The red meteor shower fell on the monastery, like the city of Sodom was destroyed in the wrath of the gods, and the fire of the sky burned all the sins under the sun.

At the same time as the super storm collapsed, Passy propped up a small vacuum field in time, like a steel balloon that enveloped the four people.

The vacuum ball flew nearly 100 meters under the violent impact of the strong wind and gravel. At the moment of landing, Pompeii got up from the ground, whistling and dancing.

He finally did what he always wanted to do!

It's a pity that the other three here and now have difficulty empathizing with him. Strictly speaking, there are not many people in the whole world who can understand Pompeii.

"do you died?"

Caesar murmured.


Pompeii shook his head.

"There is no other king to contain him, and the curse alone can't kill him. And I don't know if his Nibelungen is here or not, I'll take a gamble. But since I can speak now, it means that his state is not good. "

The **** got his phone back and started taking a selfie. The background was the remains of a monastery ravaged by storms and space-based kinetic weapons, and the ashes of his fathers were mixed in the smoke and dust in the air.

"My dear brother Frost, from tomorrow onwards, you can call it what you want! Frost, Li Xinni, Romulus, Marilyn, Wang Xiaoming! Not happy!"

Pompeii took a selfie with Frost in his arms, feeling that his brother was really awesome.

Passy stared into the distance absentmindedly, the wind lifted his bangs, revealing golden and blue pupils.

Caesar sat on the ground, staring at Pompeii, and realized that he had never known this rotten stallion father.

Frost fell to his knees, hugging his head and crying. It was not clear what he was crying about, whether it was the disaster of the family, the sudden death of the elders, or the sorrow that he had worked hard for a dragon for 15 years, or that he would never get the noble name Li Xini... ...

Pompeii whispered in Passy's ear: "The people you work with have good potential, but they are too young to be very useful now."

He continued to dance the vulgar dance, crouching in front of the collapsed Senate, and let the Guards come to surround the four.

In the ruins of the monastery, the wind blew away the gravel and soil, revealing incomplete human figures everywhere.

Li Wuyue was close to the ground, and with the assistance of the wind, squeezed out the last of her physical strength, and fled the disaster scene in a hurry.


In Tokyo, Luo Yin is studying Chi's body tissue.

Suddenly he received an urgent message. The Gattuso House of Elders is suspected of being hit by a space-based kinetic energy weapon, killing hundreds of people. The one who destroyed the Senate was Pompeii or Caesar.

Luo Yin suddenly felt that he had made a wise decision. When he bought the property, he immediately picked this semi-abandoned air-raid shelter. After this news spread, the dugout must be very popular in the future.

At present, all suspicious persons related to the incident have been controlled. The secret party and the Gattuso family have set up a double investigation team, which will conduct a comprehensive investigation into this sudden accident and deal with it seriously.

Luo Yin could fully imagine the state of the Secret Party Veterans Association going crazy now. No matter what the reason, anyone who can destroy their ancestors with a strategic-level weapon regiment is considered a pure-blooded madman.

The control of space-based kinetic energy weapons in the hands of such a person is like giving Gaddafi the button of the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons.

Strike satellites are hovering over the earth 24 hours a day, and every second is a threat to all mankind.

With such a big melon, who has the heart to do research? Luo Yin braced himself and went on a business trip! Pompeii is dead, and Caesar is worth a shot.

Besides, he also felt a little guilty... He had made an appointment to be frank with Caesar tomorrow, but as a result, it was a big news today.


Suburbs of Rome.

Old Beowulf stood by the ruins, frowning.

As the head of the Classical Dragon Slayer School, a Predator who advocates fist-to-meat and sword-fighting duels, he was a little frightened by the sight in front of him.

The once pleasant suburbs now resemble the surface of the moon, with radial craters several meters deep everywhere. If you use this thing to slay dragons, although you don't talk much about martial arts, it is indeed better than his old guy.

"Pompeii, you state it again, why did you hit this monastery with a curse?"

"Dragon, what a strong dragon! A dragon broke into the monastery and slaughtered the old man of the Gattuso family.

I originally wanted to take my son and the dragon to fight to the death, but the elders all told us to go first. The most important thing is to continue the family's incense.

I was moved to tears and ran away. Alpha of the Senate shouted and fired at him, even if he sacrificed them, he had to deal with that fierce ancient dragon, and I would satisfy them.

They abide by the creed of the family, even if they sacrifice themselves, they cannot let a dragon go to harm the world. "

"Pompeii, don't keep laughing when you tell what happened."

Pompeii: "En, I will try my best, unless I can't help it."

"What does that dragon look like? What is the specific strength?"

Pompeii: "Small in size, less than two meters tall..."

"You just said it's 80 meters long!"

Pompeii: "Exaggerated, exaggerated, as soon as you get nervous, you talk about it. As for strength, you can see it in satellite records. It's a storm from the boss."

Old Beowulf felt that he was not far from being **** off to a myocardial infarction. The credibility of Pompeii's words is similar to that of an old prostitute going to a brothel.

The commissioner in charge of digging and collecting corpses trotted to Beowulf's side and whispered about the situation.

"How is the confirmation of the remains?"

The commissioner's face suddenly became embarrassed. After the divine scourge washed the ground, it was as barren as the surface of the moon. The things the team found couldn't be called a corpse, it was more or less the same as a broken body.

Whatever happened to the Gattuso family, the secret was about six tungsten rods completely buried.

"Is there any trace of the existence of dragons?"

Beowulf changed the question, and the commissioner nodded.

A group of people came to the cave. The ground was covered with white cloth, and scattered dragon stumps were placed on it. Mostly a solid skull, with a few thighbones and a wing tip.

Beowulf gestured in confusion, unable to spell a complete dragon. Moreover, based on his experience, this kind of bone is not yet at the level of three generations, and it is completely unbearable.

Pompeii's heart was broken, the blood of Alpha's gang was too high, and the ashes were not burnt. But if there was a name for this pile of bones, it would be the Greek alphabet.

"Is this the strong dragon you said?"

"No, it's not. I forgot to mention it just now. That strong dragon came with a group of little dragons. These should all be little dragons."

The veins on Beowulf's forehead burst out, and he gradually wanted to strangle the **** Pompeii with one claws.

"Then, what about the strong dragon?"

"It didn't kill me. You have to protect me, that dragon must be so angry right now."

Beowulf actually wanted to ask someone else, but Frost, a normal person, is currently in a state of "epiphany".

After three and a half hours of weeping, the old man entered a strange state of tranquility. Frost's three views, his whole life, collapsed.

After losing all belief and support, he gained spiritual freedom. The acting school director, who has always been aggressive and caring, now seems to be a monk who has cultivated under the Bodhi tree and has abandoned his past.

As for Passy, ​​he said nothing, as expected.

"The curse was released by me."

Caesar admitted frankly. Pompeii had been persuading Caesar to use his rhetoric before the investigation began. There was no mention of Li Wuyue's identity. As for the responsibility for this disaster, he and Passy were completely left out.

But if he was so obedient, he would not be Caesar. Although Alpha and other six elders and other clansmen who fell to the Dragon King were dead, Caesar did not want to save any respect for their deaths.

As for the possible wrongful death, this sin should be borne by him. Although the sword was prepared by Pompeii, it was him who wielded the sword.

"The child is talking nonsense. I know that my son still loves me. Beowulf, you can check Norma's records. When I used the curse, I didn't block Norma's surveillance."

The old dragon man was stunned for a moment. When he was doing this kind of thing, he even asked Norma to write it down. Maybe it was Pompeii's style.

The record is called out, Pompeii's voice, palm prints, fingerprints, iris, genetic information. Not bad.

Caesar stayed where he and couldn't say a word after that. Today was the first day he knew the family's secret, but it was immediately destroyed by Pompeii.

This old dude, how long has he been aware of this dirty secret? How much has he prepared for today? Caesar, could not expose Pompeii's lies.

Caesar suddenly realized that Pompeii chose to attack suddenly today, most likely because the dragon was ready to attack him.

And to destroy half of the family with divine condemnation, Pompeii will always bear the name of madness and cruelty, and his own dark secrets will continue to be hidden in his heart. Meanwhile, Caesar will continue to live gloriously.

Pompeii first cuddled with Beowulf, then gave Caesar a strong bear hug. A potion was secretly inserted into Caesar's pocket, and Pompeii secretly brought out what might be the last potion of fetal blood.

"Use it with confidence and protect yourself.

Remember, freedom and glory are gifts from your mother. "

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