On September 22, 1900, he was shattered in the flames of the Rhine. Despising those few humans is Li Wuyue's biggest flaw.

After 110 years, he made the same mistake.

He was thinking, when did Pompeii, this cunning human being like a fox, get out of control?

As the monarch of the wind, he can speed up the hatching of the cocoons as long as he pays a certain price. Around 1930, Li Wuyue woke up again and regained her memory soon after.

As a dragon servant, Lin Fenglong could not betray him. But it is estimated that during that period of sleep, Lin Fenglong began to serve Odin.

But at least, Lin Fenglong created the Gattuso dragon servant family according to the old method. Before World War II, Li Wuyue quietly replaced Romulus, who was the first to receive fetal blood baptism.

Because of Nidhogg's design, he is the leader of the first generation in terms of power and power, but he also has fatal flaws. Even if he knew that Lin Fenglong was serving both sides at the same time, he still needed the assistance of this dragon servant.

Pompeii was born after World War II. It was a golden age for the country and a golden age for Gattuso.

The former Pompeii was as rebellious as Caesar. He was born with a prominent name, arrogant, and esteemed freedom over glory.

But he was eventually tamed. To be a **** who travels the world and ignores family affairs is Pompeii's last resistance.

It's the way it should be.

Arctic. The word popped out of Li Wuyue's mind.

It was the family mission to the North Pole. It was there that Pompeii received the assistance of an external force, an incomparably powerful external force.

After going to the North Pole, Pompeii suddenly uncharacteristically accepted the family arrangement and married a reclusive half-blooded wealthy family. In 1988, Caesar was born.

In 1991, Pompeii successfully completed the family mission, bringing back many advanced research results, including military and genetic technology.

In 1994, Pompeii's finishing work on the mission ended, and he began to live an extravagant life. As a super hybrid who was baptized with fetal blood, he had binge drinking to alcohol poisoning in Fengyue many times.

After the death of his wife, Pompeii's extremely poor mental state made the Gattuso family feel that the strong and excellent young man had disappeared and was no longer suitable to take on the work of the head of the family.

Under the joint election of the family and Pompeii, Frost became the acting head of the family in 1995.

"It was the last thing I did for the family."

This is what Pompeii told the senate in his report after his return from the North Pole.

Li Wuyue realized that it was a dividing point. Pompeii no longer served "our cause", and he began a 15-year plan to break free from the shackles of his family.

Which family did Pompeii marry... Gulweger. Gullweger must be a mixed-race wealthy family, but Li Wuyue found that she had no impression of it. This is impossible.


The Damocles system is another big treasure hidden at home that was not told to him.

Both Caesar and Frost thought so at the moment.

"Password, six digits."

Pompeii, who was lying dead, gave Caesar a smile. Son, Daddy loves you.

Caesar entered 881129, his birthday, very nauseating.

"The sword of Damocles is ready and fully loaded. Please issue a strike order within 33 seconds. The next strike time will be 87 minutes and 27 seconds later."

A satellite icon, the "Sky Surveyor" satellite, appeared on the phone screen. The tip facing the ground has six sword-shaped signs.

Space-based kinetic weapons? Caesar guessed so for the first time.

Passy next to him was as pale as paper, and the diameter of the dust-free place was firmly maintained at ten meters, isolating all pursuers. For the first time, Caesar knew that the spirit of words could be so big.

Caesar glanced back at the monastery, staggered, and almost grabbed the ground with his head.

A hellish tornado rose from the periphery of the entire monastery, and the wind level was no longer in the scale. The storm slashed the entire ground in an instant, and the vast alfalfa field flew in the air, and the plant juice squeezed out made the storm a little green.

The strong wind destroyed the shell of the monastery like peeling an onion, and dozens of tons of marble shattered into countless pebbles, mixed into a tornado of destruction.

If this is the ocean or the jungle, Li Wuyue can easily cause natural disasters and destroy a small city. But he was locked in an iron coffin.

Pompeii was certain of him. Mountain King and Fire King, who are far weaker than Li Wuyue, can break through this cage, but he can't do it in a short time.

Passy's clean place did not exclude the other three, but Caesar was already deprived of oxygen in the vacuum, and more importantly, he could not order the sword of Damocles to be fired.

When the secretary saw Caesar's mouth shape, he immediately understood and closed the words, and the pursuers also rushed towards the four.

"Shoot! All bombs fired!"

"Voiceprint detection has passed, please check palmprint, fingerprint and iris."

It's a lot of stuff! Things like the equipment department can be fried while still in hand!

Parcy stood behind Caesar. Pompeii's order to him was to absolutely guarantee Caesar's safety.

The secretary mentioned the powerful bodies of Pompeii and Frost, and used the left and the right as human shields. Although they can't move, but with their bloodline, they can be used as armor.

By the time Caesar had verified the iris, Pompeii had already been stabbed three times, while the hapless Frost had taken two air bombs, a dozen hidden weapons and several slashes.

"Verification passed. Please check the genetic information below."

Caesar's blood pressure soared and he nearly dropped his phone on the ground. The modified mobile phone even popped a lancet on the side, puncturing Caesar's ring finger.

"Verification passed."

"Shoot! Fuck it!"

It's not that he wants to launch nuclear weapons, he just said it if he wanted to play dead.

The satellite was about to leave the strike range in ten seconds, and the launch was finally confirmed. The six tungsten rods were neatly unsheathed, and the Sword of Scourge was launched from space to the monastery.

At this moment, the slightly calm Caesar was fully aware of what he had just done.

In the monastery, in addition to the twelve elders and Romulus, who is suspected of being the Dragon King, there are dozens of dormant family members. They are the core figures of the family in various countries and industries.

In addition to these powerful figures, there are dozens of high-blooded guards here.

In the basement, a large number of land deeds, alchemy items, world-class precious jewelry, and tons of precious metals are stored.

This monastery is half of Gattuso's house.

After the dust-free land was lifted, Caesar heard the fierce roar of a fierce **** inside the iron wall, the sound was as loud as a mountain cracking a rock.

The roar of dozens of collisions per second echoed in the monastery, as if Satan himself was ringing a bell. The alloy armor with a thickness of 4.9 meters, the shelling of the main battle tank is like a scratch in front of it, but it has undergone obvious deformation at this time.

The initiator of everything, Pompeii, witnessed such terrifying power, his face was extremely ugly. Can an incomplete monarch achieve such a level of strength?

The six tungsten rods broke through the atmosphere, were quickly rubbed to red heat, and reached their melting point at a distance of 20 kilometers from the ground.

Li Wuyue's control of the wind element enables his perception distance to reach about ten kilometers. But this is only less than two seconds for the scourge of six kilometers per second.

Time zero opened, and he extended the period by a factor of 150.

Eight kilometers above the head, six tungsten rods began to disintegrate, and the devastating meteor shower would cover the monastery.

In the church, the roars of the twelve elders who were deeply dragonized were elongated into arias.

The six founding elders who had long since surrendered to Li Wuyue wailed and pulled the iron wall with their sharp claws; the other six were ashes in front of the truth, waiting for death to come, no matter what method it was.

Li Wuyue's Nibelungen is not here, and he cannot enter it for refuge. And Odin's Nibelung, he could get in, but he wouldn't take that risk.

He also does not know the origin of Odin, and Odin may use Kungunnir to punish him at any time.

Li Wuyue decided to take a gamble. The worst situation is to recover from the cocoon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and do it all over again.

He understood that the core purpose of Pompeii was to kill "Romulus". Regardless of whether Li Wuyue is dead or not, the identity of Romulus and the elders who fell to the dragons will all be buried in history.

The scourge came, and the red meteor shower forcibly broke the super storm, tearing apart the steel dome with absolute violence.

In the field of speed, only the Black Supreme can surpass Li Wuyue.

At the moment when the iron dome shattered, Li Wuyue, whose dragon body was in the shape of a shuttle, passed through the dense stream of molten metal through the gap, flashing seven fragments in a row.

But he couldn't do it all. Within the scope of the divine scourge, a high temperature environment close to a vacuum was formed, a vacuum zone of elements.

When Li Wuyue passed through 2/3 of the strike net obliquely, Time Zero collapsed in a near-vacuum environment.

Two fragments melted his wings, four fragments penetrated his dragon body, and Li Wuyue rolled on the dark soil like a rotten toy.

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