C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 76: crime and punishment

"Death is your and Norton's destiny. No matter who rules the next era, there is no place for you in it.

The hottest flames go out first, and the sharpest swords break first. "

The blue-black dragon shape confronted the pure metal red dragon in the sky, and the swords of Grammer and Revatin, which had soared to seven meters, were stained with dried blood.

"From the day the Supreme died, the survivors no longer believed in fate."

Constantine replied. A mass of flames condensed on the belly of the armor, quickly smelting and repairing the broken scales.

"Even if His Majesty Odin doesn't do anything, that one will hand down judgment on you. In his eyes, you are all traitors."

Lin Fenglong's tone was indifferent. In the tide, Norton and Constantine, who are the monarchs of fire, are only bargaining chips in a multi-party game, and they have no chance to compete for the supremacy without knowing anything.

Constantine said no more. The thing he regrets most is not picking up the sword thousands of years earlier.

He didn't know anything about many things, such as who "that" Lin Fenglong said was. But it doesn't matter, he is the monarch with sword and fire in hand, just burn it until his flame ignites the hometown of the extreme north.

The fully activated rage is thirteen meters long, in the form of a dragon-toothed giant blade wrapped in flowing fire, and the handle alone is nearly three meters long, maintaining the shape of a saber.

The right paw pressed against the knife, the back of the knife slowly brushed the left arm, and the furious blade was facing the wind dragon at an almost vertical angle. This is the tiger sword stance.


The burning sun wheel collided with the thunder, and the red, black, and gold edges flashed back and forth in the sky.

Tens of thousands of gear links in the armor operate at full power at the same time, and the immortal fire is used as an energy source, and the mighty power of the majestic alchemy field is endless.

If the armor had been manipulated by humans, it would have been carbonized by the high-temperature power source before the shock caused massive bleeding.

The academy commissioners who were still struggling with the rogue army were completely shocked by the battle in the sky, and they didn't understand that the academy sent them here to slaughter something.

The flying speed of the red dragon mecha once reached Mach 1.5, and the smaller wind dragon was almost twice as fast as the red dragon, and the two dragons were flying and slashing at the same time.

Mans could clearly feel that the courage and enthusiasm of the team members to slay dragons was declining. Many team members had to rely on injections of stimulant drugs to resist the fear caused by Longwei.

After this operation, he estimated that many commissioners will retire from the executive department.

In fact, the "no-brand legions" they dealt with were quite powerful. These Deadpools were the residues that Odin sifted out when he selected heroic spirits. Their physical fitness was all A-level, but they had no words and low intelligence.

However, the other side is fighting a mythical creature. The out-of-control deadpool that the executive commissioners had encountered before, or the three-generation below-species dragon just dug out of the grave, was similar to a domestic cat compared to that kind of thing.


The seven high-level Deadpools were hit by Luo's insidious trick and were seriously injured in the bombing turns, and all of them died.

Only Fengjian Liuli was still struggling with his ancestors, and he was not able to regenerate as fast as he cut. The famous actor gave himself up for the second time and realized the fact that he couldn't kill Chi at all.

Kazama Liuli fulfilled Chi's wish and released the Nightmare Tapir for the second time, dragging him into a beautiful nightmare.

At present, Chu Zihang can still erupt for about a minute, Susie is about two minutes, and Fengjian Liuli must maintain the dream tapir domain. And Luo Yin, who was basically exhausted after throwing the bomb, was almost a salted fish lying flat.

Constantine is falling behind over time. At the same time, he maintains the red dragon armor and the furious alchemy domain to fight against the wind dragon, which consumes too much. And the repair speed of the mecha is not as fast as the regeneration ability of the dragon.

"Luo Yin, make a quick decision."

Constantine's voice came from the group of snakes.

"The alchemy field composed of the seven deadly sins is called Crime and Punishment. It is a field dedicated to judging dragons. When all the seven swords activate resonance, this field will take effect."

"How does it resonate?"

"Drinking blood. Each sword creates an invisible mark after absorbing the enemy's blood... poof!"

Constantine was stabbed in the abdomen with a sword, and immediately burst into flames, blasting Lin Fenglong apart, and treated the wound with high temperature.

"Original Sin Mark. With each additional mark, the realm becomes stronger when activated. The full version of Crime and Punishment can easily kill the first generation."

"Why are the alchemy weapons designed by your dragons so troublesome!"

"Ritual! It's a blood sacrifice ceremony! Ignorant human warlocks..."

Constantine and Lin Fenglong collided head-on, and arc-shaped fire rings and thunderbolts exploded in the sky.

When the three of them heard the instruction manual on Crime and Punishment, their faces were not very good-looking. They must use the remaining six swords to make the wind dragon see blood, in addition to the reliable swords such as arrogance and jealousy, it also includes the **** like lust.

What method do they have to use to use a rib to hurt the next generation of Odin's power blessing...

"I'll try it."

Chu Zihang took a deep breath and adjusted his state. Calm down, it's useless to think too much now. If Odin's messenger is defeated, it means that he is one step closer to his father. Luo Yin had never talked to him about this, but Chu Zihang had already realized that his father, Chu Tianjiao, might have become Odin's "heroic spirit".

Luo Yin didn't say it, because he didn't want him to have too much hope.

But Chu Zihang said that if he could save that rainy night, even if he were to die, he would not hesitate for a moment.

thump, thump...

The greed in the shape of the Scottish broadsword, the dull heartbeat came from the blade. The hilt of the sword was transformed into an evil dragon head, and the surface of the sword grew together with scales and veins like blood vessels.

The sword of sucking, greed.

Accompanied by the violent explosion, Chu Zihang flew to the Ssangyong who were fighting in the air, with sixteen black swords as his wingman, supporting him behind.

The dragon seemed to smile. In a battle of this level, a hybrid who barely reaches the level of the next generation can't even do support.

Chu Zihang took the ruins of the palace on the ground as his foothold, used the explosion to change direction in the air, and attacked Fenglong with a supersonic attack that suddenly changed direction.

But this kind of straight attack was just ridiculous in Lin Fenglong's eyes. The perfect dragon body can support him to complete dozens of incredible action modes in the air.

There are hundreds of bones in the two dragon wings alone, and he even instantly changed from vertical rise at the speed of sound to horizontal movement, and at the same time attacked the opponent with the bone spurs at the tip of the dragon wings.

The multi-directional attack of Susie manipulating sixteen swords at the same time was indeed troublesome, but too little power could not cause him much damage.

Constantine's pressure eased slightly, and the red dragon armor was like an eye of a storm, swallowing a huge amount of air.

His face was extremely pale, but he still opened his wrist and supplied a large amount of blood to the rage in his hand. Not being able to have a dragon body means that his stamina is far lower than the average level of the first generation, so he can only strengthen his attack power to the extreme.

The ten-meter-long fuzzy dragon shadow roared and jumped out of the blade, and the violent and angry dragon roar mixed with the tremor of metal.

At the same time, Constantine's roar came from the red dragon's armor, and the giant dragon-toothed knife erupted with orange-red flames more than 50 meters long, like a red dragon swooping in the air, slashing at the rebels who overran the throne.

Grammer and Revatin were wrapped in storms and thunderbolts respectively, Qi Qi collided with fury, and the black and red living creatures roared and bit the red dragon.

With a single blow, all the metal dragon scales of Constantine's claws burst, exposing the high-strength metal fibers and inner taut connecting rods underneath.

Lin Fenglong lost his balance and fell to the ground like a meteorite. At the moment when his consciousness was slightly hazy, Chu Zihang slashed from the side with greed, and opened a deep blood hole in Fenglong's left arm.

The wind dragon twisted in mid-air and grew to the seven-meter-long sword of victory, Raivatin, and pierced Chu Zihang's sternum with his backhand, knocking him down from the air and pinning him to the ground.

Raivadine pulled it out on his own and flew back to his master. Lin Fenglong folded his wings to wrap his body. Sixteen black swords stabbed, rotated and cut in a row, leaving dozens of cracks on the membrane wings.

"Damn it, Baba!"

Luo Yin ran to Chu Zihang with the seven deadly sins on his back, and found that the facial paralysis was getting up from the ground. There was a diamond-shaped blood opening in the center of his chest, and the stronger the sword was, his sternum would break.

Chu Zihang didn't speak, his golden eyes stared at Luo Yin, handed greed to Luo Yin, and stretched out his right paw.

"Brother, don't think about the next one. Let's run away later. Constantine can still run away with cover."

Facial paralysis shook his head. This is a personal grudge.

Luo Yin handed the arrogance of Han Bafang and the jealousy of Tang Dao to Chu Zihang, and threw the samurai sword to Su Qian lazily.

Absolutely, everyone killed the embryos, and didn't even know what retreat was. Boss Luo gritted his teeth, knowing that he would either win or destroy the group today.

Chu Zihang took off the village rain from his waist and handed it to Luo Yin.

"Brother, you are the one among us who is most likely to kill Odin. If there is a chance one day, please put this knife on Odin's grave."

You call me senior brother at this time, I'm really stressed...

Chu Zihang, who had a cracked sternum, slowly got up, blood flowing into arrogance and jealousy.

He recited silently in his heart, the lower as the upper, the upper as the lower, and the miracles of the One are accomplished in turn. Once the blood burst, open.

Under Luo Yin's horrified gaze, Chu Zihang started the blood burst like a nervous wreck. He had warned Chu Zihang many times that he must never use blood burst now.

The essence of the blood burst is to use the human spirit as a sacrifice to make the dragon spirit enter a highly activated state, and use this extreme method to rapidly transform the body.

The Pandora made by Luo Yin is equivalent to building an altar after separating the spirit, but the keel is placed on the altar.

In the case of bloodlines below the critical blood limit, blood bursting is still an acceptable technique, despite the cost of slow loss of bloodline control and loss of life.

The user can even turn on the second and third degrees to further activate the dragon spirit until the heart of the dragon king is released.

But such as Liuli Kazama, a super hybrid whose bloodline has already exceeded the critical blood limit, turning on the blood burst is similar to suicide. The dragon spirit, which is already in absolute superiority, is further activated, which will instantly destroy the human spirit.

Chu Zihang, who devoured half of Samson's keel, started the blood explosion, which was no less dangerous than the legendary fourth blood explosion.

"I can hold on for a while..."

Halfway through his words, Chu Zihang's voice had turned into a meaningless growl.

Luo Yin was frightened, always feeling that Chu Zihang might turn around and bite him at any time.

Holding arrogance and jealousy, Chu Zihang flew to the sky, breaking the sound barrier in an instant.


The two blue-black dragon wings broke through Chu Zihang's back, indicating that he had reached the end of the road to conferring the gods, and there was only a cliff in front of him.

Lin Fenglong was a little lost when he saw Chu Zihang's appearance. The last human to reach this point was his elder brother in the Lionheart, Menek Cassel. This human seems to be the president of the Lionheart Club, and his fate is really wonderful.

He suddenly realized that Angers was interested in this young man who manipulated flames, perhaps because he saw the shadow of Menech in Chu Zihang.

Chu Zihang, who temporarily obtained the body of the Dragon King, swung the Tang sword and the Han sword to face Lin Fenglong. The red dragon ascended from the ground to the sky, raising its rage and attacking the wings of the wind dragon.

Compared to the two-headed dragons who fought calmly and gracefully, Chu Zihang's spirit was muddled, and he attacked frantically like burning life.

Lin Fenglong, who was attacked by both sides, was embarrassed for the first time and opened the vacuum field of the dust-free land for defense. He knows the blood explosion, and this state is only temporary.

Just as the rage of Chilong pressed the vacuum domain to the ground, Chu Zihang pierced the domain with arrogance, and Tang Dao jealously slashed at Fenglong's neck.

From the chaotic confrontation, jealousy finally pierced Fenglong's left leg. But in less than ten seconds, Chu Zihang's spirit was about to collapse. Killing embryo wanted to continue to persevere, but was suddenly forced out of the blood burst state.

Lin Fenglong stared at Chu Zihang's eyes and had a strong nausea.

This young man always reminded him of Menac, the man who admired his talent and absorbed him into the original Lionheart Club. Although the end of the story is already doomed, the tragic mourning will not diminish.

Lin Fenglong "hug" Chu Zihang, the bone spur pierced Chu Zihang's hands, and Longyi nimbly took away the arrogance that threatened him. Furious slashed Lin Fenglong's back from behind, almost cutting into his spine.

He must kill this human.

When Gramer was about to pierce Chu Zihang, the moon-white bone blade plunged into Fenglong's waist.

White King!

Subconscious fear made Lin Fenglong let go of Chu Zihang and escaped a few hundred meters in zero time.

Luo Yin hovered silently in the air, and the perfect cross-shaped bone wings made him look like a god.

The Imperial Sword was thrown at Chu Zihang who fell to the ground. It is better to do it with your own hands when it comes to visiting Odin's grave.

Lin Fenglong's expression was very distorted when he reacted. He was actually frightened by a human being. Although he looks like the White King, he does not have that sacred kingdom.

In the process of developing Pandora, Luo Yin had already learned to burst blood, but he never used it.

First, he was afraid of losing his life. Second, he hates unstable technology.

Just like the non-chief will never bet that his next shot will be delivered, Luo Yin very rejects this unreliable blasting skill. How does he know how much he can explode.

Today, this incombustible thing of him was set on fire by the bastard, but after that, his longevity must be counted on Chu Zihang's head.

Seeing the gluttonous food Luo Yin held in his left hand, Lin Fenglong's expression became even more distorted. The shape of the Atkan sword is exactly the one used by Menek. This situation, like his dead Lionheart brother came to collect debts.

Luo Yin and Constantine attacked Lin Fenglong one after the other, Tian Congyun's threat was unparalleled. This is a weapon specially used for decisive battles between kings and kings. It has only absolute sharpness and can easily penetrate the dragon's body.

Luo Yin, who is similar to the state of the white king's dragon body, has no less physical fitness than the greatly strengthened wind dragon. And Tian Congyun's stab was a hole, and Lin Fenglong didn't dare to exchange injuries.

Luo Yin charged towards Lin Fenglong head-on, stabbed and feinted with Tian Congyun, and slashed across the face of the gluttonous blade, leaving a mark of original sin.

Grammer counterattacked and penetrated Luo Yin's waist, and the white dragon opened his mouth and roared.

The rib cage hidden in his throat wanted to pop out of his mouth with the airflow, Luo Yin bit the rib cage's knife handle and cut Feng Long's eye sockets.

Done, save your life.

Under Constantine's shocked gaze, Luo Yin's bloodline rapidly decreased, blasting a column of air with his external muscles and falling to the ground.

Five seconds! You have become a white king for five seconds!

The blade storm formed by the eight-handed imitation version of arrogance burst out, and the metal storm enveloped Lin Fenglong's body. Genuine arrogance fails to make merit, so rely on quantity to make up for it.

The pupil of the wind king erupted, and the strong hurricane confronted the eight black swords that were rotated and cut.

The moment Lin Fenglong landed, Susie suddenly drew her knife. Iai, who was ready to launch for more than ten seconds, was only for this instant raid.

Susie crossed more than 20 meters to complete the cut, and lazily cut off a third of Lin Fenglong's right wing to complete the final mark.

It only took 17 seconds from when Chu Zihang broke out and when Su Qian retracted her knife and started rescuing her teammates.

Lin Fenglong's injury was not serious, but he was stunned by the continuous combination of punches by many people, and he didn't notice anything unusual on his body.

There seemed to be a silent sigh, and the swords rang in unison.

Lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, jealousy, and the arrogance of the eight-mouth knockoff, and ultimately rage at the hands of Constantine.

Whenever a sword began to tremble, the corresponding wound on Lin Fenglong's body began to scorch, and the realm of crime and punishment was fully emerging and unstoppable.

What's going on, what's going on...

The power of the word spirit disappeared, the bone marrow lost its hematopoietic function, and the flesh and blood stopped regenerating.

The pale-faced Constantine raised his rage, as if about to start a trial.

Lin Fenglong finally realized the most terrifying thing, he could no longer perceive the cocoon he left behind.

As Odin's messenger and the dragon servant of the Wind King, he is one of the few next-breeds that can still cocoon today. Even though he was separated by thousands of miles, he could feel the situation of the cocoon all the time.

But now, the cocoon has disappeared from his mental perception. His soul was locked inside his body.

It turned out to be so...

Norton designed the seven deadly sins to judge other first-generation species, and the first consideration was the problem of cocoons.

Being judged by this set of swords and dying is equivalent to being directly swallowed by the Dragon King. The difference is that he didn't even have the chance to blow himself up with his words. To die here is to die completely.

Lin Fenglong, who was terrified to the extreme, squeezed the power of Odin's mask with all his strength, and the turbulent power poured out from it, but he was still unable to break through the crime and punishment.

Constantine slashed wildly with his sword, carrying the majesty of a king and the flame of judgment. He slashed at Lin Fenglong one by one, in exactly the same posture, without changing or evading.

The power of Odin's mask accelerated and gushed out, causing Lin Fenglong to appear in a state of return to light, roaring and slashing with Constantine.

But without the power of words and regeneration, his defeat was already doomed.

Constantine continued to use his knife like chopping meat. Thousands of collisions caused Lin Fenglong's whole body to tear his muscles, crack his bones, and ooze blood from his internal organs.

The red dragon armor was removed due to lack of physical strength, and the pale boy continued to slash, opening his majestic third eye between his eyebrows.

At the heart of the crime and punishment realm, the seven deadly sins carry high pressure. The other six are intact, but Luo Yin's Bakou copycat version of Arrogance has broken three.

Poor academic skills, Constantine commented in his heart. You are far from human.

Finally, after an unknown number of slashes, a crack appeared in Odin's mask. The spiritual power that resides in the mask is finally exhausted.

"Save me! I'm still useful!"

Lin Fenglong collapsed. Perhaps he has been in the world for too long, and he is no longer as proud as dragons.

"His Royal Highness the King of Wind still needs my protection! Your crows in this world need my supervision!"

Luo Yin, who was struggling to suppress the dragon bloodline, looked at Lin Fenglong in surprise. Good guy, this dragon turned into a self-destructing truck before it died.

Is he here, asking Odin for help?

In the dark and depressing sky, tens of thousands of blue aurora suddenly bloomed. Luo Yin's face suddenly turned green, this really can be summoned.

The gate composed of aurora stood in the middle of Nibelungen, and Constantine jumped to the gate, blocking Lin Fenglong's retreat.

There is no vision, but everyone feels that there is an extremely powerful presence here. An extremely powerful spiritual force swept the entire Nibelungen like a storm.

But after waiting for a long time, Odin did not appear.

Odin's mask cracked, revealing the twisted face of the young man below. That's what he looked like in 1900.

[Friedrich von Long]

Luo Yin found out his human name.

Behind Lin Fenglong, the second aurora gate was condensed. He almost climbed into the door, but the moment he entered the door, a strange explosion occurred.

The ten thousand aurora faded, along with Odin's Nibelungen, and the white earth of Managalm reappeared.

"He can't go to Nibelungen, and the realm of Crime and Punishment will prevent him from escaping and hiding. Brother took everything into consideration."

Constantine said.

"Then he's in the real world?"


"That's easy, he's dead."

Luo Yin said firmly.

"But it has to be fast."

Constantine turned his head to look at Managalm, who was still fighting each other, "How do you think this thing should be handled?"

"Don't kill it and keep it for the New Year?"

Susie groaned. Half of it is on Odin's side, and the other half is loyal to Yermengard, the scumbag, a death sentence.


At dawn, the Nibelungs began to crumble.

The white earth turned orange-red, and a tall red palace appeared in the distance. There will be no more sports events here.

Constantine took a break, cooperated with Susie, and eliminated the self-inflicted Managalm in five minutes.

Everyone leaned on the corpse of the two-headed dragon, dressed in black robes, facing the brilliance of the sunrise, and looked at the commissioners of the academy.

Mance's forehead was covered in sweat, and the tough professor had absolutely no idea how to deal with the situation.

In his opinion, the five black-robed men looked like dragon kings per capita. The dragon kings teamed up to kill a dragon king wearing an Odin mask, and they made a top-level sub-species. I don't know if the executive department can accept such mission records.

At this time, the Red Sun Palace completely collapsed, which meant the complete collapse of the Nibelungen of Managalm.

"Hi! I'm here!"

Chu Zihang thought he had hallucinated.

Xia Mi ran and waved, ran out of the collapsed Sun Palace, and ran towards everyone happily.

【Xia Mi\'

Lineage: Three generations

Attribute: ground

Word Spirit: Eye of the Wind King~www.wuxiaspot.com~Immortal (seal), Sword Royal (seal)

Word Spirit Effect: Slightly

Remarks: It's a long story.]

I don't know why, but it surrounded Luo Yin with question marks. Xia Mi\' means this three-generation species, her name is Xia Mi, but it is only the same name as Xia Mi who is suspected to be Yemengade.

Luo Yin didn't say anything when he saw Chu Zihang who was so sad and overjoyed.

"Olivia, post a bounty on the new hunter website, 100 million dollars, the bounty target Friedrich von Long, I sent you the portrait and information.

The same thing is also posted on the Academy and Hunter Network. "

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