C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 59: No Name II (Part 1)

"Sir, do you need a blanket?"

"Get me one, thank you."

The old man had neatly gray hair, and his gray eyes did not look old. He spoke in Mandarin with a Henan accent, which surprised the flight attendant.

Lin Fenglong changed out of the bamboo cloth shirt he often wore in Beijing. He was wearing straight black trousers and a long dark brown trench coat over the shirt, which looked a bit like an old hunting suit.

He was searching for the traces of the two, but he didn't expect that a little person who did not know awe jumped on the stage, making him temporarily change his route and come to the United States. The hunter net is one of the key arrangements and cannot be disturbed.

Lin Fenglong bought a plane ticket to Florida, using a pseudonym, and then transferred by car. Only the Gattuso family in the secret party knew of his actions.

After all, there are still people in this world who remember him and want to find Friedrich von Long and kill him in the most brutal way.

Today is September 23, 2010. It's a day to remember.

Lin Fenglong smiled and took the air-conditioning blanket handed by the flight attendant. Under the deep wrinkles, there was still a trace of dashing and flamboyant youth.

Through the porthole of the plane, the cold gray pupils looked at the ancient country that gradually shrank and disappeared, and his thoughts returned to more than 100 years ago.


1890, Hamburg, Germany, the Long family estate.

Andreas von Long was furious in the living room. He had just sold a set of Chinese china that his father Ralph had purchased when he was alive, but only received 400 marks, and the expenses of the manor were still difficult to maintain.

Ralph, his father, relied on his own prowess in the Danish War 30 years ago, and was made a baron for his outstanding merits. He has since finally been able to add "von" to his middle name.

von has little practical meaning, yet seems to mean everything.

His rise came from his own blood. In a considerable part of the noble circle, everyone knows the existence of some kind of "noble blood", such as the famous Count of Cassel.

But Andreas did not inherit this bloodline, and his only son Friedrich did not have that noble golden pupil.

Ralph was a very vain man. In just a few short years, like those big nobles, he bought manors, bought slaves, and filled the newly built wine cellar with cheap red wine.

Because the son did not inherit his blood, after the death of his mother, Ralph completely ignored the existence of his family and lingered in the "high society" drinking parties and dances all day long.

In 1884, when Friedrich was just 12 years old, Ralph died in an inexplicable duel between gentlemen, his head was shot through a large hole with a shotgun, and the noble blood could not save him.

"Long", the newly born nobleman, seems to have come to an end after only 20 years. The huge manor and the recruited servants only mean greater expenses.

When he had to deal with the manor, that noble middle name would become a shame that he had to carry.

Andreas suffered from lung disease as a child, and has been ill for more than two decades. After Ralph died, his wife abandoned him. He is powerless to revive this decaying manor, and his son Friedrich is even more useless.

He hates communicating with people, and has no interest in hunting, musical instruments, and dancing popular among nobles, but is obsessed with history and antiques.

Grandpa Ralph was particularly fascinated by the antiques and books he bought from China when he was rich. The exchanges between Friedrich and the servant Alexander were far greater than those between him and his father.

"Alexander, help me transcribe the text on page 11."

Andreas rages in the living room, then starts wheezing and coughing violently from his lung disease. And Friedrich had become accustomed to it, and only asked Alexander to help in the study, arranging and translating ancient books.

"Ok sir."

Alexander was tall and stern. Friedrich favored the domestic servant because he had several years of education, could write, was good at imitating, and had a very steady wrist.

Alexander carefully opened the ancient book on the table and found what appeared to be Chinese square characters. Friedrich was a very talented man who taught himself to write in Latin and Greek through books, and more recently turned to learning Chinese characters.

"Alexander, how is the young Chinese you took in not long ago?"

A month ago, he found a dirty passenger on the side of the road outside the port of Hamburg, in poor health.

Alexander took him in at the master's behest. A young man in his early twenties, the man has a handsome face, but his dark pupils lack some energy.

Because of the language barrier, it took a long time to understand that he was from China, and it took a long time to come here due to various changes.

"Li left after a good rest. He was learning German fast and his last name was 'Li'. He couldn't write Chinese characters and couldn't come to help.

Before he left, he left this, something he always carried with him, to give to the young master. "

Alexander handed a rectangular silver plaque to the boy, to Friedrich's surprise. This should be an antique, with two columns of square characters engraved on the silver plaque.

It was not long before the boy started learning Chinese characters, otherwise he would have discovered that these two columns of characters were actually Taoist mantras.

Alexander quietly looked at the young man who was immersed in research, and a faint golden light appeared in his pupils. The two people in the study are both studying, the teenager is studying language, and he is studying human beings.

a month ago.

When He opened his eyes again, the unease in his brain finally dissipated a lot.

He may have been sealed again, the world in front of him has passed for many years, and he still has not found the trace of his master.

A human waved his hand before his eyes, disgusting human smell. It's not black hair and black pupils, and most of the people around are not.

His heart sank, and when he woke up again, he was in a foreign country.

The young man behind Alexander looked at him and was very curious about this rare and exotic appearance. This human carried him under the master's instructions and wanted to send him somewhere.

He instinctively turned on the word spirit, the mirror pupil, which was the word spirit he was most familiar with and loved the most. After a long period of time, He already knew that this was no longer the era of the dragon race.

In order to find and rescue the master, he must first hide himself and be good at learning to imitate human actions.

Most of the time, He didn't say a word, pretended to be an ordinary young man, and cooperated with Yan Ling to carefully observe Alexander and understand the current era.

learn, imitate. The master had once admired that, apart from the noble earthly python, his talent in this area was the most outstanding.

Finally, a week ago, Alexander called him to the harbour to help carry things, and the quay at dusk was pouring a dull rain.

The servants carefully carried the wooden boxes containing spices and bacon, which were also high-end goods for the master's family.

Walking to the alley not far from the manor, Alexander turned to greet the young man surnamed Li, and a sharp bone spur pierced his throat.

The youth stared at Alexander, who was lying in the rain, whimpering and unable to speak. His hair and pupils began to change color, and his body grew taller, slowly taking the shape of Alexander.

He put on Alexander's clothes, spit out fluent German, imitated his accent, and recalled his movement habits. In the end, the human was torn apart and thrown into the sewer.

From today on, He is Alexander. This appearance makes it easier to integrate into human society than the original alien appearance. But not enough.

In the study, Alexander used his mirror pupils to collect Friedrich's information. Descendants of mixed-race minor nobles, hate communication, love archaeology and history. This identity works well.

Two weeks later, late at night, Andreas in the living room is reading a newspaper and drinking hot tea that warms his lungs.

On the right side of the newspaper cover is a handsome and tall young man, the Count of less than 20 years old, Meneke Cassel.

In the black-and-white photo, he is in high spirits~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As an excellent young nobleman and a young envoy who is about to go to various countries, he has an audience with William II.

Really enviable.

Andreas suddenly began to cough violently and the tea splashed. He couldn't stop coughing until blood splattered and his throat hurt like a knife.

"Fried! Alexander!"

In the roar of thunder, he wondered if anyone heard his cry for help.

In the quiet study room, the bright electric lights turn on and off from time to time, and those ancient books are sometimes bright and sometimes gloomy.

Friedrich lay limply on the desk, his eyes dead. His cervical nerve was severed, and he also had a very fine puncture hole in the back of his head.

Blood slowly meanders on the tabletop, flowing onto the ancient silver plaque.

He got a new name again.

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