C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 77: God'sGonnaCutYouD…

Congo, Kinshasa.

Friedrich walked through the dirty streets of the ghetto, wrapped in shabby clothes that had been stolen. The realm of Crime and Punishment had weakened a bit, but he still couldn't sense the presence of the cocoon.

He had an accident when he entered the Nibelungen and crossed a distance of hundreds of kilometers in an instant. This is simply a gift from God to him. Those people are still in the rainforest, and it will take a lot of time to track him.

The Hunter Net has multiple stealth locations in the large port of Kinshasa. As long as he can get to the safe house and drag until Crime and Punishment collapses and dissipates, with Odin's Nibelungen he can quickly disappear.

During the thousands of years of serving the Lord, Friedrich had also experienced a more embarrassing situation than this. This time is no exception, he will definitely get through it.

Friedrich manipulated his muscles, altered his appearance, and removed the German features from his appearance, just like a street wanderer.

Outside the end of the street, there were sudden exclamations of children, and Friedrich could not understand what they were saying.

A pure black Maserati stopped at the intersection with the license plate number CAS001.

A black custom suit, shiny Italian leather shoes, bright and neat silver hair, and a bright red rose on his chest.

A passerby who looks like an old British nobleman appeared on the street in the slum. The onlookers made up their minds at this moment, they must get such a cool black suit in this life.

Friedrichton stayed where he was. He obviously changed his appearance, but the passerby had his eyes locked on him since he got out of the car.


two hours ago.

"Leon, do me a favor."

The vice-principal, who was making skewers late at night, shook his flesh. Whenever Angers uses such a serious tone, it means that things are very big.


"Let EVA lock Friedrich von Long, whatever the cost."

"I don't have permission to activate the war personality."

Flamel subconsciously began to shirk.

"You know, I'm not talking about so-called war personalities."

Angers said in a deep voice, then waited silently for Flamel's response.

"Okay okay, surrendered."

The vice-principal jumped off the sofa with a catfish and trotted all the way through the night, panting to the ice cellar.

There's a Norma's port, but Flamel doesn't have any access cards inserted.

"Norma, good evening!"

The vice-principal rubbed his hands together with an embarrassed expression, struggling to organize his words in the air.

"Actually, today is an urgent matter. If you are in a good mood, come out..."

"Teacher Flamel, you don't need to apologize to me."

A young and gentle female voice came from the void, and the blue light spots converged into a petite girl in a white dress.

"Fingal and I were never angry or upset with you, nor were the other students killed in the accident. It was not the instructor's fault."

The fat cowboy's expression was rarely very low at this moment.

Most of Cassell College's students believe that the mysterious Flamel mentor has no students. But he not only had students, but two.

"Phoenix is ​​an important figure in the hunter's network, and being able to solve him means that we are one step closer to the prince."

"Norma, I just don't want you to treat yourself as a weapon, a tool of the academy."

Flamel calls the hidden personality Norma, not EVA, which is his habit.

"Teacher, then why don't you leave this academy? The secret party has long regarded you as an important asset and a tool."

Flamel's expression froze. Yeah, why not leave?

He was originally a bison galloping across the American West. In his heyday, the most vicious gangsters of the West heard Cowboy Leon's name and would crawl over to lick his boots.

That free and windy life came to an abrupt end when he was tricked into the Kassel Academy by Angers. And being the mentor of Fingal and Norma under the pressure of Angers is what he regrets the most.

Flamel realized that he could no longer leave the academy, and that there was something he had not done.

"Master Flamel, I am very grateful to you and Elder Turing for giving me a new life. Although this life is so illusory, it is so powerful."

The entire ice cellar seemed to have turned into a starry sky. The brilliant blue light illuminates all the precious collections, and Norma Lawnes is the most precious of them.

She is Flamel's mentor's most successful work, and it's the work that has depressed the old cowboy ever since.

In 7.4 seconds, she broke through all video surveillance systems in Africa. Then came communication facilities, social media, and finally encrypted networks. In less than 30 seconds, Norma took control of the entire African network.

Samaria, or Kaguya, is a joke in front of Norma at this time.

As early as 2001, Flamel completed the alchemical intelligence "Norma Lawens". But he never gave anyone the keys to free Norma, including Angers.

The 9-year-old alchemy intelligence is full of strength enough to independently launch a world-class war. He would rather let this power be buried with him than let it fall into the hands of any careerist.

Hundreds of thousands of videos are analyzed and recognized frame by frame at the same time, tens of billions of words, voices in more than 100 languages, and encrypted communications are detected and summarized at the same time.

If everything here is exposed, Flamel estimates that he will be charged with crimes against humanity.

After being beaten, Lin Fenglong appeared in the image of Friedrich for a total of 29 seconds after leaving Nibelungen, and was exposed to the camera for 1.7 seconds, leaving 7 suspected witness records.

Based on the first 8 frames of surveillance footage captured, Norma locked onto Friedrich. Although he changed his appearance, although he moved more than 40 kilometers, it was useless.

Angers, who was waiting for news in his car, showed a bright red route map and a solid black anchor point on the in-car navigation screen.

"Assist Principal Wu Yun Changlong."

Norma's power was reduced to 1/20, taking back all attacks.

The ice cellar returned to darkness, as if everything just now was an illusion, only Flamel's long sigh remained.

"Norma reminds you that it's time to take your medicine."

In the dormitory, Fingal, who was binge drinking on the Nutrition Express and playing liver-exploding games, was so frightened that he hurriedly ate two calcium tablets.


Police in Kinshasa received hundreds of alerts within an hour of a black sports car speeding 400 kilometers per hour through the chaotic slum streets.

The sheriff thought to himself that you are bullshitting, just run on the road, if you can drive to 100 yards, the driver level is enough to compete for the championship in Formula 1.

In the next second, a phantom black shark passed his vision.


Angers stared at Friedrich in disguise, turned on time zero, and unsheathed his jackknife an inch.


For more than 100 years, the question that has plagued Angers the most is why.

The sixth person of the original Lionheart Club, the best young archaeologist in Germany, and one of Angers' brothers, why should he betray them?

He had a glimmer of hope, everything was an accident, and Friedrich did not betray. But as time passed, Angers was completely desperate.

The homeless person covered in mud and dust stood upright and stooped. In this case, there is no need to install it again.

He changed back to Friedrich von Long, the heroic young aristocrat of 1900, a **** dragon slayer.

The raging wind stripped the dust off his body, and his brilliant golden pupils reflected the old Hilbert Jean Angers.

This is the stare of a century. The last time he went to kill Angers, he didn't look this man in the eye.

At the same time, the two of them burst out with amazing dragon power, and the surrounding onlookers scattered.

When Angers saw Friedrich's youthful appearance, he immediately understood everything.

"So, Li Wuyue is your monarch?"

"Yes. I don't know if this will make you feel better, Li Wuyue will surely wake up that night.

Even if Dr. Modler didn't inject epinephrine, even if you were a thousand times faster, Li Wuyue would still wake up. "

Anger's face was expressionless, and the silence was so heart-wrenching.

a long time.

"I thought that proud dragons disdain to mix with humans and play tricks and tricks."

"For the sake of a greater goal, there is no pride that can't be let go. In fact, if it wasn't for Menek being too good, if it wasn't for the secret party finding the egg prematurely, I wouldn't do it."

"Where were you that night? Tongwancheng?"

"No. I'm outside Cassel Manor, using the scythe to confirm that you all die one by one.

You are the first, I didn't expect to survive the heart stop beating. Then came the two idiots, Jamal and Brendan, whose weapons were useless against the Dragon King.

The three old guys were also dead, and Mr. Gambett was an accountant, but he was too smart to stay.

Yamahiko and Soot died heroically. When the ghost died, the blood soaked the white whalebone skirt I gave her.

Finally, there is Menek, the first human to reach the end of the road to the gods after the death of the Black King. The explosion was as magnificent as the sunrise.

That's it. "

Friedrich recalled the past indifferently, the day of mourning flashing back in his mind.

"Among the Lionhearts, I don't like you the most, Angers. An English tramp who stepped into high society with a mutant blood and pretended to give himself a French name.

Unexpectedly, it will be you and me who will live to the end. And tomorrow, I will be the last member of the original Lionheart Club. "

Angers took out the red rose from his chest and placed it on the roof of the car.

"I like how the French city looks in the book. What I like even more is the spelling, Angers."

Friedrich opened his severely damaged dragon wings, and his hands turned into slender and sharp blue-black dragon claws. He fled too hastily without taking his weapon, but the dragon's claws were enough to kill Angers.

He was about 30 meters away from Angers. His initial burst velocity can reach 130 meters per second, and the next-generation bloodline can push the time zero to 80 times.

Angers' time zero will not be less than 50 times, and he has mastered the blood burst for more than a hundred years.

Therefore, this duel will end in two thousandths of a second.

"Do you think you can be faster than me after the blood burst?"

"Do not."

Angers' calmness stunned Friedrich.

In an instant, Anger's golden pupils brightened more than ten times. The black suit on his upper body collapsed into pieces, revealing pure black scales that grew wantonly.

Angers' left body was completely covered with black scales, the other half remained intact. A sacred and evil pure black dragon wing opened behind his left shoulder, and the skyrocketing pressure made Feng Long feel suffocated for a moment.

"Hahahaha, you actually... turned into this look."

"Yeah, I can't let my students see this look."

Angers' magnetic and elegant voice has become like an ancient bell.

"It doesn't matter if you hand over your soul to the devil in order to kill you all. After cleaning up all of you, I will go to Menek's grave and kill myself."

"Do you know what you are doing? The devil is far less terrifying. Angers, do you know what the next era will look like after the demise of the dragon race?"

"not my business."

Angers clenched the jackknife in his right hand, the pale knuckles protruding from the excessive force, and the blue veins on the surface of the skin were exposed.


Angie said softly. Standing where Friedrich had been, he vibrated a drop of blood from the surface of the jackknife.

Fenglong only took two steps, 3 meters. The two dragon claws are crossed in front of him, and the dragon wings that are folded and exerted are swooping and raised behind him.

At this time, the entire street was swept by countless winds, and the concrete houses that were cut into pieces collapsed.

"Last Word?"

"It's so fast."

Hundreds of fine blood springs shot out from Friedrich's body, and before the poison attached to the jackknife broke out, he was already dead.

Membrane wings were destroyed in the blade wind and only dark golden bones were left, followed by his eyes, heart and spine, and finally the joints of his limbs.

Friedrich fell to his knees, his bones spread behind him like a cross.

His two attacks, the first of which broke Angers' right eyebrow. The second shot was empty, and the sharp wind cut off the red rose on the Maserati roof, and the bright red petals were scattered on the ground.

Anger, whose symptoms of dragon transformation subsided, was extremely weak.

He pulled out his phone and took a posthumous photo of Friedrich von Lohm. Angers picked up the traitor's body and walked to the Maserati's trunk.

The sound of Johnny Cash, "God\'s Gonna Cut You Down", came from the car stereo.


you can escape for a long time


escape for a long time


escape for a long time


One day you will face the wrath of God


When Luo Yin and others came down to Lin Fenglong's location under the guidance of the original sin mark, they only saw a piece of ruins.

Topless, Angers stuffed a dead dragon into the trunk with a Cuban cigar in his mouth.

"Principal, which account did your bounty go to?"

the Cassell senior asked.

"My office lacks a decoration, and this keel is perfect. The bounty will be offset."

The 132-year-old handsome replied.

"Deal. Did he say anything before he died?"

"Some pointless crap."

Angers started the engine and looked at Luo Yin, who had taken off his black robe, from the rearview mirror.

"If there is a chance, I hope to hear the principal tell your story."

"One of Norton and Constantine, is he working with you now?"

"Headmaster, you say this now, it's a bit spoiling the atmosphere."

"Is there anything else important?"

"Headmaster, do you want to make a name for the new hunter? Honorary hunter, the endorsement fee is very high every year."

Angers' eyelids jumped, and he felt that his understanding of this Samaritan organization was a little off.

He threw a business card to Luo Yin, and Maserati flew away like a ferocious black shark.


You can throw stones and hurt people


hide your hands again


Hurting your brothers and sisters in the dark


But God has already decided black and white


Those secret sins will eventually be exposed



On the streets of Tokyo, Kazama Liuli was driving a small car, sitting in the passenger seat with a curious baby on his face.

The actor's manager and lover, Sakurai Kogure, sits behind Chi, ready to stab him at any time, even if it doesn't work.

"In 2010, in the Eight Houses of Sheqi, excluding the ghost group, the proportion of ghosts has accounted for 15%.

The Pandora contraption that guy made has worked so well after many refinements, with only two cases of accidental loss of control in September. "

After Lin Fenglong died, the bond between Chi and Odinnibel was cut off, and the alchemy circuit in the body was also dormant.

Kazama Liuli wandered around Tokyo with the old antique, explaining to him the living conditions of the ghosts in the family today.

"Is there no ghost killer?"

"No need, just train alchemists who can repair Pandora. After the genetic technology is perfected, the problem of ghost fetuses losing control will basically be solved."

Chi looked at the busy traffic in Tokyo and felt that everything seemed like a dream.

"Is that you?"

Chi pointed to the TV commercial, "Kiss of the Four Seasons: 365 Days of Love Battle", on the Genji Heavy Industry Building. The famous actress Kazama Liuli plays the female No. 2, a black-bellied and extremely powerful street girl who pretends to be silly and sweet.

Because of this TV series, Kazama Liuli's popularity on Twitter exploded every day, and his real gender became a world-class problem.

"Besides life and death, there are still many things worth doing in the world. One day I get tired of being an actor, maybe I will open a cat cafe.

You have lost your sense of touch, taste, and smell, but at least you can still see. You who are immortal can always see the future a thousand years from now. "

But Chi looked at the flow of people coming and going, and countless fragments of memory flashed in his brain, but he couldn't jump out of even a definite name.

"I'm so tired. Thank you."


Olivia looked at Luo Yin who had been smiling strangely for a few hours, and felt that the boss was not far from having a stroke.

"One next-generation keel, two top-level alchemy swords. I'll burn one of the high-level Deadpool's remains, and tear one down, eh, just play.

Hunter.com, I saw him raise a tall building, saw him feasting on guests, and saw his building collapse..."

"Boss, a private meeting with Caesar is scheduled for the day after tomorrow."

"What about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow, Caesar and his father will be summoned by the family senate at the same time. There is no time."

"The Senate tsk tsk, how did Julius Caesar die..."

Kazama Liuli stepped into the Tokyo base, and Chi followed behind.

"Luo Yin, he made up his mind. He decided to die."

Boss Luo was stunned. Why can't this person think about it, a super mixed race who doesn't work obediently and wants to commit suicide every day.

Luo Yin handed him a gaming helmet, but Chi shook his head. Tried it.

He was literally tired of being alive. The new era is indeed beautiful, but for Chi, this world is just a dream that lacks reality.

"Come on, take more samples from him. Killing you cost a lot of money, so you should pay for it."

Losing a super wage earner will make his heart hurt a lot. If he can't get his words again, Luo Yin will be so distressed that he can't eat.

Chi is definitely an abnormal life form. He was sampled while taking glucose, and he took out more than his body weight.

Luo Yin, who was bent on squeezing the remaining value, looked at Chi, who wrote "I'm finally going to die, goodness", and was defeated. Capitalists cannot squeeze the living dead.

Luo Yin directly injected 50 times the dose of anesthetic and sedative into Chi's heart, penetrated Tian Congyun into Chi's heart, and stuffed a 2-gram Sage Stone into it.

Chi's body stopped regenerating.


Hamburg, Germany, the former site of the Kassel Manor, Angers walked slowly among the dense tombstones, holding a black umbrella.

The cemetery houses successive members of the Cassel family, as well as his brothers and friends.

Only the tombstone of Lu Shanyan is missing here, and he advocates the return of fallen leaves to their roots.

Angers placed white chrysanthemums one by one in front of the tombstone, reciting their names in his heart.

"Sir, I have your courier."

On the chests of several couriers, there were iron emblems with the Samaritan logo pinned to the shape of a heart or a mask~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was a thick and pure black nanmu coffin, which made Anger's heart tremble, thinking of it. Accident of 1900.

Angers lifted the lid of the coffin and found a tall, blond German woman with a serious face. A black trench coat with a Roman collar covered her, and the family crest of the World Tree was only half left because of the burning.

There is a label on the surface of the coffin:

Unnamed female corpse. After research, it may be the 47th head of the Cassell family who disappeared in the dragon slaying incident, Claudia Cassell.

She possesses a powerful word spirit capable of manipulating thunder and lightning, and died honorably in the battle with the Dragon King.

(The alchemy rope that could sneak up to the Dragon King was coveted by someone.)

Angers found a good position, stood in the rain, dug a hole with a shovel, and buried the coffin in the soil.

Green grass in the cemetery.

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