The latest website: Step 1: Enter the subway Nibelungen and clear the customs at the fastest speed.

Step 2: Give up the reward at the end of the level and ask to meet the great game designer, Fenrir.

Step 3: Play games with Fenrir, the Dragon King in this state is not in danger.

Step 4: When Lu Mingfei reaches the bottom of the gate, start the Dragon Slaying Plan and complete the exchange.

Zero confirmed the plan in his heart, waved lightly at the long-legged ninja, and walked into Shinjuku subway station.

The boss's plan took into account Fenrir's intelligence level, but not fully. Pulling and releasing people on a large scale in a short period of time, Fenrir must have exposed his own existence.

The people of Sheqi Bajia haven't guessed in the direction of the king of the earth and the mountain. They have severe post-traumatic stress disorder of the white king. For any large-scale dragon incident, the first reaction is that Kamish sama is back.

But they will act soon, and the strength of the Sheqi Bajia after the end of the internal war is amazing. In order to contain them, Potato Chips is selling stocks in their industry in units of 100 million, causing financial turmoil, diverting attention at the expense of huge losses.

And the wine de Mai, still undertake the task of surveillance and frontal combat.

The boss is currently in a semi-depressed state. In his plan, the fall of each dragon king should have a grand funeral, and the sad death knell resounds throughout the world.

Fenrir, however, was quite stable without the supervision of Yermengard.


It is not difficult for the boss to invade the Nibelungen of the Mountain King.

But when Zero entered, he didn't see the small train as planned. There were only five or six desperate people waiting for the train on the dim platform.

The car had been parked at the door of his brother Dragon's den, while Fenrir was playing a game.

So Zero can only start waiting for the bus, it is now six o'clock in the evening.

In order not to disturb Fenrir, she did not carry any weapons, and Zero completely trusted the boss's description of Fenrir.

In addition to Lu Mingfei, the real key item of the plan was an inconspicuous jasper jade bottle in her pocket.

It contains the legendary alchemy poison, "The Mixed Green". Cui Zhichun is indeed the same as the legend, an assassin, but it is not human.

In 453, Princess Honoria, at the behest of the secret party, released the Jade Mixture many times and poisoned Yermengard, who was transformed into Attila.

The ingredients of Jade Mixture are the keel of fire and earth, smelting silver, smelting mercury, nickel and copper, and other alchemists' secret recycled metal formula. The finished product is colorless and odorless liquid rather than solid.

Zero was not surprised that the boss was able to get the recipe for Cuizhi Mixing.

Cuizhi's poison will not kill Fenrir, but it can completely anger him. The scene of Attila's death more than a thousand years ago is still clearly in his mind, and the irrational Fenrir may even directly release Shiva Karma Dance .

When it was almost seven o'clock, Master Fen finally remembered that there were still a few people on the platform. Just let them play another round of the little train game, Fenrir, who is drawing pictures in "Origin", has no time to give them a brain break.

Zero and a few others stepped into the terminal compartment and touched the carvings of nine Kama Itachi, and the hill-like gold coins condensed into a knight's spear two taller than hers. The others looked at Zero, who was as cold as an iceberg, and did not dare to move at all.

According to the plan, the boss will teleport Lu Mingfei into Nibelungen at eight o'clock in the evening, and hint that he will go to Guandi to rescue Zero who was kidnapped by the dragon.

She has to speed up.


At 7:30, three uninvited guests drove a minivan to Shinjuku subway station.

"Where there is the Dragon King, there are us. Similarly, there are them.

The Hunter Network is not something to worry about at the moment, but the group has to guard against it. "

The rear of the truck is equipped with "Gaia No. 2". After the preliminary optimization of the dragon body structure, the body size has been reduced a bit, and the recycled metal skeleton is used, which has stronger performance.

On the box, the label is high-quality meat.

"I will find a way to enter Nibelungen later, Susie, you and Olivia will enter the subway tunnel with the dragon body with the cooperation of Samaria."

"You want to slay the dragon alone?"

Luo Yin patted the full cart in the truck, which was covered with a layer of cloth.

"I brought the Dragon Noble Phantasm."

"You borrowed the seven deadly sins?"

Susie lifted the black cloth and glanced at it. Potato chips, ice cream, chocolate, cola milk tea, sparkling water, and a cartoon game console.

Susie: ?

Are you going to slay dragons with this thing?

"Don't worry, I have a backup plan."

In the mezzanine, there are Tiancongyun and alchemy bombs, and if he has to, he can use the blood burst to become a pseudo-white king for a few seconds and run away from the Nibelungen.

"Boss, some people started to sell stocks in the eight industries of Sheqi this afternoon. We will continue to collect them tomorrow?"

"You can get as much as you can, and Tokyo won't be bombed by the Dragon King. These stocks are very profitable."

This is his big rear, and he can't let some behind-the-scenes manipulators mess around.

"Everything goes according to plan, the action begins!"

"Boss, what were you preparing for the few hours I was training?"

Olivia asked curiously. They could have gotten here earlier.



"Buy 1 get 1 potato chips, and milk tea is only 100 yen! The opening of Roche grocery store is a big deal!"

Luo Yin pushed the trolley and walked in the subway station while shouting, and the sales volume was alright.

Before long, the staff of the subway station came to drive him away, and Luo Yin quietly handed a large check.

"This is a private sociological experiment, and I hope you will support my research."

This man was obviously ill, but he gave too much.

Luo Yin peddled for a while, and without warning, suddenly started to fight military boxing, and the fight was fierce.

Each Nibelung root has its own unique rules, which come from the dragon's will and the nature of the dragon itself.

Keywords: potato chips, figure, grand prize. People who are pulled in: The proportion of mixed races is high, and most of them have proficient fighting ability.

For the sake of a greater purpose (wealth), his personal face matters little. Luo Yin switched back and forth between the cart dealer and the martial arts show as if he had a disease.

It didn't take long for Fenrir to notice the mysterious man at the door.

Chips, lots of chips! And what he hasn't eaten, a lot!

Luo Yin noticed an unusual surging of the earth element, and finally smiled. Before disappearing from the subway station, he noticed a woman leaning in a corner, wearing a light-colored sun hat.

Her legs are long and too prominent among Japanese women.

Jiude Mai has not yet received the boss's order to start, Luo Yin has quietly disappeared at the end of the platform. A few minutes later, the waiter noticed that the potato chip nerd was gone.


Luo Yin entered the subway nearly an hour later than Zero, at this time Zero was close to the middle of the train.

Touch the metal scythe like the others and he gets a small carving knife.

No surprise, his bloodline was raised the day after tomorrow. When it comes to Blood Mourning, Luo Yin is not so strong.

Although the external manifestations are different, Fengjian, Caesar, and Chu Zihang's autism rank is far higher than him.

He was not in a hurry to move forward, but turned on his mirror pupil to "scan" the last carriage.

The structure is quite simple, but the amount of earth elements that make up the alchemy array is very huge, as majestic as the sea. Not the handwriting of Yermongaard.

Luo Yin fumbled around in the carriage until he noticed the clock in the carriage. Use a carving knife to pry open the clock, which hides a pinhole camera with a miniature alchemy array.

"Hey, can this camera transmit video and sound from Nibelungen? It's amazing."

Luo Mou sneered at the camera, crushed the camera, and put the alchemy array into his pocket.

Fuck, you're still here!

Seeing the camera being crushed, Potato Chip Girl's blood pressure soared upwards. These are the fruits of the hard work of the nurse team, after all, Lu Mingfei cannot afford to lose.

Now seeing Luo Yin in their dragon slaying plan, Su Enxi has a sense of reason. If the plan goes very smoothly and no one disturbs the situation, the potato chip girl will find it very unusual.

"Mai, do it."

The boss's tone was very cold.

"Go straight to the next stop from the tunnel, and I'll open the door for you. Don't let him see Fenrir one step ahead of you."


Shudoku Mai turned and stepped into the dark tunnel. It sounds like today is another tormented day for the boss, and it's not suitable for jokes.

Ninjas walk through dark tunnels and are nimble. She carried two black and red scabbard samurai swords crossed behind her, and a high concentration of ancient dragon serum was hidden in her combat uniform.

The boss is not the kind of idiot villain boss who will give experience, his shot is a lore.

"This way is dead."

In front of the railroad tracks, a clear female voice echoed in the tunnel.

There were only a few billboards in the tunnel glowing faintly with white fluorescence, and Mai Shudoku could vaguely see her figure.

She seemed to be floating on the rails, with dozens of swords suspended behind Susie in the shape of a sun wheel.

After the liberation of the bloodline, Jian Yu did not advance to other words, but Susie's development of it has gone a step further.

Not only was she able to apply vectors to metals, but she also gradually mastered the opposite way of acting. Tunnels are excellent battlegrounds for her, filled with easily magnetized metal.

"This way is dead."

A second voice came from behind, very dull.

Jiu De Mai turned his body slightly warily and saw the burly figure of the other party.

About 4.2 meters high, the dark body surface is almost non-reflective. The opponent's body almost filled half of the tunnel, and Long Tong released a severe sense of oppression.

"About me, as a ninja, encountering swordsmen and dragon-shaped monsters in Tokyo subway tunnels"; or "Is it a mistake to find encounters in Tokyo subway tunnels?"

"Potato chips, can you come to help? The other party wants to fight two against one."

"Long legs, I'm a civilian."

"Civilians are the most useless thing."

"Wouldn't it hurt your heart to say such a thing to the big maid who worked hard to make money every day and wiped her **** hard after you made a fuss..."

Now how to do? Of course it's open.

Jiu De Mai was holding two long knives, black and red, just waiting for a call from the boss.

"Use it, Tian Yu Yuzhan and Budu Yuhun."

Samaria has already filed separate records of suspicious persons in each incident, and the strength of Jiude Mai is naturally high and low. Encountering her did not exceed Luo Yin's plan.

The phone rang.

"I give you blood...I give you a sword, and all those who disobey will be killed! Frostmourne, Ashbringer!"

The black scabbard samurai sword in Shudoku Mai's left hand turned into a frost-blue big sword with a black sheep's head hilt. The sword face was engraved with a twisting curse, exuding an icy curse.

The red knife in the right hand turned into a thick, wide-blade machete, and a golden ball of light was suspended on the back of the knife, emitting a scorching flame-shaped golden light in the tunnel.

Two ordinary alchemy blades were transformed into artifacts of World of Warcraft. "Frostmourne" has an ultra-low temperature alchemy field and carries a highly poisonous curse; "Ashbringer" can create an amazing range of high temperature, and the blade is extremely tough.

Olivia: "Whoever gets Frostmourne will become the new Lich King, but you've changed."

Susie: "What's the other one called, Joy of Fire? It corresponds to Frostmourne, probably."

Jiu De Mai used the ash messenger to wave out the golden red flame, which made Susie firm her guess that it was the joy of fire.

After returning this trip, she had to supervise and supervise Luo Yin well, and Xuanyuanjian and the like had to be put on the casting schedule as soon as possible. With the seven deadly sins of piracy, the momentum will fall first.

Cologne Serum, infused.

In the state of bloodline gift, Jiude Mai used the stimulation of the bloodline by the ancient dragon serum, and completely shattered the threshold.

Yan Ling advanced, diamond world!

One against two, it is still unknown who is the prey.


If he didn't completely destroy the train, Luo Yin couldn't destroy the huge alchemy formation set up by the Lord of Nibelungen. The power of this dragon was really amazing.

Demolition of the train is not conducive to Luo Yin's plan. Fortunately, he has useful equipment in his hand.

Tian Congyun cut a rectangular gap in the roof of the carriage, and Luo Yin pulled the snack cart to the top of the train.

This absolute sword can cut anything. Thank you, White King.

Luo Yin used the miniature realm to create high temperature, welded the roof back, and pushed the cart to the front of the car with a hunched waist. It only took five minutes to get to the first carriage.

There are cheaters in any game, and the difficult part is how to not get banned after cheating.

Luo Yin cut open the ceiling, smashed into the carriage with a small cart, and saw an "old acquaintance".

Fenrir didn't have time to control the corpse guard, and the one who was in charge of taking care of the boss on behalf of the squad was naturally the dealer who was forced to operate.

If what he first analyzed was not the dealer's alchemy puppet manufacturing technology, but Chu Zihang's Jun Yan, maybe Luo Yin would have taken a completely different path.

Based on Jun Yan's in-depth development, he may go to alchemy punk, or he may never return on the way to the explosion.

Luo Yin patted the Weasel Queen affectionately like a big brother, and glanced maliciously at the golden ribs that had been mended. Although he had forgotten about this person, the dealer's 9 bird heads shuddered at the same time.

If you don't get along well with this person, terrible things will happen.

"Let me go to your master. Accordingly, I will set you free."


"You are the queen of the tens of thousands of ferrets here. Among the dragon subspecies, you are the most advanced. But you can only be trapped in this train, year after year, as the players' company.

This train, the heart of the Nibelung, and you are the key here. You send me to meet the master here, I will remove the alchemy matrix in your spine, and let you go back to be the boss of the itachi. "

Under the control of the matrix, the dealer attacked Luo, but the dark golden bird's head was tightly bound by his hands, like two iron pincers.

"If you violate the rules of the game, the owner will definitely be angry."

"After today, he might never need your toy again. You'll be alone in this train for a thousand years."

The dealer trembled a little. It seems that since half a year ago, Fenrir was suddenly not so keen on hosting games.

Seeing the change in the dealer's expression, Luo Yin knew that his strategy was right.

"Let's go, just move the train a little, what's there to be afraid of?"

The dealer was ruthless and pulled the train's direction change lever.

At this time, Lu Mingfei finally came to the platform of the subway station with a blindfolded face.



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