"Cut, is it useful to have more swords?"

The pitch-black sword edge rubbed the side of Jiu De Mai's face, and the tough scales collapsed into a triangular gap.

The Yanling King Kong Realm had a layer of radiant enchantment around her, which was as brilliant as gilt.

The shadow of the "yin side" is transformed into the "yang side" of the Vajra Realm after the advanced stage.

If the dust-free land is compared to a monk in gray, the vajra realm is like an angry Buddha.

Susie manipulated the eight-mouthed copy version of the eight-faced Han sword. The domain of arrogance attached to the blade can ignore a considerable part of the power of the word spirit. The internal structure of the sword is almost the same as the original, and it is extremely tough.

A copy of Greed in the shape of a broadsword hovered behind her and charged up. The greedy alchemy field is not a big threat to Jiude Mai, so she can only rely on her strength to perform miracles.

Olivia helped a lot this time. She drove the artificial dragon body firmly in front of Jiude Mai, and the thick and wide dragon wings enveloped the entire tunnel.


Both sides attacked at the same time. Jiu De Mai gave a low voice, "Frostmourne" cut into the ground, and the extremely cold airflow covered the burly dragon's body with thick frost, making it immobile.

In the tunnel, the temperature dropped to minus 20 degrees in a few seconds, as if more than a dozen bottles of liquid nitrogen had been blasted, and the pale cold condensed small ice crystals on Susie's eyelashes.


Eight overlapping sonic booms erupted in the tunnel, and eight broad swords shot out from behind Susie like missiles, passed through the gap in the dragon's body, and hit the edge of the Vajra Realm head-on.

The domain of Jian Yu is a highly flexible magnetic field. Users can add vectors to magnetic metals at will at the macro level, as if drawing with lines of magnetic force in three-dimensional space.

The ultimate speed of Jian Yu's manipulation of objects depends on the size of the magnetic field. The maximum diameter of the field is equivalent to the acceleration track of the electromagnetic gun.

In the entire history of the mixed race, a giant sword-fighting domain like Susie was an extremely rare case.

At the moment when Jiu De Mai was defending with the horizontal sword, the eight-handed broad sword had already smashed hundreds of hideous cracks on the surface of the Diamond Realm.

The high temperature burned the blade of the sword to red heat, and the blade began to deform, but the extremely thin metal wire inside was stimulated and began to reconstruct a larger sword.

The Ashbringer slashed in octaves, and the crescent-shaped golden-red blade light filled the entire space, followed by overlapping explosions.

The heated air expands thousands of times to form a violent explosion, which quickly retracts into a hurricane. The eight broad swords were forcibly blasted open and retracted behind Susie for defense.

Olivia's dragon body blocked the flame and thawed successfully. Susie, who is very aggressive, lacks a meat monster that she can carry. The chief executive understands that she was beaten by Boss Luo.

Shudoku Mai's attack didn't work very well. The method of freezing and burning, which is often used in movies and anime, is useless for artificial dragon bodies.

This is not a good thing, the dragon body organization is very different from the high-level dragons of the earth and the mountain. Their extremely powerful dragon bodies cannot be destroyed by thermal expansion and contraction.

"Everyone is a migrant worker, so why should a migrant worker be a migrant worker?

Count the time, our boss is already deep in Nibelungen, you can't catch up. Why don't we take a step back? "

Long Hua's Jiude Mai was startled, and his voice came from the dragon's torso.

Is someone manipulating inside? No matter how fast the times change, it shouldn't change like that.

"Although I call that person the boss, what exists between us is a lofty contract that will never betray each other."

Jiu De Mai shook his head slightly.

Olivia: "Contract? Isn't a labor contract a contract. You work hard, and the boss pays you. As for working hard, that's another price."

Susie secretly applauded Olivia. In this state of the other party, the consumption is obviously very large, and it can't be dragged even more than her. The longer it dragged on, the easier it was for her to find a one-hit kill opportunity.

But Killing Embryo would not understand, the migrant worker Olivia really wanted a truce.

"Your boss, what did you promise to you?"

Jiu De Mai's bloodshot eyes blended red and gold, cruel, flirtatious, and a little blurry.

"Money and honor."


The ninja chuckled lightly.

"He promised me the whole world. A new era, a better world."

Sad and high music suddenly sounded in the tunnel.

"Ashitaka Sekki, "Princess Mononoke". My sword will be cut out at the end of the music."

The deeply dragonized Jiude Mai stood still, with a ferocious and noble posture, and the sword that made frost and ashes also entered a state of silence.

She took a deep breath, the blue and black scales opening and closing rhythmically. This is a technique similar to Aikido, where the spirit is adjusted to match the breath, and the sword is fired at the perfect time.

Susie also took a deep breath, and the tunnel was dead silent. Olivia didn't dare to move, she really didn't know how to play this way.

Passengers at the subway station have all run away at this time. After a few rounds of fighting, it sounded like a monster woke up outside.

Jiu De Mai inhales and exhales to 2/3, Princess Mononoke's melody is stuck on half a note...


The eight-handed swords of arrogance burst out with a speed that was twice as fast as before, with the double enhancement of the sword box and the sword-fighting domain, and the sound of tearing the air was like the scream of a devil.

Using Yan Lingtian to calculate the perfect angle, Olivia manipulated the artificial dragon body to attack Jiude Mai, using the dragon wings to cover Susie's attack route, and the hardest skull to block the two alchemy weapons.

Cowboy game to listen to music and draw a gun? Only fools play with you!

Both of them were equipped with a 5-level group of snakes, and there was no delay in the communication in their brains, and the cards attacked synchronously at the right time.

According to Susie's knowledge, 90% of the opponents in this game are deceived. In case there is no cheating, it is better, one set hacked the opponent.

Jiu De Mai blocked her chest with a cross of swords, and the double alchemy field broke out one after another, but the two Han swords that were first unsheathed penetrated the ice and fire, pierced into her abdomen one left and one right, and were killed by the hard keel. stuck.

Far from enough.

Olivia manipulated her claws and forcibly grabbed the Ashbringer that stretched to five meters, cutting off the pain nerves in the dragon's arms in advance.

The fiery arc of the diamond world rubbed bright sparks and electric lights on the arms of the dragon body, and the volcanic ash messenger melted the surface of the dragon's claws, quickly carbonizing all the flesh and blood, exposing the most stable regenerated metal skeleton in the center.

Susie, who squeezed the power of words to the extreme, was pale and suspended in the center of the track, like a killing **** surrounded by swords.

One sword after another screamed and shot out, the momentum was like thousands of troops, vast clouds.

The upgraded sword box can support her to fully explode for one round, which is the pinnacle of her lethality.

"The unreachable place will never be reached..."

This is the mantra chanted by the man during the phone call. Luo Yin believes that the "unreachable place" most likely refers to the end of the road to conferring gods, the throne of the monarch.

The other party can use the law to raise the bloodline of the hybrid species to the extreme below the first generation species, and then give it the peak alchemy sword.

Then, how many swords can the peak under the throne block me!

The speed at which Jiu De Mai swung his sword was as hard to see as Susie's black sword. Only countless overlapping ice-blue blade lights spread and spread in the tunnel, turning the place into an extremely cold purgatory.

The spirit has become silent, the power is slowly fading, and the response is becoming dull. That "Frostmourne", the low temperature produced is not simple.

Olivia held the Ash Messenger and took the standard posture of holding her head and squatting, with dragon wings and dragon tail wrapped in front of her to protect the human body inside. The cooling system is closed, and the high temperature generated by the internal operation balances the low temperature outside.

After the first round of impact, Susie only used eight Han swords to attack in turn, they were lighter and tougher.

In the thick fog-like freezing air, only a pair of blood-colored golden pupils could be vaguely seen, and a clear metallic sound was constantly heard. She was tense, trying her best to judge the position of Shudoku Mai, and counting the number of hits in her heart.

Olivia can only trust Susie's desperate level. Once Susie's onslaught was interrupted, it was only a matter of time before she regained Ashbringer's Jiudemai and slashed her to death.

It's not that she doesn't trust the boss's skill in rubbing mechas, it's just that the opponent's power is too powerful.

New Era? New world?

If the situation is unfavorable, I will play more easily later, I don't know if the opponent can bring them to play.

The word spirit of Jian Yu can actually grow to such a terrifying state.

Maid can't count how many swords she has taken, one hundred and twenty-eight, or more.

Arms, legs, shoulders, abdomen... there are scars all over the place, slashing, stabbing, slicing.

Give her five seconds, and she can cut through the rough-skinned monster in front of her. And the body of that sword-wielding girl definitely couldn't hold up the three swords.

But Shudoku Mai didn't even have a second. The rainstorm-like sword strike has been baptized for more than 30 seconds.

Susie's condition was even worse, and she continued to attack with one breath. If you lose your breath, you will lose. Only keep pressing until you completely overwhelm your opponent.

Olivia curled up between the two, her thoughts gradually freezing in the realm of Frostmourne.

Boss, you have to say something, Boss!

The dense sound of swords colliding made her numb, and suddenly she heard a different kind of loud noise.

The subway is coming!

Their battle only lasted for dozens of seconds, and the news was not conveyed in time.

In the distance, the pure white front of the car can already be seen, approaching Susie from behind. But she still hasn't stopped attacking.

"what is that?"

The driver seemed to have seen a woman in black, floating in the middle of the tunnel. The front of the car was so loud that he could only hear some strange noises.

In the nick of time, Susie moved up and inserted her sword into the top of the tunnel.

Olivia, who lost her dragon body and claws, hooked the edge of the tunnel with the barbs on her wings, her huge body clinging to the wall, and she narrowly avoided the subway.

Jude Mai picked up the Ashbringer and hid in the shadows.

They watched the subway pass by. When the subway stops to drop off passengers and starts again, the battle will continue.

But their battle just now was too intense, and Susie found that the subway track had been seriously deformed.

The subway near the stop had slowed down, but all passengers felt a violent jolt, and the subway tilted to one side.

Sword Royal!

The broken and deformed ground track was forcibly straightened and returned to its place in the field of words and spirits, but the huge kinetic energy of the subway was simply not something that the power of words and spirits could resist.

The train was already skewed to a dangerous angle, and Mai Jude in the dark suddenly shot out a knife, and the Ashbringer shot horizontally and exploded on the side of the train.

Dozens of windows shattered at the same time, sending glass flying into a low-pressure orbit. The residual low-temperature gas was blown into the subway, and there were hundreds of continuous sneezing sounds in an instant.

The subway stopped at Shinjuku Station, and the passengers ran out of the subway like wild hares. The conductor collapsed in his seat, his heart beating wildly.

The three of them landed in the tunnel again, and the noise of the crowd could be heard in the distance.


"it is good."

Jiu De Mai replied solemnly.

"Monsters! There are really subway monsters!"

An inexplicable man shouted at Olivia's dragon body in the distance. Several subway station staff followed behind him, trotting closer to the battlefield with flashlights.

Hell, these guys are too bold.

"Each one step back?"

"How to retreat?"

Jiude Mai: "You let me go, and I let you leave alive."

"Ha ha."

"Be kind and make money, you two! So, let's run into the tunnel first, and let's have a five-minute truce. After five minutes, let's do our own thing, how about it?"

Susie glanced at Olivia. This guy is wearing the most aggressive looking equipment and playing the most cowardly style.

As soon as Olivia saw Jiu De Mai put the knife into the sheath, the big tail grabbed Susie, and ran away without a trace.

Co-authored your three-hour special training to point defense and running skills.

Jiu De Mai turned into a mass of black mist, and disappeared into the depths of the tunnel at a rapid pace.


In Lord Dragon King's bedroom, Luo Yin has already gained 12 points of trust from Fenrir.

After confirming that Roin was indeed the designer of Origins, Fenrir almost forgot who Nidhogg was.

"As long as Fenrir listens carefully to Lord Yemengarde's arrangements, it will not be difficult for me to help you in Origins.

Exclusive skins, top-level equipment, and skill effects are not a problem. "

Now that Samaria has collected enough material, he will just take a moment to sew in a dream. I don't know what happened to Susie, I hope he thinks too much.

"I will build a luxurious kitchen here in the future. Professional chefs will serve you three meals a day in the future. It's not healthy to just eat snacks."

"Three meals?"

Fenrir wondered.

Luo Yin was startled, realizing that the dragon had been in a state of "running out of food".

Yemengarde was ready to devour Fenrir at any time, and the half-body imprisonment and lack of food kept him in a very poor state all the time. Fenrir's incredibly large dragon body may not be his final state.

If there is enough food, Fenrir might be able to hatch into a cocoon and obtain a more burly dragon body. What kind of weird dragon is this motherfucker, and he must not be fed too much.

"Humans have a very diverse diet. They usually eat three meals a day, and sometimes they have supper. Lord Yemengarde told me that you like human snacks, but I can provide more styles."

Then Luo Yin performed three minutes of uninterrupted reporting the name of the dish, and he heard big tears streaming down Fenrir's mouth.

"Of course, the most important thing is the revival of the earth and the mountains. Lord Yemengarde is worried that you will be too hard, so he only allows you to work two hours a day. In fact, I think three hours is completely fine, will it not offend you?"

"As long as you can eat four meals a day, four hours!"

What kind of work consciousness is this!

"Actually, it's not difficult~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is to dig and smelt some ore. Occasionally use dragon blood to spawn some new swarms of ferrets."

Fenrir pondered, this thing can be done.

Luo Yin glanced at the mountains of gold coins under Fenrir's dragon body, his eyes silently forming a slit.

Although these are not top-level recycled metals, they are all creations of the Dragon King. They have undergone the purest spiritual tempering, and their quality is much stronger than that of mass-produced goods.

If you can get all of these, all the metal raw materials for low-end alchemy items before 2030 will be solved.

What is more precious is a Dragon King-level labor force. How much residual value can be squeezed out of a Dragon King?

When Luo Yin was thinking about the Dragon King's great work, Zero finally arrived at Fenrir's house.

And Uncle Lu Mingfei just walked to the middle of the train.

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