If Yermengard sees Luo's latest work, it is unreasonable not to charge millions of copyright fees.

Apart from being several times larger, the appearance of the entire "Mecha" is almost the same as her small dragon body. Extremely dense bones and muscles, slightly curved bone spurs for close combat, and very flexible muscles and joints.

Among the dragons that Luo Yin has seen in the land and mountains, Fenrir only glimpsed in his spiritual vision, and Managalm’s appearance is too curious. And he had a fight with Yemengade, and the information collected was relatively sufficient, so it was decided that it was you.

The reference sample of the alchemy cells came from the head of the sun "Skull" in Managalm, which undoubtedly inherited the traditional virtues of the mountain king's lineage, and its physical properties were quite superior.

After working overtime for several days, he finally made the mecha according to the blueprint. Although the appearance is a bit rough, the momentum is still quite strong.

This test machine was named "Gaia" by him.

The unactivated Gaia looks almost the same as a sleeping ancient dragon, except that there is no thing called a soul in it.

More than 70 thin and hard compressed alchemy matrices act as the nervous system of the body. The center adopts technology similar to the game helmet, which will be directly connected to Luo Yin's brain.

Originally, in order to highlight the commemorative significance, he wanted to paint Gaia in the eggplant color intertwined with blue and purple, but found that this color matching is not easy for most people to grasp, so he was lazy and sprayed it into blue-black like most dragons.

Luo Yin took a deep breath, stretched out his index finger, and touched the hollow heart of the mecha.

The scales cut through the skin, absorbing blood. The alchemy cells differentiated into dozens of muscles and nerve fibers, which slowly touched the surface of Luo Yin's body.

When he was carving glass in the kitchen more than three years ago, he never imagined that his alchemy would develop into such a form that went against the patriarch. Perhaps everything was doomed on that day, and the warlock who made his fortune by refining glass would never take the usual path.

As soon as he entered the mecha, Luo Yin immediately opened the oxygen bottle he was carrying. Because the circulatory system is a bit complicated, he hasn't done it yet. And it is even more impossible for him to do things like the digestive system. It is enough to leave a space under the dragon scales that can store a large amount of nutrients.

The alchemy matrix is ​​all activated and consciousness is connected. The Gaia opened its golden pupils and scanned the surroundings.

There are quite a few things that are not right. The sense of touch and hearing are weak, and the sense of smell does not exist because it is not done.

Luo Yin tried to step out with his left foot, but the result was his right foot. The tail is always piapia behind him, and he really lacks the experience of using the tail.

There are more problems than he expected, but it doesn't matter, the first move is a success.

Don't be afraid of difficulties, overcome them by opening and hanging. Yan Ling·Mirror pupil!

Like a pure-blooded dragon, the "Gaia" has thousands of muscles of different sizes and more than a thousand bones. But it's not a big problem for the mirror pupil user, just treat the new body as a machine to control it.

It only took ten seconds for Luo Yin to become familiar with the structure of the five-meter-high body, including the design mistakes.

He threw a tentative swing punch, and the compressed air exploded. Oh this enchanting power!

The fighting talents of pure blood dragons are not at the same level as hybrids. Dozens of times more complex body mechanisms allow them to construct longer and more diverse kinetic chains within their bodies, enabling them to achieve various incredible attacks.

Even though there are still a lot of problems with the Gaia at this stage, with the cooperation of Jingtong and Tian Congyun, Luo Yin's melee combat ability has been improved by a large level.


If this is not an illusion, then the world should not be far from destruction.

A researcher who was drinking tea saw a five-meter-tall dragon inspecting work in the laboratory with its paws on its back.

"Don't be nervous, haven't you seen it before? Boss, I made a monster holster, but the simulation is relatively high."

Luo Yin lowered his head slightly to prevent himself from hitting the ceiling.

The dragon-shaped mecha bared its fangs and tiptoed open Constantine's room.

Under the influence of intuition, the Dragon King turned his head, his heart tightened, and he subconsciously slapped Jun Yan's face.

Gaia's head was carbonized by high temperature with half an inch thick scales and flesh, but the alchemy cells began to repair the wound at a speed of about 40% of Yanling and Yaki, and the effect was strong enough to be seen by the naked eye.

Constantine distanced himself vigilantly. Is this thing Yemengade cheating corpse? Why has it grown so much.

"It's me, surprise?"

Luo Yin did not hide his shyness.

"Luo Yin?"

Constantine poked the Gaia's blue-black scales and regenerating flesh, rough and tough, and the touch was very real. Just now, he felt that there was a dragon from the mountain king line standing in front of him.

"Show your face."

"Wait... Deng Deng!"

Gaia's chest was split open, and a human head suddenly appeared in the heart. Constantine, who was unprepared, was so frightened that his head was on fire, and he almost killed Luo Yin with a knife.

Luo Yin, who had been on the mecha for ten minutes, was sweating profusely and was hot. This heat dissipation problem needs to be solved as soon as possible. He felt like a roast duck when he was squatting inside.

Luo Yin: "Try?"

Not surprisingly, this human should have swelled again.

Constantine activated a part of the red dragon armor. More than 40 components were suspended on the outside of his right arm, and assembled into a two-meter-long arm and dragon claws.

At a high level, Luo Yin has only spent three weeks in making the shoddy version of the alchemy dragon body. He doesn't really think that the performance can exceed his mature version, right?

With the right foot as the starting point and the waist as the axis, the exaggerated power gathered on the right claw of the Gaia, colliding with the crimson metal dragon claw shrouded in flames.

Gaia's right claw was knocked out by three cracks, and the flesh was rolled, but it was rapidly regenerating. The metal dragon claws are only slightly deformed and are slowly recovering.

"It's not bad to be able to block 30% of the output, I'm going to add more power."

Actually 50%.

Constantine combined his left claws and attacked Luo Yin with his left and right hands at the same time.

The speed of the fists on both sides was too fast to be seen clearly, the majestic power was like four battering rams colliding in a row, and the space was full of blue-black and red-red phantoms.

When Constantine's output increased to 65%, Luo Yin couldn't continue to support, and it became a one-sided beating, which was almost the limit of the test machine.

Gaia's arms were standing in front of his head and heart, and he was under Constantine's crazy combo, the pressure was no less than dozens of tank shellings.

Seeing that he could still hold on, and that Constantine really wanted to beat Luo Yin, he hammered towards the bionic dragon for dozens of seconds.

Luo Yin, who was being beaten continuously, saw that Constantine was a little relaxed, two thick bone wings popped out from his back, and the pitch-black bone spurs attacked the red dragon's right claw.

Constantine hurriedly retracted his left claw to defend, Luo Yin's violent headbutt slammed into the Dragon King's left arm, and the bone spurs on his head pierced through the scales, leaving two eye holes.

Some dragons of the mountain king lineage do not have dragon wings, and even if they have dragon wings, they cannot fly as fast as they can. Their dragon wings are mainly used for balancing and assisting in close combat.

Luo Yin gradually found the rhythm of dragon fighting. The armor of the mountain king's lineage is very thick, and as long as he can't die in a fight, he will recklessly die.

Dragon claws, joint bone spurs, head hammers, bone wings, and big tails are all very useful weapons.

Luo Yin, who gradually realized the spirit of the mountain king, was evenly matched with Constantine's two claws with 65% power.

A minute later, seeing that Constantine's room was about to be demolished, the two decided to stop.

The rough-skinned and thick-skinned Gaia was not far from being roasted at this time, but the bizarre regeneration speed made Constantine unable to understand.

Although he only used a small part of the red dragon's armor, Luo's shoddy version of the dragon body gave him a lot of stimulation. This kind of inexplicable thing, the power is almost the same as the ordinary next-generation species.

Gaia's heart was split open and he spat out his driver. At this time, Luo Yin's whole body was as red as a prawn, but he laughed very arrogantly.

"How about the cost?"

"Compared with the overall use of recycled metal, the cost is about 1/8, and there is still room for further reduction. The user requirements are also much lower, and the A-level blood can be manipulated, and the requirements will be lower after miniaturization."

Constantine was stunned, he didn't know how to answer. At this moment, he really had the urge to kill Luo Yin.

When hybrids can mass-produce dragons of this level, is there any hope for dragons to gain a foothold in the world?

"I know I'm very good, you don't have to be so shocked. This thing is still very far from mass production, and almost every part of the dragon body is completed by me.

The point is, do you see value in this material? High-speed self-healing, relatively low cost, and lower physical consumption of users. Interested? "

Sure enough, Luo Yin is Luo Yin, and his actions are never simple. Constantine hurriedly glanced at Furious, fortunately, not lost.

"What price?"

Constantine is very good now.

"Technology exchange. Money and goods trading is too vulgar, and knowledge is different. Your knowledge, my knowledge, after the exchange, each person has two copies of knowledge.

Your technique is outstanding in precision, and it is impossible for me to catch up with you in the study of dragon bodies in a short period of time. You've been developing specialty metals with dragon-healing abilities lately, but it doesn't seem to be going well. "

Seeing that Constantine was a little moved, Luo Yin continued:

"Your advantage lies in the perfect design, the operation is not stagnant, and the structure of the red dragon is even better than that of the pure-blood dragon. But with the materials I provide, it can be perfect.

With the flexibility, vitality and endurance of the Dragon King, it can be adjusted at any time according to the different opponents. Constantine, our artificial dragon body will one day surpass the bloodline bestowed by the Black King. "

Even though he knew that 80% of Luo Yin's words were flickers, Constantine was still unstoppably moved.

The transaction was reached in silence, and the data was exchanged.

Luo Yin had no reservations, while Constantine kept a hand.

The reason for Luo Yin's unreservedness is that he knows that Yaqi does not belong to the power category of bronze and fire at all. Constantine can get some inspiration, but the only way out is to buy raw materials from him.

The red dragon designed by Constantine and the giant dragon body under construction refer to his brother Norton. What was handed over to Luo Yin were some scrap manuscripts in the mid-term, and the objects of imitation were the second generation and the third generation.


after one day.

One person and one dragon fight each other with friendly expressions, and communicate their learning results through intimate fighting.

Because of the existence of the exclusive dragon text, Constantine's harvest is limited to several new dragon text circuits, as well as the dragon body structure that Luo Yin has combined with Cassell's textbook and physical anatomy.

Among them, the value of the latter to him is 0, and that thing just dirty his eyes. Many of Luo Yin's conjectures are wild, creating structures that dragons don't even exist out of thin air.

Luo Yin's harvest is relatively large, but what he wants is the internal structure of the red dragon armor. Only with that thing can he hope to create an artificial dragon body comparable to the first generation.

After Odin took away the holy skeleton, his strength has never been higher. It belongs to the first grade among the hybrids, but it is not enough to see the real dragon king, let alone Odin.

"what price?"

"Complete blueprint for the red dragon armor."

"Impossible, at most it will give you your spine."

"Then the Alchemy Cell will supply you with up to ten units per month."

Constantine made an estimate based on the size of the giant dragon's body, and it will be almost the same in the next century.

"Spine plus circulatory system, send a dragon claw. Exchange alchemy cells for 30% of the output, free supply."

"Are you dreaming?"

Constantine, who bargained for the price, always thought it was strange, because the red dragon imitated his brother's dragon body, and he had the illusion that he was selling Norton in sections.

After protracted friendly negotiations, Luo Yin finally took a small step back because of the real personal threat from the Dragon King.

"Trunk bones, dragon wings, circulatory system, plus the seven deadly sins and the toxin principle of lust."

"50% of the output, no less than 100 units per month. The cost price is charged, and credit is available."

Credit is Boss Luo's last stubbornness. One day he will be able to beat Constantine and enforce the Dragon King.

"make a deal."

After the transaction was completed, one person and one dragon were exhausted both physically and mentally.

For some reason, Constantine felt that there was an empty space in his heart, and he felt that he had been scaled by a dragon.


Cassell College, a certain bedroom, the president and vice president of the Monster Game Club is working hard to score points in the arena of "Origin".

I always feel that Xia Mi's game skills are not as good as before, especially in close combat.

President Uesugi Eri Yi commented in his heart.

The second generation of Xia Mi is a three-generation humanoid that Yemengade carefully squeezed out, and has exactly the same appearance and memory as the original Xia Mi. And according to Yermungard, she will never awaken to her self-awareness as a dragon.

At present, the people around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, including Chu Zihang, have not been able to distinguish the second generation.

But Luo Yin always felt that there would be a big problem. It wasn't that he couldn't trust Yemengarde, but he just felt that the Dragon King's ability was not very reliable.

"Today's top score is here."

Uesugi Eri Yi stretches her back and neck, and her curves are elegant and beautiful.

Xia Mi is different from her. Although the arena is very strong, it is not a push party, but a tourist player.

The two said goodbye in the game. Xia Mi II and Chu Zihang converged and decided to travel to the cross-time and space dungeon in the game to experience the Greek atmosphere in the Aristotelian era.

And Eriyi found her game mirror Mikami Eriko, and the hidden side quest had reached the last link. She felt that she was not far from some secrets.

The expansion film "Dirty Throne", the first raider must be her Huiliyi!

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