it has the toxicity comparable to pure spiritual elements.

The seven swords are different in power, but their respective functions cannot be easily replaced. "

Constantine crouched down, condensed and weaved a few metal wires, turned them into extremely thin metal vacuum tubes, and handed them to Luo Yin.

"This is the key to casting greed. Casting the core with a wire tube can achieve the effect of absorbing life."

"Thank you. The recent operation of prying the corner of the hunter's net went well. It's time to close the net."

Constantine waved his hand. The only imaginary enemy in his mind is Odin, who is destined to take revenge himself.

"Actually, I've surpassed you in one technique. You can try the samples over there."

The Dragon King didn't believe it as soon as he heard it, he picked up the arrogant A guy beside him, and didn't respond. He continued to inject dragon blood and spirit, but still no response.

Constantine: ?

"Did you see it? I locked it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It only recognizes me and Susie. The casting of the peerless sword is still not locked. It will attract thieves sooner or later."

Humans really can't understand the pride of the dragon race.

The sword is an independent existence, and the one who holds the sword controls the power, and the sword should not be bound by the power.

Constantine recalled his brother's teaching, but the more he thought about it, the more inappropriate it became. Add a lock, it seems to be more secure.

"So, why do you want to cast a sword? Modern human weapons are also easy to use, just spend more money."

"A good sword matches a beautiful woman, and a good sword kills the wicked.

Killing some people, using a gun, is so unpleasant. "

Luo Yin finished building the alchemy array, heated the worktable to 400 degrees, and lifted an alloy casting hammer in his hand. I hope the online tutorials are more reliable.

Open the furnace, forge the sword!

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