C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 71: day and month

A peaceful night, nothing happened.

The logistics team all arrived at around eight o'clock, carrying all kinds of heavy weapons and alchemy bombs.

The advantage of operating in Africa is that customs here are far less troublesome than Somali pirates, who can get in everything except aircraft carrier battle groups.

Professor Mance was in charge of arranging the staff, while Guderian quickly sketched on the paper, while communicating fluently with several aborigines. You can trust Guderian on anything but life and death matters.

And Caesar was walking in the station, frowning slightly, there was a subtle sense of dissonance here. His observational skills and intuition have always been sharp, and there must be something "wrong" here.

He turned on the sickle, and the wind demon spread around, filtering out the voices of people talking and talking, and bringing back the voice of nature.

is underground. There seemed to be hundreds of millions of ant colonies crawling at the same time under the ruins, and there were dense and extremely slight sounds, and the soil and rock layers were constantly undergoing subtle disintegration and displacement.

"Professor Mance, get everyone out of the ruins!"

Caesar shouted, and at the same time called up Norma's interface.

"Norma, help me calculate all the seismic data under the ruins."

Caesar and Mance communicated the situation, nervously watching the seismic data uploaded by Norma.

With the ruins as the center, an earthquake of less than magnitude 2 and a very small area will occur in about two minutes. Earthquakes of this very low intensity occur every day and are almost imperceptible to living things, and Kama Itachi can perceive the very low frequency of underground sound waves.

He also found the reason for the "dissonance". Compared with last night, the distance between each marching tent at the garrison has changed a little bit. Their camp "grew up" on its own last night.

A team of more than 40 people quickly evacuated from the camp and waited for the next instruction 200 meters away from the ruins.

The sun was shining, and the rainforest became very hot and humid. Due to the lack of time, the team did not dismantle the tent and only brought out important supplies from the camp.

The intensity of frequent minor earthquakes is gradually increasing over time, with an average magnitude of 1.9. Looking from a distance, it can be noticed that the camp area has become significantly larger, and the ground in some places has cracked.

Mance looked at Caesar approvingly, and his sharpness may have saved the entire team from disaster. At present, this abnormal earthquake phenomenon is almost certainly related to the dragon family.

"Guderian, what do you think?"

The old man scratched his gray hair, and his face was very excited.

"The activities of dragons are accompanied by frequent ground movements, only the earth and the mountains. With such frequent and regular ground movements, this may be the palace of a prince-level dragon, and it is not even ruled out that it is the king of the earth and the mountain! "

"But the college has always believed that the one who destroyed the Detroit train station building was most likely the King of the Mountain."

Mance questioned.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out! Maybe the one that appeared in Detroit was just the Dragon Warrior."

Guderian reported the situation and analysis of the ruins to the Executive Department, waiting for the Academy's follow-up instructions.

Xia Mi on the side clenched her fist silently and wrote down the name Guderian. On the day that Benlong captured Kassel, he had no fruit to eat.

Near noon, the archaeological team re-stationed 300 meters outside the ruins and hid the heavy weapons back in the tent.

The sunlight at this time is already very poisonous, but there are extremely thick vines blocking the top of the head. After the team withdrew from the ruins, the earthquake intensity increased significantly, and there was a clear sense of the tremor. Many tents on the original station had collapsed.

Although the detection results showed that there was nothing under the ruins, not even groundwater, everyone's emotions were still highly tense. Everyone felt that there might be a giant dragon breaking out of the ground at any time in front of them.

At noon, when the sun was at its brightest, hundreds of beams of sunlight penetrated the dense trees and cast over the ruins.

In an instant, the light burst, and the canvas covering the surface of the ruins shattered and dissipated, revealing the richly styled metal objects below. In appearance, there are discs, broken spears, metal plates of unknown significance, helmets, and more.

Centered on the broken square metal base in the ruins, a shocking earthquake erupted without warning.

The ground swelled like a solid wave, and the original station was destroyed in more than a second and was swallowed by the soil. Tall rainforest trees and tangled vines were also completely torn apart, and the nascent ground was a rare orange-red with nothing above it.

The orange-red earth spread to the periphery with the ruins as the center, and the academy team evacuated in an orderly manner with a loud rumbling. Caesar looked back and saw that the prototype of the red palace had been erected in the ruins.

The waves of the red earth spread to the vicinity of the new camp, and they stopped for a moment, no longer moving forward. Everyone looked vigilantly at the red Greek-style palace a few hundred meters away, feeling that it was a few kilometers away, and that palace was even grander than the Potala Palace.

No doubt their sense of space is distorted. Although they were not far from the ruins, the roar of the local earthquake was like thunder in the ears, but with the orange-red earth as the boundary, they were separated from the palace in two different spaces.

Then, groups of sturdy black buddies ran out of the red palace, their naked upper bodies smeared with butter, reflecting the dazzling brilliance in the sun.

They wear Roman-style cockscomb helmets, and their golden crowns are decorated with orange-red lines, like half a sun wheel.

The black buddies held spears and discus-like things, and ran towards the crowd while showing off their solid black muscles.

Facing this 1080-degree turn, Professor Mans couldn't help it. No matter what, it doesn't count that the dragons will send a group of black brothers to use iron spears to destroy humans.

In addition to being confused, Caesar was also a little annoyed. Where did the African civilization inherit the Greco-Roman culture, aren't you messing around?

"Everyone, get ready to shoot!"

Although the enemy's equipment looks very primitive, it is not ruled out that it is a deceptive tactic, and it may be all hybrids holding alchemy equipment.

The African Greeks stopped neatly on the edge of the red soil, lined up neatly on the spot, and began to shout strange chants with extraordinary momentum.

"What, what's the situation..."

"Wakanda! We found Wakanda!"

Lu Mingfei made a mistake and dragged him out.

The leading black man trotted all the way to the edge of the clay, behaved like a Roman gladiator, and spoke a local language that he did not understand.

Guderian leaned forward and began to translate.

"I am the hero of the Sun Tribe, the guardian of the wolf god, Destin. The war with the Moon Tribe is about to begin, and the Sun Division is recruiting young soldiers."

The commissioners looked at each other in dismay, which really touched the blind spot of knowledge.

"Nkacha, do you have any clues?"

Mance asked. Nkacha should be the most reliable one of the branch commissioners present.

"There are no useful clues. There are too many primitive sun worship religions of this type in African history to be identified. As for the ones that fit their characteristics, I can't think of them at all."

Destin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said something to Guderian, pointing to several commissioners.

"They both look good, very Sun Warriors."

Everyone looked over and found that the ones who were cued were Caesar and Lu Mingfei. The pectoralis major is the standard for co-authoring the selection of people. But judging from the level of students, the vision is quite good.

Caesar was a little moved, and Lu Mingfei immediately wanted to dispel his impulse.

"It's obviously a Nibelungen! As soon as we entered, a dragon clambered out and swallowed us both.

This group of people also looks strange, they don't seem to be surprised by our language, our attire, and even more suspicious of living in the Nibelungen. "

Caesar continued to ponder. In his opinion, it is not so much an invitation from the black Destin, but more like an invitation from a certain dragon, inviting them to participate in a tribal war?

Are there two dragons in the Sun and Moon tribe?

The logistics were experimenting on the edge of the clay. Video and audio can't be sent back in the weird space, but it's still possible to send back short electrical signals. A group of black people are not in a hurry, quietly watching them test equipment.

Until almost one o'clock in the afternoon, Caesar still decided to go. Since the dragon class dared to issue an invitation, he agreed, which was his pride.

Armed with a simple communication and life-monitoring device and a carbon fiber rope fastened to his waist, he decided to step in and be the vanguard. Lu Mingfei shuddered a little when he saw Brother Hei's hopeful eyes, but he decided to stay together because of his face.


Stepping into the palace with trepidation, Lu Mingfei didn't see the big faucet in his imagination. It seemed that it was really just a luxurious palace.

On both sides of the hall are lifelike marble human sculptures, which Destin introduced excitedly, but they couldn't understand it. The sculptures are all muscular men, some show their muscles with bare hands, some show their muscles with a spear held high, and some show their muscles in a fighting stance.

Above the throne is a crimson majestic wolf head, which should be the wolf **** Destin mentioned.

Behind the palace is a large garden with green grass and a large bath with luxurious decoration. The exterior walls of the baths have outlets for lion and wolf heads, while the interior walls are decorated with colorful pebbles.

Lu Mingfei continued to be highly nervous, and was always on the lookout for the sudden attack of the black buddies around him. Caesar strolled in the courtyard, and commented on the decoration style here from time to time.

Suddenly, the poor boy screamed, Mai Ace!

The surrounding black buddies all took off their armors, jumped into the big bath and treated each other frankly, and warmly greeted the two newcomers to come in happily together.

The corner of Caesar's mouth twitched, and he jumped into the bath with a calm face. Lu Mingfei insisted on keeping the last underwear.

The warriors of the Sun Tribe picked up the wine by the pool and drank wildly. From time to time, they wanted to come over to verify the muscle level of the newcomers. Lu Mingfei's face turned green. If you know today, why practice hard.

"Lu Mingze, little devil, bastard, come out!"

"Here! My dear brother, what is your order?"

"You, you, please explain, what's the situation now?"

"It's nothing." Lu Mingze strolled leisurely beside the large smoky bath, licking Destin's egg-like bald head at will.

"Brother, have you seen that kind of passionate movie, that's all, you know."

"Which one, tell me clearly! Don't scare me."

"Brother, don't worry, just enjoy this trip to the fullest."

The little devil specially emphasized the word "enjoyment", and then disappeared.

The black brother next to him laughed and hugged Lu Mingfei, and the poor boy looked at Caesar, who was drinking with the warriors, and felt that his fame was going to be lost here.


"Shit, is that what I thought?"

After taking the Hongmen bath, Caesar and Lu Mingfei were led to what they thought was the armory room.

Caesar touched his chin and looked suspiciously at the javelin, discus, and open metal chariot decorated with red wolf heads on the ground.

Destin demonstrated the standard movements of the discus throwing, and then explained the wrestling and boxing events with rich body language.

Caesar realized that the war they were talking about with the Moon Tribe was likely to refer to the Games... They were drawn to be athletes.

The kind of passionate film that Lu Mingze was talking about probably refers to the Olympic documentaries.


Outside Nibelungen, everyone received the signal from the two on time to confirm that they were safe.

Until dusk, the color of the red palace in the distance suddenly began to dim, and even the entire red earth began to shake.

The palace collapsed, the earth swelled, and it fell into ruin in an instant. They saw the warriors of the Sun tribe standing among the ruins, their bodies turned illusory, and only the gigantic white skeletons remained.

Mance urgently ordered to pull back the safety rope, and found that Caesar and Lu Mingfei were safe and sound, but they slept so sweetly that they couldn't wake up.

The two were topless, also smeared with butter, sparkling. Caesar's sand eagle and hunting knife were inserted on both sides of the rough tribal clothing, and he was holding a rusty discus in his hand, which was extremely disobedient.

The medical staff carried the two away for examination, and Professor Mance continued to be stunned.

At sunset, the red palace completely collapsed and disappeared, and the ground swelled and turned pale. In the distance of the illusion, a white palace gradually appeared at the end of the barren land.

Then another team of black brothers dispatched under the moonlight and came to the crowd. The leader was called Adem.

The translator Guderian went online again and found that the language used by Adem was different from the previous Destin, which belonged to the national language of another region in South Africa.

Not surprisingly, they are the moon tribe, recruiting people. There was no muscle talent left in the room, and Adem looked slightly disappointed.

Xia Mi suddenly jumped out and pointed to herself.

"Adem said they don't want women."

Translated by Guderian.

Xia Mi suddenly felt cold, and you dared to reject this king.

Adem thinks it is normal. They inherited the games of the Greco-Roman period, when no women participated.

Xia Mi jumped up to Adem and glanced at him. She was more than a head shorter.

The Dragon King went up to a straight punch and then an uppercut, and the leader of more than 200 pounds, Adem, flew upside down and fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

Xia Mi took off his helmet with the crescent headdress and put it on himself.

The female neuropathy raised her right hand, "Hoo! Hoo!"

The warriors of the Moon Tribe followed suit.

"Professor, this is called risk hedging. You can only win if you bet on both sides at the same time."

After speaking, Xia Mi and a group of warriors rushed to the palace, even forgetting to take the communication device. She doesn't look like she is exploring the unknown dragon world, she looks like she is going to take back her own territory.

Xia Mi accompanied the team to the bathhouse, and then...

"You're a hooligan!"

She started beating up her teammates.


At dawn, Professor Mance, who had not slept all night, heard the rumbling of the drums, and finally came to his senses.

This is the war mentioned by the two tribes, is it finally going to start?

Caesar and Lu Mingfei woke up from their coma and trotted towards Nibelungen as if they were still alive. Mance cheered them on from the bottom of his heart.

At dawn, the sun will not rise, the sun and the moon will shine together, reaching a certain balance.

The red and white palaces stood in the distance at the same time, and the earth was clearly divided into two halves from the center.

The first project, armed race!

The ground bulged slightly, outlining the approximate runway.

A total of 24 athletes from both sides entered the arena at the same time, all covered in armor, with round shields and spears in both hands.

Mance knew it was coming. The moment the winner is decided is the moment when the dragon class reveals its true colors.

"Attention, be prepared to rescue the three commissioners at any time."

With a bang, a giant statue weighing more than ten tons fell in the center of the arena, Hercules.

On the metal base surrounded by two wolf heads, there are several rules inscribed in dragon script, and everyone can roughly understand their meaning in the resonance.

"Don't use words! Don't use weapons to hurt people! Outside of fighting games, don't hurt your life!"

Professor Mans wondered if he had misunderstood.

Twenty-four tribal warriors met aggressively, and then... took their starting position on the edge of the field.

Three of their undergraduate commissioners were among them, wearing different-shaped cockscomb helmets and smeared with bright red ox blood on their faces.

Xia Mi led her tribal horses to make strange roars, full of murderous intent.

The referee swung the iron sword, and in the sound of the drums, 24 people started running at the same time, running very fast, and the armors collided violently.

The sports meeting here has just opened, and all the staff in the headquarters are looking at the mobile phone in the subway. This, what is this?

Professor Mance, who was already extremely sleepy, suddenly couldn't hold himself back. Only Guderian did the job of explaining, saying that this was an armed race in the ancient Greek Games. It is undoubtedly very entertaining to start with such a long-dead project.

Near the finish line, the three undergraduates were neck and neck, with Caesar slightly ahead.

I'm sorry, she must win this game.

Xia Mi slapped Lu Mingfei with a kick, and a strange force pierced through the armor, causing a muscle spasm in Shuai Zai's left leg.

Then he rolled forward and stood up, his spear in the center of Caesar's round shield, leading to his waist.

Unexpectedly, the Italian pectoralis monster who fell to the ground rolled directly on the ground and crossed the finish line with a screeching streak.

Xia Mi was so angry that she immediately started the second event, a 10-kilometer long run.

In this project, everyone failed miserably to the ordinary Tong Mingfei. This guy is simply an stamina monster.

Not only did he run faster, but Yuetou became more energetic and ran faster. The peculiar regenerative ability in his body seemed to endow Lu Mingfei with infinite physical strength and became a humanoid perpetual motion machine.

The commissioners, who were so idle, were gradually ignited by the atmosphere of the arena and cheered outside Nibelungen. Most of them are cheering for Xia Mi. After all, there is always a market for beautiful girls, and there is a market for super beautiful girls with strong bodies.

The third item is melee, which is a no-rules version of free-fighting.

A live broadcast started on the Kassel campus, and the paparazzi from the news department worked overtime to write press releases. This is too interesting, the unknown dragon class holds the sports meeting, and the first-year beautiful girl bravely fights two muscle monsters.

Fighting is quite a dangerous project, allowing the use of all kinds of shady tricks. Out of basic morality, everything is allowed except for not beating eggs and poking eyes.

This primitive and cruel project Xia Mi actually participated, and was also the chief general of the Moon Tribe. Most people didn't dare to look at it, but after a while, they realized that it was Xia Mi's opponent who should be distressed.

The strong men of the tribe fell under her hands one after another, and the consequences included but not limited to tinnitus, fractures, neuralgia, and waist pain.

In the competition of the ring system, Xia Mi has never been on the stage since she appeared on the stage, and performed a one-pass four.

"It hurts, hurts, hurts!"

Xia Mi dodged the straight punch of the reckless player Lu Mingfei, grabbed his shoulder with his right hand, exerted strength on his waist, and threw him over his shoulder with the shoulder as the axis.

The rough-skinned Lu Mingfei was just stunned by the fall, but when he wanted to stand up, there was a sharp pain. Xia Mi's left hand got stuck on his little finger and ring finger, and he could turn him back at any time.

Xia Mi showed two tiger teeth and gave him a devilish smile.

"Admit defeat?"

"I admit defeat, I beg you to let it go."

The shocked general Caesar took the stage and suppressed his strong desire to complain. He always thought that Nuonuo was already extremely good at fighting, but the level in front of him was far beyond the level of ordinary heroes, and Luo Cao Liang Shanbo could at least be in the top three.

Although I can't see Xia Mi's fighting skills, it should surpass myself who has undergone many years of private training. Moreover, with Caesar's pride, he couldn't do anything like sticking his fingers, poking his waist, and sticking his nostrils, and the situation was not good.

Caesar took a small step past Xia Mi's upward kick aimed at his forehead, posing in a standard boxing stance.

"Junior sister, where did you learn martial arts?"

"Ah, I usually watch Chu Zihang practice and teach himself."

Damn, he was actually pretended to be there.

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all the paparazzi in Kassel are expecting Caesar to hit the street. It's not news that Caesar wins, it's big news when he gets ripped off by his schoolgirl.

When the moonlight was about to disappear, Xia Mi unexpectedly stepped on his toes, disrupting Caesar's pace, hit his chin with his knees, and then raised his hands to cheer.

She fell backwards along with the other Moon tribes, pretending to be under the influence of the Nibelungs. The first game of the Games is over.


The disgraced Caesar and Lu Mingfei exchanged opinions with the team. The winner of this game can meet the wolf **** of the tribe's beliefs, and it is no surprise that he is a dragon.

"The two of us are always safer than the junior sister alone. We must win."

Beside her, Xia Mi, who was pretending to be asleep, sighed in her heart after she was crazy for a long time.

The reason for her victory was far more important: Yemengard had to see the face of the rebels with his own eyes.

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