C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 4 Chapter 20: Dragon King, GETDAZE!

The latest website: "You let me slowly first... This is the home of the Dragon King?"

"Those who enter this train will be caught in endless battles. What awaits passengers at the end is not hope of redemption, but ultimate despair.

People turn loneliness into weapons to hurt each other, the body gradually withers without dying, until the soul is exhausted and turned into ashes in the mine. "

"Damn it, this Dragon King is so vicious!"

Lu Mingfei had just eaten three sauerkraut pork knuckles with Fingal, and was a little tired. He was going to go to the convenience store to buy two bottles of Ice Kuoluo.

Without a little precaution, the little devil sent him to a subway station in Tokyo with a portal.

Lu Mingze's state at this time was also quite embarrassing. In his current state, his power is too weak. First add a buff to Jiude Mai, and then open the portal, and then maybe you will have to cut Fenrir.

And the little devil doesn't even have the seven deadly sins, because Xiaokang is still alive and kicking.

"Did you want to harm me by sending me to such a ghost place?;sheepwall!"

Without saying a word, Lu Mingfei shouted the cheat code and prepared to run away. However, due to his lack of authority, the "Wall of Black Sheep" only showed a few meters of lines, and he could not find the exit.

Lu Mingze's face tightened, this business is not easy to do.

"Zero is stuck on this train. That Russian noble lady who danced pas de deux with you at the freshman ball."

What can the little devil do? He is also very desperate!

Lu Mingfei took the initiative to confess to Chen Wenwen that he failed and ended a long history of secret love; by accident, he was attacked by Nuonuo for the first time; It was difficult for Chu Zihang to abduct him, and Caesar was shrinking his head and training his armor.

Lu Mingze calculated with his fingers that in such an embarrassing situation, only Her Royal Highness was dispatched.

The little devil snapped his fingers, and a hazy picture appeared in front of Lu Mingfei. A petite girl with long pale blond hair slapped the little train with a cold face.

Zero invited him to dance, and he lent him his homework in mechanics, physics, and chemistry. They also went to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago together.

Lu Mingfei couldn't explain the relationship between the two. When we accompany each other, I feel very comfortable and natural, but it is not like a couple, it feels a little contracted. In fact, marriage is also a special contract. . . .

Think crooked. If it is zero, it must be saved.

Bright whistle, this old-fashioned subway is about to leave.

"Where's the restroom?"


"There shouldn't be a bathroom on this subway. I'll go and solve the problem first."

"After you miss this train, you can't get on the train again in 45 minutes!"

"But if you don't go to the bathroom first, how can you save people with peace of mind!"

Little devil, broken defense.


The small-sized Lu Mingze roared at the super-sized Lu Mingfei.

"I know, I know, don't be angry."

Lu Mingfei started running and jumping on the platform, and Duang jumped onto the rear of the train and walked into the carriage.

Itachi was touched by the bad boy, and he vomited like nine drunkards who drank a pound of fake wine until they retched the stock. A huge amount of metal condenses into a shoulder-carrying Gatling.

"Isn't this fighting game very simple?"

At the same time, the dealer who was tempted by Luo Yin violated Fenrir's will, and the train that changed direction slowly drove towards the Dragon King's nest.


The master of the earth element represents the mighty power of the strongest, and its power can even cause violent earth crustal movement.

Speed ​​is not Shan Wang's strong point, and theoretically he won't have the diverse and difficult-to-prevent skills of the White King.

These factors are all good news for Luo Yin, which obviously reduces the risk of him seeing the Dragon King. If it was the wind king, he would not try to communicate with him at all, after all, it was the dragon king who could chop him up in one breath.

The terminal has arrived. Luo Yin lit the light on the cart and stepped into the deep and huge mine alone.

No heartbeat. No, it's just too slow.

Some reptiles can reduce the heart rate to five beats per minute, and it is not surprising that the dragon king can control it to once, even once every few minutes.

In the empty space, the dull roar just now was probably the heartbeat of the Dragon King.

Luo Yin's whole body was tense, and his left hand was on the interlayer hidden by Tian Congyun, but the whole person did not show any dangerous aura, and his bloodline was maintained below the critical blood limit.

I hope this dragon king can communicate like Constantine.

Fenrir, who was playing the immersive game, opened his eyes and looked at the cart advancing in the dark, and Luo Yin also read his real name, [Fenrir].

According to the size of the dragon pupil, Fenrir's body length is more than 50 meters. Referring to the body data of Managalm, Fenrir's weight may reach 100 tons.

Really big enough, and Yemengade are completely two extremes.

The miner's lamp was lit one by one, but Fenrir did not attack. He's the one with lots of chips and doesn't seem terribly frightened.

The moment he saw the whole picture of Fenrir, Luo Yin's confidence increased greatly, and the dragon was bound.

The second half of Fenrir's body was petrified in the rock wall, as if it was welded in by dozens of tons of steel. This "magic wolf", as recorded in mythology, was bound to the island of lyngvi.

"I am the messenger of His Royal Highness Yemengarde, and I follow his orders to bring you a gift."

Success or failure is here.

Among the twins, Yemenggard should be the dominant one. And for a long time, there is no chance of contact between the twins, which is the key to everything.

If there is a power such as telepathy between twins, Luo Yin admits it.

The development of things greatly exceeded his expectations.

The majestic dragon heard Luo Yin's nonsense and suddenly let out a long, low roar.

The rumbling whine made Luo Yin have the idea of ​​something going bad several times. This is also very sad, I am afraid that I already knew that Yemengadron was gone, and was touched by him.

"Sister... What did Yemengard ask you to bring?"

When Long, a left-behind child, heard that his sister still remembered him, he was filled with joy and sorrow.

Luo Yin was ecstatic, there was a play! Next, bet on whether he brought the right things.

The messenger of Jermongarde lifted the black cloth covering the cart to reveal his commissary.

"It's just something that the human world uses to eat, drink and have fun. It can be used as a reward for the game."

With Fenrir's lack of intelligence, he did not find any loopholes in Luo Yin's words.

“Chip Chocolate Ice Cream, Coke Milk Tea Ice Soda...”

When Fenrir stuck out a paw at him, Luo Yin realized that everything was going towards the smoothest guess.

He took a bucket of chocolate-flavored ice cream in both hands and placed it carefully on Fenrir's paw.

If he removed the super-strong Dragon Might that made his capillaries burst, Luo Yin had a weird illusion. Fenrir's eyes looked more like a big cat or a big dog.

A 5kg bucket of ice cream was pinched by Fenrir and placed on his python-like tongue, barely able to taste it.

Brother Long favorability +10.

Luo Yin started videotaping as soon as he entered the mine.

The original title of the documentary may have been "Boss Luo Going Single-handedly to Fight the Dragon King", but it is now being transformed into "Precious Images of Early Humans Taming the Dragon King".

"Human, who are you? Why did my sister make you her messenger?"

evidence? I am more.

What was Luo Yin doing in the hours before entering Nibelungen?

The answer is that he asked Samaria to hack Chu Zihang's electronic equipment and extracted all the electronic information related to Xia Mi, and the information published on the Night Watchman Forum was not spared.

Although I am sorry for his good brother Chu Zihang, this is all for the great cause of slaughtering the dragon, and he will definitely understand.

"I am the newly developed race of Lord Yemengarde in the human world, and I am willing to offer all my loyalty for the revival of the earth's lineage.

When Lord Yermungard infiltrated the half-blood school, I was in charge of covering her for a long time. "

Luo Yin said as he projected dozens of intimate photos with Xia Mi in the air. As we all know, there are pictures and truths.

"Why don't you come back, sister?"

Hooked, hooked, hooked. Luo Yin picked up a few buckets of happy water and continued to numb Fenrir's spirit.

Younger brother Long is addicted to sugar-coated cannonballs, while the black-hearted boss is constantly analyzing Fenrir's behavior. This guy gave him the feeling that he was a little lacking in intelligence.

Even if the first generation had their own flaws, the intellectual disability was outrageous. Will Nidhogg really admit such a descendant...

Royin played a video instead, and Yermengard confronted Friedrich, who gained the power of Odin.

"Lord Yemengarde is very powerful, that second-generation wind dragon is not her opponent at all. However, the despicable Skool betrayed us and attacked the crown of the atrium with dragon breath.

Lord Yemenggard was seriously injured in the battle, and the fierce Fire King and the sinister Wind King could harm Lord Yemenggard at any time.

The adults are currently recovering from the injury in the safest place (in Chu Zihang's head), waiting for the opportunity to strike again. "

He cut off the second half of the video and only played it to where Yemengaard was attacked.

"The traitor Skool has been given the head, but unfortunately Haty, the head of the moon, also died with the traitor."

The plot is coherent, the video is high-definition, and the pictures and texts are detailed.

It's a pity he didn't make a movie at this level of editing.

The expansion ends with Skool's beheaded dragon head. Luo Yin's expression is seven parts mourning and three parts repressed anger.

The current plan was going so well that the other backup plans, along with the hidden clouds and bombs, were useless.

Fenrir, who didn't know the dangers of the world, suddenly believed the nonsense of Luo Yin, baring his teeth and growling. He had long thought that Managalm was not a good dragon.

Fenrir's ferocious mouth is covered with dragon teeth like iron thorns, and the hot air flow brings out a lot of iron filings and the impact of earth elements. But no matter how Luo Yin looked at him, he felt like a big cat with fried fur.

The angry Fenrir didn't pay attention to controlling the power, and with a click, the game helmet on his left paw cracked.

Like 10,000 lightning bolts pierced Fenrir's heart, the heart stopped, and the end of the world was nothing more than that.

Calm down, Fenrir, calm down. Helmets are available, as long as the right human is found.

what is that?

Luo Yin looked at the place where the sound came from. It was a spare gaming helmet, worn on Fenrir's nails.

For VIP users, the workshop will give away a spare helmet and a few batteries, with a five-year free warranty.

Chu Zihang bought it once and gave it to Xia Mi as a gift. I see.

"Dragon: Origins is one of Lord Yemengarde's plans to gain a lot of influence in the hybrid world. I developed this game under the Lord's orders."


Luo Yin carefully took out the cracked helmet, and took out common tools such as a knife and wrench from his pocket.

He doesn't have a second gaming helmet in his dolly, but he'll fix it. Luo Yin repaired the built-in alchemy circuit in two or three minutes, handed it over to Fenrir, and it could be used again.

Fenrir's favorability +50.

Now there is only one last question left.

"Human, you don't smell of earth."

Luo Yin slightly broke through the critical blood limit and transformed the original world into the form of earth element.

"I have some camouflage skills."

Out of the corner of his eye, he aimed at Fenrir's neck. This guy is really clueless.

In 0.3 seconds, Luo Yin was able to dash into the back of Fenrir's neck in the form of wind and fire. Then, he added a word spirit effect similar to judgment to Tiancongyun, and cut his spine with the ice crystal giant sword.

Against Fenrir, who was bound and suspected of being mentally retarded, he had every chance to take the Dragon King's life before he could unleash the Ultimate Word Spirit.

The keel cross of the first generation may be the same as the holy skeleton, allowing Luo Yin to safely evolve into a mixed-blood monarch.

But the risk of this action is that once Fenrir dies, Royin has no means of restraining Yermengard.

He can hide it for a long time, but when Yemengard learns that the twins are dead, he will go into madness. By then, Chu Zihang...

The power of a monarch has never been more readily available than this moment. When he evolves into a mixed-race monarch, he might be able to drive Yemengade out of Chu Zihang's mind.

Missing Fenrir, he may never have such a simple opportunity to slay the dragon.

For him, who has an absolute information advantage, Fenrir with amazing strength is better than Constantine, who didn't have a dragon body at the beginning.

Luo Yin listened to the whispers of the devil in his brain. Betting on Chu Zihang's life, there is a 90% chance of completing the road of consecration and becoming the ninth monarch.

It may be an unprecedented glory, the hybrid will for the first time achieve the power of the first rank in the dragon family, and his name will be far more awesome than Angers.

While Luo Yin was fighting, he did not forget to present the big bag of potato chips and ice soda to the "Evil Dragon", and his drooping eyes flashed dangerous light from time to time.

As for Fenrir himself, he had no feelings. A dragon king with insufficient intelligence, like a first grader holding a nuclear bomb launcher.

This existence itself is destined to be eliminated, whether it is good or bad in itself.

[Under the Rhine, three fairies guard the magic gold]

In Luo Yin's mind, the story of "The Ring of the Nibelung" appeared.

[Casting gold into a ring, whoever wears the ring will gain the wealth of the world]

[If you wear a ring, you will give up love and other emotions and become hard-hearted]

[The dwarf of the Nibelungen family, swore to steal the gold and forge the ring of the Nibelungen]


[Giants and dwarfs kill each other for gold, the fairy guarding gold smiles at the bottom of the Rhine]

Heck, he can't do it.

That idiot, Chu Zihang, treats everyone with 12 points. He wants to give you all of his heart, but he has never asked anyone in return.

If Luo Yin could choose to sacrifice Chu Zihang for power... Then Dr. Herzog would probably laugh in hell.

"Samaria, are you ready?"

Luo Yin whispered.

There is no internet connection in the Nibelungen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He only carries a sub-terminal with certain intelligence.


"Fenrir, Luo Yin is my most trusted new race, and I have decided to hire him as our steward."

The image of Xia Mi was projected in the air.

The video material comes from the drama performance Xia Mi participated in, and the dubbing is synthesized with the audio he stole.

Really sister. Fenrir's eyes widened.

"The outside world is very dangerous now, and my sister can't come back to see you for the time being.

But rest assured, Luo Yin will help you buy what you want from the human world.

When I'm not here, you have to listen to the housekeeper and take care of yourself. "


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