C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 4 Chapter 9: Bionic Mecha

"What's the taste? Is anyone doing BBQ in the lab?"

The two researchers muttered. They were members of the technical team "invited" by Luo Yin when he created Samaria. Most of them signed a non-disclosure agreement and left, and some chose to stay.

The quitters were honest when they got the hush money, knowing that Big Brother Samaria was watching them.

Research teams have recently noticed an increase in the number of colleagues, especially in biology. The boss's abduction skills are becoming more and more proficient, and some indescribable development plans are in progress.

In the alchemy laboratory dedicated to the boss, Luo Yin calmly used a fire extinguisher to deal with the melting and smoking alchemy array. The mouse No. 71 used for the experiment was unfortunately carbonized in the accident.

As a super-high-level word spirit, the serial number should be 100+. It is indeed quite reluctant to produce recycled metal in large quantities to carry a complete Yaqi circuit.

An alchemy testing machine costs about 1.1 million US dollars, can only be used 4 to 5 times, and can produce about 800,000 alchemical cells on average. All told, each cell costs more than a dollar.

If it weren't for the extremely strong ability of alchemy cells to divide, and the injection amount per experiment only required about 100,000, Luo Yin's alchemy heart would be so painful that it would split open.

Yanling Baqi can customize a kind of super stem cell for users to achieve a similar "immortality" effect.

The version that Luo Yin used to imitate the alchemy creation is not as fast as the original version, and the upper limit of the number of splits is not yet clear. However, from the current data, the upper limit of the number of splits is greater than 400.

Compared with the original Yaqi cell, the alchemy cell has an obvious advantage, that is, it can freely choose the "scanning" object, and is not limited to the users of Yaqi.

Of course, after implanting the object, there will be some small problems without accident.

Today's Luo Yin realizes more and more that human beings have limits.

He can be regarded as a small achievement in alchemy technology, and because of the addition of mirror pupils, mechanical manufacturing technology can also be achieved quickly.

However, in terms of clinical biology and genetics, he may only have the level of an ordinary undergraduate, and many things are currently learned and used, and even guesswork.

Without Samaritan's data prowess and the logistical support of a group of professionals who volunteered to help, he'd be left alone this time around.

After experiencing dozens of failures and spiritual pollution, Luo Yin finally got several application products based on alchemy cells.

The key to success is that he found Yaki's natural enemy, Yanling Judgment. The three branches of judgment are debilitating, destroying, and disintegrating, all of which can restrain alchemy cells.

As expected of you, White King. Through the five elements, and mastering the spirit of "death" and "eternal life" at the same time, you are not afraid of making trouble at all.


The relatively simple finished product is the new alchemy potion. Luo Yin wanted to call it Life No. 1, but it was automatically named Yaqi Potion by the system, so there was no creativity.

Its composition is not complicated, physiological saline, high-energy nutrient solution, stimulants and alchemy cells. The alchemy cells among them are "defective products", which have been destroyed by the disintegrating power of judgment, and the maximum number of divisions is about 80 times.

After the seriously wounded is injected with Yachi medicine, the alchemy cells will divide frantically to fill all the defects in the body, until the number of divisions is exhausted or the user dies, there will be no problem of infinite division leading to out of control.

The main flaw is that because the alchemy cells are "bound" to a specific life, each potion can only be used by one person for the sake of safety, and it is destined that this potion can only be a high-end product.

The second finished product is called "Life Capsule" by Luo Yin, which is actually the injection of dormant alchemical cell colloidal polymer into vital parts, such as the heart, brain, and eggs (crossed out).

These alchemy cells are also weakened versions, which can only replace specific tissues and organs, and will not spread everywhere. He intends to test himself first and then consider others. In theory, the partially acting life capsule will not get out of control, nor will it conflict with his own words.

If this thing is safe, it is definitely a life-saving weapon, which can effectively reduce the threat of Feng Wang's decapitation tactics.

The third is not a finished product, but in his opinion the most promising.

Luo Yin put an artificial dragon muscle into the alchemy array.

Although he does not have a living dragon, he has enough capacity for various dragon organizations. The giant species of Managalm alone is enough for more than ten years.

Moreover, the cell activity of dragons is extremely strong, and it is not difficult to artificially cultivate some muscles, nerves, and bones.

This dragon muscle is only connected by tendons and artificial nerves, and the end is a simple alchemy matrix. It is impossible for anyone to think that this thing is life, but it has passed the scan of the alchemy matrix.

Luo Yin injected the freshly baked alchemy cells into the dragon-like muscle, and cut dozens of cuts vertically and horizontally on the surface of the muscle with an instrument, allowing it to regenerate at an ultra-high speed.

After the alchemical cells replaced 80% of the original cells, signs of loss of control began to appear, and Luo Yin immediately connected to the alchemical matrix to start manipulation.

The artificial dragon-like muscle wraps his right arm, with an exoskeleton similar to insects and pure white scales differentiated on the surface, and the inner muscle fibers closely fit his skin.

Warm, even a little burning sensation. The flow of dragon blood and the beating of muscle fibers seem to hide a heart inside.

Luo Yin's punch test, the speed increased by almost 40%, and the strength increased even more. Just this kind of crude test product can kill Ye Sheng with one punch.

For Constantine's mecha, he did have some unreasonable thoughts, but at the same time, he also discovered the flaws of the red dragon's armor.

Constantine used the king-level flame as the power source of the mecha, and it could only last for about ten minutes. The mecha made of pure recycled metal consumes too much mental power, and the regeneration ability is very poor.

The skeleton made of recycled metal and the body tissue composed of alchemy cells are the future of the dragon-like bionic mecha.

Is it not a big deal to grow dragon wings through blood explosion? The dragon wings made of alchemy cells can be disassembled at will, and he can change the style at any time.

Different dragon bodies corresponding to the five elements have their own advantages. The mountain king line is good at frontal attack and defense, the sea king line is suitable for water warfare and has strong regeneration, the wind king line is suitable for air battles and has fast speed, the fire king line has strong explosive power and can fully stimulate the power of alchemy, and the spiritual system is omnipotent.

As long as he smashes gold to death, he can smash various bionic dragon-shaped mechas that adapt to various forms. Hatching a dragon body through cocooning? The road is narrow.

Remember to revisit Tiga when you have nothing to do, and the inspiration spurted out.

The most wonderful thing is that the holy corpse died and Chi committed suicide. The Japanese family did not have any technical talents. Luo Yin should be the only supplier of alchemy cells in the world.

No matter how strong Constantine's technology is, he can't crack the alchemy cells based on Yaki, that's not within his power. In the future, the high-end materials that the Dragon King wants to make mecha can only be imported from him.

This is the wonderful frog seeds eating the wonderful crispy corners and entering the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, wonderful home!


"What's the matter, tell me now."

Fengjian Liuli, who was pulled from the studio, saw Luo Yin, whose eyes were not right, and felt that this person was going to harm him.

"How is your condition recently?"

Eyelids twitched in the wind, this is not going to go away, right?

"Very good. I see a doctor every two weeks, and the dose has been reduced to 30%."

Luo Yin felt very relieved, and believed that several psychiatrists who were seriously injured in the early stage of Fengjian Liuli's treatment were also relieved.

"Do you have time to do a brain CT?"


A long time ago, Luo Yin cut open the brains of shadow warriors and found that they had undergone pontine split surgery.

Combined with the fact that Herzog used the sound of a clapper to control Kazama Ruri and Uesugi Eri Yi, he guessed that these two had also undergone the same operation. But at that time, his technical skills were still average, and Kazejian Liuli didn't trust him very much.

Now, it's finally time to solve the problem.

"Pontine split surgery and lobotomy are both brain surgeries that have been abandoned on the surface, but it's more crude than the latter.

In fact, from a modern medical point of view, pontine split surgery cuts through the fibrous plate structure called the corpus callosum, not the pons in the brainstem. In short, the left and right brains are separated. "

Fengjian Liuli was rarely frightened. Anyone who saw his brain split open and split for more than 20 years would think it was a horror movie.

"I don't know much about the effects of pontine split surgery on ordinary people, but the effects on mixed races are amazing.

It may be due to the natural existence of two spirits, dragon and human. After the brain is split on the physical level, your consciousness is also split after being guided. Kazama Ruri, who resembles a dragon, and a human teenage girl.

It seems that the general Wang did not lead Uesugi Eriyi to appear schizophrenic, but she would also be affected by the sound of the clapper, and the dragon's blood would enter a state of silence. "

Another guess that Luo Yin didn't say, maybe Uesugi Eriyi is a dragon personality, but because of her own nature or her dependence on her brother, she is a rare kind-hearted dragon.

And her bloodline is too high, the human personality is very weak, and she can't even be elicited by the sound of the bang, so she fainted directly.

"So, I'm actually a dragon?"

"Come closer. But the spirit is not as intuitive and objective as the material. It mainly depends on your self-awareness. Isn't your acting career going well now?"

Sakurai Xiaomu looked at Kazama Ruri with some worry, a little worried about the recurrence of his condition.

"Luo Yin, do you think there is a solution?"

Luo Yin took out a Eight Qi potion. He has a lot of tissue samples for Fengjian Liuli, and he has already prepared them.

"This is a regeneration potion made by studying the heroic spirit you are fighting against. The regeneration ability of the super hybrid has a very limited effect on brain damage, and the surgical wound has been roughly treated, but this potion can break through this limitation."

For rough people, this explanation is enough.

"side effect?"

"Worst case scenario, you lose Yan Ling Meng tapir and get a weakened version of Yan Ling Baqi."

"it is good."


Fengjian Liuli was stunned for a moment, Luo Yin had already stabbed the back of his neck with a shot, and the injection was finished. This is too fast.

As soon as the medicine started to take effect, Fengjian Liuli fell to the ground and let out a terrifying roar. The golden pupil flickered on and off, and the newly-born nerve fibers ripped open the surgical wound and strongly connected the left and right brains.

But the real pain does not come from the regeneration of the brain, but from the fusion of the spirit. Kazama Liuli's schizophrenia lasted too long, almost becoming two people, and the number of appearances of the Yuanzhi woman after the age of 15 was only single digits.

His eyes were like a tyrannosaur for a while, and then they turned into the clear eyes of a young man, and the signs of dragon transformation were stronger and weaker.

Suddenly, the Nightmare Tapir opened, pulling Luo Yin and Sakurai Xiaomu in at the same time. But they were just bystanders, and it was Kazama and Genji girl who were hit by the Nightmare Tapir.

Taking the night in Lutoru Town as the dividing point, the source girl almost disappeared completely, this is the eternal nightmare of Liuli in the wind.

"Brother, are you back?"


Luo Yin was immediately alert, if Fengjian Liuli and Yuan Zhinu both perished in the dream tapir, then his injection would be very effective.

But after careful observation, Luo Yin found interesting details.

The young Fengjian Liuli was dressed in blood-stained colorful clothes, with gaudy makeup, and opened her arms to welcome her brother home.

But his eyes are not golden pupils, but a pair of clear black pupils. There were misty tears in his eyes, the excitement of killing was fading, and fear was surging like a tide.

Although the boy painted dark red eyeliner, Luo Yin still recognized that he was not Fengjian Liuli. At the moment when he saw his brother come home, his dominant personality was actually Yuan Zhidv.

The teenager Yuan Zhisheng was disgusted and panicked when he saw the plastinated corpse in the room, but Yuan Zhinv was more panicked than him, and the boy woke up from a dream to find that he had degenerated into a murderer.

The terrified Genji girl subconsciously ran towards her brother. Yuan Zhisheng didn't use the knife at all, he just pulled out the spider cut, his wrists trembled and his Adam's apple trembled. He wanted to question his brother aloud, but he couldn't say a word.

The source girl saw the blade of the spider cut, but she did not hesitate to meet it. Under the influence of a large number of drugs, his mental state was still on the verge of collapse, and Yuan Zhinv chose suicide in extreme panic.

The blood-covered Genesis girl fell into the deep well with a peaceful expression, and he felt that he had finally ended everything. But everything was in Herzog's plan, and Kazama Liuli climbed out of the abandoned well.

Yuan Zhisheng's first ghost killing in his life was like this.

The dream tapir collapsed, and those lost memories were rapidly pouring into Fengjian Liuli's brain.

Qingliang Mountain Spring in Lucuo Town, a secret base built with his brother, the two brothers who were beaten by their adoptive father lay on the grass watching the stars and shared an unpalatable plum meal.

Luo Yin is very keen on recording Feng Mou's defense breaking moments, which are powerful tools to force him to work in the future.

"What shall I call you now?"

"Fengjian Liuli, the name Yuan Zhinv is too confusing."

Sakurai Xiaomu was embraced by Kazama Liuli without any defense, while Luo was unsuspectingly stuffed with a mouthful of dog food.

"Xiao Mu, let's get engaged."

Hiss, what's going on, how is this development...


After testing, the wind between the glass is no longer affected by the sound of the clapper. Boss Luo lost the Binding Spell, and felt a little relieved in his heart.

There is no problem with the deadpool or the dragon, but the bottom line of the senior Dr. Herzog is indeed a lot lower than him.

The use of surgery to control the mind of the same kind made him feel very uncomfortable, and it always reminded Luo Yin of the unpleasant life in the coffin.

The alchemy cells didn't get out of control in Fengjian Liuli's body, he didn't lose the Yanling Meng Tapir, but he didn't win the first prize to become the Double Word Spirit.

Before using the same method to repair Huiliyi's brain, Luo Yin was more interested in another person, Lu Mingfei.

Unlike the three test-tube babies, Lu Mingfei's origin is easy to check.

His ancestors belonged to a long-standing mixed-race family. His great-grandfather, Lu Shanyan, was the first-generation Lionheart hero, and he was exiled for two generations during the war. His parents were honorary alumni of the college.

It seems to have found a lot of things, but it seems that nothing has been found.

Lu Mingfei's growth history is also clearly traceable. He was a junior high school student in X City. How could such a person be controlled by Bang Zisheng?

Luo Yin was stunned when he saw Lu Mingfei's muscles. He seemed to be getting bigger.

"Senior Brother Luo, is there anything I can help with the alchemy experiment?"

Lu Mingfei was in the off-campus alchemy workshop, and Luo Yin sent the potion to Olivia.

Of course it's a volunteer.

"Junior Brother, how much power do you have now?"

"Spanner finally won Caesar some time ago, but lost again in the past two days."

That is Caesar becoming stronger by opening and hanging.

Can human beings really surpass A-class bloodline muscle monsters through exercise... What kind of existence are you?

While the two were talking, Olivia sneaked a shot to Lu Mingfei.


"Anything unusual?"

"The neck is not sore anymore."

Luo Yin: ?

The recorded bangzi sound started to play, and Lu Mingfei hugged his head in pain and howled, and the reverberation lingered around the beam for three days.

Should not be ah.

"Give him another shot."


The clapper continued, and Lu Mingfei continued to howl.

"Come again!"



No more~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The weakened version of Alchemy Cells may also get out of control if injected too much.

Why is Lu Mingfei's eyes always full of tears, because he is in so much pain.

Luo Yin seemed to hear the faint laughter in the air, as if a devil was laughing at his overreaching.

Herzog's technology isn't the most advanced in the field.

"How do you feel now?"

"The accumulation of lactic acid in the morning exercise seems to have disappeared, and my body feels refreshed. If I take one injection every day, I can double the amount of exercise. Is this the latest health care product?"

A needle is worth tens of thousands, Brother Lu...

Luo Yin fell into deep self-doubt.

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