C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 60: Anonymous II (middle)

A long sleep, another three hundred years.

More than 800 years ago, the master's pseudonym Li Wuyue cooperated with the royal family, and he was hidden behind the scenes to jointly assist the Xixia Emperor and kill the mixed-race forces in the Central Plains.

According to Western chronology, it was at the beginning of the 11th century.

For a few years, Xixia has won consecutive battles with the army of the Song Dynasty. However, after the Battle of Xia Liao Hequ, He was suddenly ambushed by those bastards. Looking back now, it may have been the result of the emperor's acquiescence.

The aristocratic family of self-proclaimed dragon slayers in the Central Plains knew the characteristics of the pure-blooded dragon clan and its ability to be reborn from a cocoon. He had no chance to summon the Deadpool Legion, and he had no way of knowing whether Li Wuyue was also ambushed.

When he woke up from half-life and half-death, it was actually an era called Daming. Xixia has been subjugated for more than 300 years, and "Li Wuyue" has not left many traces.

At that time, he didn't know the reason for hiding himself, and he was desperate to find his master "Li Wuyue". Because of his power as a pure-blood dragon, he infiltrated the human capital.

There, he did not find Li Wuyue's whereabouts, but unexpectedly found traces of the king of the earth and the mountain. But just a year later, he exposed his dragon identity again because he was not concealed enough, and was killed by a group of mixed races disguised in the Jinyiwei. .

When he woke up from the cocoon, it was ridiculous to say that what remained on him was only the "magic instrument" that the scumbags used to seal him in 1044. The silver plaque engraved with the "Five Thunder Warriors" spell.

"Friedrich" recalls his long life and can't help but lose his mind. Waking up this time, he saw guns, ships, trains, the times were about to abandon them, he had to speed up, he had to succeed.

In this war, He was just a pawn, and even the master Li Wuyue couldn't decide her own outcome in the tide of fate.

In Cassel Manor, the surrounding guests were far away from him, because Sir Long was a famous eccentric.

It is a bit cheeky for him to wear the middle name of "Feng" after the baron, not to mention that this idiot sold most of his family property after his father's death, dismissed his servants, and entered the Department of History at the University of Munich, completely indulging in archaeology.

Friedrich chose the Department of History in order to quickly understand the world through the perspective of human beings and to trace the whereabouts of Li Wuyue from clues.

Being invited to this special gathering was also part of his plan.

At the University of Munich, he deliberately exposed his "noble blood" in front of some bastards, pretending to be **** mourning, and mixed into the circle of German mixed races.

Since his sophomore year, Friedrich "unintentionally" showed his strong interest in discovering the dragon civilization, throwing out some superficial knowledge conversion forms in his mind as research results, and finally came into contact with the dragon slayer of this land. , the European secret party.

The initiator of today's banquet is the destined leader of the secret party in the future, Menech Cassel. He had just finished his studies at Cambridge University and had returned home in a high-profile manner, introducing to the German mixed-race circle some of the mixed-race elites he had met: members of the young club "Lionheart".

"Hey, you guy, why do you always look depressed and depressed! Isn't the collection of Chateau Cassel bad to drink!"

He was slapped **** the shoulder. German, about twenty-five, with ill-fitting dress, calloused fingers, and an unwashed cigar smell.

"Smoky Ash", one of the members of the Lionheart Club, has no sophistication as a noble, and his mouth is full of alcohol after drinking two bottles of spirits.

"Because most of them are boring people. Those who bow to the Count of Cassell and say hello, you pay close attention to their eyes."

Friedrich said lightly.

"What's wrong?"

"They were in awe of the power of the Count of Cassel, not his abilities or more precious qualities. Everyone bowed and said hello, while secretly looking at the Count's Lionheart friends with the eyes of a circus clown."

"Are you talking about me?" Ash lit another cigar for himself.

"You are the most normal one."

Friedrich raised his glass and glanced across the crowd at the banquet.

"Chief Brendan, muscular as a wild beast, black; tiger Jamal, Indian, wearing national clothes to the count's banquet; Chinese in the corner, his black top hat is the wrong shape, and there is probably a hidden inside. Long braids.

By contrast, you're just a cigar-smoking **** with no etiquette. You have a faint smell of motor oil on your skin, thick calluses on your hands, and you deal a lot with machinery, I guess guns or something.

The companions that Count Cassel was optimistic about were all freaks, but they were disdainful of local young people. Of course, the guests would feel uncomfortable. "

Soot listened to his conclusion, exhaled the smoke ring, and took another gulp of wine.

"You are a freak. I feel that it will be difficult for me to live peacefully with you in the future.

After the banquet, the boss invited me. He saw your talent in archaeology and your passion for exploring dragon civilization. "

With his back to the ash, the corners of Friedrich's mouth widened. In September 1894, it was not too late.


Menek's golden eyes almost made him think that this man was his own race. It is simply the coercion of the sun, no less than the spiritual power of his heyday.

"In 23 seconds, he can actually stare at the boss's golden pupil for so long! Newcomers are monsters."

Chief Brendan pinched the stopwatch with a look of surprise.

"Your bloodline is much higher than I thought."

Menek noticed that Friedrich couldn't help closing his eyes before closing his golden pupils.

"So, the temporary member counts him as one? Friedrich von Long, the sixth member of the first generation of Lionhearts.

Soot, chiefs, tigers, you are all violent madmen with no culture, and Yamahiko is a boring gourd. Time to add a civilian to our ranks, the archaeologist. "

"Boss, you are still the same, you are the real violent maniac! I thought the sixth member would be a ghost. Joining a girl is much more important than joining a civilian!"

The Indian Jamal was a little indignant, and he was obviously a Cambridge graduate.

"The ghost is too young. Let's talk about it when she is an adult."

This was the first time Friedrich saw the Chinese man speak tonight. His German is quite standard and straight-forward.

"Or Yamahiko has a gentleman's demeanor and knows that he loves girls. You don't fall in love with ghosts, do you?"

"Megnac! I'm a man with a wife, and he's only 15 years old, you bastard!"

Lu Shanyan angrily denied it. The strong man Soot secretly went to take off his hat, but the chief wanted to tug at his braid, but he rewarded him severely.

"On this account, the ghost can only be the eighth member. I met a very good young man in Cambridge, and he was destined to be a hero.

If I hang up, it is estimated that you will mess with him in the future. "

Soot was a little surprised. It had to be good enough to be recognized by Menek as a future hero.

"His name is Angers. In fact, he's just a 16-year-old hairy boy, but he acts like a **** all day long and likes to chat up beautiful girls.

Sitting on the guardrail of the bridge pretending to read poetry and philosophy is actually peeking at the girl's big white legs. "

"Sounds like something you like, boss..."

"Anyway, Friedrich, from today you are a temporary member of the Lionheart. The Cassel family will fund your archaeological work, and amaze me with your talents!

We have quite a few familiar pilots in Krupp, you can go there to customize firearms for self-defense, of course, you can also use swords. "

Friedrich didn't say a word~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just bowed to Menek, unable to see the expression on his face. His plan has so far gone well.

In September 1894, Friedrich became a provisional member of the Lionheart Club.

In the spring of 1895, Friedrich and Hilbert Jean Angers became the sixth and seventh members of the original Lionheart Club, respectively.

In 1896, Friedrich often went out hunting with chiefs and tigers, for which he ordered a set of dark brown hunting suits. Lu Shanyan's Itachi was cheating, so I didn't take him to play.

In August 1896, Friedrich found clues about the Lord of Bronze and Fire and the Lord of Earth and Mountain in ancient books, and was summoned by the secret party elders.

In the autumn of 1897, together with Menek and Lu Shanyan, he held a grand ballroom dance for the Indian girl ghost as her coming-of-age ceremony.

In the same year, they visited Friedrich's alma mater, the University of Munich, and took a family photo.

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