C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 72: king and minister

"Don't continue nonsense, it's been two days."

"It's our tradition, and one more."

In the white palace, the sound of the urn resounded.

Lin Fenglong sat on the steps of the palace, feeling quite boring. The earth and the mountains are in the same vein, except for Yemengarde, who doesn't seem to have much brains, and most of the intelligence is on par with Fenrir.

In the thousands of years he has lived in human society, he prefers dramas, operas and other programs. As for the brutal and ridiculous human games, Lin Fenglong couldn't appreciate it at all.

"Fulfill your promises, offer loyalty to Odin, and a place will be reserved for you in his kingdom.

That blond man, abolish him. Black-haired boy, leave him alone. The last girl, who is close to a Brand, is an important hostage. "

A dull dragon roar rang out from the palace, which was considered to be obedient.

Lin Fenglong was half leaning on the palace column, his face darkened.

The situation at the Gattuso's is completely out of control and they are hiding too much. Their test site in Japan, the arrangement of the Arctic, and the terrifying military potential, Lin Fenglong also failed to fully penetrate and understand.

He couldn't see through Pompeii, and he couldn't tell what Caesar was. When he handed the keys of power to the Gattuso family, he never thought that human ambition could be so terrifying.

To this day, even relying on the multiple arrangements buried in advance, Lin Fenglong does not have sufficient confidence to control the Gattuso family at a critical moment. Simply use other dragons to kill Caesar.

As for Lu Mingfei... Unless His Majesty Odin personally takes action, he will never provoke the Doomsday faction now.

Outside the palace, the warriors of the Moon tribe are working overtime to prepare for the final match at dawn.

This Nibelung root is based on the leylines, and at the same time rotates with the radiance of the sun and the moon. Whenever the radiance of the sun and the moon is at its strongest, the gate of the palace is opened for a short period of time using light as the medium.

At dawn and dusk, the sun and the moon are in a state of equilibrium, and the Deadpools on both sides can move freely. And the stupid dragon only knows how to use this time to hold the sports meeting.


The sun was rising, and it was still dark in the rainforest. The elites of the college turned on the TV on time to watch the Antique Games.

Boxing, wrestling, discus, javelin and other events ended in turn, and both sides had their own gains. The race finally came to the last item, the horse race.

The Sun tribe sent a combination of muscle monsters, while the Moon tribe sent the former leader Adem and the current Xia Mi.

The chariot used in the competition is a double-horse style. One person is responsible for driving, and the other person can use the cobblestones, blunt spears and other projectiles on the chariot to interfere with the opponent.

Lu Mingfei seriously suspects that this goes against the Olympic spirit.

The track of the horse-drawn race is designed to be quite complicated, with many large-angle corners and a Z-shaped route near the finish line, which requires very high technical requirements for the driver.

Since Caesar seemed quite confident, this difficult task was handed over to him, and Lu Mingfei was responsible for throwing hidden weapons.

As an Italian nobleman, would he still learn to drive a carriage... outrageous.

The referee lit the starting line filled with kerosene, and a fire snake tens of centimeters high rose from it, and the game began!

Xiongjun's warhorse neighed loudly, and at the urging of its master, it raised its hooves and leaped over the fire snake, as if it had wings on its back.

The dim radiance of the sun and moon cast on the rugged chariot, illuminating the red and white wolf heads, and the sun and moon-shaped metal carvings.

The two chariots drove side by side and crossed the first **** almost at the same time, and the metal wheels fell to the ground with a momentary obvious deformation. Lu Mingfei, who was standing behind the car with his feet separated, was shocked, and a spear was thrown at their wheels.

Caesar yanked the reins to the left to avoid the attack, trailing two horses in one fell swoop.

After reacting, Lu Mingfei picked up two half-pound pebbles and greeted the moon chariot four meters away, but Xia Mi swayed them away one by one with a long metal stick.

If you can go back alive this time, you must warn Chu Zihang, President Chu, that your daughter-in-law is not just looking crazy, she is really crazy.

Caesar pulled the reins of the two black horses steadily, his muscles stretched, and the dark red ox blood painted on the surface of his body was about to come to life. Hundreds of black brothers held up their weapons and ran with the chariots on the side of the arena, cheering in all kinds of small languages ​​they could not understand.

On the other side of the world, teachers and students in Kassel were watching the game and eating melons. They were so happy that they were watching football. They almost forgot what the mission was.

It was rare for Pompeii not to go out for waves today, but to have fun with the people, and bought a dozen cases of champagne to celebrate when his son was victorious.

"Look at my son, how good he drives!"

Caesar's driving skills are no less than the black Adem, but Lu Mingfei's hidden weapon skills are far less than that of Xia Mi.

The cobblestone was used in her hand to give the wonderful feeling of the goddess scattered flowers. The outer shell of the sun chariot was densely covered with more than a dozen pits, and the right axle was hit once.

About to enter the big corner, Caesar realized that he would lose without a doubt, and decided to give the opponent a tough one.

"When we enter the corner, we are in the inner lane, and the junior sister will definitely grab the lane. Lu Mingfei, it's time for you to dispatch!"


"When you grab the road, it's the closest moment between us. You seize the opportunity and jump up."

Lu Mingfei's face turned green as soon as he heard it. Brother, this is a carriage, not Fast and Furious.

"We must win, then go to see the wolf god, and take the elites of the executive department to kill this crazy dragon!"

"Quick! Now!"

Lu Mingfei's muscles were deeply infected by Caesar's emotions, and he used all his strength before he made a decision in his mind. When entering the corner, a muscle monster like a big toad jumped from the back seat of the car and hit Adem who was driving with a fatal blow.

The two embraced intimately, completely obstructing Brother Hei's sight, twisting into a ball in the front seat. If it goes on like this, within five seconds, the deviated carriage will rush out of the curve, and people will turn on their backs.

When Xia Mi saw that it was not good, she squeezed in from the back seat to take the reins and straightened the direction of travel in time. The silver-mane snow-like warhorse was disturbed by the two behind him, and his steps became chaotic.

With a heartless heart, the Dragon King kicked Lu Mingfei's waist ruthlessly, and the two of them, who were twisted into a ball, fell off the horse at the same time, rolling around on the track.

"Audiences, during the carriage fight, Lu Mingfei and Adem were K.O. at the same time!"

The commentator Fingal was talking passionately. He liked this kind of dirty game the most. If he played, he would definitely take out the sand eagle and blast the opponent's axle, and then slam the opponent with the horse whip.

"Caesar, you are playing asshole!"

Xia Mi angrily adjusted the rhythm and found that Caesar was already leading by nearly 20 meters.

"People who like to step on their toes and poke their fingers in a fighting match are not qualified to say such things!"

Until the end of the second corner, the Dragon King still failed to close the distance. The chariot was about to reach the Z-shaped track, and then it was a straight charge.

Caesar entered the track first, blond hair flying, sweat beading red on his taut arms. The chariot with a total weight of nearly one ton was extremely flexible in changing directions in his hands, and the pace of the two famous horses was great and the rhythm was orderly.

However, he is Italian and cannot understand the world of neurotic girls.

Xia Mi untied the fixed rope on the chariot, flew on his horse, and slammed into the earth wall nearly half a meter high, which was used to separate the track.

The two white horses jumped synchronously and leaped over the dirt wall in a graceful arc. The steel chariot behind them smashed into pieces against the wall, and the wheels and hoods flew everywhere.

Xia Mi held the white wolf head of the Moon Tribe and wore a helmet decorated in the shape of a moon, tightening the reins and rushing towards the next earth wall.

"The referee, the referee's **** is a foul!"

Lu Mingfei, who got up from the ground, also ran to the finish line, with only a few scratches on his body. He suddenly discovered that this Pheasant Games didn't even have a referee.

At the end of the Z-shaped track, Caesar's lead was less than a horse's body, and Xia Mi was still closing the distance with the advantage of light clothing.

At this time, the two white horses gradually became disobedient, the distance between the horses became larger and larger, and the "chariot" was about to completely disintegrate.

Xia Mi stood up from the horse, stepped on the back of the horse with both feet, broke the reins with explosive strength, and surpassed Caesar in a strange form.

One person and two horses crossed the finish line, and the two white horses regained their freedom, broke the rope with a strange cry, and went away happily.

Caesar was still expressing his dissatisfaction with Italian ancestral gestures, and the Moon tribe had begun to cheer loudly, preparing for the ceremony to meet the wolf god.


As the sun sets, the academy team is highly nervous and is always prepared for possible changes.

When the moon rises, the warriors of the moon tribe become active, hold sacrifices, and will meet the moon wolf **** at midnight according to tradition. If the Sun Tribe wins, the ceremony is now over.

Xia Mi, surrounded by tribal warriors, donned a champion helmet of pure gold, and a statue will be added to the palace shortly.

They waited until late at night when the tribal warriors finally lined up, headed for the palace, and began to march.

"Everyone, attack!"

Adem and Xia Mi had just entered the White Palace. Caesar and Professor Mance respectively led an armed team into the white barren land. Guderian and other civilian staff were responsible for liaison outside.

As soon as the two teams entered Nibelungen, they realized that something was not right. From the outside, they were actually only 300 meters away from the palace, and the naked eye felt that they were several kilometers away under the influence of the illusion.

But after entering it, the giant palace turned into a small white spot in the line of sight, so far away that it was almost impossible to see clearly.

Two armoured vehicles, four jeeps, slammed the gas pedal all the way towards the palace at the same time, sending up piles of white smoke. But three minutes later, they didn't feel any closer.

The individual rocket launchers on the car, miniature cloud bombs, "Blood of the Holy Infant" and other powerful alchemical bombs are useless. The joke-like Nibelung trapped them on the white wasteland, unable to enter the palace at all.

While the academy team was wandering around the wasteland, another team from the other side of Nibelungen attacked from the back of the palace.

For the Academy, this is almost incomprehensible, from the outside, no matter from which direction, only the front of the palace can be seen.

"It's just the handwriting of the next generation, it's okay, but that's it."

Constantine, who was pulling the suitcase, tore a hole outside Nibelungen, next to Luo Yin and Susie who had been visiting the safari park for a few days, and finally Chu Zihang and Fengjian Liuli.

Vera said it would take her a year to heal from the trauma, and Fingal said he suffered serious internal injuries during the last battle.

At the same time, among the vines in the rainforest, Jiudemai in a camouflage uniform carried a sniper rifle and observed it remotely from the scope. The boss said that this time it was someone else's housework, so it would be fine if they were in charge of watching the play.

The so-called secret party, the action is to be open and aboveboard, and everyone knows it. This is reasonable.


Xia Mi stepped into the white palace and watched the decorations in it, feeling a little nostalgic in her heart. This palace was completely modeled after her and Fenrir's residence in Rome.

The orange-red Palace of the Sun belonged to Fenrir, and the Palace of the Moon belonged to her. Of course, this is just a superficial statement. In fact, she doesn't want to occupy any one.

Games are the original version of the "Fenrir Games". In the era of Nidhogg's rule, there were no poker, mahjong, and no online games. He likes to grab some strong human beings to compete in sports and have some fun.

Every four summers and winters, human warriors compete in a variety of sports under their supervision, and the variety of events increases over time. Among them, the winners of many times, in addition to huge wealth, will even receive bloodline gifts.

Xia Mi was walking in the corridor of the palace, and the warriors of the Moon Tribe behind him were undergoing a mutation.

They are all half-breeds who are called into the game, and are killed when they lose repeatedly, and the winner can meet the wolf **** and become a dead servant with a weak mind, trapped in meaningless games over and over again.

Yemengarde could perceive the changes behind him, but he didn't feel horror or surprise. This kind of gameplay was an old routine for dragons.

The wall behind the throne of the high platform slowly collapsed, and a giant snake head emerged from the inside.

His head is not as sturdy as that of most dragons, with only two horns that do not protrude. The extremely sturdy body shows his enormous strength. The head and neck alone are more than ten meters long, but the curves are beautiful, and the dark blue shield-shaped scales are as smooth as mirrors.

"Great Hati!"

The Dead Servants fell to their knees at the same time, their heads bowed.

The giant snake pointed a golden cup to Xia Mi with its sharp horn, which contained Hati's partially poisoned dragon blood. Not enough to poison the hybrid, but even less likely to complete the evolution.

"Warriors of the Moon, drink it."

Hati seemed to lack interest, and didn't care whether Xia Mi would drink the dragon's blood, but just glanced at Adem, whose body was transformed into a dragon. Several dead servants stood up silently, surrounded Xia Mi, and guarded her.

Xia Mi raised the golden cup and took a gulp. In a few seconds, her skin began to turn blue, the blue scales pierced the surface of her body, and bone spurs appeared at the joints.

Hattie's big head shook, and he remembered that Odin's messenger asked him to control this human as a hostage. How could her Deadpool transformation process be so fast, so fierce...

Xia Mi's "Deadpool" is still deepening. Scales all over the body, horns on the head, joint remodeling, bone proliferation and division. When she opened the noble fan-shaped dragon wings behind her, even with Hattie's IQ slightly higher than Fenrir's, she realized that something was wrong.

"After all these years, you're still repeating this kind of stuff. Fenrir, he already likes other games. I'm actually having a good time, though."


Hati spit out the name of the former lord heavily.

"Yemengard, you are not worthy to be king!"

Yemengarde's dragon body was shocked.

"What did you say?"

"Back then, the Black King had just died and the war had just started, yet you actually let us flee without a fight! This is a shame that the earth and mountains will never be able to wash away!"

Hati let out a loud rumbling sound, and the whole palace was shaking.

"That war was doomed as early as when Odin obtained the Gun of Kungunil. Evacuation from Nibelungen was our only option."

Yemenga said solemnly. The battle after the death of the Black King is not the end at all, but the beginning of everything, and the real decisive moment is still thousands of years later.

Of course, she had never talked to stupid dragons like Fenrir, and didn't expect them to understand.

"You should at least try! Flee without fighting, without the pride of the dragon race!"

Hattie yelled.

Xia Mi clenched her paws. Try a hammer, are you in charge of blocking Kungunir?

The Norton brothers tried it at the time, and released Rhine's self-destruction before Kungunnir was thrown, and the dragon servant ran away overnight with the bone bottle. Although the Shiva Karma Dance is more powerful, the problem is that it can't be cast instantly!

"And what about you?" asked Yemengaard.

Hattie froze instantly.

He and Skool are direct descendants of Fenrir, a noble second-generation species, the giant wolf that chases the sun and the moon in Norse mythology.

They were not dragon servants, and they were not as loyal as Samson. When they saw their master run away, they also ran away.

And they ran further, fleeing the North Pole, far from Rome, all the way to what is now the Congo Basin. They took root here, grabbing the natives to hold sports games, and waiting for the day when the monarch revolted.

"Skull and I have been waiting here for thousands of years! When the memory of our hometown is blurred, the scales have been changed dozens of times, but we can't see the battle flag of the earth fluttering again!"

Haha raised his voice to accuse Yemengarde of being irresponsible. For thousands of years, it's not that they didn't think about starting things on their own, but they felt that they didn't have the strength, and they couldn't keep up with it in terms of brains and technology.

"Nonsense! Just over a thousand years ago, I went to attack Rome, and I almost fell. Where were you?"

Yemengaard fought back vigorously. Although she spends 90% of the time fishing, but the serious one or two times can be said to be huge.

"Too far, never heard of it!"

The Dragon King was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Yermengard had thought Hattie and Skool were dead until this operation, seeing the similar appearance of the ruins, realized that they were probably the other way around.

Just as this monarch-subject communication intensified, Lin Fenglong, who was peeping, finally couldn't hold back.

Lin Fenglong emerged from the black fog, his face was a bit ugly, but he was still calm. He has been looking for the whereabouts of the mountain king, and he should be happy when the other party took the initiative to show up, but this time is really bad.

"Yemengard, long time no see."


"I haven't used that name for a long time. My current name is Lin Fenglong."

Lin Fenglong bowed to Yemengade and saluted, and Xia Mi looked at him with disgust.

Among the dragons, the one who is best at imitating humans, except for her is Lin Fenglong. His real name is unknown, and he has always been the messenger of the mysterious Wind King, walking around the world under various aliases.

Yemengarde wandered in the human world for the purpose of routinely inspecting his own territory (to have fun), to visit privately (to hook up with humans), and to observe humans (to fall in love with them).

Lin Fenglong purely used this talent as a tool to deceive and deceive, and made waves in the world in different times. In her eyes, she was really a cheap dragon. This guy appears here, 120% is doing his old job.

"Are you digging my corner?"

Yemengarde's voice was low, like an ancient bell.

"I'm just the messenger of His Majesty Odin. If you are willing to join, there is also a place for you in the Protoss."

"Protoss? What is your goal?"

"We will rebuild a world that belongs only to dragons. We don't need Nidhogg, nor any other emperor.

The heroic army will cleanse the world, and a glorious pantheon will be formed by His Majesty Odin, and all pure-blooded dragons will be revered as gods. "

Yemengar chuckled softly, words that even Fenrir could not deceive. This war is not as simple as a human-dragon war, otherwise Odin would not have predicted his own death in Norse mythology.

"Hatty, Skool, what's your answer? Become the giant wolf in front of Odin's throne and acquire a new name, Kili the wolf of greed, and Kuriki the wolf of hunger.

He is the greatest king in the world after Nidhogg's death, supreme, virtuous, and powerful. You, too, will be his messengers, and your footsteps will be his kingdom of God. "

Hati's giant snake head twisted and twisted, very tangled, as if he was still communicating with someone.

"We're going to give Yemenga another chance."

Hattie and Skool finally made a decision based on their remaining loyalty. A certain dragon king was actually moved by this waste.

Lin Fenglong's expression was so bad that he wanted to punch himself.

How could he feel for a moment that he could reach a cooperation with the idiots of the earth and the mountain? Except for Yemengade, these people are basically barbarians who don't understand the overall situation at all.

"In this case, I can only solve you here. Yemeng is crowned. I hope you will leave your bones ahead of time."

Jun Yan suddenly burst out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The power is 70% of what Constantine released.

Among the four elements, earth and fire are completely opposed elements, and they have the best effect on Yemengarde.

Hati's huge body stopped in front of Yemengade and slapped Jun Yan hard.

The second dragon head drilled out from the bottom of the palace. It was extremely hideous, and it looked like Fenrir.

There was a rumbling sound from the dark crypt, and Hattie and Skool finally revealed their full appearance. They are actually two dragon heads on a dragon body. Hati's appearance is inclined to a gloomy giant snake, and Skull is a condensed cruel and ferocious dragon head.

Their real name is Managgarm, but they each took a name for themselves after birth, and are often thought to be two dragons. Its super-giant dragon body more than 50 meters long can make the first generation feel fear.

This is also Fenrir's bad idea, the next generation of the earth lineage must be the strongest. If one alone is not strong enough, then a super double.

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